You are a very hard-working guy, bitmover. Thanks. I had a lot of time to study JavaScript and python in this quarantine. I like to work on this. I think i will take a break now, before my next project (no plans yet) Thanks. However, the important thing is at the end, how do you feel about pie chart, bar chart and especially the difference between horizontal versus vertical bar charts?
i had a little chat with a friend who is statistician and he said barcharts are the way to go (just like the article I shared earlier) Vertical / Horizontal depends on the amount of data you have. Personally, I will just keep pie charts if I have less than 5 values to compare. Otherwise, bar charts. I think horizontal ones are more beautiful. But I like vertical ones as well. Edit: I will spend time to look at your updates and will focus on the last one, for Segwit.
I noticied some miners are really resistant to segwit Take a look for example EMCD in daily data. It mined 3 blocks. No empty blocks. How come they only have 37.2% segwit adoption while all others have 50%? They are intentionally removing segwit transactions, you can see that when you compare their total reward: it is lower than the others, only 7.08BTC per block, while the average is 7.36. I am thinking about sharing this kind of data in the mining board, but I am afraid of those moderators who just delete everything lol I think it is important that people become aware that some mining pools are getting lower rewards just to favor legacy transactions. Edit2: This can also be seen here: There are no miners in the bottom right side of the chart: Low Reward and High Adoption. But you can see many miners in the bottom left side: Low Reward and low adoption. All high reward miners are in the top right side: High Reward and High adoption. if you want to work with the raw data: have all that data in json format in the domain, which I prefer. I can help you access it if you need.
I made a big update! Finally I was able to handle week data, thanks to LoyceV who created a new directory for me. Now you can just click on the button "last week" or "last day" to get the data you want (you will need to wait a few moments, 700kb file needs to be loaded)
Following tranthidung suggestion, I made an horizontal bar charts for miners: and my favorite one, the scatter plot of block reward x segwit adoption: Here we can see that miners who put more segwit transacftions inside a block get more fee rewards. That's interesting. I will try to find a way to get more data into it!
I can see your enthusiasm and I share it. However, we are in ath again. This is not the best moment to be brave, but the best moment to be cautious. Be brave when there is blood in the streets.
I would add an adblocker (I like ublock)
There are many advertisements which are phising sites and scams. You will have a better and safer internet experience without any ad, specially if you have cryptocurrencies (there are a lot of phising sites , and some will be blocked)
I will close this topic, as it became a discussion whether cm should or not increase/decrease pay rates and what do people think about it. This wasn't the idea when I created this topic, but most replies were about it.
4 MB is a theoretical limit. In practice, it won't be reached. Miners are already filling up blocks as much as they can, you just don't see this reflected in the block size because the actual metric is block weight. The block weight for these blocks has been as close to the limit as possible.
The 4 MB theoretical limit comes from a calculation where the block consists of entirely witness data. This is simply not possible because transactions consist of a non-negligible amount of non-witness data. For a block to come close to that limit, it would essentially be a single transaction that doesn't do a whole lot but has an input with a ridiculous amount of witness data. But that's not very useful or practical.
Blockexplorers still show blocksize in bytes, maybe this is what op is referring to. Blocksize is still about 1.3 mb on average, probably due to the fact that we still have more than 50% legacy transactions which occupy more space (please correct me if I am wrong) I made this dashboard where you can see the last 24hours blocks from Average Block Weight 3,967,633 WU Average Block Virtual Size 991,908 vbytes Average Block Size 1,324,212 bytes . Couldn't a miner validate more transaction to benefit people waiting for confirmation and himself in form of more tx fees?
I noticed that some miners confirm blocks with more segwit transactions than others. Some mining pools often mine blocks with 30% segwit transaction, a way below average. I noticed that those miners usually get lower rewards in the blocks as well. I made those charts (with 1 week data) I just combined both charts and confirmed that miners that mine blocks with more segwit transactions receive more fees rewards than those who mine blocks with more legacy transactions. I have this data in my dashboard, but you can only visualize it with one week data. You cannot see it online but I will paste it here. You can see that some miners like Okex and TMSpool usually mine blocks with 35 37% segwit transactions, and they also get less reward than others. There are no miners in the 4th quadrant, where they have a high segwit adoption and low reward. All low reward miners have low segwit adoption. In daily charts this information is not clear, but in 1 week it is possible to see it. (i will publish it soon)
Convém ter cuidado de onde e para onde transferimos moedas relacionadas com exchanges, não por estarmos em Portugal mas porque alguns exchanges fazem analise ao blockchain e podem banir contas por estarmos a usar determinados serviços.
Há relatos de Coinbase banir utilizadores por usarem determinados serviços de jogos de sorte e azar.
Existe uma maneira de tentar passar despercebido das exchanges nesse sentido. Em vez de mandar direto do casino para a exchange, voce pode fazer algumas transações dentro da sua propria wallet e somente depois enviar os fundos para a exchange. Como voce esta enviando para voce mesmo e não tem pressa, pode usar uma taxa baixa. O Antonopoulos explica nessa video. A ideia é simples: As excahnges vao fazer uma análise do blockchain de alguns endereços para trás. Elas nao tem como olhar todo o histórico de todas as moedas, porque se assim o fizessem elas perceberiam que quase todas as moedas já passaram algum dia por casinos ou mixers. Então, voce faz umas 4 ou 5 transações e suas moedas estarão "limpas".
Como me torno nisso ai?
Você teria que aumentar a sua activity ou comprar o rank Copper para aumentar os limites. O rank pode ser comprado aqui, mas não acho que valha a pena se você é só um usuário comum. Melhor tentar ir atrás de um rank melhor, que você ganha com o tempo. No próximo período de activity (cada um dia duas semanas), você já ganha os 15 de activity e seu limite aumenta para 10 por hora. Dá uma lida aqui sobre isso. Obrigado amigo. Vc é dos meus poucos topicos,um dos que responde sempre . Parabens e agradecido. Enorme abraço Se você fizer boas contribuições para o fórum você irá ganhar Merits e vai passar de rank de graça. Eu te dei um mérito agora como incentivo. Boa sorte na caminhada.
I dont think this has anything to do with fungibily. 1 btc = 1 btc as long as both are in the same time. All btc In 2018 have the same value, which is not the same as that same btc (or any other) in 2021. Usd is also fungible, 1 usd 1830 = 1 usd 2021? This makes no sense at all. Maybe you live in a decent country where inflation rate is controlled and you may never had the opportunity to think about it. But people from developing countries understand this very well. Money value varies over time. In brazil we lived more than 100% inflation per month. Interest rates are real here. 1 brl today is not the same as 1 brl tomorrow. Eventhough Everyone will accept any brl today and tomorrow, the same coin is different over time. This is not about fungibility
ainda assim continuo achando que o papo de "não existir almoço grátis" foi inventado por um economista que não entende abundância, só escassez.
outra possibilidade mega simplificada: cai um asteroide de ouro na terra: almoço grátis
a história de não existe almoço grátis foi uma resposta. Falaram que não existe almoço grátis para demonstrar pras pessoas que existem custos ocultos que elas não compreendem. Foi um termo baseado em propagandas de 1930nos eua "free lunch" em alguma e lojas. Posteriormente os economistas libertários como Friedman popularizaram a expressão, principalmente em face as políticas kryneseianas e assistencialistas (esses sim acreditam em almoço gratis)... Tem até uma piada, que um keynesiano pulou pela janela e puxou os cabelos dele pra cima tentando voar. Rsrs imprimir dinheiro pra resolver os problemas, políticas de almoço grátis etc são tipo isso. Sobre cair um asteroide na terra. Se cair na sua casa você comprou aquele imóvel. Se você quer viver grátis você não é beneficiado com isso. Rsrs talvez com a queda do preço do metal, mas mesmo assim não será grátis, no mínimo o transporte você terá que pagar. Sobre os airdrop.grande parte deles vc não ganha grátis. maioria você precisa dar seus dados pessoais (email, nome, ou até kyc) Divulgar o seu endereço de email tem um preço. E as empresas pagam por isso. Pagam qt? Um airdrop é um bom exemplo.
The price is always the price.
1 BTC = 1 BTC
My main point here is the time variable, and the scarcity. 1 BTC 2010 = 1 BTC 2021? It is not. Anyone could mine 50 BTC at 2010 with less than 100 USD. You just had to bought an old laptop, mine for a few hours, and you would get a full block reward. How much does it cost to get 50 BTC nowadays? You would need to mine almost 8 blocks alone. How much would take cost? Probably something close to 1 million dollars of equipment and eletricity? Bitcoin is now more scarce than it was in 2010. As it is more scarce now than in 2018. 1 BTC in 2010 = 1 BTC in 2020 is the same as saying 1 glass of water in london = 1 glass of water in the Saara Desert. It is not! This basic economics. Supply and demand. OP, 1 BTC IS 1 BTC. Fiat value doesn’t exist in the blockchain, BUT outside the blockchain, we need to value it in fiat just to know how much purchasing power your Bitcoin has in the real world, nothing else.
Blockchain cannot be mined without the real world. Without electricity and equiment there is no mining. Without mining there is no bitcoin. You cannot remove the blockchain from the context it is inserted. This is what PoW is about: physics, electricity, equipment, energy.
It is sad to see almost all replies are talking about campaign payrates, I though this topic could move away from that, which is almost a philosophic discussion... When we are in campaign discussion, people go off-topic about 1BTC=1 BTC or whatever. When we come to a new topic for off-topic discussion, people talk about campaign lol
If the price of Bitcoin is the same from 10 years ago to this day, would you say that 1BTC in 13/1/2011 is equal to 1BTC in 13/1/2021? Yes. Because the price and thus it's utility would be the same (people can still buy BTC at $0.1), even though it has been a decade Well, no.. even if the price were the same in 2010 and 2020 in usd value, there is a 2% inflation per year of usd. You could not buy the same stuff with 1 bTC at 2010 and 1 btc in 2020 even if the btc price in usd were the same. You would lose about 20% real value. You cannot compare assets in time that way. Well, you can, but you will get wrong results. 100 usd in 2010 is not the same as 100 usd now. Simple as that. This is why we have interest rates, inflation, etc..
Hi, does anyone know of a resource with a list of each coin/token and a layman's explanation of the project they are involved in?
JH has a simples explanation of each coin listed there. For example Is Ethereum (ETH)?
Ethereum is a decentralized open-source blockchain system that features its own cryptocurrency, Ether. ETH works as a platform for numerous other cryptocurrencies, as well as for the execution of decentralized smart contracts.
Ethereum was first described in a 2013 whitepaper by Vitalik Buterin. Buterin, along with other co-founders, secured funding for the project in an online public crowd sale in the summer of 2014 and officially launched the blockchain on July 30, 2015.
Ethereum’s own purported goal is to become a global platform for decentralized applications, allowing users from all over the world to write and run software that is resistant to censorship, downtime and fraud.
There is even more. But be aware: you will only find good explanations and have a good understanding doing your own research.
excluindo XRP obviamente e excluindo também ETH dessa vez
Que interessante. ETH está mal das pernas hein!
I'm not sure what that means. 1 BTC will be equal to 1 BTC. How could it be otherwise?
Well, it you dont read you will never know. I am always impressed with the ability spammers have to ignore texts and write without reading
I will not be polluting with off topic messages the CM campaign. I will try to move this discussion to this topic. Let's see if it works Edit: I don't want to talk about CM here. This is why i created a new tpoppic. This is topic is for 1BTC= 1 BTC discussion . Post your CM related replies in its topic.
1 BTC = 1 BTC is a true statement.
I am always surprised when I hear people say this. I don't really think they believe it themselves, or they might think that way when it benefits them. If you think 1 BTC = 1 BTC, and it will always be 1 BTC, then the same logic should be used in situations that don't benefit you.
But in the purely bitcoin context, 1 BTC = 1 BTC.
I think the main problem with this discussion is that the statement is not only 1 BTC = 1 BTC Because in the context where it was discussed, it is like 1 BTC in 2018 = 1 BTC in 2021 This is false. Time is a variable which you cannot ignore. Let's compare with some other assets, that we do not like so much, like Apple Stocks. Is 1 apple stock 2006 = 1 apple stock in 2021? The dividends were much lower in 2006. The perspective of the company was completelty different: Smartphones didn't even existed!! You can also try to think this is a different context: Is 1 glass of water in London = 1 Glass of water in Saara desert? If 1 BTC in 2013 = 1 BTC in 2021, you are completely ignoring demand and supply laws, all the development of the bitcoin network since 2013 and so on. Back in 2012, when any teenager could just turn on his computer and go to school and come back with 10 BTC after a days. Are those 10 BTC back in 2012 = 10 BTC today?? This is completetly false. In 2012 those bitcoins were almost worthless. Now to get 10 btc you need to work all your life and put your life savings in it (for most people).
The site doesn't even open if Ad Block is turned on...
I have one question. What are the payrates? I have a domain, but I could not find anything about pay rates.
E a FoxBit pessoal? Lembro que era uma que sempre caia em 2017, galera ficava puta que eles tavam sempre fazendo manutenção. Ai trocaram o sistema deles por um novo. Deu uma falazada danada. Hoje em dia ninguém lembra dela mais...
Eu usava. Caia sempre que tinha oscilação no preço, pra cima ou pra baixo. Era bem difícil negociar lá. Podendo usar uma gringa, não tem pq usar Exchange br mesmo...acho até que me melhoraram, mas não me passam muita confiança nem no sistema nem nos meus btc ou dinheiro lá, mesmo que rápido. Essa queda da b2u é normal. A b2u cai mais do que a binance pq eles são pequenos, servidores menores... deve ter sobrecarregado.. ou ficado sem liquidez com o falaram aí
Não sei se sócio é a palavra correta, mas investiram milhoes/bilhões... Q eu saiba nenhum deles usa. Mas já fizeram uns testes.