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Author Topic: [OPEN] Confirmed*PAID* USA NO VAT KnC Neptune#3 - .25 BTC = 17 Shares = ~60 Gh/s  (Read 131550 times)
ragingazn628 (OP)
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November 12, 2013, 01:22:08 AM

This is first come first serve for the upgrade modules. I will be up very early in the morning spamming F5 keys to order these modules. I have SOME BTC left to cover for the modules but I CANNOT gaurentee that I can reserve for anyone who has not sent for the upgrade module yet. This is because BTC can tank down to $100 (I don't think so but it could) and then making it .5 BTC per share, which in turn will not allow me to order since I won't have enough BTC.

I also sent out payouts for most people. If you are not marked green then you have not replied to me with your payout address via PM to confirm that the address is yours and not someone else because anyone can fill out the form and use a random address etc.

Just to further clarify a few things:

Each module is equivalent to a Mercury or ~138GH/s and costs $950

Each share is $50 but is WORTH 2 shares on the spreadsheet since we do it by speed. If you buy a share of this upgrade your shares will increase by TWO in the spreadsheet. I don't want to get people confused with shares Smiley

You must send me BTC by tonight. I will be up until 12 AM EST. Text me if you want to Wink 860-631-7775
ragingazn628 (OP)
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November 12, 2013, 01:36:00 AM
Last edit: November 12, 2013, 01:53:14 AM by ragingazn628

UPGRADE MODULES - 10 TOTAL - 190 Shares Total - 380 Shares / ~1375Gh/s will be added to the Pool

@ 11/11 - 8:31PM
mrstef - 4 Shares - 0.571428 BTC
RoboCoder - 19 Shares - 2.7142 BTC
RoboCoder - 19 Shares - 2.7142 BTC
gamefixer - 38 Shares - 5.4284 BTC
peterlex - X Shares - 2 BTC
chenchunyu88 - 4 Shares - 0.571428 BTC

Please remember that the price could fluctuate! I will order ASAP tomorrow.

Gonna go eat for now and give the lady some attention Wink I will be back around 11PM - 12AM

Regardless I'm going to order as many modules as I can tomorrow! This will mean that I will need to hook up a new 20 Amp outlet to the wall.

BTW GUYS! Thank you for the free HEAT this WINTER. It's snowing tomorrow!


Trust: -4: -1 / +0(0)
Warning: Trade with extreme caution!

I really hate this next to my name. In due time I hope it will change but for now let it be a reminder for me to keep on working hard. Thanks again for having faith in me guys!
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November 12, 2013, 05:49:53 AM

3 shares, $150 = 0.428571 @$350

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November 12, 2013, 09:45:02 AM


Trust: -4: -1 / +0(0)
Warning: Trade with extreme caution!

I really hate this next to my name. In due time I hope it will change but for now let it be a reminder for me to keep on working hard. Thanks again for having faith in me guys!

Yo dude.. you caused this yourself.

I would urge anyone dealing with this cat to check out every page of this thread
He definatly EARNED that
Trust: -4: -1 / +0(0)
Warning: Trade with extreme caution!

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November 12, 2013, 09:58:49 AM

In for 2 BTC = 14 shares from the Upgrade modules.
Hope we'll get them!
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November 12, 2013, 10:15:21 AM

..  I have SOME BTC left to cover for the modules but I CANNOT gaurentee that I can reserve for anyone who has not sent for the upgrade module yet.

OR you could return those BTC to the people you never refunded!!!! Angry

I dont know what your problem is. Are you just not going to refund the last of us and keep ignoring this???

Im getting tired of this shit
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November 12, 2013, 11:08:38 AM

More 5 shares, $250 = 0.7142BTC @ $350
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November 12, 2013, 10:44:52 PM

In for 7 shares at 1 BTC.

tx id:

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November 13, 2013, 02:09:55 AM

Almost a day with a miner less. What is happening?

i'm probably missing something, but how are you seeing this? where is the mining stats?

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November 13, 2013, 02:38:46 AM

Almost a day with a miner less. What is happening?

i'm probably missing something, but how are you seeing this? where is the mining stats?


You can see live stats here:
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November 13, 2013, 02:24:18 PM

UPGRADE MODULES - 10 TOTAL - 190 Shares Total - 380 Shares / ~1375Gh/s will be added to the Pool

Did we got any?? Huh
ragingazn628 (OP)
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November 13, 2013, 02:54:07 PM

Fricking sold out at 8:08AM. I was a few minutes late but my friend got some ordered but not yet paid. I will contact him about it. If not I will refund for the modules. I am finishing up payouts now (those who did not PM me your address for confirmation). Keep in mind that for next payout I will not have you PM me back so it will be quicker next time.
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November 13, 2013, 03:15:07 PM


Trust: -4: -1 / +0(0)
Warning: Trade with extreme caution!

I really hate this next to my name. In due time I hope it will change but for now let it be a reminder for me to keep on working hard. Thanks again for having faith in me guys!

Yo dude.. you caused this yourself.

I would urge anyone dealing with this cat to check out every page of this thread
He definatly EARNED that
Trust: -4: -1 / +0(0)
Warning: Trade with extreme caution!

And still people on here asking for refunds that just get ignored outright, glad I bailed on this, should be more negative.

Great merged mining BTC pool at my monitor site for it
Play on cex my cex Android app
ragingazn628 (OP)
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November 13, 2013, 03:17:35 PM
Last edit: November 13, 2013, 03:33:23 PM by ragingazn628


Trust: -4: -1 / +0(0)
Warning: Trade with extreme caution!

I really hate this next to my name. In due time I hope it will change but for now let it be a reminder for me to keep on working hard. Thanks again for having faith in me guys!

Yo dude.. you caused this yourself.

I would urge anyone dealing with this cat to check out every page of this thread
He definatly EARNED that
Trust: -4: -1 / +0(0)
Warning: Trade with extreme caution!

And still people on here asking for refunds that just get ignored outright, glad I bailed on this, should be more negative.

People that are still left are for PayPal. I have already refunded all the BTC people. And I already explained the situation with PayPal already. They will be refunded when I get funds from my Avalon Group Buy back. John.K is MIA atm. Please don't stir up any drama because I am doing the best that I can to fix all of this.

New spreadsheet for next payout is up:
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November 13, 2013, 03:55:18 PM

You could use the same spreadsheet, using a new sheet.
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November 13, 2013, 04:32:18 PM

looks like all miners are down - must be maintenance?

Add some science to your mining!  GRIDCOIN
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November 13, 2013, 06:36:34 PM

I think
"The fee will be 2% of your profit + (expenses include but are not limited to, electricity, repairs, shipping, taxes etc.)" in the groupbuy, however, it seems you used 0.05 in I4 of the spreedsheet which is =(H4*.05)+M4:M6, it should be 0.02. Isn't it?

People that are still left are for PayPal. I have already refunded all the BTC people. And I already explained the situation with PayPal already. They will be refunded when I get funds from my Avalon Group Buy back. John.K is MIA atm. Please don't stir up any drama because I am doing the best that I can to fix all of this.

New spreadsheet for next payout is up:

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November 13, 2013, 07:05:50 PM
Last edit: November 13, 2013, 08:06:42 PM by Schwede65

thanks for adding me - "Schwede65" - but the list shows only "7" shares, but i have bought "10" of them

quotation - at the beginning of this thread:
"2nd KnC Saturn:
Schwede65  - 5 BTC - 10 Shares"

my (missing) BTC-Address:


Edit: filled the form and i hope to get the payment for the 11.11.2013 too
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November 13, 2013, 07:26:55 PM

Looks like they're released this morning and on route now! Should be here by the end of the day if not DEFINITELY tomorrow!

Good news!

Still patiently waiting to see my name appear Roll Eyes

did you fill out the form?

I'm finally in the sheet! What does rollover mean? That I get my 11-11 payment combined with my 25-11 payment?

BTC send to 1DZK7skHmfLYgu1ZvfiVTRTKGhwfkQn6xH are lost in /dev/null !!
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November 13, 2013, 07:50:15 PM

I think
"The fee will be 2% of your profit + (expenses include but are not limited to, electricity, repairs, shipping, taxes etc.)" in the groupbuy, however, it seems you used 0.05 in I4 of the spreedsheet which is =(H4*.05)+M4:M6, it should be 0.02. Isn't it?

Excellent question - ragingazn, care to comment?
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