Starting to have issue mining, hashrate drop and computer started to be unstable ?
Anyone has the same problem ?
That sounds like a heating problem. Are you running on a laptop? If you are mining with all cores 24x7, try reducing the number of miners to "all_cpu_cores -1", so leave 1 or 2 cores off mining and see if that helps you with the instability.
I had a scvhost.exe problem related to windows update consuming 50% of my cpu
This save my day
In the command prompt window (as admnistrator) follow the sequence below:
net stop wuauserv (after Enter)
net stop bits (after Enter)
In Windows Explorer:
Go to the folder windows\software distribution\download (delete everything in there)
Go to the folder windows\software distribution\DataStore (delete everything in there)
Go to the folder windows\software distribution\DataStore\Logs (delete everything in there)
Go to the folder windows\software distribution\PostRebootEventCache (delete everything in there)
The CMD prompt window:
net start wuauserv (after Enter)
net start bits (after Enter)