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March 05, 2025, 12:04:17 AM *
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Question: Weekly closing price (Mar. 9, 2025):
<$75K - 0 (0%)
$75K to $80K - 0 (0%)
$80K to $85K - 1 (12.5%)
$85K to $90K - 2 (25%)
$90K to $95K - 3 (37.5%)
$95K to $100K - 1 (12.5%)
>$100K - 1 (12.5%)
Total Voters: 8

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Author Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion  (Read 26742082 times)
This is a self-moderated topic. If you do not want to be moderated by the person who started this topic, create a new topic. (174 posts by 1 users with 9 merit deleted.)
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Activity: 2310
Merit: 1799

Cлaвa Укpaїнi!

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June 01, 2020, 02:03:13 PM

Can I wear a cap  Wink As I am not much active here in this thread?  Grin
elmanchez please make one for me, should contain my bountyportal logo on it [Hoping you are using LoyecV mention bot  Cheesy]

This in intolerable.

Which part?  Cheesy

All of it. GTFO

And who the F are you? do i need your opinion?

He's the moderator of this thread.
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Activity: 2702
Merit: 2053

Free spirit

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June 01, 2020, 02:04:08 PM
Merited by BobLawblaw (2), fillippone (1), HairyMaclairy (1)


Headline: Campaign manager abuses thread Moderator
Last of the V8s
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Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393

Be a bank

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June 01, 2020, 02:06:20 PM
Merited by BobLawblaw (10), vapourminer (1), JayJuanGee (1), infofront (1), kurious (1), fillippone (1)

Your misattribution of hat-crafting expertise is the worst of it. It's an insult.
Your memes are too big, and yet slight in nature. Hairy can be lazy about this because he is an established member.
You, well I dare say, you're a bit cheeky.
Say something insightful for us, not just limp memes, or show where you have done so.

And you got worse while I was typing this up. I vote the dunce's cap for this scoundrel for 6 months.
If he doesn't wear it for that long, he doesn't get a pretty one.

Wait, you want some bounty portal ad on a WO hat. You came here to troll us didn't you you little sod. Who put you up to it?
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Activity: 2534
Merit: 1292

Privacy Servers. Since 2009.

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June 01, 2020, 02:13:23 PM

Can I wear a cap  Wink As I am not much active here in this thread?  Grin
elmanchez please make one for me, should contain my bountyportal logo on it [Hoping you are using LoyecV mention bot  Cheesy]

This in intolerable.

Which part?  Cheesy

All of it. GTFO

And who the F are you? do i need your opinion?

That was rude.  Shocked
Hero Member
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Activity: 1011
Merit: 721

Decentralize everything

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June 01, 2020, 02:15:00 PM
Merited by jbreher (1)

Wall Observer riot time?
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Activity: 4620
Merit: 4409

what is this "brake pedal" you speak of?

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June 01, 2020, 02:21:30 PM

Wall Observer riot time?

we could try. but then seeing page after page of "This user is currently ignored." will get boring fast. heck its getting to be that way already.
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Activity: 2604
Merit: 1748

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June 01, 2020, 02:23:18 PM
Merited by BobLawblaw (4)

Wall Observer riot time?
Yeah - hold my beer...  This shall not stand
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Activity: 4620
Merit: 4409

what is this "brake pedal" you speak of?

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June 01, 2020, 02:28:47 PM

Wall Observer riot time?
Yeah - hold my beer...  This shall not stand

so what are we protesting? or is this just the wanton violence and destruction type of riot with no meaning behind it?
Last of the V8s
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Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393

Be a bank

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June 01, 2020, 02:30:35 PM

Wall Observer riot time?
Yeah - hold my beer...  This shall not stand

so what are we protesting? or is this just the wanton violence and destruction type of riot with no meaning behind it?

I need a flatscreen tv and some cheetohs

oh and I'm angy about irfan
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Activity: 4620
Merit: 4409

what is this "brake pedal" you speak of?

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June 01, 2020, 02:34:32 PM

Wall Observer riot time?
Yeah - hold my beer...  This shall not stand

so what are we protesting? or is this just the wanton violence and destruction type of riot with no meaning behind it?

I need a flatscreen tv and some cheetohs

cant you at least make a list that you can fill at just one looted store? not many sell both cheetos and flatscreens. unless thats a UK thing?
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Activity: 3822
Merit: 11104

#1 VIP Crypto Casino

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June 01, 2020, 02:34:37 PM

Can I wear a cap  Wink As I am not much active here in this thread?  Grin
elmanchez please make one for me, should contain my bountyportal logo on it [Hoping you are using LoyecV mention bot  Cheesy]

This in intolerable.

Jesus Christ

Last of the V8s
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Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393

Be a bank

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June 01, 2020, 02:36:47 PM

Which will be the first country to riot on a different continent, thereby making the riot epidemic a pandemic?
Don't think Chile and HK count as they were already at it for then different reasons. May have missed some under-reported riots.
I'd guess France.
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Activity: 2534
Merit: 1292

Privacy Servers. Since 2009.

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June 01, 2020, 02:40:15 PM

Can I wear a cap  Wink As I am not much active here in this thread?  Grin
elmanchez please make one for me, should contain my bountyportal logo on it [Hoping you are using LoyecV mention bot  Cheesy]

This in intolerable.

Which part?  Cheesy

All of it. GTFO

And who the F are you? do i need your opinion?

He's the moderator of this thread.

Still, he was disrespecting.

You hate WO. You hate BTC. You hate us. Bye!  Cool
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Activity: 2604
Merit: 3056

Welt Am Draht

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June 01, 2020, 02:41:35 PM
Merited by BobLawblaw (6)

I have always dreamed of being in a gang. For too long my chicken legs, concave chest, fevered panting and micropenis have been the subject of persecution. Now the boot is on the other foot and it's time to round on someone else.

Kill, lash out, stomp, maim, disfigure.


I'll be hiding round the corner if you need me.
Last of the V8s
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Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393

Be a bank

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June 01, 2020, 02:45:52 PM

Agree with these fellas. There's a difference though between having houses and have some good big tracts of land, which you can always come back to once the fires burn out.
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Activity: 3248
Merit: 2335

I fix broken miners. And make holes in teeth :-)

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June 01, 2020, 02:53:44 PM

That said, the US is nowhere near a civil war. Currently we are at the boring stage of riot. If this lasts a few months it will become a "civil insurrection". Civil war is at least 6-8 months down the road....

yeah im with this guy. the asteroid strike is scheduled next anyway.  

Not even if white supremacist groups start wreaking havoc on blacks as a response?
That's just a race war, boring. Religious wars are more interesting but still not at insurrection levels.
Last of the V8s
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Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393

Be a bank

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June 01, 2020, 03:11:01 PM

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Activity: 2310
Merit: 1799

Cлaвa Укpaїнi!

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June 01, 2020, 03:11:15 PM

Which will be the first country to riot on a different continent, thereby making the riot epidemic a pandemic?
Don't think Chile and HK count as they were already at it for then different reasons. May have missed some under-reported riots.
I'd guess France.

I just read that London and Berlin is rioting.
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Activity: 2310
Merit: 1422

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June 01, 2020, 03:12:45 PM
Merited by JayJuanGee (1)

Agree with these fellas. There's a difference though between having houses and have some good big tracts of land, which you can always come back to once the fires burn out.

I secured my bitcoin airgapped offline and the only why to crack (open) it, it is in my head; therefore i can go wherever I want and will always be able to resuscitate my UTXOs. I do have a few spending french fries on Samourai Wallet and that's it.
The next step is to completely be off the grid. I hope less and less people remember about my bitcoins.
opsec is what I am into these days
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Activity: 3458
Merit: 4900

diamond-handed zealot

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June 01, 2020, 03:13:27 PM

Can I wear a cap  Wink As I am not much active here in this thread?  Grin
elmanchez please make one for me, should contain my bountyportal logo on it [Hoping you are using LoyecV mention bot  Cheesy]

This in intolerable.

Which part?  Cheesy

All of it. GTFO

And who the F are you? do i need your opinion?

door's over there asshole, recommend you use it
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