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2101  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽UEFA Europa League Discussion Thread on: December 21, 2021, 08:02:43 AM
Barcelona, Napoli and Borussia Dortmund, of course, are good teams with a quality roster of players, but after Sevilla was eliminated from the Champions League, the favorite of this tournament is obvious to me, if you know what I mean. Wink

Borussia Dortmund their performance is very poor in this tournament which is seriously giving their team a big worry if they can be able to improve in their next two match to have a good chance in this champion league title. Barcelona and Napoli have a good players in this tournament and with their strategies is well organized by their coach in this tournament. One of those three teams will definitely be the champion in this season because the steps the Barcelona team took show they will win all their matches to become the champion Europa league in this season.   

I’m not so sure about Barcelona winning it, because they’re yet adjusting to Xavi methods and unless they buy player’s in January I doubt they’ll win it. Furthermore Dortmund will win if Halland remains fit and continuously scores, hence they’re my favourites to win the Europa League.

Barcelona has had serious financial and organizational problems for several years and it is unrealistic to expect all these problems to be solved overnight, with a new coach.
I agree that Barcelona needs new players but the question is whether the club is in a position to buy or bring in new players given the very difficult financial situation.
Barcelona has already lost all chances for the title in the Spanish championship, dropped out of the Champions League and even in this competition is not the favorite for the title.
I think Barcelona fans will have to be patient and give the new coach time to rebuild the team and get it back on track.
My favorite to win this competition is not Borussia but Sevilla.
2102  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: My 90 days journey in crypto on: December 21, 2021, 07:52:38 AM
SatoPrincess, I like your way of thinking.
Many newbie members seem to think they have to write something on this forum, even if they don’t know what to write  Grin
It is a much better approach to read other members' posts, learn from the forum, but also from other sources of information and get involved in the discussion when you have something specific to share with other members, based on personal experience, like you.
After many posts from newbie members with questions on how to make money on this forum or how to get merits, your post is really a real refreshment. Congratulations  Cheesy
2103  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Altcoin novosti on: December 20, 2021, 12:20:40 PM

i Travala radi airdrop (izgleda da je sezona), putem BEP-20 token, za sve koji imaju zakljucan AVA u aplikaciji, odnosno status "smart member"
nisam siguran koji su planovi sa ovim BEP-20 tokenom, ali verovatno da bi mogli da ga ukljuce u neki farm pool na BSC mrezi, videcemo

Hvala na korisnoj informaciji, vjerujem da će pomoći nekome.
Podijelio sam ti i merit;  nek ti se nađe 😀
Ima li još netko kakvu korisnu informaciju za ekipu ovdje?
Samo  naprijed , podijelite svoja saznanja i informacije koje bi mogle pomoći drugima.
EDIT: sad tek vidim da sam ti odgovorio direktno ovdje umjesto u zbirnom topicu za podjelu merita.
Eh,  da imamo bar lokalnog moderatora pa da ga mogu zamoliti da prebaci ovaj post u pravi topic  Grin

2104  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Porez na bitcoin i kriptovalute 2018-2019 on: December 20, 2021, 12:01:18 PM
[...] Kada to shvate i u poreznoj, bojim se da će zakonski malo jače ''stisnuti'' domaće kripto mjenjačnice, i vlasnike btc bankomata, i da će vjerojatno inzistirati na smanjenju limita za anonimno podizanje novca.
Uvijek ce biti lagano prodati kripto u keš za tekuce troškove, naravno da se do 10k eura godisnje moze trosit u gotovini, jos 100 ulupat u imovinu bez da te itko išta pita.[...]

U Nizozemskoj se vec promijenio zakon (pitanje je koji datum ce izabrati da ga uvedu); smanjuje se granica od 10K na 3K, ukljucujuci sve cash transakcije.

Wow, ovo je banana, zasigurno će iako uz protivljenje svi kad tad to spustiti na 3k eura... Smiješno, pogotovo kad uzmemo u obzir da VSS u zapadnoj europi lako ima 3k neto...
Sve u svemu čini mi se da kripto neće nikako biti pošteđen svim tim izmjenama, tko ce placat kriptom ako svaka transkcija  podlijeze nekom dodatnom porezu i proviziji koje ne  postoji za fiat  Huh

Ovu sam vijest čuo još početkom 11 mjeseca na konferenciji Poslovnog dnevnika u hotelu Sheraton u Zagrebu.
Kompletan izvještaj sam dao ovdje:

Koliko sam shvatio na konferenciji,  regulacija za kripto transakcije donijet će se na razini cijele EU.
Dakle;  ove transakcije do 15 000 kn bez dokumenata neće biti još dugo dozvoljene pa se požurite,  dok je to još moguće  Grin
Očito su u EU shvatili da su kripto transakcije postale velika "siva zona " bez kontrole poreznih i drugih službi i žele to promijeniti.
2105  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Porez na bitcoin i kriptovalute 2018-2019 on: December 19, 2021, 02:17:20 PM

Sve mi to zvuci previse komplikovano. Ne razumem kako su oni zamislili da mali trejderi to rade a da bude po zakonu. Na ovaj nacin su vecinu oterali u sivu zonu. Sama prijava poreza na kripto preko JOPPD obrasca je dovoljno komplikovana, a kamoli jos i FIFO evidencija. Ljudi ce jednostavno odustati.
Bravo za zakonodavce!

Zapravo se nisu uopće ni potrudili da razumiju ''tematiku'' kripta već su samo prepisali pravila za tržišta dionica, i jednostavno ih žele primijeniti na kripto trgovanje.
Ne bih baš rekao da ta ''ekipa'' tamo uopće vlada materijom i razumije o čemu se radi ovdje (a to govorim iz osobnog iskustva jer sam već imao posla s njima u svezi prijave internetske zarade) i kako je zapravo komplicirano voditi FIFO evidenciju za kripto transakcije.
Tako ti je to sa velikim i inertnim državnim sustavima.
A čuj, jasno je da će 99 % ljudi raditi kao i do sad, neće ništa prijavljivati poreznoj a ima zaista puno načina da se kripto zamjeni u fiat i podigne potpuno anonimno, ''ispod radara'' porezne  Grin
Kada to shvate i u poreznoj, bojim se da će zakonski malo jače ''stisnuti'' domaće kripto mjenjačnice, i vlasnike btc bankomata, i da će vjerojatno inzistirati na smanjenju limita za anonimno podizanje novca.

Uvijek ce biti lagano prodati kripto u keš za tekuce troškove, naravno da se do 10k eura godisnje moze trosit u gotovini, jos 100 ulupat u imovinu bez da te itko išta pita.
Nastaje problem straha ljudi koji žele isplatit milijunske iznose i na njih platit porez. Uzmimo primjer 100 ljudi koji izvuku po 10 milijuna kuna, uvezli su izvana u Hrvatsku 1 milijardu kuna i spremni su platit 100 milijuna kuna poreza, a ne dobivaju nikakav tretman i sigurnost.

Konkretno na svom primjeru mogu rec da cu 95% novca ulozit dalje u dionice i opet svake godine placat porez na dobit od dividende ili trgovine.
Ne treba zanemarit kolicinu novca koji se zeli uvest u Hrvatsku ovim putem, cifra od 10 milijuna kuna je simbolicna posto ce biti ljudi i od 50 milijuna, a i od 100+ milijuna.

Ovdje se potpuno slažem s tobom, ali na žalost i ovaj primjer pokazuje ''deficit'' državne i javne uprave u Hrvatskoj.
Rukovoditelji porezne službe, mirovinskog, zdravstvenog i dr. se biraju isključivo po političkoj podobnosti a zapravo se na ovakvim slučajevima vidi koliko su nesposobni, i koliko cijela država zbog manje naplaćenog poreza puno gubi.
Vjerojatno ima i običnih službenika porezne koji prate trendove, informiraju se i možda razumiju i osnove kripta ali njih nitko neće ništa pitati.
Već smo prije imali raspravu na ovom forumu što s onima koji ne trguju kriptom nego ga zarađuju, recimo kroz signature kampanje na ovom forumu i sl. i ja sam osobno u svezi toga kontaktirao direktno poreznu i tražio pojašnjenje.
Odgovor je bio da se svaka takva kripto zarada u roku od 15 dana mora preko joppd obrasca prijaviti poreznoj i platiti porez na drugi dohodak (bez obzira što se ne radi o fiat novcu).
Znači, većina nas na ovom lokalu bi svakih tjedan dana trebalo ići u poreznu i prijavljivati kripto zaradu, što je besmisleno i neživotno, i jasno da to nitko neće raditi, osim ako je mazohist.
Puno je jednostavnije da kada ti zatreba fiat, odeš do najbližeg btc bankomata ili kripto mjenjačnice, i prodaš im svoj kripto anonimno, onoliko koliko ti treba keša.
Ako se radi o iznosu većem od 15 000, napravit ćeš to u par dana, ili u nekoliko mjenjačnica i problem riješen.
Svi sretni i zadovoljni, mi jer smo dobili keš, kripto mjenjačnica jer je nešto zaradila na proviziji a jedini je gubitnik je država zbog nenaplaćenog poreza, jer sa besmislenim pravilima jednostavno i one ''dobronamjerne'' ljude, koji bi i bili spremni platiti neki minimalni porez (ili čak neki paušal kao iznajmljivači apartmana na moru), tjeraju u ilegalu.
Prije 7-8 godina kada sam prvi put htio prijaviti porez na internetsku zaradu (nije bio kripto u pitanju tada) u poreznoj su bili zbunjeni i nisu znali što bi sa mnom, u koju bi me kategoriju strpali.
Ispalo je da je problem što onda nisu imali posebnu šifru u joppd obrascu za internetsku zaradu Grin
Nakon puno pozivanja, posjeta poreznoj i gubljenja živaca, na kraju su moj slučaj bili riješili tako da su mi rekli da svoju internetsku zaradu prijavim kao autorski honorar na umjetničko djelo, koliko se sjećam  Cheesy
Apsurdistan, nema što  Grin

2106  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Porez na bitcoin i kriptovalute 2018-2019 on: December 19, 2021, 12:06:28 PM

Sve mi to zvuci previse komplikovano. Ne razumem kako su oni zamislili da mali trejderi to rade a da bude po zakonu. Na ovaj nacin su vecinu oterali u sivu zonu. Sama prijava poreza na kripto preko JOPPD obrasca je dovoljno komplikovana, a kamoli jos i FIFO evidencija. Ljudi ce jednostavno odustati.
Bravo za zakonodavce!

Zapravo se nisu uopće ni potrudili da razumiju ''tematiku'' kripta već su samo prepisali pravila za tržišta dionica, i jednostavno ih žele primijeniti na kripto trgovanje.
Ne bih baš rekao da ta ''ekipa'' tamo uopće vlada materijom i razumije o čemu se radi ovdje (a to govorim iz osobnog iskustva jer sam već imao posla s njima u svezi prijave internetske zarade) i kako je zapravo komplicirano voditi FIFO evidenciju za kripto transakcije.
Tako ti je to sa velikim i inertnim državnim sustavima.
A čuj, jasno je da će 99 % ljudi raditi kao i do sad, neće ništa prijavljivati poreznoj a ima zaista puno načina da se kripto zamjeni u fiat i podigne potpuno anonimno, ''ispod radara'' porezne  Grin
Kada to shvate i u poreznoj, bojim se da će zakonski malo jače ''stisnuti'' domaće kripto mjenjačnice, i vlasnike btc bankomata, i da će vjerojatno inzistirati na smanjenju limita za anonimno podizanje novca.

2107  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽ Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: December 19, 2021, 11:37:55 AM
Transfer rumours:

Manchester United striker Edinson Cavani is Barcelona's top target for the January transfer window but Barca want assurances that the 34-year-old Uruguay forward is fully recovered from injury before committing to a deal. If Cavani does not recover from the injury, it will probably mean the end of his great career.
Manchester United are prepared to rival Chelsea in the race to sign France defender Jules Kounde, 23, from Sevilla. Where the Kounds will end up?
Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp says the club are not close to making a signing in January but, if they were, he would be reluctant to bring in a player who is not vaccinated against Covid-19. What do you think of this?
Newcastle are keen on a loan move for Manchester United's France striker Anthony Martial, 26, in January, while Inter Milan's Bosnia striker Edin Dzeko, 35, is another target. Are these plans realistic or are they just wishes?
Paris St-Germain sporting director Leonardo is not giving up on France star Kylian Mbappe, 22, signing a new contract despite links to Real Madrid. Mbappe can discuss a pre-contract with clubs outside France in January. PSG were supposed to sell Mbappe for very good money and now they will lose him for free. Bad business decision.

2108  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: The UEFA Nations League 2020/2021 Discussion Thread on: December 19, 2021, 11:29:19 AM
An OK group for Croatia to be honest. France is probably the strongest team in the world right now and will secure one of the first 2 spots for sure (almost certainly the top one), while Austria is really weak and looks set for the bottom of the group.

That leaves Croatia to fight it out with Denmark for the 2nd place, and Denmark is by far the best option we could have gotten from the 2nd pot. If I picked the group for us myself, I'd only replace France - so a really good draw this time around.

I wouldn't really agree with you.
Denmark played very good qualifiers for the World Cup and won all the matches in the group, except the last one, which no longer meant anything.
I think that currently France and Denmark are ahead of Croatia in terms of quality and that they will fight for the first place in the group and that Croatia will fight with Austria to stay in the elite group of the competition.
Austria is also a very serious team, and it will be very difficult to play against them.
We’ve been really bad both times in this competition so far, and I don’t expect that to change.
2109  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: December 19, 2021, 11:19:00 AM
Okay, let's talk a little bit about tennis results, for a change  Grin

Andy Murray was unable to cap a strong week in the Middle East with a win as he lost the Mubadala World Tennis Championship final in straight sets to Andrey Rublev.
The Russian world number five won 6-4 7-6 (7-2) to secure the title at the exhibition event in Abu Dhabi.
Despite the defeat, Murray said he was optimistic as he continues to try and reignite his career after having two major hip operations.
"I have been pretty healthy over the last three months, I've got to play a lot of matches," said the three-time Grand Slam winner, who is working with coach Jan de Witt after his split with Jamie Delgado.

"I just need to find a way of turning some of these matches against the top players around and hopefully I can have some big runs in the biggest tournaments again, that's my goal.
"I'm trying as hard as I can to do that."

To me personally, Murray has always been a sympathetic player, and if he hadn’t had so many injuries, he probably would have had an even bigger career, with a lot more tournaments won and wins.
The very fact that he achieved everything while they were active and playing the three greatest tennis players in history says it all.
I remember for a while there was even talk of the big four of world tennis but the story went the other way and Murray was stopped by a number of injuries.
I congratulate him on his great will and enthusiasm but I am afraid his time is up.
What do you think?


2110  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽UEFA Champions League Discussion Thread -- Group Stage! on: December 19, 2021, 11:07:11 AM
Yes the PSG vs. Madrid game is one of the biggest games that could have happened in the whole final round regardless of the stage. Now it is so early that one team with ambitions to win the title has to say goodbye. That's kind of crazy. Madrid would be pissed as much as PSG would be. PSG maybe even more because there is nothing else they can do if they now fail. Messi, Neymar, Mbappe, and many other stars were signed. If they now get kicked out in the first round of the final round, they are into a whole lot of trouble.
It's going to be a game with a whole lot of pressure, for the two managers and all the players, two teams that are amongst the favorites for the CL title and now one has to go in just the round of 16, it's going to be a match of fine margins and the winner of this game will be making a big statement and sending a warning message to other title contenders. Having said that, I think you're correct, between the two teams PSG are the team under the most pressure, there's just so much expectations placed on the team cause of the quality they boast of in their team, though I've watched all of their CL games this season, and they do not look ruthless enough to be champions this season, but mind you that all that can change in the knock out stages. I'm rooting for Madrid to win this one, but we'll have to wait and see the team that does.

Whoever loses in this match will have reason to be very angry at UEFA because due to a big mistake in the Champions League draw, these two clubs have to play each other in the early stages of the competition.
In fact, it is a big loss for the competition that one of these two clubs will drop out of the CL in the first round of the knockout phase.
Personally, Real seems to me to be a more complete team, with a slightly higher chance of passing, and the pressure on the PSG players will certainly be very great. A lot of money has been invested in the PSG team and they have not yet managed to win the Champions League.
I believe their owners have already become nervous and impatient, they are even willing to sacrifice the big money they could get for Mbappe, just to finally win this competition. Will that risk pay off?
2111  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽ Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: December 18, 2021, 11:33:50 AM
Transfer rumours:

It seems that a lot of clubs want to bring Martial from Manchester United. According to current news, among them are Juventus and Newcastle. What do you think?
Manchester United and England forward Marcus Rashford, 24, is open to signing for Barcelona. Does Barcelona have the finances to cover this transfer?
Uruguay striker Edinson Cavani, 34, wants to leave Manchester United in order to sign a deal with Spanish club Barcelona in January. It seems that Manchester United could strengthen Barcelona a lot this season  Grin
Barcelona will consider selling Netherlands midfielder Frenkie de Jong, 24, in the summer if they receive a good offer. Another player who came to Barcelona with high expectations but failed.
Chelsea, Barcelona, Bayern Munich and Ajax have all sent scouts to FC Copenhagen to watch 16-year-old Swedish midfielder Roony Bardghji. A future football star or another talent who will break under the burden of high expectations?

2112  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: December 18, 2021, 11:23:46 AM
It seems that the Australian Tennis Federation has decided to change its rules due to the Djokovic case and allow unvaccinated tennis players to participate in the GS tournament in Australia.
Tennis Australia has repeated its claims that all players will have to be double vaccinated or provide a "valid medical exemption" if they're to compete in next year's Australian Open.
It comes amid reports that World No.1 Novak Djokovic will seek to gain a medical exemption so he can enter Melbourne Park, with the Serb set to be part of the ATP Cup in Sydney before the grand slam.

Does that mean that the Australian government and the Tennis Association of Australia have already agreed to find a way for Djokovic to still perform at the GS tournament in Australia without being vaccinated?
What do you think?
However, it seems that we are not all equal before the law and that different rules apply to some people.
What will many Australians say about this, who for almost 2 years were not allowed to travel anywhere, visit their relatives, even go to the funeral of their loved ones, due to very strict Australian Covid rules?

2113  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar - UEFA Qualifiers on: December 18, 2021, 11:10:10 AM
My favourites in every path are:

Path A: Wales would defeat Austria and Ukraine would do the same against Scotland. And after a Wales - Ukraine matchup, Wales would manage to qualify for the World Cup.

Path B: Russia would beat Poland and Czech Republic would do it to Sweden. And after a Russia - Czech Republic matchup, Russia would manage to qualify for the World Cup.

Path C: Portugal and Italy would succeed in defeating their opponents. And after a Portugal - Italy matchup, Italy would manage to qualify for the World Cup.

There is still a long time ahead until the matches of course but this is my first prediction for now. After seeing the squads of the teams, things would be clearer.

I mostly agree with your opinion but surprises are always possible.
I watched Russia in the matches against Slovakia and Croatia and Russia was very weak in those matches and showed nothing but good defense.
Since they will have to beat someone in these qualifiers, and not just defend themselves, I do not give them a great chance. I also think that Sweden is better than the Czech Republic and that they will eventually be the winner of Group B.
The finals of Group C will be played in Portugal which will be a small but perhaps decisive advantage for Portugal.
2114  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: What did you buy with crypto? on: December 18, 2021, 11:00:06 AM
In fact, in my country, a lot can already be bought with crypto, from coffee and technical goods to airline tickets, apartment rentals etc.
Crypto can even be bought or sold at the state post office  Grin
I didn't use crypto much to buy or sell but a few years ago I bought a new computer with crypto.
However, given the rise in crypto prices, it is actually better not to spend it but to hodl it.
2115  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Crypto Banka on: December 18, 2021, 10:53:57 AM
Pa zapravo, mislim da se ide prema tome da će države, preko svojih središnjih banaka, početi izdavati digitalne verzije svojih nacionalnih valuta, i tako potpuno zaobići komercijalne banke.
Biti će to vjerojatno neki digitalni sustav sličan e- građaninu a država će tako imati potpun nadzor nad imovinom građana.
Mislim da se većina država ne voli bitcoin i druge kriptovalute zbog nemogućnosti kontrole, decentralizacije, anonimnosti, mogućnosti pranja novca i sl.
No, sam im se koncept sviđa i prije ili kasnije oni će implementirati tzv. ''govcoin'' tj. vladin novac.
S te strane, čini mi se da dugoročno ideja crypto banke nema smisla.
2116  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: December 18, 2021, 10:47:44 AM
Diversifikacija. Ulozi u sve dio, pa i u njih.
Naime hrpa real world adoptiona imaju SHIB na listi supportanih coina. Slazem se da je SHIB bezveze, al eto, svijet ga prihvaca iz nekog razloga
Gotovo je s mojom diversifikacijom za ovaj ciklus, ja sam se spremio za bear i pobjegao samo u projekte za koje sam siguran da će dočekati novi ATH makar on bio za par godina.

Nisam imao pojma da nešto možeš sa Shibom napraviti, niti jedan servis koji ja koristim ne podržava meme coine i ja sam ih smatrao totalno bezvrijednim.

Moram priznati da se i meni čini da polako ulazimo u bear, a ovo što se trenutno događa sa btc cijenom pred Božić 2021 pomalo me podsjeća na ono što se događalo pred Božić 2017.
U svakom slučaju, slažem se da treba napraviti diversifikaciju ulaganja, ali ja bih preporučio ne samo diversifikaciju u istu vrstu ili klasu imovine, kripto, već naći i neke kvalitetne projekte izvan kripta tipa start up projekti i sl.
Ako nije tajna, u koje si to projekte pobjegao?  Grin
2117  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove i za korisne informacije on: December 18, 2021, 10:41:14 AM
Evo opet mene s prijavom. Airdrop za ljude koji su koristili dApp-ove na Ethereum mreži:

Hvala na zanimljivoj informaciji.
Jel ti smijem dati merit?  Grin Grin Grin

Haha. Ovaj put slobodno daš Merit ako imaš viška. Iako su dečki već podijelili par komada Smiley

Pa, super slackovicu, hvala puno  Cheesy
Ima li možda još koga tko je u zadnje vrijeme objavio nešto kvalitetno ili informativno na ovom forumu, a da nema ništa protiv da to objavi ovdje i dobije koji merit?
Ako da, slobodno podijelite u ovom  topicu  Grin
Može i kakva korisna informacija za sve, u skladu sa novim nazivom teme, s obzirom da se ovaj topic više čita od nekih altcoin tema.
2118  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Porez na bitcoin i kriptovalute 2018-2019 on: December 18, 2021, 10:36:33 AM
Meni se čini da u poreznoj još nisu počeli tražiti FIFO evidenciju jer se za sada, vjerojatno, još radi o jako malom broju takvih poreznih prijava, a i vjerojatno su shvatili kako malo ili gotovo ništa ne znaju ili razumiju o kripto transakcijama i da se u tome ne bi uopće snašli i da ne bi znali kako to sve provjeriti  Grin
Kada se broj ovakvih poreznih prijava bude značajno povećao, pretpostavljam da će angažirati neku vanjsku firmu kao informatičku podršku da im ''rastumači'' i pomogne razumjeti FIFO evidenciju kod kripto transakcija.
Barem nam za sada ide u prilog nepripremljenost porezne za kripto.
2119  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: December 18, 2021, 10:29:35 AM
Gledam stanje sa kampanjama i ima dosta novosti, pa idemo redom  Grin Signature Campaign
We have 6x Hero /Legendary and 3x Full Member slots open. Apply now.

Traži se minumum od samo 10 postova, od toga 5 u gamblingu, lokalni postovi se ne broje.
Hero&Legendary su plaćeni 3 $ po postu ali max. do 25 postova.

 PlayBetr Signature Campaign

Round 134 Payments have been sent out!

Thank you all for yet another great week, keep it up!

We have 1x open position, apply now!

Minimum 20 postova tjedno, od toga 5 u gamblingu, lokalni postovi se broje, 60 $ tjedno. Signature Campaign

Round 39 Payments have been sent out!

Thank you all for yet another fantastic week, keep it up!

We have 1x Sr. Member position open, apply now!

Traži se minimum od 20 postova, od toga 5 u gamblingu, lokalni postovi se broje.
Za senior članove se plaća 50 $ tjedno.

Slackovicu, nadam se da će se ovdje naći nešto i za tebe  Grin
Lijepa predbožićna ponuda  Cheesy

2120  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove i za korisne informacije on: December 15, 2021, 04:11:07 PM
Evo opet mene s prijavom. Airdrop za ljude koji su koristili dApp-ove na Ethereum mreži:

Hvala na zanimljivoj informaciji.
Jel ti smijem dati merit?  Grin Grin Grin
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