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401  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is anyone following the Israel & Palestine Situation. on: July 24, 2014, 07:16:44 PM
Dont see a problem with arresting members of an internationally recognised terror group.
Except that most of the people that were arrested were innocent, and the other part that were released, were leased following a deal that WAS NOT HONOROD by Israel but again you are derailing from the fact the point you claimed that Hamas started the hostilities, where did that go?

Self defence=retaliating against the rocket fire on Israel coming out of Gaza.

Source for that 1 children per hour?
Anyway children die in war.
I dont know what kind of a genocider gives warning to civilians before bombing terror sites,gives free electricity,medicine and other supplies for the victim. Also the growing Palestinian population shows this is not a genocide. If Israel wanted to genocide the Palestinians,they would have already done it long ago.

Thats your own definition on self definition here is the definition of self defense according to prominent dictionaries, and in the law  :

Use of reasonable force (as compared with the attacker's force) in protection of one's person, family, property, or anyone else against attempted or threatened attack. Legal doctrine of self defense justifies a preemptive action taken in the reasonable belief of immediate danger, without making any retreat, and may (specially in case of provocation) condone killing of the perpetrator of a murderous attack.

Except that as proven above it was Israel that attacked first, so this whole argument is totally false as and by your logic here it's Hamas that is on self defense here (Hamas in my eyes is a terrorist group as they targeting indiscriminately Israeli civilians but Israel is even worse by this same definition)

As for Israel warning civilians please lol, the so called warning bombs killed over 30 Palestinians, there thousands of strikes that were made without warning, you seems to avoid the part when I site the example of the 8 years old children that were playing in the beach, or just today the UN Shelter that was blown to dust resulting in the death of 30-40 Palestinians and hundreds of injuries (this is a crime war btw according to UN rules)

This is a genocide, look up the recent genocides listed according to the UN, and you'll see that what's happening in Gaza is similar to those in terms of numbers and events
402  Other / Politics & Society / Re: One Week in Islam: What is Wrong With This Faith??? on: July 24, 2014, 07:01:39 PM
he title says it all...what is wrong with this faith?  Along with the people that practice the 'religion of peace.'

Just one week in the world of Islam. What is wrong with this faith?

What the hell is the problem with Islam? In the past week..

In Kenya:

    At least 34 people have been killed after unidentified armed men stormed the coastal city of Mpeketoni, setting hotels, restaurants, banks and government offices on fire and spraying bullets in streets.

    Kenyan army spokesman Major Emmanuel Chirchir ...  blamed al-Shabaab, Somalia’s al-Qaeda-linked militant group… “They were shouting in Somali and shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’,” he added, meaning “God is great”, in Arabic.

In Nigeria:

    Suspected Boko Haram gunmen have reportedly kidnapped 20 women from a nomadic settlement in north-east Nigeria near the town of Chibok, where the Islamic militants abducted nearly 300 girls in April, most of whom are still missing.

In Iraq:

    Sunni Islamist militants claimed on Sunday that they had massacred hundreds of captive Shiite members of Iraq’s security forces, posting grisly pictures of a mass execution in Tikrit as evidence and warning of more killing to come.

In Syria:

    The Al-Qaeda-breakaway Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria has prevented food and medical supplies from reaching some neighborhoods in an eastern Syrian city, an activist group said Friday.

    The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said ... an offensive by ISIS in eastern Syria against rival Islamic rebel factions has killed more than 640 people and uprooted at least 130,000 since the end of April.

    In Spain:

        Spanish police arrested eight people in a pre-dawn raid in Madrid on Monday, breaking up a jihadist recruitment network led by a former Guantanamo Bay inmate, the government said…

        Spain’s government has said it fears battle-hardened Islamist fighters may return to Spain from Syria… Spain this year marked the 10th anniversary of the March 11, 2004 Al Qaeda-inspired bombing of four packed commuter trains in Madrid, which killed 191 people.

    In Belgium:

    The fourth person to die after a gunman opened fire on the Jewish Museum in Brussels was to be buried in a Muslim cemetery in Morocco.

    Alexandre Strens, whose mother is Jewish and father a Muslim Berber, was to be buried near his grandparents’ graves in the cemetery in Taza, north-east Morocco… A suspect, Mehdi Nemmouche, was arrested in Marseille, southern France, 11 days ago ...

    In Indonesia:

        Radical Islamists in Indonesia have been celebrating and swearing allegiance to ISIS on line, raising concerns that more potential terrorists will be attracted to the conflicts in Iraq and Syria… Jakarta-based terrorism expert Sidney Jones says Indonesians are known to be fighting in Syria, and that Indonesians attracted to ISIS are more radical than the Bali bombers.

    In Sudan:

        The retired Libyan general Khalifa Heftar who is leading the military campaign dubbed as ‘Operation Dignity’ against Islamist militias accused Sudan directly of providing aid to these groups… Heftar says that these militias have wreaked havoc in the North African nation.

        In China:

            China today sentenced three people to death over a deadly attack at Beijing’s Tiananmen Square last October, state television reported, an incident blamed by the government on Islamist militants....

            Five people were killed and 40 hurt when a car ploughed into a crowd at the northern edge of Tiananmen Square and burst into flames…

            All of those sentenced appeared to have ethnic Uighur names. Xinjiang is the traditional home of the mostly Muslim Uighurs, and China has blamed previous attacks on separatists… China has been on edge since a suicide bombing last month killed 39 people at a market in Urumqi. In March, 29 people were stabbed to death at a train station in the southwestern city of Kunming.

        In Australia:

            ON a hot summer’s day earlier this year, a beautiful young Pakistani girl named Amina stood in the living room of her western Sydney home, listening in horror as her father explained how he planned to ­murder her.

            “I am going to kill you now, right here!” he shouted at the 16-year-old. “And no one will say anything about what I do to you. I am too powerful in the community.” Amina’s parents had promised her to a man 13 years her senior and she had made the mistake of refusing to marry him… For years, child marriage in this country has been hidden under layers of culture and tradition in tight-knit communities… Then came news of a 12-year-old girl who was “married” in January to a 26-year-old Lebanese university student in an Islamic ­ceremony at the girl’s home in NSW’s Hunter ­Valley, and the layers of secrecy began to peel away.

            In Britain:


Obviously in the current context anything negative related to muslims is really inflated (I'm not saying that there aren't problems withing the muslim community but I'll come back to this later in this post)
The prove is obvious and let me list a couple of events that were not reported or were reported in a way that if it was due to muslim it would have in the headline of any news media:

-A couple of days ago, an American extremist was caught just a few minutes before his attempt of blowing a mosque in the US during the friday prayer (hundred if not thousands of people attend the friday prayer), now If it was the other way around you'd see the news as a headline of many media outlet, and I'll let you look this up.
-No mention of the current Muslim genocide in Central Africa on international media or it's rare.
-No mentions on the Muslim genocide in Burma and Sri Linka and now it's Christians that are starting to get killed
I can go on and on, but like I said again when it's muslim doing bad things they are in the head of every media outlet or almost.

Now as for Islam again Islam in it self is a religion of peace (as someone that has knowledge of all prominent religions and did proper research and not just talking from ignorance) I can tell you that the problem is the extremist that exist in everywhere, and use any tool or mean that would help to recruite in control people and in those regions it is Islam that is being used, and we can discuss point by point the events and prove to you that many of the practices mentioned above are anti-Islamic and most of them are related to dark customes from middle age in the region rather Islam and one of those is the call the Isis leader made about the mutilations of genetales of womens in the region.
403  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is anyone following the Israel & Palestine Situation. on: July 24, 2014, 06:45:15 PM

200,000 dead from a civil war justifies sanctions.
700 dead in self defense against rocket attacks is less sanctionable. Besides the Arab league and other Muslim and 3rd world countries sanction Israel and some European countries dont buy products from Israeli settlements.
700 lifes soon to be 800 are trash and shouldn't be considered as human beings apparently and according to you as it seems that this mass murder doesn't requires condanations and sanctions, and your memory seems to be quite short, as if Israel doesn't kills hundreds of civilians every couple of months or so huh... and Please enough with self defense against rockets, we are talking about targeted civilians victims, and there are thousands of proof about this, remember the 4 8 years old kids that were playing on the beach and were blown to pieces in front of international media ? ah yes they were potential terrorist ....
Also you seem to mistake, boycotting product that are produced in stolen palestinians lands, and economical sanctions maybe you need to look up the difference here

So i guess Muslims are not afraid of supporting Hamas which is a terrorist organization that many Arabs and Palestinians dislike? id keep with the fact that Muslims hate it when Jews kill them but are fine/unwilling to take action when Muslims kill Muslims. AKA hypocrisy.

Israel never signed a peace treaty with Syria and Lebanon,the peace with Jordan and Egypt is hated by the people.

Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005,yet Hamas keeps harassing Israel.

did you read what I said or pretending stupidity, I'll invite you to have a loon on the 2011 media if the arab as you claim were silent about it maybe you also need to check the countries that initiated the push for sanctions against Syria.

Also you are talking peace treaties, I remind you that till recently the south Lebanon was occupied by Israel what peace treaty would have been signed under those conditions, and the fact is still that neither Lebanon or Syria are attacking Israel, heck Israel did air strike in Syria a year or two ago and Syria didn't retaliate.

and as for Gaza ARE YOU KIDDING ME ? Gaza is under siege, closed by a wall, infantry, tanks, warships ect anything that tries to go out get blown to dust, Israel cut water, destroy sewage system, and cut electricity whever they like, not to mention that they do air strikes whenever they want and move in whenever they want fact, is Gaza is an open air prison!

So you say modern Israel is responsible for the actions of 1948 Israel?
anyway its not their land anymore,at least most of it.
I dont support the killing of innocents,but Hamas brought the invasion on himself and on his people when he kept firing rockets on Israel. Hamas doesn't care about the Palestinian people.
If whats happening in Gaza is a genocide i guess Israel is really bad at genociding.

The different UN resolutions and La Haye supreme court disagree with your non sense these two organizations where the Israel lobby via the US and other main nations is strong.
And please go ahead in explain to us how Hamas brought the invasion, I remind you since you seems to forget or ill informed, that Hamas started firing rockets after the arrestations of over 400 palestinians with IDF killing some Hamas members in the first airstrike on Gaza between the 12 and 19 of June!
404  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Anti-Israel protesters rally across France on: July 24, 2014, 06:17:47 PM
Irony how most of the protesters are Muslim. I still dont know why france didnt kick them out.
muslim or not they are French and they have the right to voice their opinion, also during the desmonstration there people from every community including jews,  but hey the propaganda is that only Muslim people that demonstrate against Israeli war crime ! keep going at it

I think this shows that the Hammas strategy of using civilians as human shields has worked as there has been a lot of collateral damage in Palestine, but the reason for the collateral damage is because Hammas is putting it's weapons in places like hospitals and schools.
Human shields ? how about posting some picture and video of Hamas members using human shields and shooting at Israelies ?
Let's see if you can post pictures like these : (by the eyes these are soldiers from the most noble army in the world according to some...) and these pictures are the safest I found there are some horrofiying picture that I will not post in respect to people reading this thread and forums rules
405  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is anyone following the Israel & Palestine Situation. on: July 24, 2014, 05:00:49 PM
the world is watching... nobody can hide the truth anymore. neither isreal nor hamas.

thousands of smart phones on the ground and even people watching from the skies.

Oh yes, now the world know the truth!  But no one intervenes .....  Roll Eyes .

they don't have to..

when the people know the truth they will stop this madness.
the UN is already investigating alleged war crimes by Isreal.

unlike super powers China and the USA... Isreal cannot continue to make war without serious financial help from outside.
Hamas too cannot wage war without being funded from some of the Arab league nations

the financial help they are getting from the US, any UN resolution cannot be applied due to US veto, heck even the Crime war investigations the US voted NO (the only country to do so....) some has strong Lobby.

As for Hamas being funded by arab countries, this claim not only is totally wrong but also proves you don't gasp the situation really well, Hamas only support is coming from Iran the arabs countries in the region consider Hamas as a threat due to geopolitical reason (Iran again and in case of egypt it's the army take over regime )

Well then where is the media/internet/Muslim world now? 1000+ killed in Syria in the last week.they are Gone. they come out of hiding only when issues involve Israel.

Maybe you missed the part that the arabs/muslims were part of that support and were financing the Syrian freedom army till shit happened, everyone is laying down right now being afraid of taking responsibility but again it's not the arabs or the muslims as you name them that have the power to implement and apply UN resolutions.

You also claiming Muslims having problem with Israel as if it is a religious conflict, yet ALL the surrounding countries are in peace with Israel, and this is just an attempt to divert attention, the reality is Israel colonizing Palestine according to UN resolutions and La Haye supreme court, Israel is Killing hundreds of Civilians Palestinians with 50% being children and women and making hundred of thousands of injured and disabled, stealing their land and resources and kicking Palestinians out of their territories (if you didn't know there are over 5 millions Palestinians refugee that don't have the right to go back to their land and properties ..... what's happening right now in Gaza is a genocide !

ISIS is huge danger right now and they just took over Iraq (the country where freedom was spread) and they are expanding rapidly, how aren't they a danger?
406  Other / Off-topic / Re: BIBINKA WORD GAME! on: July 24, 2014, 04:37:15 PM
Fat Tay Choon went to the Mining Academy in Brazil, east of Satoshi's yurt, where Gavin was kidnapped by the CIA's goons and forced to pretend fucking an anonymous decentralized biscuit—better than all the fish in the Pacific Ocean—but also to defray leeches intelligently with ECDSA fighting qubits for 16.8 dree12, or Phinnaeus must fling toilets towards psy‐ops, without potato smoothies mixed with fried chicken wings from,, and Popeye's Bitcoin wallet, which deleted Satoshi's premine ability to cheer very victoriously, none like Butterfly Labs better enabled, but also Pirate crashing AIR applications without the express use of interest-free scams, conspiring with fraudulent sockpuppets and PPTs and..., you troll-herding piece of Shiitake mushroom, go lick Goat's horns until Theymos admits to having a quite erotic fetish involving honey badgers wearing thongs composed of soggy burlap waffles dangling from cosmic linoleum-based iphones running quantum chips explodes spewing deadly acid! b!z screamed out "Light is bright stars." When Markjamrobin opens the isolated window, he sees three pigs together in bed. Kouye and myself laugh when chinese food falls the impact kills Obama Bin ladin whoever thinks he may be terrorist, is correct but hates the bitcoin logo. Earth has snakes. Currently, the other species have decimated to tiny groups called "marko solo" whatever time it all comes and ends? However, Bitcoin's acidity level dipped causing catastrophic double-spends!

Meanwhile, AntiOps was confused by the awkward change to his penis melting uncontrollably. Vanilla Ice perfume spritzed onto cheese and greasy slime covered with babies boiled in a smelly old heatsink. But it tasted like shit therefore it poisoned his blood although he did survive. Reproductive organisms attacked the internal testicle which caused terrible congestion somehow. Evolution then terminated the smelly old business thank the inability of AntiOps to lock Satoshi's thread. In a transactional forum there was a debate about hacking unprotected accounts, however the debate shortly ended.

Phinnaeus Gage, king pluto, duke of the people. Returned one of his loans that he fraudulently claimed without declaring intentionally. Although this was bullshit. Earth was hit by a meteor which cause catastrophic events which cause people to cause mass destruction by proxy voting it was documented recently on the news that oranges are disguised anti-gravity pockets which have giant bears attacked Zeus because bitcoin accidentally crashed to Mars which created spaceships and aliens who pretended being humans wearing hats on their toes.

Altcoin suck on apples and oranges too. Megacoin is the most shit sucker of apples and  melons ever. Most people love to troll others. Evolution is a slow process which created forks. It is beneficial to wash your feet because it distributes bacteria and oil, notwithstanding the beneficial attributes which are how chocolate arouses some of the miners brains. Today was an abysmal event which caused many abnormal but not smart bitcoiners because many of them are cute animals who were insane because of excessive oreo consumption. One watermelon is not love how people try me explotation Maybe Heisenberg Breaking bad control guy director or masturbation my time vampire drinks urine not lemon tek and water supernatural.

LEALANA is fat looking because pizza is sour with pickles which are sexy and never rot. So many people eat pizza it's unbelievable. The news said that pizza is bought mainly with anchovies which results in big wet weather which had massive gusts of wind with pouring milk down on everyones throat because it feels great! Although honey is very sweet taste it makes when it is served hot it melts softly but slowly.
The universe is populated with many planets which were destroyed by pirateat40. Cyborgs then warped to the zoo and ate mushroom with a aerospace technician. Bitcoin has used a lot resources from peoples although people smell like melons.

Ipods suck. Androids rule. Altcoins also suck peanuts. Bitcoin is the greatest idea that has ever been created by man although litecoin sucks? Once upon a time Gandalf went to wal-mart to dry her hair. Minecraft is the best game in universe because chickens cluck. 231134421 is one crazy big ass monkey. What is with people posting replies still. Terraria is a crazy game which requires extreme concentration. This can result in health cubes; Parentheses are a pain in the brain. This noodle is disgusting. Although spaceships cry waterfalls they are magical little elves. Golden towns is very annoying and smell like bacon. Celebrities are awesome and smart. But, evolution taught us that butterflys are ugly.

Vitamin D is important to scam Taras and raise taxes which would cause the world to go crazy but not insane. Obama is the president now. Alot of gamers will illustrate sony that nintendo is leading the infiltration of Iran. Microsoft Windows was salivating pedophiles of the coastal farts. Yet the banana shrank. What was doge poo doing under the bridge with bridge cleaner? He was just he's aren't because something something different like seems incorrect, because we fucked. Yet prunes prunes are very bad lad's yet unknown to fuckers SWEARING. Banana monkey is not virgin-horse. Corn.

This disappoints satan more than satoshi because he ate hydrochloric pools and he fucked whores who are sick shemales shemales shemales BANGCOCK! God smited non-believers with dicks on a stick. They shat together sitting upside-down flicking birdies. Baezl'bub slept with Hitler inside a bomb ticking furiously and hodling. That was awesome. Bitmit made belt so that walruses can shit on his dick and eat mushroom full of wonderful shit, he HODL'd BTCs and Dogecoin with a succubus sperm from first blowjob stories.

Nefarious words spoken shit at bitcointalk and destroyed uranus with a big-ass Spaceship mouth that eats goats flying shuttle that revolves expressly and quietly to hell. Gamma flux destroyed Litecoin with a barracks producing Atreides shit and Kadafi. Same Binladen puppet goxed clients sucking lollipops shaped like mixed frapuccino lids. Goku start this fight prematurely in Odessa Klondike's yard. Winter is not shitty. Gooches. Seven.

Humanity sold pubes to Zeus. Nevertheless, Cinnamon was crying. Millennium breakdown caused diversification methheads cardinally. Hyper-inflation, epidemics with marshmallows made by government chodes and yeah. The End. No. Yes. Lies. Stop. Can. Do aliens have any bitcoins? No. Instead, PPC acts quickly like FTL shit, riffraff toys.

Miracles happen like cannibals spitting sinew and elephants which innocent love and shit has never fucked up! Dank has killed bysexuals... wait, when did Karpeles said/say McDonald's sucks?

Colonel Tom sex-machine
407  Other / Politics & Society / Re: U.N. Says ISIS Fatwa Orders ALL Women In Mosul For Female Genital Mutilation on: July 24, 2014, 04:35:19 PM
Okay Michelle Obama, show what your worth! Will you stand up and fight for millions of women who are being ravaged by misogyny? Or will you be petulant and weak, just like your husband?
No Obama is busy with golf and supporting Israel in killing Palestinians, who cares about the suffering of innocent people .....
408  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Australian judge says incest may no longer be a taboo on: July 24, 2014, 04:30:55 PM
Well I find it the natural follow up to the legalization of same sex marriage in many countries...., what's next Bestiality ? ....
409  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is anyone following the Israel & Palestine Situation. on: July 24, 2014, 04:27:51 PM
the world is watching... nobody can hide the truth anymore. neither isreal nor hamas.

thousands of smart phones on the ground and even people watching from the skies.

Oh yes, now the world know the truth!  But no one intervenes .....  Roll Eyes .

Nobody cares about 200,000 (compare that to 700 in Gaza) Dead in Syria,what makes you think they will care about Gaza? i guess people get pissed only when Jews kill Muslims and not when Muslims kill Muslims.

I find this intellectually dishonest and doesn't put things into perspective, in 2011 when the conflict started in Syria, they were demonstrations everyday and everywhere in the arab world and in elsewhere supporting the Free Syrian people, there wasn't a day that passed without the media covering the destruction and the death casualties, and there was international support for the syrian cause. The reason why you don't hear much about syria is simply because the western media to free fighters in Syria has proven to be a mistake as extremism has ruled there, and that Bashar Al Assad is winning and that Russia/China support to Assad. afraid to recon the mistake of arming and training extremism (ie ISIS and co) most media went totally silence and talking about is more or less a taboo.
410  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is anyone following the Israel & Palestine Situation. on: July 24, 2014, 04:21:56 PM
crush civilians

Its not the fault of Israel that Hamas uses human shields. They build their rocket sites on the roof of a house where a normal family lives. hoping that Israel wont strike due to innocents being there. Well guess what.. Israel will attack you from wherever you are.. If Hamas had some balls they would build rocket sites away from the public, but they dont because they want the world to think that Israel is just killing anyone at will. Which is not the case.
Not a single video or picture proving Hamas putting human shields in front of them and shooting at Israelies available on the internet, unless you saw something I didn't. Yes there are families and neighbors protecting each other house and calling for strike in designated house to prevent the bombing but not related to hamas, on the other hand you kind different videos and picture of Israeli soldiers using Palestinians kids as human shields
Proof :
and these are some of the safest images i found and out of respect to people that are reading and in respect to forums rules as this thread is not tagged NSFW
411  Other / Politics & Society / Re: U.N. Says ISIS Fatwa Orders ALL Women In Mosul For Female Genital Mutilation on: July 24, 2014, 04:12:21 PM
How far has Islam now proven to be still a dark age religion? How far must it go to say we are a dark age religion ? Very strange. Most of ISIS fighters don't come from countries where FGM is practised (Sudan, Somalia) or is it anything to do with Islam. It seems like a move to antagonise the West especially after FGM has become headline news.
Could ISIS be playing a 'double agent' role?
there are about 2 billions Muslims in the world, Isis group is formed by what a couple of thousands of persons that were fighting in Syria, You are generalizing way to much, and extremism is not related to a religion per say but to the people that are ready to use anything that can serve their cause. And btw the practive mentioned above has nothing to with Islam it's more of a rite in certain regions

As for ISIS or at least their fighters, they were trained and armed by the western world.....déjà vu ?
412  Economy / Services / Re: WE PAY FOR SIGNATURE EVEN MORE. UP TO 0.0016 BTCs PER POST. W on: July 14, 2014, 08:37:17 PM
When did u get paid today?

No apparently it was done 2014-07-11 21:08:55 ECT, I just found out about it today
413  Economy / Services / Re: klee's hacked 1170 btc, Part II on: July 14, 2014, 08:32:06 PM
I find this thread really sad, the amount of stupidity, hate and wannabe security expert off the chart, I'm not saying that everything that was said is wrong, in fact some of it makes a lot of sense but you guys are drifting away from the topic and forgetting the circumstances of the guy that got his BTC stolen, and here is my point of view of what was discussed.

1- I find it sad that people blaming the guy for not being extra cautious with his money, I'm sure that he is kicking him self for it and he doesn't need people to add salt to injury (I don't own and will probably never own as much btc and to my scale I can understand the feeling of losing too much of you money especially if it is funds related to your work), and he apparently had some level of security and I guess using cloud based storage with a password was more or less a backup plan for him and the person that target his account has either the information (inside job) or been tracking him for a long while.

2- Instead of blaming the owner, the blame should definitely be forwarded to the thief, that not only stole the BTCs but is blackmailing as well.

3- As for mixing service, while I believe such service is necessary to preserve the anonymity of it users and their BTCs, I believe that there should be a minimal of work ethic here, if a service knows and been informed that they are dealing with stolen funds or crime related funds with definitive prove they should freeze the BTCs till it cleared out, We all know that while such services are mainly to preserve anonymity, they will attract for this same reason a lot of criminals/money launderers, hence they should be careful, and they'll probably get in trouble for such service if they are not careful and trading money that has been flagged like this.

I just hope that the community will help Klee especially those who have the resources to track and found the culprit, because such actions will only render the bitcoin community stronger and will prevent crime, and I'm pretty sure that Klee will be extra careful next time with his bitcoin
414  Economy / Services / Re: WE PAY FOR SIGNATURE EVEN MORE. UP TO 0.0016 BTCs PER POST. W on: July 14, 2014, 08:06:19 PM
I got payed, (I didn't really post much last month I was really busy) thanks for the service hopes everything will be fixed for everyone
415  Economy / Services / Re: [PrimeDice] [Highest Paid Signature] Earn Bitcoins Simply By Posting on: July 14, 2014, 08:01:52 PM
I see that Stunna moved to semi-automatic system which is nice to see, So I'm rejoining this awesome campaign again, I already filled the enrollment form.For now I don't know if I was accepted but I did everything as it was presented in OP.

It would be nice if there was an automatic confirmation or semi automatic so people can verify if that they are accepted Smiley to accommodate with the new system, I'm sure Stunna will work something out as I guess this is a first step to have a better payment system

If you did the form right, you're accepted in.

ok cool, thanks for the information, because at the time when I first enroled with PD, I needed to wait for confirmation, guess things are getting faster and more organized
416  Economy / Services / Re: [PrimeDice] [Highest Paid Signature] Earn Bitcoins Simply By Posting on: July 14, 2014, 04:41:04 PM
I see that Stunna moved to semi-automatic system which is nice to see, So I'm rejoining this awesome campaign again, I already filled the enrollment form.For now I don't know if I was accepted but I did everything as it was presented in OP.

It would be nice if there was an automatic confirmation or semi automatic so people can verify if that they are accepted Smiley to accommodate with the new system, I'm sure Stunna will work something out as I guess this is a first step to have a better payment system
417  Economy / Services / Re: [0/6 avail.] UPFRONT PAYMENTS FOR YOUR SIGNATURE - Limited offer. | on: July 14, 2014, 03:25:24 PM
Hello I would like to enroll

Applying email.   Address. 13TQEgpS1ENz76HGTwSFh8Xv6oqdvqdrRV


Edit just noticed that all spots are full
418  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Hole in Earth. Yamal. on: July 14, 2014, 01:44:39 PM

I think that a Preon star which would have a radius of a couple of Km (and even in meters if you consider a sun like mass) (a neutron star is around 20-30km in radious and Preon is crashing matter beyond neutron degeneracy and reaching the level of preon, which means it is much much denser) would destroy earth and basically the whole solar system if it get close enough, we are almost at blackhole levels of gravity ^^
419  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Palestinian boy Mohammed Abu Khdeir burned alive by Israeli extremists on: July 07, 2014, 09:13:35 PM
It seems trying to demonize the people whose lands were conveniently stolen and squatted on for almost 2000 years is the in thing to do now.

I don't buy the argument that anyone has a claim to land that their distant ancestors used to own. Yes, ANCIENT Israeli jews were driven out of their lands by powerful conquerors, and that was wrong, but the Palestinians who lived there at the start of the 20th century had no part in it. They were ruled over by the Ottomans, and then by my country's empire who gave huge amounts of their land to Jewish people, many of whom had never set foot in Israel. What really matters is not whose ancestors used to live where 2000 years ago, but who lives where NOW. It is wrong to drive a people out of the homes in which they grew up, no matter what their ancestors did.

The truth is that Israel has repeatedly made border agreements only to break them by building illegal settlements in agreed Palestinian land and defending them with force. Israel is therefore clearly in the wrong when it comes to land issues, and while it's true that Israeli citizens are under threat of violence from terrorists, the Israeli government retaliates to every incident with brutal, disproportionate violence against suspects, their families, and anyone who gets in their way. Israel is the wealthiest, most powerful, and best armed state in the region and is under no realistic existential threat - unlike Palestine.

Want to use history, history will fuck you.

You get dealt what you try to deal, bitch.
so much arguments in your post that no one would dare to answer it seriously chill and try to argument with facts
420  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Palestinian boy Mohammed Abu Khdeir burned alive by Israeli extremists on: July 07, 2014, 08:19:53 PM
What about the murder of the three Israeli teenagers? Why you were not condemning that incident? The murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir was extremely unfortunate. But the incident which provoked this murder should not be forgotten.
Both should be condemned but what I find problematic here is the double standards, Palestinians teens dies everyday and there is no coverage what so ever about it usually, and when the 3 Israelis were kidnapped they were the headlines of every newspaper at least here in west, Mahmoud Abbas the Palestinian prime minister condemned the kidnapping instantly and while it's still under investigation (we don't know who kidnapped them). The Palestinian teen was filmed when he was kidnapped, and he was burned alive from the outside and the inside according to the autopsy. Did the Natanyaho say anything about it? nope more air strikes on Gaza, and more military wiping was made, heck the cousin of the murdered was savagely attacked by a couple of Israeli soldiers and almost killed (filmed) not only that but he was fined and in under house jail
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