The coin swap need to coin as fast as posible
It easy, but any else token price go to ZERO %)
function swapToken(uint amount) {
///token_contract_one = eBTC
if( safeAdd(current_swaped_tokens,amount )>=totalSupply ) throw;
if (!Token(token_contract_one).transfer(this, amount)) throw;
Withdraw(token_contract_one, msg.sender, amount, Token(token_contract_one).balanceOf(msg.sender));
//token_contract_two = ValidEBTC
//remember to call Token(address).approve(this, amount) or this contract will not be able to do the transfer on your behalf.
if (!Token(token_contract_two).transferFrom(this, msg.sender, amount)) throw;
Deposit(token_contract_two, msg.sender, amount, Token(token_contract_two).balanceOf(msg.sender));