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561  Other / Meta / Re: Censorship in off-topic on: October 17, 2018, 04:08:34 PM
They're not looking to have spam removed, it's the proofs I've posted they're after, the posts I put hard work and research into, that's what they're after!

I fucking love you bro, you literally make me laugh with every post you make.  Your hard work and research can be proven 100% false by just looking at a picture and saying round.

Maybe follow the rules to avoid getting shit deleted, while you are definitely a special snowflake that doesn't come with you being entitled  to special treatment here on the forums, you do probably need some special mental treatment though, look into that bro, drugs are good these days man!

Then don't bump it - don't make multiple posts in a row. It's not a complicated concept. Figure out how to use Edit and/or Insert

When a person is not able to look at a picture and identify a round object then perhaps understanding and following rules is a significantly complicated mental challenge?

Your friendly neighborhood nazi censor
562  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Saudi Journalist Megathread on: October 17, 2018, 03:49:31 PM
I believe he is a US citizen,

Hes a permanent resident, not a citizen of the US.  Hes a Saudi citizen although he does have 2 children that are American Citizens.

Trump has declared the press is the enemy of the people is it really a wonder why autocratic regimes think they can get away with anything they want???

There wont be anything happen to MBS or Saudi over this he has gotten away with it so the USA might as well just keep their fucking noses out of it, you're not the fucking world police you know that right?
563  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Shoot The Shit About American Politics on: October 17, 2018, 12:01:42 PM
I would like to thank the Republican party personally!  The USA economy as always is dragging the Canadian economy right along with it and we are enjoying the absolute shit out of it!

So thank you to the middle and lower class for paying for the tax cuts to the rich that have your economy booming and your deficit ballooning.

Trump loves to talk about how Americans get a raw deal paying for everything well guess what you guys are all paying right now for my booming economy, thank you very very very much.

I think I might be becoming a republican as it is proving to be lucrative for me and I don't have to rack up the deficit in my country to enjoy the benefits.

Trump: make america pay to make other countries economies boom!
564  Other / Meta / Re: Posting as Jet Cash and JetAid in the same thread. on: October 17, 2018, 04:42:15 AM
I wish everyone would read the fucking thread...

No one thought of or mentioned banning Jet Cash, that is simply absurd.

No one has said posting in a thread with 2 diff accounts is against the rules.

I did not remove his post, I sent a very polite PM asking him to avoid doing it in the future because we have a lot of people that refuse to edit posts and post multiple times in a row in the P&S section (which is against the rules) so rather than remove them I asked Jet and many other users to not do it.
565  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Saudi Journalist Megathread on: October 17, 2018, 02:54:31 AM

Trump is going to roll over for the Saudis, as would any of the last few previous presidents. They're too valuable in economic and military terms. It's incredibly hypocritical and pathetic.

No doubt dem or republican they would have all caved to the Saudis, lets not forget which party had the WH when MBS got into the war with Yemen.  While the Obama administration did marginally pull back in their support of the the kingdom it doesn't change the fact that without the support of the sitting (D) POTUS and American arms they wouldn't have been able to start the fucking war in the first place...

The US has a horrible history of toppling regimes only to have a worse one end up in power and not being able to win police actions in civil wars...  Besides those motherfuckers in the middle east have been at war for a few thousands years and no matter what can't figure out how the fuck to live close to each other (thanks to religion).  So the US should stay the fuck out of it over there cause they ain't fixin it anytime soon!
566  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Shoot The Shit About American Politics on: October 17, 2018, 01:12:26 AM
You going to seriously argue Canada's NOT THE ENEMY?

Those socialist pigs must die every last stinking one of them  Wink I hear they are hard to kill though with that awesome healthcare!

Back in the day this seemed like a far fetched comedy, today, not so far fetched LOL if you Allan Alda Trump what I mean!


"How did you know that was a nuclear facility?"
"Well they fooled us on that one it was actually a hospital, but it was a hell of a strike"

567  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Saudi Journalist Megathread on: October 16, 2018, 10:55:18 PM
Why making a fuss about this one journalist. Saudi are killing hundreds of innocent civilians daily in Yemen. And it is not even on the media.

Shhhhhh Americans don't like to think about this president and his democratic predecessor supporting a regime that is starving a group of people while bombing the living shit out of them (including civilians) with American arms!

The American foreign policy is a joke, not Trumps doing, its been fucked up for decades and I for one am sick of them being the world police since they suck balls at it!
568  Other / Meta / Re: Posting as Jet Cash and JetAid in the same thread. on: October 16, 2018, 05:55:45 PM
So what does this and this qualify as?
(and no, I wasn't the person reporting the posts.)

Thanks Ibminer I believe I copied the wrong link in my PM.  IIRC this was the reported posts.

And again I am not deleting the post it isn't a problem but rules are there to follow for all, so I asked for assistance so I DON'T CENSOR posts LOL...
569  Other / Meta / Re: Posting as Jet Cash and JetAid in the same thread. on: October 16, 2018, 05:16:32 PM
Posting in the same thread with alts isn't against the rules. Posting with them back to back maybe (or may be unnecessary), but since you're not on a signature campaign with either of them it probably isn't a problem/issue.

I think they were adjacent, but not made on the same day.

I don't have a problem with the mod in question, he was very helpful and constructive.

I think whoever reported it is the sad case, and it was probably done because he didn't agree with my comment, but he wasn't man enough to speak out with his opinion. But of course, that is just my conjecture.

They were back to back within a few minutes of each other, post 1 and 2 in the thread.  Post #2 is currently about 45 mins after the OP and your jet aid post was #2 before it was removed (I did not remove it btw as I said it could stay without any problem I just asked you to not do it again).

A relatively large number of people in the P&S section are posting back to back to back to back (not you but this was a very quick multi-post that again I left because it wasn't an issue).

I have started to tighten up on a number of members who post back to back with in 24 hours.  A simple update of the post above it is more than easy to do and does help keep the thread tidy, I assumed you of all people would appreciate a tidy readable thread!

It has nothing to do with censoring, what account you posted or the content, this is was a request, which I have made to a number of regulars to assist me in making threads comply without me having to remove users posts.

Post with jet aid, jet cash, fittotalk, talktomyself, talktothevoicesinmyhead or any other name you wish sir, I honestly don't care but as a courtesy to the forum and other users I ask we all follow the rules!

For reference here is the PM I sent:

Hey Jet Cash,

I got a report from a user about multi-posting in your thread. (Edit I made a mistake in the link in the PM this is not the posts in questions, my apologies for the confusion).

Technically multi-posting across accounts AFAIK is still against the rules.  I am going to leave the posts as it wasn't done as spam and it doesn't really bother me from a good user and mark the report as handled but if I could ask for you to avoid doing this again in the future please that would be greatly appreciated!


What I don't understand is how it was interpreted as the problem being posting on 2 accounts in the same thread, I specifically mention multi-posting across accounts, I never said multi accounts weren't permitted in a thread!

I think whoever reported it is the sad case, and it was probably done because he didn't agree with my comment, but he wasn't man enough to speak out with his opinion. But of course, that is just my conjecture.

This is silly conjecture because you can re-post the exact same information as an update in your post above it and IT WILL NOT be deleted.  So if that was his hope it was stupid because it won't fucking work! I didn't delete or ask you to delete I specifically said I would leave the post without issue!

You could also re-post it now, from any account you want and I won't delete it either.  I don't care if a user reports a post he doesn't like it if it isn't breaking the rules it isn't going anywhere.  There are almost no posts removed (by me) for the actual content of the post so if a post is removed thats not spam, figure out why it was removed and re-post it properly because I assure you it was not the content that got a non spammy post removed.
570  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Saudi Journalist Megathread on: October 16, 2018, 04:43:04 PM
An appropriate response not an overreaction is needed here. Something to demonstrate our disapproval and change behavior not cause a world crisis. I trust Trump to figure out what that response is.

The point is anything he says or does is irrelevant and will not change anything MBS is going to do.  More lip service because oil, arms, apartments.  Too much money on the line.

Trump: "Bad rogue Saudi Agents" the royal family knew nothing about and certainly did not authorize the killing of Khashoggi.  We can not punish the American and Saudi people for rogue actors trying to disrupt the world order!

I don't believe that narrative for a second but it is the one they will use. I believe MBS ordered the brutal murder of Khasoggi but I don't think the US should be sticking their nose in there unless they are ready to do far more than say harsh meaning less words, what are they going to do demand MBS stand trial for it LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
571  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Saudi Journalist Megathread on: October 16, 2018, 04:18:00 PM
LOL fuck off with the world police shit already I don't need to pay more at the pump in Canada because some moron dissident was stupid enough to go into a dictators embassy.

US consume lots oil, Saudi Arabia sells lots of oil, US makes Arms, Saudi Arabia buys Arms, Trump sells lots of apartments, Saudi's buy lots of apartments from Trump!  Hmm not hard to see that the only people that will end up being hurt by this is the poor sacks of shit like me at the pump... Any fucking sanctions aren't going to hurt anyone but "me".
572  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee. on: October 16, 2018, 03:53:00 PM
I am just glad it won't be Hillary. She tried playing the feminist card, but her personal choices showed she does not mind if she is disrespected by men (meaning her own husband). Her actions didn't seem to match her words.

Hilary is a hypocritical twat and the interview with her and her sexual predator husband last night made me want to puke.  How she can defend her husband by saying Lewenski was an adult is stupid.  Bill used his power to prey on the women her age is fucking irrelevant unless she was a minor which no one ever claimed.  Not to mention Lewinski wasn't the only victim of her husband.

I can't respect a women that stands by her predator husband and then condemns all the other powerful predators and saying women should be heard etc etc.

In terms of morals when it comes to sexual misconduct I personally can't see a whole lot of difference between Bill and Donald but Hilary can justify a difference.

TBH I can see why centre leftist were be turned off by Hilary (even though she won the PV)

Hilary would IMO be the worst possible candidate for the dems in 2020.  The dems need a younger (say early 50's) charismatic candidate that can win in the centre of the fucking country.

I think Beto just might put his name in the ring, but I just don't know if he has enough popularity outside Texas to make a real run.

God I hope Warren doesn't win the nom, she seems like a fucking train wreck.
573  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Should the US be spending money on this B-2 stealth bomber? on: October 15, 2018, 07:17:11 PM

They have to build the stealth bombers so Trump can invade Canada!
Well, what do you expect?

We can't just let them get away with having all that ice.

Don't forget the Maple syrup, god damn Canadians have been manipulating the Maple Syrup market by hoarding the stuff for decades!  B-2's will level the playing field and give Americans access to the Canadian Ice and Maple Syrup market!
574  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Should the US be spending money on this B-2 stealth bomber? on: October 15, 2018, 03:05:58 PM

They have to build the stealth bombers so Trump can invade Canada!
575  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh OT Thread on: October 15, 2018, 02:22:40 PM
Mod's Note: At the request of a user I have split the OT posts from the original thread so the OT debate can continue unmoderated!

Might as well make this the "shoot the shit" about Amercian political tribalism, support trump, impeach trump etc etc thread!  I will just let the thread havea go in any old direction people feel like talking about so nothing would really be off topic as long as it's in relation somehow to american politics!

BTW legalize fucking weed already man, it being a federal sched 1 narcotic is just retarded LOL, its 2018 you know!

Also you americans are kind of ignorant when it comes to this shit.  If I buy and smoke week legally in my home country then I am technically never allowed to travel to the US because I have broken one of your federal laws, not in your country but in my country...

If I am asked at the airport if I have ever smoked weed and I answer truthfully yes, I am black listed and not allowed to enter the US again.  If I lie to the federal agent and say no, I have now committed a federal crime in the USA and broken your laws.

I think we need a wall on the 49th parallel and we should make the turtles pay for it!  Those god damn Canadians coming across the border HAS to be stopped at all costs!
576  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Should UBI Replace all Welfare Systems? on: October 15, 2018, 12:04:21 AM
I just don't understand UBI, someone has to pay for it.  Deficits are ballooning out of control I can't imagine handing everyone free money is going to help fiscal responsibility...

There are WAY better ways IMO to help the lower classes (if that was the goal which I am sure it is never the goal of any politician hehe) that actually incentivize working. 

Reducing the tax burden on working people by increasing the non taxable income threshold would be a major start to helping low wage families that actually work.

I am also very unclear why people are in favour of some kind of UBI but resist a higher minimum wage (or reject the concept of min wage at all).
577  Other / Archival / Re: . on: October 13, 2018, 03:17:38 PM
578  Other / Archival / Re: . on: October 12, 2018, 09:44:17 PM
0.005BTC  Cool
579  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee. on: October 12, 2018, 01:29:33 AM
I watched a couple of the Beto O'Rourke rallies and he seems likes the kind of guy that could win in the centre of the US.  If he could manage to overcome the odds and win his race then he could start to make a reputation outside his state and that might be something to watch in 2024 if the Dems don't have an incumbent in the WH.
580  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The Court Has Confirmed Brett Kavanaugh on: October 11, 2018, 09:42:49 PM
The question now is would you call the President and ask him to get the best agency in the world to try to clear your name?  Or would you sit back and the black cloud hang over you and let everyone make an uniformed decision based on no facts.

Occam's razor bro, Kavanaugh had EVERYTHING to gain and absolutely nothing to lose by asking for a full investigation if he was 100% innocent. Clarence Thomas and George Bush did a full investigation.

1. Do you think with the amount of leaks that are in the Trump administration, that Kavanaugh would be able to get away with making this sort of phone call and Trump ordering the FBI to listen to him without anyone in the media finding out? The media finds out about things with MUCH lesser importance, this would come out in a second if it was true -- but that's just my view of the leaks and such.

What are you talking about with that red herring?  I noticed you didn't answer the question.  Nothing about asking for the POTUS to open a supplemental background investigation after new allegations is unethical, illegal, immoral or anything.  Bush did it for Thomas as referenced above.

Would it make it easier for you to actually answer the question if I said he could have done an Op Ed, open email, public request or hell even asked for it during the hearing when the Dem Senator asked him if he wanted one, requesting Trump direct the FBI to open a supplemental investigation to clear his name so there is no worries about leaks?

The whole, he's not fit for the bench thing is a subjective question -- and while I do think that he is fit for the bench, and many respected people do as well. But we must remember that it's going to be subjective on if he is fit for the bench, though I personally do think that he is.

Of course it's subjective which is why SC Justices have NEVER (AFAIK) publicly stated there subjective opinion that a nominee is NOT fit for the bench.

Yet the first time it has ever happened was by the 3rd longest serving Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America.

You can ignore an unprecedented event by the single most experienced person alive and assume your opinion is better than his but no offense bro I'll stick with Justice Stevens unprecedented move by offering his opinion.

And the whole thing about bogging down the WH with investigations -- why?

Because the House will want to ensure things were done properly, I believe your Founders called it Checks and Balances, I was under the impression that was important to Americans, guess not hehe, you facist!
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