We must not give up. Is there an official Telegram FailCoin group? The main problem, as you wrote, is the lack of developer. We must invite the FailCoin community via Facebook, Twitter, Bitcointalk, Telegram etc. to get involved in helping to find a developer. Of course, money is always involved, but it is possible that some developer (because FailCoin is a great project with a resistant community that still exists today in spite of everything) will find his interest and over time, as FailCoin grows, to take the big amount of money. Just if we just look through google that YouTube has about "Fail" 380,000,000 results,what more do I need to say. Show it to a potential developer and some will already be founded.We should, if you haven't already, to contacted FailArmy on YouTube, maybe we can make some cooperation with them.
Believe me, we tried hard, but found no one. Reviving FAIL, as it is, will be a waste of time. Personally, I wanted a digital currency based on AVAX, but we will need very skilled developerS (capital "S", because I don't think 1 would be enough), and for this we need funding.