
Activity: 84
Merit: 10
April 09, 2013, 02:52:48 PM |
I have never shared pics, as nothing about my set-up is terribly impressive.
I have 4 locations and I currently run about 75 7970's.
When I consolidate 2 locations into a single DC next month, I may snap some pics and post them.
I am quite interested in seeing that entire setup! You are raking in some serious $$$.
Activity: 2044
Merit: 1000
April 09, 2013, 02:57:26 PM |
I have never shared pics, as nothing about my set-up is terribly impressive.
I have 4 locations and I currently run about 75 7970's.
When I consolidate 2 locations into a single DC next month, I may snap some pics and post them.
I am quite interested in seeing that entire setup! You are raking in some serious $$$.  I will try and get some pictures up after I make the move. Right now it is all pretty much disorganized and a mess.
I am a trusted trader! Ask Inaba, Luo Demin, Vanderbleek, Sannyasi, Episking, Miner99er, Isepick, Amazingrando, Cablez, ColdHardMetal, Dextryn, MB300sd, Robocoder, gnar1ta$ and many others!
April 09, 2013, 03:09:35 PM |
Web stats are behaving strangely - moving to Coinotron until it's cleared up. Hope it comes up soon, I like 
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
April 09, 2013, 03:12:18 PM |
I am quite interested in seeing that entire setup! You are raking in some serious $$$.
My guess is about $850/day if you don't take electricity into account.

Activity: 61
Merit: 10
April 09, 2013, 03:14:39 PM |
I had over 50 LTCs in my account and just did a payout but only got 37.67 LTCs paid out and now my balance shows 0 
April 09, 2013, 03:17:25 PM |
I had over 50 LTCs in my account and just did a payout but only got 37.67 LTCs paid out and now my balance shows 0  My balance also changed. Lost about 25% of my balance. (3.7 was the balance, received 2.7, balance after withdrawl 0) *Chump change compared to many other's in this thread, but still lost money*
Activity: 2058
Merit: 1462
April 09, 2013, 03:19:06 PM |
I had over 50 LTCs in my account and just did a payout but only got 37.67 LTCs paid out and now my balance shows 0  My balance also changed. Lost about 25% of my balance. (3.7 was the balance, received 2.7, balance after withdrawl 0) my balance of ~2.9 got cut to ~1.9
April 09, 2013, 03:19:28 PM |
I had over 50 LTCs in my account and just did a payout but only got 37.67 LTCs paid out and now my balance shows 0  Strange. I just did a withdrawal, and received 100% of it. Given, it was only 11 LTC, but still came through OK.

Activity: 61
Merit: 10
April 09, 2013, 03:22:41 PM |
Glad to see im not the only one with the withdraw issue. Lets just hope that everything gets cleared up soon.
April 09, 2013, 03:26:11 PM |
Congrats at #1 Yochdog: 1 yochdog 43158.29 kH/s I just want to thank everyone for their love and support.....I could not have done it without you (wait, actually I did.  ) You ever post pics and info on your setup? I have never shared pics, as nothing about my set-up is terribly impressive. I have 4 locations and I currently run about 75 7970's. When I consolidate 2 locations into a single DC next month, I may snap some pics and post them. 75 7970's!!  Damn wish we had you on our pool ^__^
Activity: 2044
Merit: 1000
April 09, 2013, 03:31:40 PM |
Congrats at #1 Yochdog: 1 yochdog 43158.29 kH/s I just want to thank everyone for their love and support.....I could not have done it without you (wait, actually I did.  ) You ever post pics and info on your setup? I have never shared pics, as nothing about my set-up is terribly impressive. I have 4 locations and I currently run about 75 7970's. When I consolidate 2 locations into a single DC next month, I may snap some pics and post them. 75 7970's!!  Damn wish we had you on our pool ^__^ what pool is that?
I am a trusted trader! Ask Inaba, Luo Demin, Vanderbleek, Sannyasi, Episking, Miner99er, Isepick, Amazingrando, Cablez, ColdHardMetal, Dextryn, MB300sd, Robocoder, gnar1ta$ and many others!
Activity: 1098
Merit: 1000
April 09, 2013, 03:32:01 PM |
Wasn't too worried about the withdrawl problems, but my 29.5 LTC balance just dropped to 22.5, I'm out until an explanation is forthcoming.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
April 09, 2013, 03:32:46 PM |
I had over 50 LTCs in my account and just did a payout but only got 37.67 LTCs paid out and now my balance shows 0  My balance also changed. Lost about 25% of my balance. (3.7 was the balance, received 2.7, balance after withdrawl 0) *Chump change compared to many other's in this thread, but still lost money* I just went from 8LTC to 5.xLTC as well - something terrible appears to be happening globally with balances on this pool.
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
April 09, 2013, 03:33:33 PM |
Just had 2 ltc disappear from my account. No withdraw log just vanished.
April 09, 2013, 03:34:10 PM |
Same here, dropped from 87 to 65 :/
April 09, 2013, 03:34:19 PM |
hey give me back 17.31436411
Your Balance: 52.10424434 LTC Total Earned: 275.77934755 LTC
105.75090104 2013-03-28 10:48 UTC LP8CPjhxVqmcCCZUYYLd6AnNciEUB2ohxB f242050a97558feb602a07491463845131fdd77d34a0916d8c9a1c2d0b21aac1 100.60637561 2013-03-19 19:44 UTC LP8CPjhxVqmcCCZUYYLd6AnNciEUB2ohxB aac10e0d337a03c87a455f736a2855fdcbda82fa66ac33238ff20bc7e97cbff5

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Funny quote
April 09, 2013, 03:35:27 PM |
MIne became smaller as well. But to be honest, it was more than I should have got, so everyone had more balance than the actual amount mined imo.
But still cannot withdraw.
Calm sea doesn't breed skilled sailors!

Activity: 78
Merit: 10
April 09, 2013, 03:37:52 PM |
Just don't like the way this is turning out.
Changed pool until I have access to my coins.
Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens...

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Funny quote
April 09, 2013, 03:38:34 PM |
Nobody likes this...
Calm sea doesn't breed skilled sailors!
Nicksasa (OP)
April 09, 2013, 03:42:57 PM |
Before you flip out, let me explain this. On 7/04/2013-8/04/2013 getwork miners were paid DOUBLE. Then since 14h ago EVERYONE was paid double. Ofcourse i HAD to correct this.
This was also the reason the hot wallet dried up while i was away (and i still am, btw).