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421  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donald Chump: a Dimwit Man-Child made President on: November 10, 2020, 07:34:04 PM
the left has deliberately established a fool and weak old white man in order to start the sellout of the americans, with biden they have shown their evil nature.

they want to crush america like they crushed venezuela, then they will continue their evil path of destruction towards europe china and the middle east.

as long as there is somewhere some social order and economy, the left will try to destroy it.

it can't live in a world where people are not the same. the left needs to live among robots.
422  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The election is over, the results are NOT! on: November 10, 2020, 02:04:41 PM
I'm so happy that the narcissist has lost and the strongest country in the world will have a leader who believes in Science and facts. Who don't wake up at 3 am tweeting about himself etc. It's over. Accept it. Everyone accepted Trump's win in 2016. Now it's your turn.

Are you serious?
I still hear the Dems crying...
Supposedly voter fraud, Russia involvement...
So it was ok in 2016 for the Dems to throw out Accusations but when the Repulicans want the election to be legit its supposedly over?
Now I know who voted Sleepy Joe, the same people that believe its over because the media said so...  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

This. The free market must prevail and all measures have to be taken to find the rightful winner

there is no such thing as a free market, in a world full of biased people, trump tried to balance out the disadvantage the openminded americans had, and got called a racist and xenophobe by the braindead and endlessly greedy leftists every foreigners siding with the democrat will get blood on their hands.
423  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [Trump vs Biden] Free Debate Thread, Untainted by Mainstream Propaganda on: November 10, 2020, 02:21:12 AM
democrats will become a laughing stock if they will steal trump presidency with their frauded voting scam

Actually your retarded baseless  posts are the laughing stock to anyone who bothers to read them that doesn't already have you on ignore.

corrupt leftists sellout media corporations don't decide on the presidency of a country, its the states courts that do that.

CNN & Co are trying to couping for the power.
424  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The election is over, the results are NOT! on: November 10, 2020, 02:19:07 AM
It's looking more and more like the Biden group have locked themselves into a corner that they can't break out of. Joe, himself, probably didn't orchestrate much of any of this... probably didn't even know the ends to which "his people" would move the voting fraud. But the results will be the same for him... disgrace, and maybe even prison time.

Check the bottom link in the batch of links below. It's really good.

Note that this group of information was simply posted at the request of a friend. Check the site for proper wording and disclaimer.

Vote Result Opposition - Devvy Kidd

From: Devvy Kidd <>

Subject: Latest updates + One from Burning Platform

Date: November 9, 2020 at 4:26:43 PM EST

To: Devvy Kidd <>

Evidence is a very strong word.

9:05 video.

Talk about a hostile interviewer.

"WE HAVE THE EVIDENCE" Rudy Giuliani Says hundreds of thousands of fake votes added that were counted in secret – plus Dead People Voted Big Time In Election 2020

Trump tweet earlier:  "The threshold identification of Ballots is turning out to be even bigger than originally anticipated," the President started. "A very large number of Ballots are impacted. Stay tuned!"

Remember what was in my column today?  Virginia: 4,295,866 (89.5%) 4,159,000 – 136,866 more people voted than are registered to vote in the entire state

Captured in Real Time: That Moment in Virginia at 5:12 AM Where they Took 169,000 Votes Off the State Totals

Ohio Attorney General Asks US Supreme Court to Overturn Ruling that Extended Deadline For Mail-in Ballots in Pennsylvania

"President Trump's legal team is preparing to ask the US Supreme Court to overturn an unconstitutional ruling from Pennsylvania's Supreme Court that ordered elections officials to count mail-in ballots that arrived 3 days after Election Day.  Rogue Democrat PA Governor Wolf circumvented the state legislature and took the fight to the state supreme court.  The Pennsylvania Supreme Court created law out of thin air and extended the deadline for mail-in ballots to November 6.  The Pennsylvania state legislature decided Election Day ends at 8 PM on election night."

Hah-Hah! Trump Admin Refuses to Play Pretend with Coup Plotters -- Denies Funding to Biden Transition Team

Joe Biden Announces Covid Lockdown Panel – Plans Nationwide Mandatory Mask Mandate, Lockdown and Contact Tracing

How much you want to bet Pelosi and the MSM pimps demand they all recuse themselves?

Three Supreme Court Justices Were On The Bush Legal Team From The 2000 Election - Wouldn't surprise me if Roberts does it voluntarily.  Oh, and wasn't it so PC Bush, Jr, gleefully congratulated Biden on his "win".

Sidney Powell Makes Explosive Voter Fraud Allegation: 'They Had This All Planned'

President Trump called and personally asked him to join his legal team:

"They Took a Victory from Donald Trump and They Called it a Lie…This Country is Under Attack." – Attorney Lin Wood On Why He Joined Trump's Legal Team

Editorial comment: We know who the traitor is here — Brzezinski: 'Would Be Traitorous' of GOP to Fight Election Results  - Really?  I guess that shrew forgot about Al Gore and Florida in 2000

Social Worker Charged With 134 Felony Counts Involving Election Fraud in Texas  - Did you read that Chris Wallace over at fake news network, FOX?

"Limestone County went for President Donald Trump in this year's election, according to unofficial results.Trump received nearly three quarters of the vote, or 6,786 votes, compared to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's 2,213 votes."

Election Systems in Michigan County Appeared to Be Connected to Internet: Sworn Affidavit

Wait Just a Minute! Some Very Good News May Be Coming – The Burning Platform


the election is over when all legal disputes have been resolved. if corrupt media corporations announce the victors its a powergrab by those corrupt media corporations
425  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Anyone else feeling bad for Trump? on: November 10, 2020, 01:55:05 AM
Kudo to the guy who believe election is fair and politics is a practice of being decent human being.

Nope I don’t trust election, tell me more when the US even have the clean and fair election that’s perfectly meritocracy.

thats correct, that election was a fraud,

black and latinos voted more than ever for the republicans, and the shift towards the republic away from the corrupt democrats has begun.

not to mention the massively higher amount of white voters that consider the democrats corrupt diffamers and racists, sellouts of their country.

without voter fraud the democrats had no chance to win this election and they knew it.

and they also knew that they have no chance to win in the court, so they try to save their corrupt election with their media networks.

as if the private and corrupt media decides who is president. what idiots.
426  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Anyone else feeling bad for Trump? on: November 09, 2020, 08:10:15 PM
trump will return the democrats will lose all their credibility as rulers in this biden period obama and blm movement will get exposed as racists and everyone that supports them.

those against trump basically are evil people that want the sellout of america
427  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump Election Results Speech: Here Are All The False Claims on: November 09, 2020, 12:24:14 AM
<snip... toxic troll drivel>

hopefully americans will be able to free themselves from those traiterous fools.

Americans were indeed able to free themselves from a “traitorous fool”
They voted him out and he will be vacating the premises come next year.

Also...take your toxic posts and put em all where the sun don’t shine.
Then do us all a favor and take a long walk off a short pier.

what traiterous fool?

the traitors that will let foreign criminals into the country while defunding the police and army, letting vulnerable citizens exposed to criminals and beggers,

are now getting into power.

migration itself isnt a crime,

but migrating and then containing yourself at the expense of others (social justice begging) and environmental consumption however is.

communists are fools because they want to open the border and sell out everyone until they then get unseated themselves by their migrant hordes.

428  Other / Politics & Society / Re: USA PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS 2020: Michael Moore says Trump on course to win ! on: November 08, 2020, 11:13:20 PM
Well the evidence clearly suggest Michael Moore was right. If those Democrat voters did not turn out in large numbers Trump would have been re-elected. Thankfully the whole world can move on from this sorry episode of the previous 4 years and simply move forward with a new US administration.

trump will return,

this short temporary rule by these sellouts and traitors will continue to finish off the last bit of trust and legacy and will further expose the democrats as the criminals that they are.

it will be for the whole nation every, single soldier citizen and policeman to see how the democrats are willing to sell out the property, freedom, human rights and dignity of every single american to the rest of the world (defund police + open border policy) and it will end them. not just in america but also in the entire western world.

no one will want to have anything to doe with these lefto liberal pseudo antiracist social justice warriors anymore.

only corrupt and criminal people will end up siding with them, but only termporarily till they get what they want, then the corrupt will also rob their democrat sellout idiots.

americans will end up begging trump to return becomming president, and trump might even become president/dynasty for decades.

the democrats will destroy themselves in this biden presidency its already beginning

there wont be even any more elections after that because no one will after that still trust the corrupt sellout democrats

this guy thinks like i do

"comming democratic collapse" by ben shapiro
429  Other / Politics & Society / Re: lame duck with baseball bat: a cornered autocrat on: November 08, 2020, 09:08:05 PM
He'll grab whatever he can on his way out. He was golfing on Saturday already, expect a lot of that, or just staying at Mar-a-Lago to maximize the "business" his properties get from his entourage. There are probably many other ways he can enrich himself. Pardons are very likely. I don't think there's going to be anything strategically political from Trump. Likely the opposite. He will end up blaming everyone - including Republicans and his own voters - for his loss.

nope he will blame the democrats for the voter fraud, and only them. until they are gone.
430  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Biden wins the US Election 2020 !! on: November 08, 2020, 06:33:27 PM
It's quite telling that the people who are defending Trump can barely string together a sentence of words that make sense and do not have spelling mistakes. The incoherent ramblings and rage that come from these people just shows that they live a rather unhappy life, always choosing to blame others for their problems. They tend to think of politics as a sports game where they must defend their team at all costs, without admitting any weaknesses that are obvious to anyone who tries to find a balance view. I don't think Biden is anything special, but that is a good thing - politicians should be bland, boring and blend into the background. They already have enough to get on with that they shouldn't need to feel like they must get attention every 5 minutes by saying something that is bound to offend many people - whether that is annoying your allies, while praising enemies or saying Mexico will pay for a wall that they never wanted, or the countless other petty attacks that Trump pulled off with regularity. At least 2020 will end with some great news.

human sense is not what is holding this world together idoit, stop pretending you are nonbiased, you hate the wealthy developed world america/europe and want the democrats to sell them out to foreigners, just like a communist.
431  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [Trump vs Biden] Free Debate Thread, Untainted by Mainstream Propaganda on: November 08, 2020, 05:59:30 PM
democrats will become a laughing stock if they will steal trump presidency with their frauded voting scam

well so called "evidence" is useless if you use it to surpress someone else, based on that "evidence"

the democrats are not just crooked they are also corrupt fashist and evil they have become what they pretend to fight.
432  Other / Politics & Society / Re: E-mail spam from the Trumpsteins on: November 08, 2020, 05:44:37 PM
Sure it is agitating, but can you blame them? They are being systematically denied access to pretty much every online platform.

thats because these democrats are a fraud and a scam
433  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Reptilian World Order on: November 08, 2020, 04:56:52 PM
We believe the Reptilians are advancing their plot for a new order in the world. A Reptilian World Order.  I am using this thread to gather evidence on the Reptilians.  We are especially interested in evidence of a terraformation plot, and identifying high level Reptilians. Post here any information you may have.  i will start by posting some of what I have.

Donald John Trump
Donald Trump is the 45th and current president of the U.S.  To all outward appearances, Donald is just an obese jackass.  But appearances can be deceiving.
Classification: suspected high-level Reptilian

Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton
Hillary Clinton  is a famous politician often referred to as 'Hitlery.'  If you look closely at a picture of her clear Reptilian facial features can be seen.
Classification:  suspected high-level Reptilian

trump is an outsider, the reptilians (harris biden) and the mainstream media around reuters and cnn are hating him to the bones.

now they frauded the election to get rid of trump in order to scam and sell out americans to the entire world like slaves.
434  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Biden wins the US Election 2020 !! on: November 08, 2020, 02:31:44 PM

"Ladies and gentlemen, I've been dumb."
 'I've done some dumb things, I'll do dumb things again ...

What could possible go wrong with a dumber than dumb "leader" (cough).

dumber than dumb leader lead by foreign greed against americans, what can go wrong indeed?

these democrat voters and biden supporters are such damn idiots. they are stupid and follish as shit.
435  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Biden wins the US Election 2020 !! on: November 08, 2020, 02:08:40 PM
The victory of Joe Biden is the victory for everyone, the whole world will now rest.
Yes, it is true, all must be embraced for a greater interest.

This is the rise of the Liberal Agenda.

they have nothing to do  with liberalism they are authoritarian fascists, they use migrants and their crime as their fascist enforcers you braindead idiot, these people belong locked up behind bars, or even executed.

they will sell out america and americans. to foreigners eternally trump is the only hope for americans
436  Other / Politics & Society / Re: lame duck with baseball bat: a cornered autocrat on: November 08, 2020, 12:37:15 PM
I was wondering what sort of carnage a furious and vengeful Trump might wreak between now and Biden's inauguration, but then I found this article, which covers most of it. Apologies for yet another Trump/election thread but it's a broad discussion and I wanted to focus on a specific aspect: the immediate aftermath. What do we think will happen?

There has been talk of a self-pardon, or putting Pence in charge to pardon him for some of his most egregious offences. Not sure how successful this would be, but he'll certainly try - won't he? Another aspect to all of this is the vital Georgia run-offs. Will a couple of months of Trump-fuelled chaos give the Democrats these seats? Now that he's lost, it seems extremely likely that Trump's actions will focus even more on what benefits himself rather than the country. I'd imagine he couldn't care less what happens in future GA elections; that's a problem for someone else to deal with. And to what extent will prominent Republicans continue to back him? Will they break ranks? Will they continue to mostly support him given that almost 50% of voters still love the guy? Appreciate that the transition itself is largely handled by civil servants, so should be smoother than might be envisaged were it entirely Trump-managed. But still, lame duck, baseball bat...

“If Trump loses power he’ll spend his last 90 days wrecking the United States like a malicious child with a sledgehammer in a china shop,” said Malcolm Nance, a veteran intelligence analyst and political author, speaking before the result of the election was known.
“We’re likely to see the greatest political temper tantrum in history. He may decide he wants to go out with a bang, he may decide he will not accept the election result. Who knows what a cornered autocrat will do?”

biden will be a much worse president actually, he will sell out the country to his masters in china. and his BLM violent mobs. thats why biden has populist support, by evil beings.

like you.

during his presidency the corrupt leftleaning media in the west (cnn & Co) will get exposed for what they are. and start their path of annihilation.

biden never legally became president, just because some corrupt media outlets like cnn started to claim that.
437  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Biden wins the US Election 2020 !! on: November 07, 2020, 07:57:22 PM
Seems like 90% of the 10% who are in favor of Biden, sit in the Bitcointalk Forum.


mark my word soon there will be a social environment in the usa in which no one wants to admit that they have supported biden.

in order to give the crazy leftists a free ride to sell out america and americans
438  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [Trump vs Biden] Free Debate Thread, Untainted by Mainstream Propaganda on: November 07, 2020, 07:27:50 PM
democrats will become a laughing stock if they will steal trump presidency with their frauded voting scam
439  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Joe Biden can influence bitcoin on: November 07, 2020, 07:10:09 PM
It is difficult for Biden to support Bitcoin because the IMF and the World Bank are still controlled by the US...
It's no secret, every US president must be controlled by a wealthy US family that has controlled the US economy for decades and on average these rich families really don't like Bitcoin because it has great potential to destroy their financial business. but supposing if Biden supports Bitcoin it could be great news.

jes biden is controlled by a radical and extremist movement.
I agree with you here because Trump was doing some very good things for America and own peoples but now we have again few shit policies which already kill millions peoples around the world and too much hate against USA and Americans I feel Biden's win is really going to hurt USA very badly.

under trump border security reached all time high thats the foundation to run and develop a country.

under the democrats the sellout of america will begin, i hope americans will be able to get rid of those idiots. before they start spreading their wars and violence
440  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Joe Biden can influence bitcoin on: November 07, 2020, 06:58:44 PM
It is difficult for Biden to support Bitcoin because the IMF and the World Bank are still controlled by the US...
It's no secret, every US president must be controlled by a wealthy US family that has controlled the US economy for decades and on average these rich families really don't like Bitcoin because it has great potential to destroy their financial business. but supposing if Biden supports Bitcoin it could be great news.

jes biden is controlled by a radical and extremist movement.

he got voted by dead people many votes were multiple times. by same and death people democrats scammed entire election in order to prevent americans to free themselves from them
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