I have suggested that in theory the USA is a democracy, and accordingly people should be deciding NOT money.
Democratic republic. Specifically designed to attempt to keep power devolved to the people as much as possible because of that whole "power corrupts" thing.
Capitalism itself just means the ability to accumulate the fruits of your labors. In itself, it's fairly innocuous and forms the basis of any society advanced beyond "sitting in the dirt, eating mud". It is not really even an "ism". It has been responsible for the most properous and generous societies ever in the history of the world. It has raised billions form misery and poverty.
Personally, there is an internal tension between democracy and capitalism, and people try to act as if they are nearly one of the same..
Some do. Those people are wrong. There is some link between the two however. When people are allowed to accumulate, they tend to prefer peace because war is bad for business. When that is broken, such as through central banking and inflation, the problems start. Hence, bitcoin.
I'm just suggesting that the people decide.. and that is NOT just my preference, and I am willing to live and accept when the people decide what they want, even if it does NOT make a lot of sense to me on an individual preference level... but that will NOT stop me from speaking or writing my input.. so long as free speech is allowed in this new or evolving system.
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting what to have for dinner
Democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried
There are a large number of ways to form better democracies and more responsible capitalism, and it seems that bitcoin can help in some of these endeavors... and when I am talking better and more responsible, I am specifically indicating that the spectrum of public input needs to shift to allow for more channels in which regular people can influence a variety of decision making.
Personally, I am of the believe that the creation of laws that allow for more powerful and proliferation of unionization would be one possibility and another could be to allow more worker and or community directive cooperatives (and incentives in society for such).
There may be other ways to accomplish such as well, and I do NOT feel that I have all of the answers because even if there is a movement towards increasing democratic input, it takes time to evolve such new infrastructures.. even creating incentives for cities to develop better mass transit systems and more community space would be a step in the right direction, from my perspective.
I understand that a lot of you anarchists and/or libertarian oriented peeps have contrary views, and I suppose there could be ways to accommodate some of those values as well, as long as people want such and as long as people are making these decisions rather than monied interests. IN the end, I am NOT so attached to any actual outcome, so long as our society and community heads in the direction to increase people participation and input rather than letting less than 1% of the people dictate the societal structures for the mere purpose that the 1% can maintain their wealth and keep the 99%-ish from having such input and/or wealth building security.