Penny Stocks..
It's only Beta..
I need to get paid.
Ohhhhh it's just a correction...
Bitcoin Bashing..
Did I miss one?
I am amused how the account farming SIG guys repeat what I say non stop too.
What you think I didn't notice? LOL
Ahhhh one day.. The future...
The word ICO makes me sick.
Every time I hear of one of you railing on about the future of scam scheme it makes me want to puke.
Ripple and Ethereum need a punch in the head for that.. Thanks scam coiners.
Guess what douche bags?
You were suppose to create a better Currency not using a block chain but instead by deriving a new system.
But what you did instead was aped the chain concept and tacked on a string of gimmicks then ICO'd them fer teh ROI's on teh profits coins exchanger.
You fail.
Your coins failed.
None are used for anything at all.
You spew endless bullshit.
You cry future.. But lack the ability to articulate how that future might look or play out.
You are in fact scam pushers.
You don't know what a currency is.
Nor do you care.
You don't know about the code.
You all think crypto means coins LOL
It stands for cryptography by the way.
You all don't have the faintest clue what ideology is or why it is important.
You have no morals.
You are greedy.
You are anonymous shady frauds using nameless accounts to push scheme coins for profits.
You lack integrity and fail to see why that is important.
Because.. And I quote...... "I need to get paid"
Vague bullshit platitudes for money..... Real money.
Oh and since none of you hold coins long term what difference does it make if you chant future?
Scroll up.. 5 or 10 years?
Ohhh fuck off LOL hahhahahhahahah like any of you will be holding your coins and here that long hahhahahhahahah
What? How does that work when you hop from new coin to new coin to new coin as fast as they are pumped out and dumped on.
Fuck you are bullshiting shady ass greedy investards