
Activity: 66
Merit: 10
June 17, 2012, 04:29:13 AM |
Graet thanks for your attention. I think my problem basically is that I'm typing the url, user and pass not correctly. It's a bit confusing because there are double users and passwords to chose. Normal user and password + worker user and password, I think I don't get it. Could you clarify what should I type. Is the URL correct? "url" : "", "user" : "xxxxx.xxxxxx", "pass" : "xxxxxxx" Regards <ozbot> This round (0d 0h 1m) we have 30736 shares (1376 stales; 4.477%), avg 1337.09 GH/s | 1.94% of diff | 257 users what can I say  ChiangYay I am trying to find someone to help you, I dont have any BFLs and use a .bat file
Graet (OP)
Activity: 980
Merit: 1001
June 17, 2012, 04:34:05 AM |
quoted from Eliguis thread FWIW, all pools have been experiencing higher stales and orphaned blocks due to the excessive transaction volume lately resulting from SatoshiDice abusing the blockchain (there are much cleaner ways to do the same thing). After our second set of 3 orphans in a row, I'm a bit on the annoyed end. For now, I am blocking transactions to 1dice* addresses and limiting our blocks to 32 transactions until we've caught up on the extra credit or at least have a viable alternative solution. I really hate to do this, as Eligius has traditionally been one of the most accepting mining pools, so any suggestions on other possibilities would be most welcome.
While SatoshiDice does force its users/victims to pay a transaction fee, those fees despite their high volume still don't add up to anywhere near the 300+ BTC we've lost by mining their transactions - so it's not like we can just "make up for" the orphans by throwing transaction fees into the pot.
Note that this is really a global Bitcoin scalability problem, but wasn't an immediate issue because up until recently the transaction volume growth was accompanied by an equivalent influx of more people using Bitcoin. SatoshiDice's abuse breaks that balance, so the developer and mining communities need to find a solution faster than previously anticipated.
We are very aware of this issue and are looking at the ways to mitigate the impact on our pool (I was up until 5:30am discussing this stuff :/). I can not be 100% sure of course but my strong feeling is our last 2 orphans were caused by this issue - Ozcoin has been one of the pools putting the most txns in blocks. I see this as an issue for all aspects of the Bitcoin network Currently most pools bitcoinds are lagging causing slow longpolls and more stales than ususal, this affects miners Pools are making big blocks that take long to propagate and are orphaned too regularly, that is a pool problem satoshi dice are paying above default txn fee, so thier micro-payments are affecting EVERY Bitcoin user that sets default or 0 txn fees in sends so the que of transactions to be included in blocks is growing you see the posts in forums about pool payouts, used to be 1 confirm, can take up to 9 blocks now before it gets a confirmation - thats another effect basically its screwing the network over from several angles BUT they are operating within Bitcoin's rules so we need the devs and the pools working together to resolve this issue I feel.
Graet (OP)
Activity: 980
Merit: 1001
June 17, 2012, 04:40:21 AM |
Graet thanks for your attention. I think my problem basically is that I'm typing the url, user and pass not correctly. It's a bit confusing because there are double users and passwords to chose. Normal user and password + worker user and password, I think I don't get it. Could you clarify what should I type. Is the URL correct? "url" : "", "user" : "xxxxx.xxxxxx", "pass" : "xxxxxxx" Regards <ozbot> This round (0d 0h 1m) we have 30736 shares (1376 stales; 4.477%), avg 1337.09 GH/s | 1.94% of diff | 257 users what can I say  ChiangYay I am trying to find someone to help you, I dont have any BFLs and use a .bat file ok user pass combination is usually "user":<site nick>.<workername> "pass": <your worker password> unless you use auto worker then its just "user":13833 "Pass": FKpTDG this is a newly created auto worker for an example) let me know if that is a help 
June 17, 2012, 05:16:58 AM |
... BUT they are operating within Bitcoin's rules so we need the devs and the pools working together to resolve this issue I feel. I'm glad you closed with that line. I can understand Luke-Jr's frustration, but strongly do not approve if, as you say, Satoshi-Dice is following the rules. Transaction handling is the reason for existence of the 'bitcoin network' / pool miners / solo miners (if any left), et al. Coins for miners is a by-product. If that priority gets inverted, then Bitcoin as a currency has failed. I will be watching this thread, or more directly relevant ones if I so find, with great interest.
Activity: 922
Merit: 1003
June 17, 2012, 05:46:23 AM Last edit: June 17, 2012, 06:07:38 AM by Epoch |
... BUT they are operating within Bitcoin's rules so we need the devs and the pools working together to resolve this issue I feel. I'm glad you closed with that line. I can understand Luke-Jr's frustration, but strongly do not approve if, as you say, Satoshi-Dice is following the rules. Transaction handling is the reason for existence of the 'bitcoin network' / pool miners / solo miners (if any left), et al. Coins for miners is a by-product. If that priority gets inverted, then Bitcoin as a currency has failed. I have no wish to continue/prolong this somewhat off-topic tangent, but thought I'd chime in on this. I do not use the SatoshiDice service but, like most of us here, have been (negatively) affected by its effects on the network. However, I agree with Graet and LazyOtto in that SatoshiDice is playing by the rules. They shouldn't be penalized for that. Moreover they are paying a transaction fee (0.0005/trans I believe) for every transaction they generate. Yes, they can operate more efficiently than they are now, but that is a separate discussion. The main point is that the bitcoin protocol has been designed such that early mining would be encouraged by large rewards (50BTC/block). A 'carrot' if you wish. As time progresses, this 'carrot' will slowly be taken away by design. Come December, the reward will drop in half to 25BTC/block. The intention is to eventually replace the block reward with transaction fees as the miners' primary income stream. For that to happen smoothly, we need 2 things: (1) we need an increased # of transactions, and (2) we need more of those transaction to include transaction fees. SatoshiDice is exactly the type of client the network needs. It is generating a large amount of transactions, and those transactions are paying fees. Someone doesn't like the fact that a paying sender (SatoshiDice) gets a higher priority in getting their transactions into a block than freeloaders (most of us) who pay no transaction fees? Wondering why your 'no-fee' freeloading transaction doesn't get confirmed for 9 blocks when a paying client gets confirmed right away? Time to wake up! If someone wants a transaction included in a block, just set your fee to 0.02 (1 penny!) and you will get priority over any SatoshiDice transaction. Transaction fees may not be common at all now, but they will have to be over the coming years. We're still in the very early stages of the bitcoin network.
Graet (OP)
Activity: 980
Merit: 1001
June 17, 2012, 06:52:33 AM |
thanks Epoch well put  Um .... I dont think Lukes 32txn strategy worked, we just won an orphan race with a 522 txn block, timestamps are screwed too lol Height Age Transactions Total Sent Relayed By Size (kB) 184933 4 minutes 95 17,613.94 BTC 25.47 184932 4 minutes 522 738.56 BTC OzCoin 245.86 184932 10 minutes 32 50.02 BTC Eligius 11.19

Activity: 66
Merit: 10
June 17, 2012, 08:04:58 AM |
Graet thanks a lot, it works! Kind Regards [/quote] ok user pass combination is usually "user":<site nick>.<workername> "pass": <your worker password> unless you use auto worker then its just "user":13833 "Pass": FKpTDG this is a newly created auto worker for an example) let me know if that is a help  [/quote]
Graet (OP)
Activity: 980
Merit: 1001
June 17, 2012, 09:13:15 AM |
Good news  Glad to help 
Activity: 1022
Merit: 1000
June 17, 2012, 12:40:21 PM |
DDOS party on EU server ?
Graet (OP)
Activity: 980
Merit: 1001
June 17, 2012, 12:45:00 PM |
DDOS party on EU server ?
um? no? what's happening for you? I have miners on there and its running 281Ghash, which is normal for that server 
Activity: 1022
Merit: 1000
June 17, 2012, 12:47:11 PM |
Lots of connection failures but only for short times.
Edit: all is back normal now
Graet (OP)
Activity: 980
Merit: 1001
June 17, 2012, 02:32:39 PM |
Lots of connection failures but only for short times.
Edit: all is back normal now
ahh ok phew 
Activity: 2744
Merit: 1245
June 17, 2012, 11:40:04 PM |
is there a way to see how much BTC i earned within the last 24 hours ?
suprnova pools - reliable mining pools - #suprnova on freenet - FOLLOW us @ Twitter !
Graet (OP)
Activity: 980
Merit: 1001
June 18, 2012, 12:28:42 AM |
is there a way to see how much BTC i earned within the last 24 hours ?
Not as a running total.
June 18, 2012, 11:43:18 AM |
is there a way to see how much BTC i earned within the last 24 hours ? you could take a look on payouts - and calculate the average for 24h. @great what about wider api to request such data? doan know if thats interesting to more ppl. could be simpler to add 24h-earnings to current api (?)
Graet (OP)
Activity: 980
Merit: 1001
June 18, 2012, 11:52:52 AM |
is there a way to see how much BTC i earned within the last 24 hours ? you could take a look on payouts - and calculate the average for 24h. @great what about wider api to request such data? doan know if thats interesting to more ppl. could be simpler to add 24h-earnings to current api (?) one thing I need to ask is are people looking for a rolling 24 hour total or a say 0:00UTC ->0:00UTC type 24hour? Regarding the API sort of holding off making changes until is sorted 
June 18, 2012, 02:42:19 PM |
another example due to the linked thread: tells us average for 24h, 7d and 30d - that could be a different call on api for lightening your traffic. Not regarding the api but the webinterface I'd prefer if I could set my timezone, I always get confused due to your UTC - timestamps. keep up your good work 
Activity: 2744
Merit: 1245
June 18, 2012, 11:07:13 PM |
I'd like a 0:00 -> 23.59 total aka what you made this day...
suprnova pools - reliable mining pools - #suprnova on freenet - FOLLOW us @ Twitter !
Graet (OP)
Activity: 980
Merit: 1001
June 18, 2012, 11:27:23 PM |
I'd like a 0:00 -> 23.59 total aka what you made this day...
heh This is what I was afraid of, voting split 50/50  cheers  For those intertested runs close to a Terahash or over most of the time is usually under 50Ghash runs at 200-300Ghash runs at under 50Ghash If the node you are on is giving slow longpolls consider using a less loaded node 