October 19, 2017, 11:59:40 AM |
Is it better to save money in bank or invest it online, in real estate or maybe gold?
Many new investors don't understand that saving money and investing money are entirely different things. They have different purposes, and play different roles, in financial strategy. Saving money is the process of putting cold, hard cash aside and parking it in extremely safe. Investing money is the process of using your money, or capital, to buy an asset that you think has a good probability of generating a safe and acceptable rate of return over time, making you wealthier more. Yes the money is the thing to invest and to make the money wide. If the person who is having the high amount of money then he should invest the money so invest your money and wait till you will be able to get the profit using the bitcoin, The value of the bitcoin is now very high and all the people know how to invest and what they should invest. The price of the bitcoin is increasing more and more so the chance for the profit is increasing. Whether it is money or any other thing such a gold or bitcoin, until and unless you don’t invest them except for bitcoin, you’re not going to observe a good increase in their amounts. Investments are always important in order to have safe future and the best use of your money,you cannot enjoy profits from paper money and gold until and unless you invest them. Especially is paper money, if you still holding your paper money instead of save it in banks (the final choice) or invest into some asset for long term as Gold, Real Estate or Bitcoin, ... you can not make money from your money. That amount will be die money and just make you waste your chance.
October 19, 2017, 12:48:22 PM |
Is it better to save money in bank or invest it online, in real estate or maybe gold?
For me it is much better to invest than save your money in bank, you may save your money but not all, give some money to invest, if you invest there is a possibility to your money grow and this is the way to be rich. You are right that money earns money as well I would like to add that circulation of money is essential for increasing your money or for getting more and more profit from it. So investment ids far better than saving you precious money because if you save it then you will find no increase in tour amount.
October 19, 2017, 12:55:38 PM |
bitcoin is a highly profitable investment, I am lucky to know bitcoin. most of my money prefer to invest in bitcoin rather than just saving. because currently I want to achieve success in a short time, and I'm sure bitcoin can make it happen.
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October 19, 2017, 03:15:46 PM |
since bitcoin are online based investment so you don't recommend to invest in bitcoin isn't it? i don't think so , actually everything are based on how clever you are to choosing a place to put your money in and out at the right time and place. yeah, yeah invest in things that are good to invest in and don't invest in things that are bad to invest in  sounds simple, but it's not. it's very difficult to understand what will be growing in next few years. One should have knowledge of technologies and news and trends and all that stuff. that is why i said it depends on how clever you are , when you do know a lot of things you won't struggle to find a legit place to invest , considering here and there etc. saving for sure won't make you secure and in good condition. your money are on threat , inflation attacks those people who do save money.
October 19, 2017, 03:20:47 PM |
Is it better to save money in bank or invest it online, in real estate or maybe gold?
For me all of the above. Save some money and invest the rest of it. I believe in this quote " Do not put all your egg in one basket"
October 19, 2017, 04:29:56 PM |
1/3 of your money you keep for monthly expenses, 1/3 you save, 1/3 invest in whatever you want.
The problem is that many people earn so little that they need to allocate a lot more money than that to their expenses, in my country the average wage is so low that people spend 20% of their monthly pay just in transportation to get to their jobs, so saving that much is not an option for them.
October 20, 2017, 08:07:08 AM |
Is it better to save money in bank or invest it online, in real estate or maybe gold?
It is better to invest money rather than save it because inn ban there will be no economic growth of that money but if one person invest it inn some startups, funds or the best things is bitcoin than they can earn more money and also multiply money. Holding Bitcoin also is a better option for peoples who want to save money in this there will also be increment on large scale due to the increasing price of bitcoin. Investment is the best way to keep your money safe and take it maximum benefit than just keeping it. there could be economic crises and the value of save money will also decrease. And this may result in loss.
October 22, 2017, 03:03:09 PM |
Is it better to save money in bank or invest it online, in real estate or maybe gold?
Investing your money into altcoins, like bitcoin, needs monitoring because if you didn't know that the value of altcoins become so low, it will be a huge loss for you. For example your altcoin is worth $1,000,000 but when the value of altcoin become so low, your money will also become so low, from $1,000,000 to $500,000(maybe higher or lower). Both investing and saving money in bank is a good factor in making sure that your money is safe, but for me it is better to save your money in the bank, because many investing website online is scam, unlike bank that is definitely not a scam.
October 22, 2017, 03:14:18 PM |
better to invest in bitcoin, gold maybe more secure, but bitcoin has more potential to grow
saving money in the bank, will only mean losing them in the long-term with the current high inflation
Investing online is indeed better than saving in the bank, but be careful when investing because there were so many scammers out there. Hiring some people who has experience with investing may help you and it will lessen the risks but make sure you are surrounded with trustworthy people when you are giving them the control over your resources for investments.
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
October 22, 2017, 08:30:59 PM |
divide your funds into a few parts and make some deposit, expense, and cash in hand. For now, financial institution is not absulutely safe any more, this kind of as Greek debt crisis.
October 22, 2017, 08:40:50 PM |
better to invest in bitcoin, gold maybe more secure, but bitcoin has more potential to grow
saving money in the bank, will only mean losing them in the long-term with the current high inflation
Investing online is indeed better than saving in the bank, but be careful when investing because there were so many scammers out there. Hiring some people who has experience with investing may help you and it will lessen the risks but make sure you are surrounded with trustworthy people when you are giving them the control over your resources for investments. If you are looking to invest in any online investment site then I would recommend you to drop your idea as its very risky and your end result will not be in your favor as those sites will never pay you anything in return but if you are investing your money in bitcoins then there is nothing to worry as you will have control on your investments and you can sell your bitcoins whenever you want.
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October 22, 2017, 09:56:18 PM |
It is better to save your bitcoins. By doing this you will actually feel like you're investing in Bitcoin too because you will see it rise in value year after year. So it is definitely better to save.
October 22, 2017, 11:02:01 PM |
It is better to save your bitcoins. By doing this you will actually feel like you're investing in Bitcoin too because you will see it rise in value year after year. So it is definitely better to save.
Aim for long term hold because that is the only way where we can make profit with bitcoin, just make sure you have enough to hold otherwise it's just a waste of time. It does not need for you to buy all in one time as you can consistently buy bitcoins and slowly accumulate for you savings. Just understand the risk and be more positive on its future.
October 22, 2017, 11:14:16 PM |
It is better to save your bitcoins. By doing this you will actually feel like you're investing in Bitcoin too because you will see it rise in value year after year. So it is definitely better to save.
''saving bitcoins'' is investing mate. It's not like you are saving euros to exchange them for dollars later on, bitcoin is more like gold or stocks than currency, so you would be investing, not really saving money.
October 22, 2017, 11:51:09 PM |
It is better to save your bitcoins. By doing this you will actually feel like you're investing in Bitcoin too because you will see it rise in value year after year. So it is definitely better to save.
''saving bitcoins'' is investing mate. It's not like you are saving euros to exchange them for dollars later on, bitcoin is more like gold or stocks than currency, so you would be investing, not really saving money. Saving bitcoins has choose both (Invest and Saving).  That's why, we must save bitcoin for the future from now. 'Cause bitcoins have a good potential and great of prospect.
October 22, 2017, 11:53:20 PM |
It is better to save your bitcoins. By doing this you will actually feel like you're investing in Bitcoin too because you will see it rise in value year after year. So it is definitely better to save.
''saving bitcoins'' is investing mate. It's not like you are saving euros to exchange them for dollars later on, bitcoin is more like gold or stocks than currency, so you would be investing, not really saving money. Saving bitcoins has choose both (Invest and Saving).  That's why, we must save bitcoin for the future from now. 'Cause bitcoins have a good potential and great of prospect. Saving money in bitcoins will take care of both saving and investment as if you are in need of money then you can sell your bitcoins at any time and get fiat money in hands and if you save it for future then it can give you best profits if you sell when price goes higher in future.
October 23, 2017, 12:02:40 AM |
It is better to save your bitcoins. By doing this you will actually feel like you're investing in Bitcoin too because you will see it rise in value year after year. So it is definitely better to save.
''saving bitcoins'' is investing mate. It's not like you are saving euros to exchange them for dollars later on, bitcoin is more like gold or stocks than currency, so you would be investing, not really saving money. Saving bitcoins has choose both (Invest and Saving).  That's why, we must save bitcoin for the future from now. 'Cause bitcoins have a good potential and great of prospect. It's not both, it's just investing, you are not saving money if your ''money'' loses value in a instant, tomorrow you could lose thousands of dollars thanks to volatility so I disagree on that.
October 23, 2017, 01:31:38 AM |
since bitcoin are online based investment so you don't recommend to invest in bitcoin isn't it? i don't think so , actually everything are based on how clever you are to choosing a place to put your money in and out at the right time and place. yeah, yeah invest in things that are good to invest in and don't invest in things that are bad to invest in  sounds simple, but it's not. it's very difficult to understand what will be growing in next few years. One should have knowledge of technologies and news and trends and all that stuff. that is why i said it depends on how clever you are , when you do know a lot of things you won't struggle to find a legit place to invest , considering here and there etc. saving for sure won't make you secure and in good condition. your money are on threat , inflation attacks those people who do save money. while saving money will be harmed because inflation but saving is still important right ? because it is unlikely you will use all your money to invest? because surely it would be very risky for your life? having a deposit money is very important especially when you need money on the spur of the moment, then savings will help. saving is also the most important thing to rich?
October 23, 2017, 02:37:25 AM |
Investing is better because in that way your money may grow as time pass by. However there are risks to consider. We are not sure which will give a bigger profit in the future.
October 23, 2017, 02:40:27 AM |
since bitcoin are online based investment so you don't recommend to invest in bitcoin isn't it? i don't think so , actually everything are based on how clever you are to choosing a place to put your money in and out at the right time and place. yeah, yeah invest in things that are good to invest in and don't invest in things that are bad to invest in  sounds simple, but it's not. it's very difficult to understand what will be growing in next few years. One should have knowledge of technologies and news and trends and all that stuff. that is why i said it depends on how clever you are , when you do know a lot of things you won't struggle to find a legit place to invest , considering here and there etc. saving for sure won't make you secure and in good condition. your money are on threat , inflation attacks those people who do save money. while saving money will be harmed because inflation but saving is still important right ? because it is unlikely you will use all your money to invest? because surely it would be very risky for your life? having a deposit money is very important especially when you need money on the spur of the moment, then savings will help. saving is also the most important thing to rich? This is true. Saving fiat money isn't advisable because of inflation. The value of fiat money saved will decrease in due time if not spent so it is better to invest on something that increases in value such as bitcoin. It both lets you save and invest.