Everyone, I'd like to announce my intended release schedule and expectation of real world usefulness for Christian Spaces and give an overview of what we are trying to accomplish:
First, you can get acclimated with what Christian Spaces is here:
https://wiki.biblepay.org/Christian_Spaces_Functional_DesignNext, you can start by listening to some of the technical explainer videos at the bottom of the wiki (there are over 10).
Feel free to ask any questions about what the idea is, or why we are doing this, etc.
So first I plan on creating a "New Feature" thread in bitcointalk for Christian Spaces (and its constituent features like DSQL). What I'd like to accomplish is turning it into a testnet thread, bringing seasoned users and devs into the discussion, running 5-10 nodes of BMS, using it from a user perspective, refining it to become something useful (for approximately 3-4 months - then probably for 5 years as we need to add more to it). Then I plan on enabling some of the useful features *by* the end of the year in prod Biblepay. As I feel a few are valuable now, and can be enabled towards November/December.
Some of the enhancements I really want to release for BiblePay before the end of the year include these features:
- A decentralized prayer blog. The idea here, is to have a full page to be able to type a longer prayer, and then when you post it, it appears in blog format sorted by votes ascending. This will allow us to pray more effectively as a group, if we can see important prayers get upvoted, and also, more personal prayers (for example if someone has a relative in need etc). The 'novelty' of the feature however will be that we store the blog as a table in our decentralized sql server across many nodes (DSQL), and serve the blog from our BWS (BiblePay decentralized Web server).
- An accounting system. Id like to see a page for debits/credits per user CPK, so we can see the DSQL balance, and see accounting entries affecting the user.
- Our gospel links table, ported to be decentralized with voting. This will allow people to post new Gospel Links and let these get upvoted/downvoted etc.
- All of our DR (disaster recovery) tables be ported to DSQL and be browsable.
- Ability for the core wallet to sign transactions and browse the decentralized web. This basically means easy to use interface for the user, who just wants to see a prayer blog and vote on a prayer, etc. Without knowing anything technical.
- The Christian Treasure Trove (IE saving data at risk of being scrubbed on the web that should be available/valuable for all humans).
- Ability to host an HTML5 site in a decentralized way, from BBP.
- BBP Leasing/freshening of documents.
- A true GDPR/RIAA/Inappropriate takedown request process.
We have most of this solution (with the above features) very close to being ready for testnet (its very close to checking in, and compiling for use by testers).
I believe we can start testing by October 1st.