I started this madness because I observed what I perceived as a smoke-screen going up and suspicious behavior occurring. I honestly felt like people were being misled. I have always had open lines of communication with prominent members of this group. When I began pointing out that something is amiss, doors began closing to me.
I spoke up. I feel that I did the right thing.
Glad to see you here Signal. I do beleive we can fix this.
I do think there has been a misunderstanding perhaps created via the explorer which I fully admit can be confusing. It hasnt helped that its been malfunctioning
for most of this project, again not helpful. It is working now but I gotta admit even then it can still be confusing. That link you showed me could only be mining
rewards. I honestly don’t know. If that was what set your alarm bells off I can understand that.
As per our conversation I agree that my moving the Trump Fund around at my own leisure was wrong. Part of that was due to INIDEMAX PC issues, partly me moving
it between various wallets and yes I did move the entire fund in to Yobit a few months ago to show a huge wall and try and stop the price suppression. I was
trying to send a message to whoever was continuously margin trading. This was during the time the price wasnt getting above 3.5k for weeks
on end which was a tad frustrating as Trump was winning all those primaries. I moved in 450k of which 200k was the Trump fund and 250k of my own.
I kept not only the Trump Fund in the same wallet but also some of my own coins.
Disorganised, wrong to move it, definitely error in judgement. In fact the only reason the Trump Fund was used in among my own coins is I couldnt get the wallet out of staking mode (my own one) which at that
time there was 400k (me and Z’s coins). Wouldnt let me send the entire amount so resorted to the Trump Fund. But it is important - I did ask you to help
with that. Still, thats no excuse for my actions.
Ultimately though the fund was never in any danger and of course I didn’t set up a a huge wall to sell it. No way was it going to be eaten. I even posted on
the Yobit troll box to the supressor remove your walls (his were always 0.1) but enough to prevent people buying to much. He used a bot, earning around
0.2 BTC per day doing rinse and repeat for weeks. I bought his walls many times and they would just reapper and back down to 3-3.5k.
I dont claim to be the most organised person and can be forgetful. I do have a day job (my small company) which has taken a hit as well. Not a sob story
just the reality of what happens when dealing with a Crypto project. I will certainly try and do better there.
From our Skype convos its no surprise going by what you said you thought something was going on. Still, the evidence does prove that I wasnt selling off
the Trump Fund. Carelessness, and frustration at the lack of price movement (at that time) is my error. Then through all that theres been an enormous amount
of fund and to be fair I have been the only one to really attempt to deal with this. A few days ago was pretty heavy being blamed for something I had no part of.
CantStump should move on. I know he was enthusiastic in the early days but he bacially admitted to me he deserved a pay day and he was all in on that PND.
Fine, but he can move on now hes had his pay day. I dont beleive he was s good choice and with hindsight I should have known.
He had already vanished from the scene and only re- appeared when I asked for someone to take over teh admin role. Within 10 days we had the PND and then a lot of upset
people who may have bought in high.
Moving on. Im open for any suggestions regarding the Trump Fund. Realistically though - we need to stop suggestions such as Alkex Jones, Milo, and various other celebrities.
Those type of suggestions are not realistic at all. Not saying you suggest those people - but even getting in contact with them is incredibly difficult, never mind asking them to play
the role of Crypto Coin Fund Keeper. Needs to be someone involved in Crypto.
If you want to hold it state your case. In fact it will have to be a US citizen at some point.Wht is also important is we have some rather destructive people involved now and they need to be ostracised.
They encourage the fud whilst playing at being supportive but its under a thin veil of deceit. They never actually talk about Trump in any postive way.
Im not talking about the average trader who doesnt care about the election and has no opinion of Trump, Im fine with them and they are needed to.
Its the ones who always end up in any anti group. They always seem to support the extreme trouble makers - again always through a thin veil of support.
They are not for Trump - we are. I do know your a Trump Supporter, butthose elements need to go because they simply create confusuion and division
I have a youtube interview coming up so it would be good if I can go in there and have the team back together
Come on home Signal and lets make this happen