I have a dozen other Crypto wallets on my mac and never had these problems before.
Remember you first day in crypto. To get the very first wallet running, was still a bit new, right?
After that probably all your following different cryptos were just clones of Bitcoin. All same same.
This one is a new start, a completely different approach.
I am still having problems. I now get this:
2015-07-06 10:15:01 INFO: Started API server at
2015-07-06 10:15:01 INFO: Started peer networking server at
2015-07-06 10:15:01 INFO: Initialization took 35 seconds
2015-07-06 10:15:01 INFO: Nhz server NHZ V3.9.1 started successfully.
Is that normal? Where is my actual wallet? I am not technical so an idiot guide would be great.
yes, totally normal, looking good.
You now have wallet access through webpages on that local server on
"Nhz server NHZ V3.9.1 started successfully." - That looks perfect.
"Started API server at" - that is where this NHZ NRS is listening to your webbrowser requests.
You kept the "NHZ NRS" window open, right?!!! The NRS is the "back end" of the system, it has to continue to run, for wallet access, or forging.
If you are sure that have no proxy settings in the way, then perhaps you have httpsanywhere in your browsers?
The browser can not go to it has to go to well. I don't know why its not compiling properly.
You do not actually have to compile anything.
Just start the NRS - and you have done that.
Your message above says that all is fine.
I know but for my purposes, I wanted the desktop or nothing.
By what I understand now,
all passphrase entering happens only locally in the browser anyway,
your passphrase does not leave your browser.
So local wallet, and webwallet do not differ that much as in other technologies.
But I still understand that you
feel safer with your own desktop NRS.
What about giving the webwallet a try, first with a test address, then you know better what to expect.
And then you solve your local wallet issues. How does that sound?