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461  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Protect your valuable personal information by avoiding tempting offers! on: June 01, 2021, 01:37:37 PM
It's not for nothing, you are becoming millionaire for giving your personal info, who wouldn't want that!?
Yeah, and then the credit card number plus the CCV so they can transfer your money to the card Tongue
462  Local / Bine ai venit! / Re: Nou pe forum on: June 01, 2021, 12:56:06 PM
Bitcoin. Nu te afunda in miile de monede, ca mai mult o sa pierzi. Cat timp esti la inceput (eu zic ca in cel putin primii 2 ani), mergi pe Bitcoin si invata cat mai mult. N-ar strica totusi sa mai citesti una-doua intre timp si despre cate un altcoin.. Odata ce incepi sa te pricepi, poate ca merita sa te bagi si pe alts.

Eu am o esperienta foarte proasta cu 99% din altcoins in care am investit. Nu, moneda aia de $0.001 nu va ajunge prea rapid (sau vreodata) la $1, chiar daca asa pare. Bitcoin probabil are mai multe sanse sa ajunga la $1.000.000 decat moneda respectiva. Smiley

Uita-te la DOGE. Castiguri de sute de ori, totul bine si frumos... pana a cazut si tweet-urile lui Musk erau pline de comentarii precum "mi-am pierdut averea din cauza ta". Graficul arata bine, dar cati crezi tu ca au cumparat jos de tot si au vandut sus? Prea putini sa conteze.... non-elitele pierd, iar banii pierduti ajung la elite..

Bitcoin e sfatul meu sincer, desi am si cateva alts in care chiar am sperante. Smiley
463  Local / Minerit / Re: Eroare minat de pe laptop, se merita sau nu? on: May 31, 2021, 09:54:57 PM
Nu pot vedea poza, ca nu mi se incarca pagina (nu folosesc JavaScript).

Atat ce stiu e ca in general mining-ul de pe device-uri portabile precum telefon/laptop le scurtezza destul de bine durata de viata. Dar acum nu se situeaza ETH pe PoS in loc de PoW sau inca n-a facut trecerea? Daca e pe PoS, nu mai merge treaba cu minatul ci trebuie sa setezi un validator de retea. Dar ai grija, ca spre deosebire de alte monede.. cica ETH cam taxeaza daca nu-ti functioneaza validatorul cum trebuie. Smiley
464  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: 4chan post explains what will happen to bitcoin and it was somehow right on: May 31, 2021, 06:23:37 PM
You can't compete with an elite who's trying to manipulate markets. That is, unless a very large part of the community decides to counter-attack. Yeah, we're very little in comparison with them... and the more power they have, the stronger the repercussions will be when things like what Musk did happen in the crypto world. Should he repeat what he's done a few more times, a lot of people would get immediately out of the markets. But the worst part is that the elites wouldn't have that much power if the regular people wouldn't fuel their manipulation! Musk found a very smart plan and he's applying it, we just have to stop giving these things attention if we ever want those hard drops to be avoided in the future (I'm talking strictly about drops caused by Musk-like manipulations).
465  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin and Dystopian Future on: May 31, 2021, 05:31:12 PM
I think there already are two groups out there. Exactly the ones you mentioned, in fact.

If you saw any futuristic movie, you'd find out that it is mostly shown that the rich and the politically-exposed people are using technology that is banned for the regular people, although there is a group of rebels using it as well behind the curtains. Bitcoin does exactly that.. we're already living the future and it's not fun at all.

I'd bet you anything over 10% of the world's politicians are using Bitcoin or Monero as a way to hide wealth and assets. They're banning it because they hate the idea of us using it, not the idea of them using it themselves! But people seem to always take the bait and fall into their lies. Crimes here, crimes there. Everyone shouting out at Bitcoin and Monero for illicit activity yet nobody comes up with real proof. And by proof, I don't mean statistics...

The digital, modern slavery is right in front of our eyes. We're living it right now! We've lost our right to privacy long time ago, but it's just now that some (very few) people are only starting to realize.

I feel like we're gonna be the rebels..  and not the "good guys"..
466  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: De pe ce platforma este indicat sa investesc in XRP? on: May 31, 2021, 05:17:58 AM
Chiar si partea cu utilizarea corespunzatoare are doua taisuri. Pe de o parte, multi oameni folosesc BTC doar pentru beneficiile speculative. Ei oricum nu vor utiliza niciodata BTC in mod corespunzator, deci nu stiu ce relevanta ar avea daca ar utiliza sau nu portofel non-custodial sau de ce ar face lucrurile P2P. Pe de alta parte, cu cat vor fi mai multi care vor utiliza crypto in mod necorespunzator, cu atat va fi mai usor sa centralizezi intr-un mod artificial reteaua. Adica la un moment dat vom fi noi, cei care folosesc BTC in modul in care se presupune ca trebuia folosit si il trecem prin diverse filtre (mixere?) pentru a ne anonimiza urmele, iar pe cealalta parte vor fi cei care vor folosi BTC intr-un mod 100% supravegheat precum presupune ideea de a investi in BTC prin PayPal.

Nu stiu, si eu tot zic ca o fi bine dar vad ce inseamna sa intre pe fir institutii publice sau personalitati precum Musk. Azi e bun BTC, maine nu-i. Tind totusi sa cred cumva ca tot am avut un iz de dreptate cand am gandit ca toata aceasta "adoptare in masa" a tehnologiei are un mic plan in spate, dar mai am nevoie de ceva timp sa realizez daca ramane doar o conspiratie sau se adevereste pana la urma. Cheesy
467  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Can BTC become the world central currency? on: May 30, 2021, 02:12:20 PM
No. Governments want control, not freedom. This gives you a pretty good answer to your question: if they want to have BTC as a central currency, they'll want to somehow centralize it. So better not..
468  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Stop the FUD! Enough is enough! on: May 30, 2021, 01:56:12 PM
It's mainly their own problem for not caring and for taking advice from complete strangers on an internet page. Honestly, if a random guy's comment is what makes you convinced whether your savings should be put into an asset or not, you really do deserve to learn a lesson. I've tried to make people avoid FUD myself and it's a hell of a job. People do take decisions based on stranger advices and many of them do trust strangers more than their closer friends. That's weird but they will learn their lesson at some point.. Cheesy
469  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: De pe ce platforma este indicat sa investesc in XRP? on: May 29, 2021, 06:38:55 PM
Ai si tu cu siguranta dreptatea ta. Sincer sa fiu, cred ca daca ma uit in istoricul postarilor mele m-am contrazis singur legat de astfel de investitori de nu stiu cate ori Cheesy Am un amalgam de sentimente fata de ei: da, e bine ca vor avea si altii acces mai usor la crypto fara sa se teama, dar pe de alta parte mi se pare un pic ironic sa sustin decizia PayPal de a adauga BTC in conditiile in care Bitcoin se presupune ca e aici pentru a elimina partile terte. Nu stiu daca ar trebui sa ma bucur sau nu de stiri de genul. Cheesy
470  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Protect your valuable personal information by avoiding tempting offers! on: May 29, 2021, 06:35:00 PM
Getting this mail all of a sudden without even registering in some kind of giveaway or so is already weird. My e-mail spam folder is literally clogged up by these "you are now a millionaire" e-mails. And let's be honest right now - anyone who tends to fall to these things will have to learn through experience anyway, because if you're this silly then you will probably mess up at least once..

But yeah, if a random e-mail is worth giving away your personal information then I have no words..
471  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: A legend was once a newbie on: May 29, 2021, 05:24:13 PM
I mean, we all want to rank up and stuff. But am I the only one out here who thinks these kind of posts are quite sketchy, as if there is something else behind the reason of their writing? I mean.. besides financial gain, there is not much you can do in the top ranks without working hard but I feel like this has to come from the inside of your own heart. Never felt the need to be "inspired" by other members... if you enjoy this place just like any other forum, you'll earn your own spot in here - you don't have to feel like you're working for a top-tier spot. It comes by itself... I mean no offense but every time I read these kind of posts I get a weird vibe, lol.
472  Economy / Speculation / Re: Famous Crypto Person warned of Bitcoin crash in Tweet to Elon Musk on: May 29, 2021, 12:15:18 PM
Dude, stop posting a hundred replies one after another. If you have something to say, do it in one post. And besides words.. is there anything else you have to prove your points at all?

I also predicted the top of 2017 back in 2015
And I predicted Bitcoin will hit $60k in 2021 back in 2014
Did I predict the creation of this forum back in 2006? Yes

Oh God, I'm a beast predictor. See? No substance. Just words.

His plans?

He has a new social crypto
Use of his network generates it
So it's endless
Anyone can earn $500 day his plan
He gives out $3000 free
So if giving everyone $500 a day is bad, it sounds like a good thing to me
Aaaand you just proved your true intentions, promoting his scammy-sounding project.
473  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: De pe ce platforma este indicat sa investesc in XRP? on: May 28, 2021, 05:43:54 PM
am vazut stirea - interesant si totusi nu prea. E PayPal - cine a lucrat cu ei stie cum functioneaza. Comisioane nesimtite la tranzactii, la retrageri si strictete destul de enervanta in actiunile si regulile lor. Ma bucur ca accepta retrageri, dar eu in general am fost mereu nemultumit de serviciile lor.
474  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Partidul Unit al Libertăţii Absolute on: May 28, 2021, 11:22:23 AM
Echipa era mult mai mica atunci cand a postat 3dOOm link-ul. Cred ca erau maxim 5 membri. Nu contest ideea ca ar fi fake echipa, sunt oricum destule tepe de-a lungul internetului similare... si din pacate eu stiu doar 4 proiecte romanesti:  P.U.L.A. initiala, P.U.L.A. copiatoare, Elrond si Veros. Din toate astea, un proiect e momentan doar o mema, un proiect e legit, un proiect a fost scam si unul e inca sub semnul intrebarii.
475  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: how to transfer Ledger BTC to a new ledger wallet (anonymously) on: May 28, 2021, 11:18:57 AM
Wait. Using the same seed means the private keys are on the new ledger. But under all new public keys?

The goal is to send the coins from ledger A to ledger B, without being able to trace them.
You can't send coins from ledger A to B without a public transaction record. You either move the seed to another ledger or you move the coins directly through a transaction. Mix the coins or CoinJoin them and then send them to ledger B. This way, your trace is lost.

There is literally no other way to move coins. You either use the same seed or you move them to another address.
476  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: No One Can Shut Down Bitcoin on: May 28, 2021, 09:18:13 AM
They tried to scare us off it, but they couldn't. Now it's unstoppable. They obviously can't do much about it anymore, so they're coming up with various excuaes to try scaring us off it again. Energy consumption, terrorism funding, illicit activity in general, money laundering.. these aren't real reasons but just excuses, and a fair amount of people do take the bait!
477  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Partidul Unit al Libertăţii Absolute on: May 28, 2021, 09:14:51 AM
E suficient sa te uiti la numele membrilor din echipa si realizezi ca sunt romani in cea mai mare proportie. Macar de-l invitau si pe Creanga in echipa, daca tot a venit el cu ideea..
478  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: European crypto tax laws on: May 27, 2021, 06:18:45 PM
Perhaps one way this could work is if you literally leave away everything related to your current country and completely, fully move on to another government. If you can get citizenship for another country and revoke your current one and move everything on there so that you will not be related to your current country anymore, they can't ask you to pay taxes in a country you aren't a citizen of no more. Anyone feel free to prove me wrong.

Anyway, I fully sustain the argument above by LeGaulois. You can't do this based on forum suggestions. Contact experts so that you don't mess up based on opinions..
479  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Iran bans Bitcoin too on: May 27, 2021, 04:59:57 PM
Are Bitcoiners such a Cult that they refuse to see what the news is plainly putting in their face?

Let me explain it then.

Proof of Work energy waste is causing too many problems for the environment and people living on the same power grids.
As such , to protect their people and power grids , Bans on PoW mining are happening.
Nah man, it's just nonsense. Just think of how many bombs and new weapons are being tested every year by the world's armies. Is that good for the environment? Does banknotes production not pollute the air? Do banks not use energy at all? Because as far as I know, there are millions of banks all around the world...

Humans will always leave a footprint. Calling out Bitcoin for using energy to exist is plain bullshit and underlines the true intentions of a government.. instead of banning BTC, they should've joined it and tried to find a way to make it exist while finding a solution to make it more eco-friendly. As long as a proper solution is proposed, we'd go for it! Nobody wants to pollute. This argument is plain crap.
480  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Now Paypal allows us to withdraw BTC to third party wallets on: May 27, 2021, 04:05:33 PM
PayPal is now less bad, but it's still pretty bad, their fees are horrendous and make centralized exchanges look like charity. I think most people who would trade crypto via PayPal are existing PayPal users who have balance, and newcomers who want to buy Bitcoin would almost always choose an exchange.
I disagree - people choose convenience, and it's way easier to add fiat to PayPal and then directly purchase from their app rather than purchase from an exchange and transfer to your private wallet. Newcomers are actually probably the most likely to choose PP over exchanges since most of them care about profits..
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