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2401  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What are the things you hate about Islam! on: October 29, 2019, 10:22:52 PM

I think this conversation got way off-topic. 
From the nonsense in the Quran and its homophobia to ways to control the population growth.

I wanted to talk about why people hate (and should hate) Islam, but I was trolled by some of you to homophobia in the animal kingdom, to ways to promote homosexual behaviors, and now you with contraceptives as a solution to the world's population growth. LOL.

Are you sure you are not trolling this thread?

Well it's like this. THEY know the subject of Quran homophobia can't be directly confronted, since THEY will be condemned as the homophobic bigots they are.

So the debate tactics resulting are misdirection, goal shifting, re framing the argument and so forth.
2402  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Does MEDIA affect you? A poll on: October 29, 2019, 10:14:39 PM
I changed one item in the poll.

FROM: "No TV for me!"
TO: "No TV News for me!"

So for the results are quite surprising.

They surprise me too.  I don't think there is a big enough sample size and/or enough honesty.  Based on the content I'm sure that 90% of the forum participants spend more than a little time in front of the zio-con owned idiot box.

You should have made an addition rather than a substitution.  'Entertainment' is at least as mind-shattering as 'news' in mainstream media-land.  It would be interesting to know (or think we know) how many people avoid both.

Good point. All psychopaths in Westworld are white males.

I added "Entertain me, you TV! No news no no no no"

But this is not simple, since the new trend is "TV series" over internet, such as Netflix, Hulu and such. But let's see where it leads.

2403  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is Global Warming Real? on: October 29, 2019, 04:35:27 PM
I once experimented by dropping a piece of ice in a glass half-filled with water. (Just as to make a prototype of icebergs in the ocean). Allowed the ice to meltdown, and what I observed was that the water level remained the same (Archimedes' Principle). This means global warming won't cause any rise in the ocean's water level. I wonder how is it harmful to us then? Just curious, I know I sound dumb!

Not at all dumb. The North Pole is almost all floating ice over water. Greenland is ice over land. Antarctica is ice over land, but the West Peninsula is largely floating. That piece could break off, there is some concern over that issue that's valid.

It's a real stretch to assert that it would be man's folly to have used fossil fuels and that was what might/will/could break off the Antarctica peninsula. That's a hypothesis impossible to prove and impossible to negate.
2404  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What are the things you hate about Islam! on: October 29, 2019, 04:31:57 PM
Reproduction is critical to the survival of the species. Maybe homosexuality is nature's way of stopping propagation of undesirable genes.

Maybe wealthy eugenicists are 'nature's way' of stopping propagation of undesirable genes.  That's actually a justification they use for their activities.

As Bertrand Russell said, 'Diet, Injection, and Injunction will be combined at a very early age to produce the type of individuals that the leaders find desirable.'  As one military whitepaper said, 'promotion of homosexuality can be used to limit population growth.'

Now run along and drink your high fructose corn syrup drink out of the estrogen mimicking plastic bottle, eat your soy based foods, drink your fluoridated water.  Go to public school and learn about Heather's two mommies.  Watch a never ending stream of fagotry on free-to-air mainstream media.  And most importantly, don't forget to get ALL of your government mandated 'vaccinations'.

Do you think you can be turned into a homosexual?  Do you think a homosexual can be turned into a straight man?
If you think there is a way, post it.  I really would like to know.

I think you would be wasting money on such 'promotions'.  It is like pissing in the wind.

It would be nice if it worked, as we need to get the global population growth to near zero. 

Sexuality is something people are born with. It can't be converted or something. It's not religion. It's not your mobile phone that you can change whenever you feel like.

And even, if in future, it's possible to artificially interfere with genes and those, it would be absolute immoral to change someone's fundamental identity.

Really? Turning people into gays using scientific methods to reduce population? Are you a troll and trolling here? You know there are contraceptives which can be used for population control?

Historically much of the opposition to homosexual activity was kings / leaders seeking to increase the number of male babies who would become soldiers in their country or religion. Period. Hence create negatives for homosexual behavior.

Currently  these trends still exist and exist alongside more progressive trends. Thus we see predominantly Catholic low educated hispanic immigrants in the USA with statistically large families. Same with Muslims as they are very fundamentalist.

2405  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Does MEDIA affect you? A poll on: October 29, 2019, 04:25:26 PM
I changed one item in the poll.

FROM: "No TV for me!"
TO: "No TV News for me!"

So for the results are quite surprising.

They surprise me too.  I don't think there is a big enough sample size and/or enough honesty.  Based on the content I'm sure that 90% of the forum participants spend more than a little time in front of the zio-con owned idiot box.

You should have made an addition rather than a substitution.  'Entertainment' is at least as mind-shattering as 'news' in mainstream media-land.  It would be interesting to know (or think we know) how many people avoid both.

You have a point I did not think of. Steven Colbert etc is definitely an opinionator/propagandist on "news." And similar people/shows.
2406  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Does MEDIA affect you? A poll on: October 29, 2019, 11:32:04 AM
I changed one item in the poll.

FROM: "No TV for me!"
TO: "No TV News for me!"

So for the results are quite surprising.
2407  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What are the things you hate about Islam! on: October 28, 2019, 02:45:00 PM
I see lot of people here hates Islam for many reason and I would like to know each personals why they are hating,mention the reasons.

I am a Muslim but not a Jihad or extremist,I love my life since its become peaceful and no one has controlling me like what others think.

One particular thing I hate from Islam is Multiple marriages allowed because it was created for good intention but now its being misused.

Islam is one of the oldest and most followed religion worldwide. You face islam religion in most of the lanes of any nation but one thing you will notice is difference in rituals and teachings. Kuran for years has been at times manipulated by modern preachers for their personal motives and extremist intentions. Few more things that i dont like about the religion is act of polygamy and other practices which discriminate womanhood. Anyways, things are improving now eg. Saudi women allowed to drive, triple talaq ban in India etc. 

One thing I see continually that I dislike about Islam is the continual repetition of what, to put it bluntly, is just lies. Then you can count on other Muslims never, ever questioning such statements.

By no measure is "Islam one of the oldest religions."

I do agree with you that there may be emerging a younger Muslim type that understands at least some of the western values concepts.
2408  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Does MEDIA affect you? A poll on: October 28, 2019, 02:59:55 AM
I’ve made a great group of friends from all over the world from this forum and it’s insane to me how alike many of us are, despite our vastly different cultural Upbringings. One thing most of us seem to have in common is our dislike for mainstream media /news /government. Mostly political independents who think outside the box and never take the news at face value until careful review. It’s extremely refreshing to me. So my experience is we do not let the media take hold of us, like most of the modern world does. I believe many members here are similar in this fashion.
I went for a solid ten years really never watching any tv, but have recently changed that and sort of spot watch a few minutes here and there.

Now my main problem with the TV style media is the concepts and ideas move way too slow. Like I can read a complex paragraph in a minute, but they'll waste ten minutes with it and stay on the shallow analysis.
2409  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What are the things you hate about Islam! on: October 28, 2019, 02:56:06 AM

Isn't obvious? By association.  You believe in the same religion as the crazy wackos, you know, the homophobes, misogynists, Islamists, Jihadists and the terrorists.

No supremacy?  May I remind you: لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا ٱلله  "There is no God but Allah".  So now you think Islamism is not a thing?

You are full of it.

I don't want to be friends with Muslims for the same reason I don't want to associate with Christians, Jews or mentally retarded.  
misogynists - marrying an young girl doesn't mean misogynists but slaving is also against Islam.

Jihad means extreme love towards something,correct me if I am wrong but if they are killing people for that reason then they are not Muslims.

Terrorists are terrorists no matter which religion they belong to.

homophobes - I see this is something against the nature cycle.AFAIK human is the only animal attracted to same gender.

There is only God and its Allah,other religious people call him with different names.

I did not say anything about Muslims being pedophiles, you brought it up; Freudian slip?  
I know what I said, all Muslims are misogynist pigs. They have discriminated women since the beginning of this cult.

Looks like you did not read the Quran.  But what is new.  You were born into it, you don't need to read it.

BTW, Jihad means struggle.  In the context of Islam, it means the struggle to achieve religious world dominance. 
If you were Arab you would know that.

10% of sheep are gay, 22% are bisexual.
Such patterns of behavior in animals say nothing about the behavior in humans. Good article though, it does go into those distinctions.
2410  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2020 Democrats on: October 28, 2019, 01:00:44 AM
I actually think that I'd prefer Hillary over Kamala. When I watch some really old videos of Hillary, I get the sense that she had some actual beliefs and passions. I think that she might've started out as a true believer (in some ideology), but being in the swamp for so many decades corrupted her substantially. But maybe she's only 99% evil instead of 100%.

Kamala on the other hand I think is and always has been rotten to the core.

Hillary changed. NOT SURE why, but what we've seen in the last 5 years is not the Hillary of 1980s-1990s.
2411  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [POLL] Trump Impeachment Poll: Who's Fault Is It? on: October 28, 2019, 12:58:22 AM
Because military tribunals are always conducted in public are they?

Well, you tell me, you were babbling about it... so I'm gonna quote the whole post because you seem to backpedaling harder than usual on this one. Emphasis mine.

I want everyone here to pay close attention how as one of the most epic traps in our history is set, and the hapless targets, full of hubris walk right into it.

Over the next year or so you are going to see a lot of things unfold. There are going to be lots of serious high level indictments made public, prosecutions, as well as military tribunals of many high level people within, and formerly within our government. Everything you have been watching unfold over the last few years is as a result of this. Every circus, every freak show, they were all symptoms of some very powerful, and very corrupt people being systematically stripped of their influence and leverage over society.

As far as they are concerned either they have control or no one will, and they will burn as much down on the way out as they can to prevent this. That is why this has taken so long. A lot of you have been wondering why these prosecutions didn't start right away. This is why. They needed to be stripped of the ability to seriously harm the nation. At this point, this has been done to a large degree, but they will still attempt to do so, primarily via trying to instigate civil war and mass panic.

All this election fraud, it was expected, and part of the plan. The pattern of election fraud has been well documented, only this time there were people watching close and documenting the act. The mid terms were a trap, and they just stepped right in it...

I have little interest in trying to predict the future, but Barr has opened criminal investigations. If I had to guess I'd say some low lying fruit will be picked and jailed, and Hillary will get off scott free. Also Flynn's conviction will be over turned.

 I find Clapper and Brennan highly offensive. Even allowing that anyone heading the CIA is likely a total psychopath/sociopath, their attitudes and statements seem problematic. It's not they are anti-Trump, perhaps it's more that they shouldn't be publicly babbling after that job, because people see the sorts of characters we put in those jobs.
2412  Other / Politics & Society / Does MEDIA affect you? A poll on: October 28, 2019, 12:50:15 AM
Okay, this may seem silly.

No cause or effect is ascertained by this poll!


Someone recently pointed out that people in the crypto world are likely not typical consumer "TV watchers."

Is this true or are we the same as the rest?

Any suggestion on how to handle international outside of USA?
2413  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Zuckerberg's second privacy face off | Politics? We need blockchain-based SM. on: October 26, 2019, 01:34:41 AM
Lets phrase this a different way then.

Would you rather the government have control over the monetary supply -- through the federal reserve -- or would you rather one corporation, under the scrutiny of the government, have the ability to open their own new currency?

I think its funny watching the government scrutinize Zuckerberg for what he wants to do -- when his whole plan is like a Venmo/Cashapp without using USD. Just a currency that is backed by USD.

His plan is for a currency which knows you, your spending habits, and your geo-location, your friends, everything, owned by a company that is for profit, which has shown a preference for political leaders like Hillary Clinton.

The disclosure of those information actually depends on the fb user. If he is posting his every movement, then, that network will have all the info of your life. But if you are limiting your exposure to this social media, then I don't think they will get so much info or your private life.
But yes, FB is really gaining a lot of profit from those users who don't know when to stop divulging the details of their lives.

Start the software small, innocent looking, innocuous, and of course free. Grow the user base. Then update it and slowly change it. Start drifting it toward your goal set. Get it to the point you want, two or three years later.

Sound familiar?
2414  Other / Politics & Society / Re: REEEEE: PussyGate, a Collection of Trump Investigations on: October 26, 2019, 01:32:27 AM

You mean they're going to LOCK HER UP?

Smiley Hoo-ray!!!
2415  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Zuckerberg's second privacy face off | Politics? We need blockchain-based SM. on: October 26, 2019, 01:27:30 AM
Block chains are not a fix all solution to every problem man has...  Completely unmoderated SM will of course end up being abused for profit or agenda's etc.  A censor resistant, borderless block chain SM will end up being a steaming pile of shit like 8chan or steemit by design.

Not only that, but why/what incentive does a private company have to even use a public blockchain?

Answer: They don't even want it. That's letting the miners have the profit. And they won't do that. They'll have the chain in the existing company servers, same old top down management of the past.

I mean we all know the reason that anyone would want to operate a global currency like this. It would be so they'd be able to make the interest on the money that is beind held on the platform.

Lets just say they have $10 in reserves and invest it in US treasury bonds -- which is probably all they'd be allowed to do within regulatory issues. So they'd be making about 300m a year on people holding their money and transacting on the network as everything would be onboarded with peoples USD. Sounds nice right?

Where did you get that idea?

Re think that as motive. Consider a currency that geo-locates you, knows your habits better than you, and knows all your friends and associates.

Taking a simple binary case, you and your friends are split into believers in political party A and B. It's Saturday. You are undecided on A and B. Various of your friends are out and about. FB favors B.

Friends (B) 11,13,15 receive notes for a discount on Starbucks, a location half way between where you and they are. 11 goes, then 13 and 15 get a note he's there. As do you. Friends (A) 2,7,9 are closeby, but get a prompt from FB of a sale at the mall in the other direction.

You spend part of your Saturday chatting with (B) people.
2416  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 800,000 Californians To Lose Power After Midnight on: October 25, 2019, 10:57:09 PM
I think your insults are iconic and use them back to acknowledge how clever they are.  I would still rather see you focus more on content though.

I prefer to walk and take public transportation.  My compact car stays cold 25 days per month.  I do fly a lot though so I'm not going to pretend I'm fossil fuel free but I'm evidence of why the GND is so important.  Well intended people can't be tasked with curbing global emissions individually because we don't have the means. 100 companies are responsible for 71% of the emissions.  

GND would incentivize the airline industry to switch to a low/neutral carbon fuel and allow people to travel around the world without contributing to its destruction.  We have the technology but the market is never going to incentivize it over fossil based jet fuel in time.

If we couldn't see the world we wouldn't know what we are fighting so hard to protect.

I don't care whether you walk or fly or stumble around or slither.

Jet fuel is an extract from oil, and it should remain that way. That's due to various aspects of airplane operation that you really have no clue about.

Babble your green nonsense on other topics, where the debate actually has some level of merit. Cars, for example.

2417  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2020 Democrats on: October 25, 2019, 10:49:54 PM
I'm surprised to see some people here named Kamala Harris as a preference to win.

Harris is a bad egg-- with a history full of overly aggressive prosecution of victimless crimes. Her naked ambition drove her to engage in the most absurd prosecutions just to make a name for herself.  For example, the prosecution of backpage is obviously outrageous even if you view the entire thing through the lense of law enforcement's own claims of what happened.

In her role as prosecutor she abused the states power to the maximum extent possible and treated the rule of law as just a PR game.  And she was effective at it.  There are other candidates who might aspire to such abuses, but for the most part they haven't demonstrated the competence to pull them off......

So it's more or less "From the pack of lying sociopaths who am I going to pick to be my lying sociopath?"

Kamala Harris is a slightly more brown, slightly less homicidal version of Hillary Clinton.

Yet to reach her full potential?
2418  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What are the things you hate about Islam! on: October 25, 2019, 10:48:55 PM
Okay,just leave everything,did you ever been close with someone who is Muslim? ...

Then how you are still alive,every Muslim supposed to kill non muslims right?


From the western point of view, a Muslim who walks into a cafe and blows himself up along with 100 innocent people of all types is a real coward. Those kinds of Muslims would not mess with me (or anyone who is very likely to shoot back, etc)

Again from the Western point of view, were I to be engaged in fighting world terrorism (I'm not) I would literally be surrounded on all sides by the "good Muslims" who were also fighting world terrorism.

Now, let's look at your assertion. every Muslim supposed to kill non muslims right?

That is not what your books say regarding action toward non muslims. It has various statements about protecting "people of the book" eg Jews and Christians, but also taxing them. Muslims are not to be so tolerant of non-believers, the Kaffers, are they? What is your opinion of that?

Today in the real world Muslims have pretty much driven Christians out of numerous places and countries in the Middle East.
2419  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Zuckerberg's second privacy face off | Politics? We need blockchain-based SM. on: October 25, 2019, 10:36:20 PM
Block chains are not a fix all solution to every problem man has...  Completely unmoderated SM will of course end up being abused for profit or agenda's etc.  A censor resistant, borderless block chain SM will end up being a steaming pile of shit like 8chan or steemit by design.

Not only that, but why/what incentive does a private company have to even use a public blockchain?

Answer: They don't even want it. That's letting the miners have the profit. And they won't do that. They'll have the chain in the existing company servers, same old top down management of the past.
2420  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2020 Democrats on: October 25, 2019, 03:48:27 AM
I'm surprised to see some people here named Kamala Harris as a preference to win.

Harris is a bad egg-- with a history full of overly aggressive prosecution of victimless crimes. Her naked ambition drove her to engage in the most absurd prosecutions just to make a name for herself.  For example, the prosecution of backpage is obviously outrageous even if you view the entire thing through the lense of law enforcement's own claims of what happened.

In her role as prosecutor she abused the states power to the maximum extent possible and treated the rule of law as just a PR game.  And she was effective at it.  There are other candidates who might aspire to such abuses, but for the most part they haven't demonstrated the competence to pull them off......

So it's more or less "From the pack of lying sociopaths who am I going to pick to be my lying sociopath?"
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