I think the list is up to date
-5.01 to -5.25 open -----------------
Chris_Sabian-4.01 to -4.25 Medow
5 or six spots-2.51 to -2.75 tarmi--------------this was corrected from -2.51 to -2.76
-2.26 to -2.50 open ---
Roadstress-------- this was corrected from -2.25 to -2.49-2.01 to -2.25 Mikestang--------- this was corrected from -2.00 to -2.25
-1.76 to -2.00-----open--------------
Quickseller-1.51 to -1.75 edonkey
-1.26 to -1.50--------open------------
valkir-1.01 to -1.25 philipma1957
-0.76 to -1.00------open-------------------
notlist3d-0.51 to -0.75 Jamphone
-0.26 to -0.50 coinits
-0.01 to -0.25 open-------------------
MegaFall 0.00-------------- A4TECH
+0.01 to +0.25 Amph
+0.26 to +0.50 davejh
+0.51 to +0.75 Kexkey
+0.76 to +1.00 ezeminer
+1.01 to +1.25 mavericklm
+1.26 to +1.50 SimplisticStu
+1.51 to +1.75 HerbPean
+1.76 to +2.00 MegaFall-----------------A switch from (-0.01 to -0.25)
+2.01 to +2.25 SunnyIgor
+2.26 to +2.50 Open----------------
zebedee+2.51 to +2.75 Open----------------
alh+2.76 to +3.00 Korbman
+3.01 to +3.25 tertius993
+3.26 to +3.50 jmumich------------------ A switch from (+1.76 to +2.00)
+3.51 to +3.75 wpt1wpt1 ------------this was corrected from +3.51 to +3.76%
+3.76 to +4.00 tlhIlwI
+4.01 to +4.25 Open------------------------
buyandhold+5.01 to +5.25 Chris_Sabian --------------A switch from (-5.01 to -5.25)
+5.26 to +5.50 RealMalatesta
+5.76 to +6.00 alh ------------------------A switch from (+2.51 to +2.75)
+6.01 to +6.25 freedomno1
+7.76 to +8.00 armedmilitia
+8.51 to +8.75 zebedee--------------------A switch from (+2.26 to +2.50)
+8.76 to +9.00 Last of the V8s
+9.51 to + 9.76 eretron
+9.76 to +10.00 buyandhold---------------A switch from (+4.01 to +4.25)
+10.01 to +10.25 valkir--------------------A switch from (-1.26 to -1.50)
+11.01 to +11.25 EMIF
+11.51 to +11.75 notlist3d-----------------A switch from (- 0.76 to - 1.00)
+12.26 to +12.50 adaseb------------corrected from 12.50 ----
+13.01 to +13.25 RoadStress--------------A Switch from (-2.26 to -2.50)---- and corrected to a .25 range
+13.76 to +14.00 zekarsalih
+14.76 to +15.00 lovenlifelarge ---corrected from +15.00
+ 15.01 to 15.25 Quickerseller-------------A Switch from (-1.76 to -2.00)
+18.51 to 18.75 shapeshift
https://bitcoinwisdom.com/bitcoin/difficulty (+7.76%)
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qmF2knc5rSrJLESgQJYBz8mPzpKihmSzPPQUGH7pT8g/edit#gid=561061211(+9.74%) Under 10% !!
we have less then 1 day for the picks.
We all the changes I may have fucked up one or two of these. Please check them today. Good luck to us all with this jump we are going to need it.
coin price is 254 at coinbase.
https://www.coinbase.com/buysAlmost no time left to pick or switch. 2 hours and 7 minutes left but suchmoon makes final cut off not me.