The community-at-large wants to see more "working together" and "building things" and less "turf battles" and "yo moma is a ho".
Get used to it. All crypto will always be under threat. You can enjoy the comfort of knowing that the team managing the process has some quite respectable skill at doing so, thus differentiating it from the various one-man shows.
I sent a PM to rpietila thanking the MEW for paying me a bounty. I lamented the dirty tactics by the opposition that digs up dubious (there is always at least 2 sides to any story...I don't want to discuss it or dig it up) skeletons in Risto's past life. I have suggested to the MEW via Risto that they consider not being monogamously aligned with XMR and spread some token love (in the form of investment holdings) around to synergistic altcoins such as BBR. I think this would go a long way to diffusing the war attitude around here, and fostering goodwill. When pooling capital, you are a political target whether you like it not. I am suggesting how to diffuse that phenomenon and for best results on our mutual goals.
To frame the goal of crypto-currency conquering fiat as divide-and-conquer war amongst the innovators seems to be less astute.
We are not enemies. The only justification for such an attitude is wanting to be richer than the next guy, for bragging rights. Even if that desire remains, it can be done with gentleman's mutual respect and good will. The potential for crypto-currency appreciation is enough to make us all rich, and especially if we stop tearing each other down. The other justification would have been to not proliferate dilution of the money supply of crypto-currency, but this will happen organically if one altcoin can rise up.
While Apple Pay and Paypal are off conquering the world of electronic currency adoption, we are dividing-and-conquering ourselves. We need many small fish making experiments. The big fish can swallow the best innovations, or the small fish can out race the big fish until it is bigger. The innovation and then the market's digestion of the innovation will decide any way, no amount of verbal posturing can decide it.
XMR is way ahead of where bitcoin was at this age, in every reasonable metric of merit that I have considered - and I have considered many.
Selling would be foolish in my opinion.
I have no qualms with MEW making XMR its #1 focus and investment. Seems rational. Should it also have a #2, #3, etc.? Monogamy has the cost that the community-at-large will always resist helping efforts that anoint themselves. I prefer a larger community of gentleman's competition, thus arriving at a greater result faster. When the winning inertia accumulates organically rather than forced from the top-down, it is accepted by the community as fair play and good will.
I could do without anonymint's "if P=NP then there are many vulnerabilities" posts. He's pretty accurate and insightful, but he completely misleads most readers, and quite recklessly. Arguing math in a troll thread is asinine. I doubt that he's done more good than harm at this point.
I have a new insight into my algorithm which I think obviates that comment smooth made in private about the P=NP question.
Assuming the algorithm works then if CN implements the mitigation, thus it will be removing input address from contention as they are found to be in "spent" groups (i.e. yes my algorithm is also a form of pruning) from a rolling history thus the algorithm will not consider the entire history but rather incrementally, thus it is not an NP search. Also I provided some ideas for locality of the search.
All the posturing and threats and chest thumping are just pathetic. I have been there and done that, and I hope I've grown past it. Not much I can do to wean these wet-nappied wailers, though. Pearls would just be trodden anyhow.
An attitude of selfishness is the source of most of the trolling. I would never have gotten inflamed in this thread had I not felt that there was defiance behind the scenes to "anything not invented by us" or at least "if not invented by us, it better be 100% implemented attack or there is no urgency, I can still go to the beach".
What is inflaming the emotions is the sense whether correct or not that some (not all) in the XMR camp are arrogant (or insecure and defensive thus perceived as arrogance). I don't think anyone is seriously doubting the level of talent. But no talented group can see and do everything. Not even Microsoft with 10,000 employees. The entire point of open source bazaars is they kickass on large cathedrals[1].
Open source is not just about source code being shared. It is a gift culture of sharing[2].
[1][2] The Bibles about open source from Eric Raymond (the man who invented the term open source), specifically
the Magic Cauldron.