Can anyone confirm VPN friendliness and KYC requirements for Duelbits? I keep seeing them listed on different review sites and in guides as being VPN friendly and not needing KYC but their ToS says otherwise and I don't want to mislead people into having their accounts confiscated...
Hey guys, just wanted to update. Mine is still going strong!
I was a little hesitant to jump in on this at first but did a lot of background research. Along with this, SS was more than accommodating with answering questions, plus has a lot of aged trust elsewhere. It was a smooth and easy transaction!
I'm following this because I'm really interested in seeing how it all pans out. Looks like it's just a few months left for the results. TBH I feel like it's going to end in a net loss, but over time it's possible to recoup (net loss mainly because of the drop in FUN price between the first week and today).
Seems they are ready and prepared for the unfortunate to happen. Making loss I see is no big deal from them as they seems to have an alternative means to recoup their loss. They recouping is delibrately getting back from bettors and gamblers which would require them doing and going otherwise. It is funny though how it happens. I would not be surprised to see complaints in the nearest future from bettors and gamblers in respect to their accounts been suspended and banned for no just reason. I really want to see how this events would end and seeing the end result of it would be interesting because that would be the beginning of their saga. I don't see that happening with FBTC itself. I don't really understand the relationship between them and the other places they advertise though... like how intertwined they are, who owns them, etc.
I wanted to chime in on this. Under normal circumstances, I agree with you. The issue comes in the form of money laundering and other protocols. Allowing deposits and withdrawals without the user really doing anything on the site is also opening the site to people depositing tainted coins and waiting a while so they can withdraw them as clean ones, clearing their tracks in the process. I'd say a one-off deposit that's small wouldn't be cause for concern, I just wanted to elaborate on why it CAN be bad and why the protocol exists in the first place.
You're correct, casino isn't a mixer where it should be used to deposit and withdraw the coins without completing wager requirement. But this casino isn't licensed, no rule for multiple accounts, no rule for VPN usage and no rule for KYC, which mean multidice is a free casino. So I think it's not entirely wrong if there's a user did that, there's no money laundering rule in multidice. This might be one of the loophole of this casino, but I'm not recommend anyone to use it to mixing their coins. Even without those other things, it can still be an issue. Tainted coins can get blocked by miners (as has happened multiple times in the past). So whether or not KYC and the rest are implemented is irrelevant -- them protecting against tainted coins is still important. It's crazy to me how many people try to abuse the few people that give them freedoms, then wonder why there are no freedoms, lol.
I'm following this because I'm really interested in seeing how it all pans out. Looks like it's just a few months left for the results. TBH I feel like it's going to end in a net loss, but over time it's possible to recoup (net loss mainly because of the drop in FUN price between the first week and today).
I'm Platinum II on Stake and I receive these following standard bonuses even I didn't wager for a month.
• $10 Weekly Bonus • $30-40 Monthly Bonus • $25 Post Monthly Bonus
Here's the thing, when I reached a certain rank like Platinum in that casino, I need these following bonuses even though I didn't wager for a month.
It seems like you will never be able to find weekly or monthly bonuses like VIP level staking accounts at other casinos because until now only has the biggest bonus budget out of some of the top and most popular casinos. From my personal experience, I have never found a casino that can provide a bonus the same as a stake bonus or can even outperform the bonus stake given to every user in it. If you want an even bigger bonus, I think it's better to keep betting or playing at so that your VIP level is even higher so that the bonus you will receive will also be even bigger. I'm going to second you on this. There are sites with *different* bonus programs, but so far Stake seems to be the best one in terms of pure rewards. They're also the only ones that have given long-term rewards and haven't cut back.
Are people here still discussing whether Lightlord is going to relaunch the campaign? As you can see the posting requirements in the section, you give him free advertising. There are even some that still carry the signatures of his campaigns.
People usually continue talking about it like this because they're hoping they can get in on it. Look how many people looking for campaigns flood new sites asking them to run one  . It's a self-serving situation.
It shouldn't be a problem for casino sites if a user has just made a deposit but after a while the user makes a withdrawal because this is the full right that the user has.
I wanted to chime in on this. Under normal circumstances, I agree with you. The issue comes in the form of money laundering and other protocols. Allowing deposits and withdrawals without the user really doing anything on the site is also opening the site to people depositing tainted coins and waiting a while so they can withdraw them as clean ones, clearing their tracks in the process. I'd say a one-off deposit that's small wouldn't be cause for concern, I just wanted to elaborate on why it CAN be bad and why the protocol exists in the first place.
Currently DeVCoin's only "active" income within the Galactic Milieu, as far as I am aware, is Devos Gang within the MUDgaard CoffeeMUD server. Among the assets Devos Gang holds are a number of MUDgaard player-accounts, which are an asset for which we have yet to determine a reasonable value. I have posted on the Hive blockchain and on Quora soliciting thoughts on how player-accounts should be priced or allocated; I hope you-all will take a moment to read and respond to the question. Reproduction exists in MUDgaard, so at long last the arbitrary creation of characters "out of nothing" has been disabled. Thus the two races of characters Devos Gang has been breeding (ogres and goblins) are no longer something any arbitrary player can suddenly come up with on their own; those who have none (which is everyone other than the Devos Gang) will need to convince the Devos to let them play one of their growing number of children if they want to deploy characters of those races. Thus now not only do we need to come up with some "reasonable" system for determining allocation of player-accounts, we are in the character-breeding business; like in Axie Infinity, character breeding has become a potentially-significant part of the MUDgaard play-to-earn ecosystem. Those players who were canny enough to secure player-accounts during the over a decade now that MUDgaard has been running are now in a position to leverage their holdings more powerfully than ever. Securing of additional player-accounts will be under some pressure going forward from the demand created by character-breeding, as each player-account only supports ten characters (only five of which can be online simultaneously). Once an account is full, it will have no room for newly come of age children to become playable characters within the account of the parent or guardian they are following at the time of their coming-of-age. See also Just left my takes on the specifics in the comments section with quotations from a very thorough article of MarkM's vision in a Hive blog titled: Maybe the Galactic Milieu CAN integrate non-'free open source' games afterall... [17 days old - sorry took me awhile, real life is a bit much right now!] It's a great read and a wonderful plan. Pretty simple to understand if you've used tokens and played a game or two on chain by now  . If you read the comments section below there's discussion with me and mark. Mark - I left a lot more detailed commentary on the rest of the article since your last response. I recommend everyone read - Mark's got a great idea how to make the core of our Devcoin metaverse he's crafted over the past 13 years relevant to the mainstream crypto gamers. Splinterlands (spoiler) is a VERY popular game in blockchain/web 3 p2e gaming! Link: read it all and I like the concept of using the NFTs in a game with actual use cases. With that said, I don't quite get how all of it ties specifically into or helps DVC...
Did you design this entirely by yourself? Or is it a third-party script?
You should really be adding more information to the post. It's a lot of work to go deal with this 1:1 with each person when 99% of the questions/details could just be given to everyone at once. It's likely why nobody is showing interest in even learning.
Is Betcoin trustable though? Many years ago I had a run-in with their support. They told me a policy they had and I pointed them to their own FAQ link where it contradicted that and said the opposite. They then deleted the FAQ and said they were upholding the policy since they "couldn't" find it there (but I had archived it online already because I thought they might). I lost trust in them that moment. When they first opened they did had a lot of problems with the site. Because of the problems, that got passed down to customer support and it was frustrating. They cleaned things up and are now one of the best casinos/sportsbooks. They have 3 sportsbooks that you can play at, all with different lines. You can play with many cryptos including USDT if you don't want to deal with price fluctuation and they pay fast. This is a good thing to read! I'm glad they started following a better path. I went to check them out a bit ago and learned that they apparently removed their normal dice game though,  . That was the only thing I ever played there...
Is Betcoin trustable though? Many years ago I had a run-in with their support. They told me a policy they had and I pointed them to their own FAQ link where it contradicted that and said the opposite. They then deleted the FAQ and said they were upholding the policy since they "couldn't" find it there (but I had archived it online already because I thought they might). I lost trust in them that moment.
Does this bot actually work for and PD..... because Eddie (co-owner of said in one of his streams that they changed the API and that is the reason why so many of the bots are not working with it anymore. So, is there someone out there that are still using this bot at I tried... but I failed miserably.  ....Be "lekker" and share the info with all of us.  I was told by support that they closed the API entirely... so I'm not sure how anyone could get this bot working that way again without fully changing how it works and emulating a client/betting like a normal player would.
Dear Devcoin community,
2023 is starting with the following challenge:
For the last few years has been running on humble infrastructure provided by the Devcoin Foundation (DF). Given the current bear market and expected market down trend to Bitcoin at $12k or even $9k, the DF budget has become very constrained and we can't afford to keep online anymore. Just for the record, DEVTome server requires a budget of US$25 monthly or US$300 a year. We are open to accept donations from the community in order to keep it online, but if we don't get enough money by end of week, it will shutdown till we can raise the funds.
Thanks for your understanding,
-- DevElCuy Marshall, Devcoin Foundation
I'm surprised that Devtome wasn't funded for years in advance. When it was at its peak, the earnings for its shares were fairly large, were they not? Or was all of the DVC kept as-is and only liquidated as needed? I don't even know how much value Devtome started bringing to the project as a whole since it had... a LOT of spam. But it was good in concept. If something like it were brought back I have a lot of ideas on how to actually enhance it for both end-users and sustainability.
This thread was a hot thing I think a year or two years ago because of the hot wallet issue and thing. But then, I started to see that it's no longer like from this time or is it because they've got lesser players so complaints have became less already. Otherwise, the operation is running smoothly.
Their inactivity plus lacking of marketing affects their casinos performance so maybe this is the reason why the number of gamblers keep declining to them. This is supposed to be the old and cool casino before but now it seems their fame has been fading out and they have been near of their downfall, if they could just return their promotions or the marketing like reviving back their long time running sig campaign maybe they can get back their exposure to this forum. I drop by there from time to time and it is definitely sad to see where it's gone. It used to be a fairly large site overall and now the volume is abysmal. Plus reading about LL not being responsive and everything is a bit concerning, so I doubt most people would trust it with many funds at this point.
Bitcointalk Username: Ranlo Profile Link:;u=117898;sa=showPostsPost Count: 9503 Forum Rank: Legendary Are you able to wear our Signature, Avatar & Personal Text? Of course Stake Username: Can I send this in PM? I had applied in the past but never got a response. Also... haven't had a lot of activity in the past few months due to personal reasons I'd rather not get into but I'm back around now. And you can see I don't spam...
Promotions:Use code " super50" and get 50% off your order + Unlimited Addon Domains to Mini Plan (Limited Time Free Upgrade For New Clients Only) 50% off the first month or recurring? 
I don't think the site not having promotions is a bad thing as long as they keep allowing timely withdrawals. Not being active on the forums doesn't always mean they aren't around!