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541  Other / Off-topic / Re: Do you gamble because you don't have sufficient money? on: May 07, 2024, 09:04:53 PM
I will never make a suggestion to a gambler to gambles when he is financially incapacitated, because even if he manage to look for little amount and use for gambling, there is no hope or certainty for him to win, so I don't see the essence why he should not rather uses the money and feed himself or for other purpose and wait till he is being able to afford having enough to be used for gambling purpose, we shouldn't forces ourselves to gambling, it has to be done under free and convenient atmosphere suitable for us and not for us to gamble and leave other things to be done undone and we are also affected.

I think that poor people can be financially different, after all, this stratum of the population also has those who earn more and earn less.
Nevertheless, the only thing that matters in gambling is that you are very rich, or you are poor or middle class. The difference is that the rich play for emotion, and the poor play for hope. And only in rare cases, they do not hope for a monetary victory, but only for getting good emotions.

an idea to contemplate and discuss is if poor people remain poor for lack of skill, lack of opportunity, a combination of both or something else that is different than that.
emotional awareness is something to consider as you mentioned but risk management too, many such stories of rich people who become poor and vice versa.

You have one very important thing, because when it comes to doing things better it is based on obtaining new skills, that is why you study, that is why eprosna looks for a way to earn money doing a job that is not so complicated, but given. that complicated things are the ones that make the most money, it is understood that when we are generating some money in a casino, Whether poor or Rich , the Person has to be aware of collecting that money, challenging things can be very easy. In this case we are people who every time we do something to Improve it is out of knowledge, and although a lot of knowledge does not guarantee winning in a casino.

It is really true that having extensive knowledge is not a guarantee to get earnings. That's why it's better to gamble for entertainment only. Now there are enough or not many people who do that in gambling, gamblers.

So we are just a game to have fun, just don't be the way or allow things that are not good that can push us into addiction that can also destroy us in the end, instead it should be a good result in the end.

It is true that most people start gambling for fun but it also true that because of the economy of anywhere in the world is getting tighter and tighter that in Europe for example in some countries people are moving from the city center to village life because of unbearable living costs,many people also think of gambling as an escape route from their daily problems.This is a dangerous double edge sword as it can make people fall even deeper in their economic problems.

exactly, Bowtiedbull released an article today exactly about how carreers aren't the best way to final freedom anymore
gambling your way to financial freedom is an attractive path for many that doesn't want to give up and just join the rat race
those in crypto can be greatly rewarded for their gambles with time investment and a little bit of luck.

we see it all the time
542  Other / Off-topic / Re: Do you gamble because you don't have sufficient money? on: May 06, 2024, 04:28:07 PM
Most gamblers on average want to make money, that's why they are willing to desperately pursue wealth from their gambling and usually because they need money quickly, so the only way they believe is by gambling can make people get rich quickly, even though that's just a figment, There are no gamblers who get rich because they gamble, although there are not many, only a handful of people are lucky, even those who lose because they gamble again. People who win at gambling usually end up spending their money gambling again. except for smart people who are good at managing their money well.

Online gambling should be entertainment for rich people, but poor people consider gambling to be more than that, they try their luck that the gambling they play can make money, that's why people gamble because they don't have enough money so they hope to gamble and get a jackpot. can have more money to use and spend, but sometimes it also depends on how each gambler is, each gambler has different goals when gambling, sometimes not all of them want to make money the same and some even consistently see it as entertainment.
That's right because most gamblers see many things happens in casino so they also wants to wins and makes money from gambling. That makes them keeps playing gambling even without stops gambling for a while and they still expect to wins for some money. They don't knows that can only gives them lose much money without have a chance to gets their money back. They thinks that playing gambling is a fast way to gets rich so they don't care with anything that can happens to them. They only thinks about how to wins the games and gets the money so they can use it for the other things.

People must used online gambling wisely to avoids a big lose because playing online gambling can makes them forget about everything, including about the limitation that they already set. That will gives a big risks to them as they can lose their money and they will feels difficult to gets their money back. We as a normal gamblers must knows how to prevents the big lose, especially we already have that experienced before so we must use gambling carefully. We can wins much money but that's not easy so we must thinks about how to used gambling as a fun activity.

I'm pretty confident that some gamblers are way more interested on the dopamine hits than on winning or losing
it's not so much about the money but about the game
crazy, isn't it?

then they don't know when to stop, keep betting and betting more, don't size according to their total bankroll

and end up broke...

543  Local / Brasil / Re: 2 a cada 10 brasileiros GASTAM menos do que GANHAM on: May 05, 2024, 07:37:27 PM
Nossa, pensei que fosse 1 em cada 10 brasileiros. Então a coisa não está tão ruim como eu pensava. Num país onde temos uma brutal desigualdade social, é mais do que esperado, que a maioria absoluta da população, não tenha dinheiro sobrando para GUARDAR. Quem sabe um dia essa situação melhore. A esperança é a última que morre.  Cry

Paredao, chegou a ler o artigo? o problema é geral, acontece em todas as classes sociais, logo não é decorrência da desigualdade e sim da falta de conhecimento e das carecterísticas da nossa cultura...
mas sim, o problema é maior para as classes mais baixas, claro.

Devo conhecer 2 ou 3 pessoas que conseguem guardar dinheiro. A maioria usa o que sobra depois de calcular salário - gastos fixos como um buffer de "gasto livre". Sobrar nao é uma opcao. Tongue

Eu sempre pensei o contrario e sempre tentei economizar o maximo possivel. Estou ganhando mais? Muita gente aumentaria os gastos, comprar um carro melhor, alugar uma casa maior... eu apenas poupo mais e "acelero" meu objetivo de renda passiva.

Mas entendo que a maior parte dos brasileiros é muito pobre e vende o almoco pra pagar a janta, alem de nao ter educacao financeira.

dizem os gurus que tem três formas de enriquecer:
- gastar menos
- ganhar mais
- investir melhor

eu acho ganhar mais muito mais fácil que gastar menos... e acho que gastar menos tem um limite sem sacrificar estilo de vida.
também concordo muito contigo que "o inimigo do enriquecimento é o estilo de vida", aumentar o estilo de vida devagar ajuda muito a não meter os pés pelas mãos ao ganhar mais dinheiro.

comentei da notícia com um amigo e fomos pesquisar a cena nos Estados Unidos, não tem o dado exato igual mas a situação lá, apesar de melhor que aqui, também é alarmante

Quote from: um amigo meu
Only 48% of Americans have enough emergency savings to cover at least three months' worth of expenses, as of May 2023. 22% have no emergency savings at all. Americans' debt is piling up. 36% of U.S. adults have more credit card debt than emergency savings, as of January 2023, the highest percentage since 2011.

MAs isso é totalmente diferente . 50% dos Americanos tem uma reserva de emergência para cobrir 3 meses de despesas.

22% não tem reserva de emergência, o que não quer dizer que gastem mais do que ganhem.

E 36% tem custos de cartão de crédito mensais superiores a sua reserva de emergência. Mas isso não quer dizer que gastem mais do que ganham.
Ou seja, por esse dado aí, não tem dos americanos q gastem mais do que ganham.

totalmente diferente também não
provável que tenha uma correlação com poupadores
mas enfim, não dá pra saber...

Ainda acho que estes números estão inflados.

Na minha percepção, esse número de "poupadores" é muito menor, a maioria vive na ilusão da rodinha dos ratos e viverá sempre endividado para toda sua jornada. Veja que nem estou falando de "investidores".

Não adianta querer sair convencendo a maioria sobre o assunto da educação financeira, além de pagar de retardado master, vão sempre usar frases estúpidas pra justificar o modo de vida, ex. "Vc não vive, tem que aproveitar, pra que poupar ou viver uns degraus abaixo?"



seguindo a linha dessa discussão e já pensando na pequena parcela que poupa super recomendo ler "die with zero", desenvolve essa ideia do "vc tem que aproveitar" mas de forma muito mais consciente, vendo por outro ângulo.

- sempre tive primos pobres que escolhiam gastar e comprar compras de marca, itens de cozinha de porcelana e etc

tem recomendação de onde comprar bons itens de cozinha de porcelana?
perguntando pra um amigo...
544  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Cripto de A a Z: Quais topicos QUALQUER INICIANTE precisa saber? on: May 05, 2024, 07:24:38 PM

História do dinheiro como o Sabota falou é um tema massa mesmo, um dos livros que li que me abriu muito a cabeça foi o "o que o governo fez com nosso dinheiro", do Rothbard, bem bom.

eu acho que vale a pena incluir
- gerenciamento de risco
- gerenciamento de risco
- gerenciamento de risco
- já falei gerenciamento de risco?
- ETH (antes de explicar tokens) e contratos inteligentes.

Nas últimas conversas que tive recentemente com pessoas fora da bolha cripto e de tecnologias, pessoas ''normais'' e inclusive mais velhas, eu sinto que iniciar falando sobre o sistema financeiro e a história do dinheiro, é das melhores formas de começar. Primeiro tem que fazer elas entenderem porque não dá mais pra usar as moedas nacionais, explicar inflaçao que é algo que na prática todo mundo entender. Depois que as moedas fiduciarias pendem o sentido, acho que as pessoas se tornam mais aberta as moedas digitais e fica muito mais fácil explicar qualquer coisa.

Acho que tem que ter uma enfase bem forte em segurança. A importancia da sua seed e como guardar ela, sem perder ou esquecer, não pegar vírus. O maior problema, para mim, é esse. O cara pode entender super bem sobre as vantagens do BTC, mas o fato de um clique errado resultar na perda todas as suas finanças é o que eu mais me tira o sono quando recomendo essa tecnologia para outras pessoas (daí até minha vontade de recompensar uma custodia terceira).

Concordo 100%.
De nada adianta investirmos no melhor ativo do mundo, se nao conseguiirmos guardar ele. É um assunto que acho que nao tratam tanto como deveriam.

a parte mais curiosa é que a maioria das pessoas que conheço não se interessa muito por aprender mais sobre história do dinheiro, inflação, curva de laffer, etc... o que me faz pensar que o poder real de ensinar esse conteúdo está em conseguir deixá-lo interessante e curioso, criar analogias com outras coisas que a maioria das pessoas se interessam pode ser uma via legal para isso.

concordo sobre a parte de segurança, auto-custódia, shamir, proteção contra ataques da chave de fenda de 5 reais, são todos assuntos importantes para incluir.

gosto dessa estratégia em bullet points de "incluir o máximo possivel" e depois "deixar só o que realmente importa"
545  Other / Off-topic / Re: Rich or poor gambler, who should risk more? on: May 05, 2024, 07:14:06 PM
I think I would say, since in the world there are less rich people than poor, then poor people take larger amount of risk, but rich people risk with higher amounts, and both of classes risk identically, since odds are the same. I think it is wrong to think that rich risk more, because when a person gets large amount of money, he spends them unwise only in the beginning, and later try to save and multiply money. Dont think that rich person even risk with a large bet.
When someone gambles, of course they will be faced with risks and they have to take these risks if they want to be able to win the bets they play and in this case I think someone who takes risks in gambling does not depend on the wealth they have or are poor, because everyone does not have the same way of taking risks, if someone can understand well the risks they will face of course they will make the right decision whether they need to take risks or not and if they cannot understand well of course they never will. think about anything and continue betting according to their wishes and it is very likely that they will lose the bet they play.

When someone bets a large amount of course they want a bigger win and this is very impossible for those who have a small bet and for rich people it is very possible for them to do this, but if they cannot control themselves when betting of course this will be very detrimental to themselves.

The advantages will always be for people who are rich, because they risk money and that is what they have the most, if they lose they don't care, they don't fight to have more money, because they know that if they win or lose they don't care, they can play for fun , for a person who has limited resources and sometimes gambles to see if they can get lucky to have money, because they are people who take risks because of their need, and that is good and bad at the same time because you have to be very responsible, but I could to say that when they are going to generate better ways to play to win money, they run out very quickly, and they cannot do more, there are people who fall very quickly due to lack of money, they do crazy things to find more money and bet it, that is what differentiates a poor player from a rich one.

you are right
like my old granpa used to say "it's much easier to make money if you have money"
this is the game
the good thing about not making the path to get money so hard to do is that more people can learn it and get there too if they want

easier said than done but not impossible
546  Other / Off-topic / Re: Have you won a bet with your last cash? on: May 03, 2024, 08:10:54 PM
Yep I ever won with my last cash, but the amount I win wasn't really big, it just half from my bankroll, so I choose to gamble in order to 4x my bankroll and then I lost it all lol. It's really rare for a gambler to win huge with the last cash, but it will something that you won't ever forget it in your life.

Every gambler who already has a mindset like this will be difficult to prevent because he only thinks that betting his last money will recover all his losses but in fact it is rare that the lucky ones end up losing again, spending all the money without any remaining, but if the gambler has a healthier mindset usually he will stop playing when he has used up the budget he has set because it is important to gamble with a limited budget in order to avoid gambling addiction. At least it can be an alarm to stop gambling and not use his last money to gamble, there is still tomorrow to be able to have fun happy again at gambling.
The most important point is don't deposit more money if you run out of your bankroll, comeback later.

going slow is quite helpfull too
sometimes people get mad at themselves for losing and proceed to deposit more and end up losing more
revenge trading can have no mercy

patience and delaying gratification really pays of.
547  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: The madness of gambling addicts. on: May 03, 2024, 07:58:19 PM
Once you become addicted to gambling it is very difficult to get out of it. Gambling addicts are so crazy that anything good they think is bad they will only run towards gambling. When gambling can't keep itself away from the urge it is considered a mental disorder. At this stage even if a person loses everything for gambling he cannot give up gambling addiction. And when this addiction reaches extremes it wreaks havoc in people's lives.
Addiction is a very difficult thing to comprehend for those that have never experimented, as the addicted takes actions that go against their own interests, but their mind is so warped and their priorities so out of place they cannot understand their lives without gambling anymore, which makes them to sacrifice everything for it, a huge mistake as one day they will realize what they have done, and they may try to get their life back on track and they may find themselves alone without anyone willing to help them out.

yes, you are right
when someone is addicted it's not as simple as thinking "oh just stop it"
sometimes the person really wants to stop a habit but depending on the level it is on their body and minds they simply can't
it's stronger than them
it must be fight slowly or all at once...

human behavior is something crazy sometimes.

The bigger mistake is a family that leaves their addicted ward alone to suffer because of his countervailing attitudes. Such thoughts affects more the addicted player in a way that doesn't seem right. It's right for people to focus more in reviving the addicted players. And let them realize they are not heading to the right lifestyle for them. However, correcting an addicted brain is quite very hard, and so tiring that the addict's family at some point would want to let go of him. I don't buy such an idea in cases that has to do with mental illness. As I read above they're not performing those behaviors at their own will. It's just a quick reminder that addicts actually needs help, regardless of their behavior. If left alone, he'd cause more disturbing problem for the family.

The earlier an addicted player is attended to, the healing process begins. Hence whatever treatment method in form of kindness that is utilized will be effective. Engaging in arguments with the addicts only makes them sad and through anger can do something wrong in their process of proving to his family that gambling will surely get him rich. They could sell or steal meaningful treasures from their home and wager in the casino. Actually, due to the stigma an addict feels people have on him, he'd do anything possible to win big, just to remove the stigma. So, those stigmas, hatred and argument placed on addicts is not the right thing doing. It worsens the struggle to save the person.

you are right, that is sad
when we have a support network and people to talk to everything is better, unfortunately that is not the situation of most people in this world so if we are fortunate enough to have a support network we should be thankful for that

some people would rather sink than ask for help, it is quite crazy...
548  Other / Off-topic / Re: Rich or poor gambler, who should risk more? on: May 03, 2024, 07:48:03 PM
Casinos never look at who you are and how much money you have in life, it is actually very simple that if you are involved in gambling then obviously you will have the same chances of winning and the same chances of losing regardless of rich or poor, so obviously I think it is a silly mindset if we compare rich and poor in gambling, and I would say that what makes sense is to compare gamblers who cannot control their gambling activities with gamblers who can control and manage their gambling activities, because if this is the comparison then obviously we will see a difference in terms of the adverse effects or the amount of loss they will experience.

What this means is that whoever you are at the end of the day obviously gambling by only taking a level of risk that is within your means is the best and prudent approach to gambling so that we can be a typical responsible gambler, I am sure all gamblers do not like losing and therefore this is the reason why we should focus more on some things that are beneficial to avoid the possibility of losing large amounts of money and I will reiterate that you cannot compare rich or poor when it comes to gambling because they have the same possibility and it all depends on how they treat their gambling activities.

Yeah, gambling should be fun in a way, if it is more like a chore and you start spending way more than you make I think it is time to re think that strategy

Probably most people would be better off with a limited time of betting.

you are correct
limiting time using a clock, alarm or an angel (trusted person) is helpfull.
Many people will be better of limiting the total bankroll they deposit on gambling websites too
this way even if they blow up they won't be in such a bad situation.
Easy to say but it would really be that so damn hard to be applied or something that you would really be needing up to follow considering that once you do find yourself that not be able to follow up these things
then you would definitely be ending up on spending tons of money and this is something you should really be look out of. As for the question that gambling dealing should be rich or poor in connection with risk taking
then it would really be just that the same. We are dealing something which is really that risky but since we are dealing up with gambling which we know that this is created for the sake of fun and entertainment then
you should expect that losing money is really that part of it. This is why it would really be that important that you do really know on how things be ending up.

Dont expect yourself anytime to be ending up on positive on which you dont really know when luck is really at your side. Doesnt matter whether you are rich or poor on which odds or chances
would really be random anytime.

don't you know the lifelong battletested way to beat luck?
you stop when you're up
that's a way

not fool proof of course but it's one of the many possibilities

I don't see how tracking how much you deposit is so much of a problem too... it can be hard to have the discipline to execute but in terms of what to do it is quite simple
549  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Cripto de A a Z: Quais topicos QUALQUER INICIANTE precisa saber? on: May 03, 2024, 06:48:33 PM
você não está organizando em ordem de importância, só fazendo uma lista, né?

vai criar um curso?

História do dinheiro como o Sabota falou é um tema massa mesmo, um dos livros que li que me abriu muito a cabeça foi o "o que o governo fez com nosso dinheiro", do Rothbard, bem bom.

eu acho que vale a pena incluir
- gerenciamento de risco
- gerenciamento de risco
- gerenciamento de risco
- já falei gerenciamento de risco?
- ETH (antes de explicar tokens) e contratos inteligentes.

aí dependendo de quão específico vc quer deixar:
- NFTs
- airdrops
- Liquidity providing e AMMs
- exchanges de perpétuos / futures e funding rates
- diferentes timeframes para trading (curto prazo e longo prazo)
- ordinals (NFTs no bitcoin)
- provendo liquidez com NFTs (loan platforms)

a lista é infinita

na época que pensei em fazer um curso online sobre crypto levantei vários assuntos e dei uma organizada nisso mas depois preferi navegar meu barquinho por outras águas (tranquilo sabendo que ganho menos hoje do que ganharia se tivesse implementado essa ideia quando entrei no forum)
ainda assim acho a ideia irada e sinto que poderia somar num projeto assim...
550  Local / Brasil / Re: 2 a cada 10 brasileiros GASTAM menos do que GANHAM on: May 03, 2024, 06:42:14 PM
eu vim aqui postar isso mas suspeitei que alguém poderia ter agido mais rápido

achei um absurdo, sabia que a média era baixa mas não tanto.

A vida financeira do Brasileiro médio é como atravessar a rua sem nunca olhar pros dois lados

comentei da notícia com um amigo e fomos pesquisar a cena nos Estados Unidos, não tem o dado exato igual mas a situação lá, apesar de melhor que aqui, também é alarmante

Quote from: um amigo meu
Only 48% of Americans have enough emergency savings to cover at least three months' worth of expenses, as of May 2023. 22% have no emergency savings at all. Americans' debt is piling up. 36% of U.S. adults have more credit card debt than emergency savings, as of January 2023, the highest percentage since 2011.
551  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: The madness of gambling addicts. on: May 02, 2024, 08:11:50 PM
Once you become addicted to gambling it is very difficult to get out of it. Gambling addicts are so crazy that anything good they think is bad they will only run towards gambling. When gambling can't keep itself away from the urge it is considered a mental disorder. At this stage even if a person loses everything for gambling he cannot give up gambling addiction. And when this addiction reaches extremes it wreaks havoc in people's lives.
Addiction is a very difficult thing to comprehend for those that have never experimented, as the addicted takes actions that go against their own interests, but their mind is so warped and their priorities so out of place they cannot understand their lives without gambling anymore, which makes them to sacrifice everything for it, a huge mistake as one day they will realize what they have done, and they may try to get their life back on track and they may find themselves alone without anyone willing to help them out.

yes, you are right
when someone is addicted it's not as simple as thinking "oh just stop it"
sometimes the person really wants to stop a habit but depending on the level it is on their body and minds they simply can't
it's stronger than them
it must be fight slowly or all at once...

human behavior is something crazy sometimes.
552  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Vocês aumentariam o próprio salário se pudessem? on: May 02, 2024, 08:01:44 PM
Por coincidência, acabo de ver um tweet do MonkeyStocks e exemplifica bem a minha visão nos comentários anteriores. De certa forma é uma ideia muito boa que promove a produtividade dos nossos políticos. Eu, particularmente gostei bastante da ideia.

nossa, gostei muito
é uma forma de incluir skin in the game no processo de gestão

o velho e bom "políticos deveriam ter que colocar seus filhos em escola pública"

o problema é que como a maior parte das políticas interessantes que necessitam que o status quo migre levemente para algo que faz sentido: tem chance absurdamente baixa de ser aprovada.

vale lembrar também que o que motiva um político não é só o salário, eles tem muitas regalias e possibilidades de poder, definindo fluxos de negócios e contratos
mesmo com salários baixos ainda teriam incentivos suficientes para serem corruptos.
553  Economy / Gambling / Re: | Casino & Sportsbook | VIP | Instant withdrawals!|ARGENTINA & AVFC on: May 02, 2024, 07:51:22 PM
I think the theme with reading multiple pages ToS is not even about lazyness but about self-respect
some terms of service takes weeks to read, days... who has all this time? a lot of it is just shouting "take my data" and letting it be...

The inconvenience of long ToS is true but it explains why a platform has FAQs page for more summary information on most basics and it is why they have Customer Support Staffs. You can have Bot support first, then if necessary, you will be directed to human customer support staffs.

These resources on website, bot to human can help guests or users get almost basic information they need to use a platform.

I don't find reading the ToS as inconvenient at all because it's mandatory to read so that we know what we are agreeing to, it's true that people just skip and accept all the terms without even reading at all. Atleast I will recommend to take a look at the most important things like the restricted country list, and information regarding KYC verification. But one should give a glance at the ToS page before making their first deposit if they don't want to take any risk at all.

do you read the ToS of every service you use?
because this is not even possible nowadays

two articles on the matter here:

nobody has time for that
ToS is usually to check specific parts of it or to check once you have a problem because reading before using the service it's often almost impossible...
specially if you do it for all the services and apps you use.
554  Other / Off-topic / Re: Rich or poor gambler, who should risk more? on: May 02, 2024, 07:38:08 PM
Casinos never look at who you are and how much money you have in life, it is actually very simple that if you are involved in gambling then obviously you will have the same chances of winning and the same chances of losing regardless of rich or poor, so obviously I think it is a silly mindset if we compare rich and poor in gambling, and I would say that what makes sense is to compare gamblers who cannot control their gambling activities with gamblers who can control and manage their gambling activities, because if this is the comparison then obviously we will see a difference in terms of the adverse effects or the amount of loss they will experience.

What this means is that whoever you are at the end of the day obviously gambling by only taking a level of risk that is within your means is the best and prudent approach to gambling so that we can be a typical responsible gambler, I am sure all gamblers do not like losing and therefore this is the reason why we should focus more on some things that are beneficial to avoid the possibility of losing large amounts of money and I will reiterate that you cannot compare rich or poor when it comes to gambling because they have the same possibility and it all depends on how they treat their gambling activities.

Yeah, gambling should be fun in a way, if it is more like a chore and you start spending way more than you make I think it is time to re think that strategy

Probably most people would be better off with a limited time of betting.

you are correct
limiting time using a clock, alarm or an angel (trusted person) is helpfull.
Many people will be better of limiting the total bankroll they deposit on gambling websites too
this way even if they blow up they won't be in such a bad situation.
555  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Terão às mensagens encriptadas os dias contados? on: May 02, 2024, 07:28:48 PM
Essa guerra existe há MUITOS ANOS. Acontece que as vezes ela esquenta e as vezes esfria. Acho que quão pior esta o contexto macro, pior ela fica. Quando os governos estão loucos, gastando demais e sem grandes perspectivas de melhoria, eles precisam arrumar mais dinheiro, se tornar mais censuradores, mais absolutistas e a guerra contra a privacidade e contra a criptografia volta a ficar animada.

Pra quem nunca leu, recomendo também a leitura do artigo '' Porque eu escrevi o PGP'':
Esse cara foi um dos primeiros a encarar essa batalha.

oh, recomendação interessante. lerei!
Valeu Rafa

nesses assuntos gosto de lembrar o debate sobre a legalização e regulação das armas.

agora que dá para imprimir uma arma 3d em casa o debate regulatório muda completamente de figura.

Ainda tem que existir regulação sobre compra e venda de armas onde for possível, mas nada vai impedir que alguém que realmente queira ter uma arma consiga tê-la, tanto num país com acesso à tecnologia em que agora vc pode imprimir uma em casa, quando no Brasil que sempre foi possível comprar uma do crime se vc realmente procurar...

o ponto é: a nova tecnologia que surge muda a dinâmica de poder.

Independente do meu ponto de vista sobre armas serem legais ou não, reconhecer esse fato ajuda em outros assuntos.

Mesmo que o governo decida "ok a partir de agora veremos tudo que vocês falam no privado, querem suas nudes, queremos saber onde vocês estão a todo momento, queremos saber com quem você transaciona e quem pega seus filhos na escola!" você poderá falar "não obrigado" e usar um app que o governo e nenhuma entidade privada não podem controlar

556  Other / Off-topic / Re: Do you gamble because you don't have sufficient money? on: May 01, 2024, 10:12:46 PM
I will never make a suggestion to a gambler to gambles when he is financially incapacitated, because even if he manage to look for little amount and use for gambling, there is no hope or certainty for him to win, so I don't see the essence why he should not rather uses the money and feed himself or for other purpose and wait till he is being able to afford having enough to be used for gambling purpose, we shouldn't forces ourselves to gambling, it has to be done under free and convenient atmosphere suitable for us and not for us to gamble and leave other things to be done undone and we are also affected.

I think that poor people can be financially different, after all, this stratum of the population also has those who earn more and earn less.
Nevertheless, the only thing that matters in gambling is that you are very rich, or you are poor or middle class. The difference is that the rich play for emotion, and the poor play for hope. And only in rare cases, they do not hope for a monetary victory, but only for getting good emotions.

an idea to contemplate and discuss is if poor people remain poor for lack of skill, lack of opportunity, a combination of both or something else that is different than that.
emotional awareness is something to consider as you mentioned but risk management too, many such stories of rich people who become poor and vice versa.
557  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: The madness of gambling addicts. on: May 01, 2024, 09:56:58 PM
There are usually underlying issues with gamblers, and the gambling casinos simply offer a way out of their troubles.

It's a temporary fix to a more long term issue. And the thing is that gambling can of course make these initial troubles even larger.

The key thing is to remember to keep things under control, because you might end up in a worse position trying to fix your issues.

It is similar with any other addiction, like alcohol for example.
I was looking out for the temporal solution provided by the gambling platform as you’ve referred but, you apparently didn’t suggest any. I don’t think any gambling platform would suggest anything aside from its T&C. It’s T&C like,

Not having to play repeated games,
a legal registration age grade and
Possibly, having minimum and maximum stakes per game

Is where they often draw the line and at times, it helps gamblers. Especially those who gamble large amounts but, these are gamblers who don’t really care much about the losses.

For most, you just ensure your not gambling above your limits and not always.

As you have said, the casinos will not be found responsible for the way we gambles or all the challenges we face at the cause, all they are after is on our strict compliance on their terms and conditions, they are there to make their money and could encourage any means to see that gamblers are involved in the use of their platform all the time, regardless of how it may have cost them, gamblers are the ones that should be responsible for themselves on how they gambles, plan ahead for themselves and also make the right decision of what is good for them.

it's a better world where we are responsible for our actions
but also would be good to have warns on casinos and ways for people to protect from themselves if they start to get addicted like freezing their own accounts, easy way to put time limits, I don't know
things like that...
558  Other / Off-topic / Re: Rich or poor gambler, who should risk more? on: May 01, 2024, 09:47:22 PM
Casinos never look at who you are and how much money you have in life, it is actually very simple that if you are involved in gambling then obviously you will have the same chances of winning and the same chances of losing regardless of rich or poor, so obviously I think it is a silly mindset if we compare rich and poor in gambling, and I would say that what makes sense is to compare gamblers who cannot control their gambling activities with gamblers who can control and manage their gambling activities, because if this is the comparison then obviously we will see a difference in terms of the adverse effects or the amount of loss they will experience.

What this means is that whoever you are at the end of the day obviously gambling by only taking a level of risk that is within your means is the best and prudent approach to gambling so that we can be a typical responsible gambler, I am sure all gamblers do not like losing and therefore this is the reason why we should focus more on some things that are beneficial to avoid the possibility of losing large amounts of money and I will reiterate that you cannot compare rich or poor when it comes to gambling because they have the same possibility and it all depends on how they treat their gambling activities.

most of the times companies don't really care about your personal circumstances
and if you think about it most of service websites and goods stores aren't like that too
you go to the pharmacy, they won't really ask if you're buying a med to fight pain or if you're addicted to it and use it in an unhealthy way that is messing with your sleep schedule and your life...

at the end of the day we are the own judges of our lives.
559  Local / Brasil / Re: você sabe quanto dos gastos públicos no Brasil vem de impostos? on: May 01, 2024, 09:23:47 PM
Qual é a desse Claude? nunca ouvi falar.

O meu maior problema com esses modelos LLM ainda são a sua altíssima capacidade de inventar números, dados, frases, basicamente qualquer coisa... enquanto fazem isso de forma tão organizada que parece ser verdade. Hoje, depois de tudo que eu já vi, eu não botaria minha mão no fogo pelos números e porcentagens que eles passam.

De que adianta escrever bonitinho se os números podem simplesmente terem sido inventados? no final das contas só verificando tudo manualmente para confirmar.

então, realmente, pequei de não verificar os fatos, mas alguns não sei onde buscar

Claude é o LLM da anthropic, a empresa que a FTX vendeu parte de seu stake para pagar os clientes ahaha
vi alguns testes que dizem que a versão gratuita dele é mais inteligente que o chatGPT da openAI, mas é a mesma vibe.

o portal da transparência tem uns dados interessantes

às vezes sinto falta de saber programar e lidar melhor com dados. assunto maneiro
560  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Terão às mensagens encriptadas os dias contados? on: April 30, 2024, 09:28:34 PM
A polícia está atrás de criminosos que se escondem atrás do anonimato. Isso é normal. Tem que ver se tem ou não a ocorrência de crimes usando essa tecnologia. O que também não se pode é aceitar crimes em nome da privacidade e da liberdade de expressão. Tem que haver sempre uma apuração criteriosa.

A tecnologia é amoral. Ela serve aos dois lados da força.

Podem tentar bloquear criptografia ponta a ponta e talvez até forçar o meta a remover a funcionalidade do whatsapp (se é que realmente é segura...)

mas apps como o signal e até outros baseados em web3 como o status não terão como ser bloqueados, só possivelmente terão a fraqueza de serem técnicos demais (vencida com o tempo e com bons devs e UX designers) e não terem base de usuários suficiente.

Se eu conseguisse que todos meus amigos e familiares usassem o signal migraria com o maior prazer... Mas a resisitência à mudança é forte.
e olha que eu, um mero plebeu, nem tenho grandes coisas a esconder...

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