bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
July 13, 2019, 03:45:53 PM |
Is it possible to use the funded ABN in the pool as a backup? Say if I have enough ABN for single block and I burn it, will I continue to mine with funded ABN? Thanks!
This feature is ready in beta. Does anyone have a windows machine available to test dual abn/non-abn mining?
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
July 13, 2019, 04:03:05 PM |
Is it possible to use the funded ABN in the pool as a backup? Say if I have enough ABN for single block and I burn it, will I continue to mine with funded ABN? Thanks!
This feature is ready in beta. Does anyone have a windows machine available to test dual abn/non-abn mining? Ok, whoever wants to test this dual mining feature (this is where you set up two pool workerids, one without a funded ABN and one with a funded ABN, you enter both of these in your biblepay config file, and the wallet prefers to use your non-funded ABN as long as possible (until it runs out), then it switches to the funded ABN for a while). It does switch back to non-funded when your coin-age increases again. Setup Guide: (Search for Dual Funded) Download the windows version from: need to know this feature works before building a release for the public).
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
July 13, 2019, 10:27:20 PM |
I remember Dave_BBP and Gilligan had a Windows10 mining crash issue, please let us know if the last release solved the problem.
In case this answer was for me, I updated my post with more info just now. And yes, Im in windows 10. Also, please check this out, and see Moving the Wallet section: the remote console is stucked, and rejecting any connection that I try, so I won't have access till Monday. However, I assure you that I have followed the steps and that I am running evolution. Even the icons for mined BBPs are different (they are like birds). I am probably not using the last version that you posted here, but the last but one (the last mandatory). Should I do a 'biblepay-qt --erasechain' first of all? I have seen in reddit someone with the same problem as me, but that, after running that command, his BBPs, including the old mined ones in the BOINC era, went to zero (which does not make sense).
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
July 13, 2019, 10:52:35 PM |
Evening Rob!
I'd reply via email but I've been tied on time recently,
as per your request, I tested out funded ABN and non-funded, both of which work without hassle for me. Personally, I found that by reducing my hardware print down to 1 PC (with the most hashpower) I have stopped finding so many blocks and have started building ABN much better, mining without issue or random program closure.
Great work on it all so far, when / how should we expect to see the payout from funded ABN mining, to those with ABN supplying?
Jr. Member
Activity: 405
Merit: 3
July 13, 2019, 10:57:44 PM |
I remember Dave_BBP and Gilligan had a Windows10 mining crash issue, please let us know if the last release solved the problem.
Although I wasn't mining a lot over the last couple of days, when I did my wallet never crashed afair. (Still running the exe in Win7 compatibility mode btw, not sure if this has any use).
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
July 13, 2019, 11:52:34 PM |
I remember Dave_BBP and Gilligan had a Windows10 mining crash issue, please let us know if the last release solved the problem.
Although I wasn't mining a lot over the last couple of days, when I did my wallet never crashed afair. (Still running the exe in Win7 compatibility mode btw, not sure if this has any use). Thanks, just to give you an update, while debugging the new funded ABN feature in, I did find a "sensitive area" that could have been the problem with windows 10 - and fixed it in So now if you would like to, you can try non lite mode and regular windows 10 mode to see if its resolved.
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
July 13, 2019, 11:55:51 PM |
Evening Rob!
I'd reply via email but I've been tied on time recently,
as per your request, I tested out funded ABN and non-funded, both of which work without hassle for me. Personally, I found that by reducing my hardware print down to 1 PC (with the most hashpower) I have stopped finding so many blocks and have started building ABN much better, mining without issue or random program closure.
Great work on it all so far, when / how should we expect to see the payout from funded ABN mining, to those with ABN supplying?
Awesome! I "think" the crash is resolved that you had reported, so feel free to try the higher thread limit etc. To find the funded miner payout ration, please click About in the pool and look for Funded Miner ABN fee. Its on a sliding dynamic scale now.
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
July 14, 2019, 12:00:23 AM |
I remember Dave_BBP and Gilligan had a Windows10 mining crash issue, please let us know if the last release solved the problem.
In case this answer was for me, I updated my post with more info just now. And yes, Im in windows 10. Also, please check this out, and see Moving the Wallet section: the remote console is stucked, and rejecting any connection that I try, so I won't have access till Monday. However, I assure you that I have followed the steps and that I am running evolution. Even the icons for mined BBPs are different (they are like birds). I am probably not using the last version that you posted here, but the last but one (the last mandatory). Should I do a 'biblepay-qt --erasechain' first of all? I have seen in reddit someone with the same problem as me, but that, after running that command, his BBPs, including the old mined ones in the BOINC era, went to zero (which does not make sense). Ok, no problem and I wish you the best on recovering it all. Technically, the last mandatory, is still "good enough" to use and mine on, but we had a GSC issue a couple weeks ago where we recommended everyone upgrade, and to erase the chain (just in case a node tried to go on the lower proto version sanc side). So yes, if your node doesnt agree with , please start with ./biblepay-qt -erasechain=1 And let it resync. Its a wives tail that you will lose all your BBP. That comes from the very true fact that if you start with 0 legal coins, and mine on a fork 100% of the time, all the BBP mined on the fork will be lost. But during a resync, all official main-chain BBP is still in the wallet.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
July 14, 2019, 06:33:11 AM |
windows 10(64bit) wallet cant connet to the pool.. I dont have problem connecting to the pool on windows 7 (64bit)
workerid=KMIS *note (Funded worker)
"blocks": 131417, "currentblocksize": 2484, "currentblocktx": 2, "difficulty": 3493.889791328252, "errors": "", "pooledtx": 2, "chain": "main", "genproclimit": 60, "networkhashps": 454494.8052647252, "hashps": 0, "minerstarttime": "07-13-2019 09:25:23", "hashcounter": 0, "pooledtx": 2, "chain": "main", "biblepay-generate": true, "poolinfo1": "", "poolinfo2": "", "poolinfo3": "", "abninfo": "Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti
Paste the full output of getnining info. Looks to me like it could not find your miner name and reverted you to solo mining or your use is not listed as funded. So grab a snapshot of your worker list also. That might be setup wromg Yes, and I see a lot of windows10 users appear to not edit the correct biblepay.conf file. Please navigate to: %appdata%\biblepayevolution Create the biblepay.conf there. Then look at it in DOS, and ensure its called "biblepay.conf" not "biblepay.conf.conf.txt" etc. Happy mining! im sure im on the right biblepay.conf... also looked it at DOS, it doest NOT have the .TXT extention.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
July 14, 2019, 07:36:09 AM |
if i mined as funded worker, how many percent do i get compare to the one who funded me?
Jr. Member
Activity: 405
Merit: 3
July 14, 2019, 11:15:15 AM |
if i mined as funded worker, how many percent do i get compare to the one who funded me?
It's stated at the pool's "About" page under "Funded miner ABN fee (Funded Block Solve Ratio):" (currently 50 %). @Rob: just tested the dual mining feature in my Windows wallet by restarting my wallet with the 2 IDs in the config and simply not unlocking it for ABN. It correctly switched to funded, nice work there. Then I used the cli with headlesspassword to unlock the wallet, but it never switched back, although my abnweight was far above the current requirement. How long should it usually take to switch back? I waited maybe half an hour. The linux wallets don't have this feature yet, right? Because on those it didn't work. btw: watching getmininginfo today sometimes showed "received a stale block form the pool... Please wait". Any chance to avoid this?
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
July 14, 2019, 01:16:34 PM |
windows 10(64bit) wallet cant connet to the pool.. I dont have problem connecting to the pool on windows 7 (64bit)
workerid=KMIS *note (Funded worker)
"blocks": 131417, "currentblocksize": 2484, "currentblocktx": 2, "difficulty": 3493.889791328252, "errors": "", "pooledtx": 2, "chain": "main", "genproclimit": 60, "networkhashps": 454494.8052647252, "hashps": 0, "minerstarttime": "07-13-2019 09:25:23", "hashcounter": 0, "pooledtx": 2, "chain": "main", "biblepay-generate": true, "poolinfo1": "", "poolinfo2": "", "poolinfo3": "", "abninfo": "Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti
Paste the full output of getnining info. Looks to me like it could not find your miner name and reverted you to solo mining or your use is not listed as funded. So grab a snapshot of your worker list also. That might be setup wromg Yes, and I see a lot of windows10 users appear to not edit the correct biblepay.conf file. Please navigate to: %appdata%\biblepayevolution Create the biblepay.conf there. Then look at it in DOS, and ensure its called "biblepay.conf" not "biblepay.conf.conf.txt" etc. Happy mining! im sure im on the right biblepay.conf... also looked it at DOS, it doest NOT have the .TXT extention. I see the problem; please change pool=http to pool=https:// (Evo only supports HTTPS). Remove poolport also.
Activity: 86
Merit: 0
July 14, 2019, 01:21:17 PM |
I am still have some confusion about the abn and pog. Will the abn mining affect the coin age for pog and how?
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
July 14, 2019, 01:22:49 PM |
if i mined as funded worker, how many percent do i get compare to the one who funded me?
Its a dynamic ratio (in the About page of the pool), currently at 50%. So the funded worker gets debited 50% of their hashpower, while the non-funded workers run at full hashpower. Then the rewards are paid based on HPS as usual (so the pool keeps zero of the ABN fees).
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
July 14, 2019, 01:26:54 PM |
if i mined as funded worker, how many percent do i get compare to the one who funded me?
It's stated at the pool's "About" page under "Funded miner ABN fee (Funded Block Solve Ratio):" (currently 50 %). @Rob: just tested the dual mining feature in my Windows wallet by restarting my wallet with the 2 IDs in the config and simply not unlocking it for ABN. It correctly switched to funded, nice work there. Then I used the cli with headlesspassword to unlock the wallet, but it never switched back, although my abnweight was far above the current requirement. How long should it usually take to switch back? I waited maybe half an hour. The linux wallets don't have this feature yet, right? Because on those it didn't work. btw: watching getmininginfo today sometimes showed "received a stale block form the pool... Please wait". Any chance to avoid this? 1) On using cli to enter headlesspassword, and having it switch back, I believe it takes about 3 minutes. Please let me know if it didn't eventually switch? If it didn't I can take a look at that switching time. It might have taken one whole block to switch because the miner had a valid ABN for that block. 2) On the received stale block, yes, I am aware of that one, but it should be very little computer time - IE like when the machine is just getting started with mining, or switching over etc. It usually only happens when the pool is having trouble supplying you with an abn and it delays for a few seconds. Let me know if you see this happening more than .01% of the time.
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
July 14, 2019, 01:31:36 PM |
I am still have some confusion about the abn and pog. Will the abn mining affect the coin age for pog and how?
Yes, ABN will affect POG, but only to the degree that you are actually solving blocks. If you had 256,000 total coin*age in the wallet, and you create an ABN for 128k, you still have 256K coin*age for the GSC transmission for POG (If you didnt solve a block). But if You did solve a block before the gsc transmission hits, the GSC txid creator would only have 128K to work with. If your GSC percent is set at .50, it would only be able to send a GSC of 64K coin age. You can also type 'exec createabn nnnnn' with the amount you specify (such as 128000), and it will show you which coins are allocated toward the ABN, and that would give you an idea which coins would be spent (if you solve a block) and not available for the next gsc. So basically: Pog & ABN share the same UTXO base.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
July 14, 2019, 02:53:20 PM |
windows 10(64bit) wallet cant connet to the pool.. I dont have problem connecting to the pool on windows 7 (64bit)
workerid=KMIS *note (Funded worker)
"blocks": 131417, "currentblocksize": 2484, "currentblocktx": 2, "difficulty": 3493.889791328252, "errors": "", "pooledtx": 2, "chain": "main", "genproclimit": 60, "networkhashps": 454494.8052647252, "hashps": 0, "minerstarttime": "07-13-2019 09:25:23", "hashcounter": 0, "pooledtx": 2, "chain": "main", "biblepay-generate": true, "poolinfo1": "", "poolinfo2": "", "poolinfo3": "", "abninfo": "Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti
Paste the full output of getnining info. Looks to me like it could not find your miner name and reverted you to solo mining or your use is not listed as funded. So grab a snapshot of your worker list also. That might be setup wromg Yes, and I see a lot of windows10 users appear to not edit the correct biblepay.conf file. Please navigate to: %appdata%\biblepayevolution Create the biblepay.conf there. Then look at it in DOS, and ensure its called "biblepay.conf" not "biblepay.conf.conf.txt" etc. Happy mining! im sure im on the right biblepay.conf... also looked it at DOS, it doest NOT have the .TXT extention. I see the problem; please change pool=http to pool=https:// (Evo only supports HTTPS). Remove poolport also. already replaced http to https and omitted poolport. same im on solo mining. windows 10 64bit... win7 64bit no problem
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
July 14, 2019, 02:56:04 PM |
windows 10(64bit) wallet cant connet to the pool.. I dont have problem connecting to the pool on windows 7 (64bit)
workerid=KMIS *note (Funded worker)
"blocks": 131417, "currentblocksize": 2484, "currentblocktx": 2, "difficulty": 3493.889791328252, "errors": "", "pooledtx": 2, "chain": "main", "genproclimit": 60, "networkhashps": 454494.8052647252, "hashps": 0, "minerstarttime": "07-13-2019 09:25:23", "hashcounter": 0, "pooledtx": 2, "chain": "main", "biblepay-generate": true, "poolinfo1": "", "poolinfo2": "", "poolinfo3": "", "abninfo": "Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti
Paste the full output of getnining info. Looks to me like it could not find your miner name and reverted you to solo mining or your use is not listed as funded. So grab a snapshot of your worker list also. That might be setup wromg Yes, and I see a lot of windows10 users appear to not edit the correct biblepay.conf file. Please navigate to: %appdata%\biblepayevolution Create the biblepay.conf there. Then look at it in DOS, and ensure its called "biblepay.conf" not "biblepay.conf.conf.txt" etc. Happy mining! im sure im on the right biblepay.conf... also looked it at DOS, it doest NOT have the .TXT extention. I see the problem; please change pool=http to pool=https:// (Evo only supports HTTPS). Remove poolport also. already replaced http to https and omitted poolport. same im on solo mining. windows 10 64bit... win7 64bit no problem Then please try 'genproclimit=9' in your config file, and restart and confirm your getmininginfo shows 9 for genproclimit?
Jr. Member
Activity: 405
Merit: 3
July 14, 2019, 03:03:41 PM Last edit: July 14, 2019, 03:24:43 PM by dave_bbp |
1) On using cli to enter headlesspassword, and having it switch back, I believe it takes about 3 minutes. Please let me know if it didn't eventually switch? If it didn't I can take a look at that switching time. It might have taken one whole block to switch because the miner had a valid ABN for that block.
2) On the received stale block, yes, I am aware of that one, but it should be very little computer time - IE like when the machine is just getting started with mining, or switching over etc. It usually only happens when the pool is having trouble supplying you with an abn and it delays for a few seconds. Let me know if you see this happening more than .01% of the time.
Thanks. So I tried again and just discovered, that my wallet crashed. The debug.log says the following: 2019-07-14 14:30:54 mncon thread start 2019-07-14 14:30:54 msghand thread start 2019-07-14 14:30:54 BibleMiner -- started thread 0.000000 2019-07-14 14:30:54 BibleMiner -- started thread 1.000000 2019-07-14 14:30:55 BibleMiner -- started thread 2.000000 2019-07-14 14:30:55 BibleMiner -- started thread 3.000000 2019-07-14 14:30:55 BibleMiner -- started thread 4.000000 2019-07-14 14:30:55 BibleMiner -- started thread 5.000000 2019-07-14 14:30:55 BibleMiner -- started thread 6.000000 2019-07-14 14:30:55 BibleMiner -- started thread 7.000000 2019-07-14 14:30:55 ** Started 8.000000 BibleMiner threads. **
2019-07-14 14:30:55 init message: Done loading 2019-07-14 14:30:55 GUI: Platform customization: "windows" 2019-07-14 14:30:55 GUI: PaymentServer::LoadRootCAs: Loaded 45 root certificates 2019-07-14 14:31:05 P2P peers available. Skipped DNS seeding. 2019-07-14 14:31:05 dnsseed thread exit 2019-07-14 14:31:31 CMasternodeSync::SwitchToNextAsset -- Completed MASTERNODE_SYNC_WAITING in 37s 2019-07-14 14:31:31 CMasternodeSync::SwitchToNextAsset -- Starting MASTERNODE_SYNC_LIST 2019-07-14 14:32:07 CMasternodeSync::SwitchToNextAsset -- Completed MASTERNODE_SYNC_LIST in 36s 2019-07-14 14:32:07 CMasternodeSync::SwitchToNextAsset -- Starting MASTERNODE_SYNC_MNW 2019-07-14 14:32:14 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking peer for missing masternode entry for the first time: 113aca603335c10791ab9b2a8ac7a4122e2fc2be05dd64d2e151f01dfc0e06e0-0 2019-07-14 14:32:14 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking peer for missing masternode entry for the first time: 4a09dfd51d8e6e47037b0dd5d39566aca0ce7c6b0c81709372a9c0342a5b5a38-1 2019-07-14 14:32:14 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking peer for missing masternode entry for the first time: 4f330f92e3a70151858dc1fa357554da24a3f4340681691dca21764e5a1af35c-0 2019-07-14 14:32:14 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking peer for missing masternode entry for the first time: 020e4ee1236441048c591f7530edf5d1abce894c7214a2dd9f19700fcd3ac9ff-0 2019-07-14 14:32:14 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking peer for missing masternode entry for the first time: dca42ac3a2dfa5f591fcbb78f645c589b4ef8f2d8e1bbaeb4cc8b8817094326e-1 2019-07-14 14:32:14 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking peer for missing masternode entry for the first time: dd17f2a0276b9fe9b840535b276ac1afef2a65ecc015aea486bd27024bb836a7-1 2019-07-14 14:32:14 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking peer for missing masternode entry for the first time: b41c94da60464af65ab40bf6d02d34f6973e802c4cc51246167fa778948ba830-1 2019-07-14 14:32:14 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking peer for missing masternode entry for the first time: a870ad7760c31d82cc63e886e2dd2550e86e9f61ff1a27376a91bad210e88eb2-1 2019-07-14 14:32:14 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking peer for missing masternode entry for the first time: 6a71575dd5a1630c6f057316af0e55dc3c75f86e0003182748111417752834ec-1 2019-07-14 14:32:14 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking peer for missing masternode entry for the first time: 2e7a6a1743e4fd304cc36d0e7c43e1fe7a5ba5c4c051349796b16185f65f854b-1 2019-07-14 14:32:14 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking peer for missing masternode entry for the first time: c7b366502f3761dd2317eb515c8d9efd79fa414597852c468d8e23d26c16fc54-1 2019-07-14 14:32:14 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking peer for missing masternode entry for the first time: d4553a544d1e44c2b91da43a894033bbd2689b195ab228c97928e9bbf1ec9aa3-1 2019-07-14 14:32:14 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking peer for missing masternode entry for the first time: 4c2be1fa9e090b5e8a5ff5dcc1374991c954c0edb136db1a4ae9e1c227242b31-1 2019-07-14 14:32:19 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking new peer for missing masternode entry: 113aca603335c10791ab9b2a8ac7a4122e2fc2be05dd64d2e151f01dfc0e06e0-0 2019-07-14 14:32:20 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking new peer for missing masternode entry: 4a09dfd51d8e6e47037b0dd5d39566aca0ce7c6b0c81709372a9c0342a5b5a38-1 2019-07-14 14:32:20 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking new peer for missing masternode entry: 4f330f92e3a70151858dc1fa357554da24a3f4340681691dca21764e5a1af35c-0 2019-07-14 14:32:20 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking new peer for missing masternode entry: 020e4ee1236441048c591f7530edf5d1abce894c7214a2dd9f19700fcd3ac9ff-0 2019-07-14 14:32:20 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking new peer for missing masternode entry: dca42ac3a2dfa5f591fcbb78f645c589b4ef8f2d8e1bbaeb4cc8b8817094326e-1 2019-07-14 14:32:20 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking new peer for missing masternode entry: dd17f2a0276b9fe9b840535b276ac1afef2a65ecc015aea486bd27024bb836a7-1 2019-07-14 14:32:20 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking new peer for missing masternode entry: b41c94da60464af65ab40bf6d02d34f6973e802c4cc51246167fa778948ba830-1 2019-07-14 14:32:20 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking new peer for missing masternode entry: a870ad7760c31d82cc63e886e2dd2550e86e9f61ff1a27376a91bad210e88eb2-1 2019-07-14 14:32:20 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking new peer for missing masternode entry: 6a71575dd5a1630c6f057316af0e55dc3c75f86e0003182748111417752834ec-1 2019-07-14 14:32:20 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking new peer for missing masternode entry: 2e7a6a1743e4fd304cc36d0e7c43e1fe7a5ba5c4c051349796b16185f65f854b-1 2019-07-14 14:32:20 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking new peer for missing masternode entry: c7b366502f3761dd2317eb515c8d9efd79fa414597852c468d8e23d26c16fc54-1 2019-07-14 14:32:20 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking new peer for missing masternode entry: d4553a544d1e44c2b91da43a894033bbd2689b195ab228c97928e9bbf1ec9aa3-1 2019-07-14 14:32:20 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking new peer for missing masternode entry: 4c2be1fa9e090b5e8a5ff5dcc1374991c954c0edb136db1a4ae9e1c227242b31-1 2019-07-14 14:32:26 CMasternodeMan::AskForMN -- Asking new peer for missing masternode entry: c7b366502f3761dd2317eb515c8d9efd79fa414597852c468d8e23d26c16fc54-1 2019-07-14 14:32:43 CMasternodeSync::SwitchToNextAsset -- Completed MASTERNODE_SYNC_MNW in 36s 2019-07-14 14:32:43 CMasternodeSync::SwitchToNextAsset -- Starting MASTERNODE_SYNC_GOVERNANCE 2019-07-14 14:32:56 MNGOVERNANCEOBJECT -- Governance object is invalid - Failed to find Masternode UTXO, missing masternode=c490450211be2cd1ed8bcdaab45bbba83e329b3b364798622fde42ddcec29b87-1
2019-07-14 14:32:56 Misbehaving: peer=1 (0 -> 1) 2019-07-14 14:32:56 MNGOVERNANCEOBJECT -- Governance object is invalid - Failed to find Masternode UTXO, missing masternode=3e2365737715e3968dcfbc2cd47529705ef2e33b1413902a6ae0f813a88379b3-1
2019-07-14 14:32:56 Misbehaving: peer=1 (1 -> 2) 2019-07-14 14:32:56 MNGOVERNANCEOBJECT -- Governance object is invalid - Failed to find Masternode UTXO, missing masternode=3e2365737715e3968dcfbc2cd47529705ef2e33b1413902a6ae0f813a88379b3-1
2019-07-14 14:32:56 Misbehaving: peer=1 (2 -> 3) 2019-07-14 14:33:19 CMasternodeSync::SwitchToNextAsset -- Completed MASTERNODE_SYNC_GOVERNANCE in 36s 2019-07-14 14:33:19 CMasternodeSync::SwitchToNextAsset -- Sync has finished 2019-07-14 14:40:17 UpdateTip: new best=507c5a2c6b32b31671c03256d1966bd3a82fe67fc7a009b0c7a7c0daaf34197e height=131671 version=0x2000000c log2_work=59.51026570 tx=1093486 date='2019-07-14 14:39:34' progress=1.000000 cache=0.0MiB(0txo) 2019-07-14 14:40:17 {PNB}: ACC ContextualCheckBlockHeader::FAILED incorrect proof of work at 131672, block.nbits 469813929.000000, next work 469835151.000000ERROR: TestBlockValidityLite: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: bad-diffbits, incorrect proof of work at 131672, block.nbits 469813929.000000, next work 469835151.000000 (code 16) 2019-07-14 14:40:28 ContextualCheckBlockHeader::FAILED incorrect proof of work at 131672, block.nbits 469813929.000000, next work 469835151.000000ERROR: TestBlockValidityLite: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: bad-diffbits, incorrect proof of work at 131672, block.nbits 469813929.000000, next work 469835151.000000 (code 16) 2019-07-14 14:40:28 ERROR: TestBlockValidityLite: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: bad-diffbits, incorrect proof of work at 131672, block.nbits 469813929.000000, next work 469835151.000000 (code 16) 2019-07-14 14:40:29 ContextualCheckBlockHeader::FAILED incorrect proof of work at 131672, block.nbits 469813929.000000, next work 469835151.000000ERROR: TestBlockValidityLite: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: bad-diffbits, incorrect proof of work at 131672, block.nbits 469813929.000000, next work 469835151.000000 (code 16) 2019-07-14 14:45:14 UpdateTip: new best=8c954bcdeaa8d96b42b5bfff1fe3cde064c9f8b1255cf27488a6112babb5773b height=131672 version=0x2000000c log2_work=59.51026743 tx=1093488 date='2019-07-14 14:44:54' progress=1.000000 cache=0.0MiB(0txo) 2019-07-14 14:45:14 {PNB}: ACC ContextualCheckBlockHeader::FAILED incorrect proof of work at 131673, block.nbits 469835151.000000, next work 469829560.000000ERROR: TestBlockValidityLite: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: bad-diffbits, incorrect proof of work at 131673, block.nbits 469835151.000000, next work 469829560.000000 (code 16) 2019-07-14 14:45:33 ContextualCheckBlockHeader::FAILED incorrect proof of work at 131673, block.nbits 469835151.000000, next work 469829560.000000ERROR: TestBlockValidityLite: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: bad-diffbits, incorrect proof of work at 131673, block.nbits 469835151.000000, next work 469829560.000000 (code 16) 2019-07-14 14:45:33 ContextualCheckBlockHeader::FAILED incorrect proof of work at 131673, block.nbits 469835151.000000, next work 469829560.000000ERROR: TestBlockValidityLite: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: bad-diffbits, incorrect proof of work at 131673, block.nbits 469835151.000000, next work 469829560.000000 (code 16) 2019-07-14 14:45:34 ContextualCheckBlockHeader::FAILED incorrect proof of work at 131673, block.nbits 469835151.000000, next work 469829560.000000ERROR: TestBlockValidityLite: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: bad-diffbits, incorrect proof of work at 131673, block.nbits 469835151.000000, next work 469829560.000000 (code 16) 2019-07-14 14:45:34 ContextualCheckBlockHeader::FAILED incorrect proof of work at 131673, block.nbits 469835151.000000, next work 469829560.000000ERROR: TestBlockValidityLite: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: bad-diffbits, incorrect proof of work at 131673, block.nbits 469835151.000000, next work 469829560.000000 (code 16) 2019-07-14 14:45:34 ContextualCheckBlockHeader::FAILED incorrect proof of work at 131673, block.nbits 469835151.000000, next work 469829560.000000ERROR: TestBlockValidityLite: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: bad-diffbits, incorrect proof of work at 131673, block.nbits 469835151.000000, next work 469829560.000000 (code 16) 2019-07-14 14:45:34 ContextualCheckBlockHeader::FAILED incorrect proof of work at 131673, block.nbits 469835151.000000, next work 469829560.000000ERROR: TestBlockValidityLite: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: bad-diffbits, incorrect proof of work at 131673, block.nbits 469835151.000000, next work 469829560.000000 (code 16) 2019-07-14 14:45:35 ContextualCheckBlockHeader::FAILED incorrect proof of work at 131673, block.nbits 469835151.000000, next work 469829560.000000ERROR: TestBlockValidityLite: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: bad-diffbits, incorrect proof of work at 131673, block.nbits 469835151.000000, next work 469829560.000000 (code 16) 2019-07-14 14:50:49 UpdateTip: new best=631b278232c5a2efe1893b9920db1b7c9e536bd3fdd6c596f47639488c8f607a height=131673 version=0x2000000c log2_work=59.51026931 tx=1093491 date='2019-07-14 14:50:48' progress=1.000000 cache=0.0MiB(0txo) 2019-07-14 14:50:49 {PNB}: ACC ContextualCheckBlockHeader::FAILED incorrect proof of work at 131674, block.nbits 469829560.000000, next work 469834125.000000ERROR: TestBlockValidityLite: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: bad-diffbits, incorrect proof of work at 131674, block.nbits 469829560.000000, next work 469834125.000000 (code 16) 2019-07-14 14:51:39 ContextualCheckBlockHeader::FAILED incorrect proof of work at 131674, block.nbits 469829560.000000, next work 469834125.000000ERROR: TestBlockValidityLite: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: bad-diffbits, incorrect proof of work at 131674, block.nbits 469829560.000000, next work 469834125.000000 (code 16) 2019-07-14 14:51:39 ContextualCheckBlockHeader::FAILED incorrect proof of work at 131674, block.nbits 469829560.000000, next work 469834125.000000ERROR: TestBlockValidityLite: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: bad-diffbits, incorrect proof of work at 131674, block.nbits 469829560.000000, next work 469834125.000000 (code 16) 2019-07-14 14:51:40 ContextualCheckBlockHeader::FAILED incorrect proof of work at 131674, block.nbits 469829560.000000, next work 469834125.000000ERROR: TestBlockValidityLite: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: bad-diffbits, incorrect proof of work at 131674, block.nbits 469829560.000000, next work 469834125.000000 (code 16) 2019-07-14 14:51:40 ContextualCheckBlockHeader::FAILED incorrect proof of work at 131674, block.nbits 469829560.000000, next work 469834125.000000ERROR: TestBlockValidityLite: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: bad-diffbits, incorrect proof of work at 131674, block.nbits 469829560.000000, next work 469834125.000000 (code 16) 2019-07-14 14:51:40 ContextualCheckBlockHeader::FAILED incorrect proof of work at 131674, block.nbits 469829560.000000, next work 469834125.000000ERROR: TestBlockValidityLite: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: bad-diffbits, incorrect proof of work at 131674, block.nbits 469829560.000000, next work 469834125.000000 (code 16) 2019-07-14 14:51:40 ContextualCheckBlockHeader::FAILED incorrect proof of work at 131674, block.nbits 469829560.000000, next work 469834125.000000ERROR: TestBlockValidityLite: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: bad-diffbits, incorrect proof of work at 131674, block.nbits 469829560.000000, next work 469834125.000000 (code 16) 2019-07-14 14:51:41 ContextualCheckBlockHeader::FAILED incorrect proof of work at 131674, block.nbits 469829560.000000, next work 469834125.000000ERROR: TestBlockValidityLite: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: bad-diffbits, incorrect proof of work at 131674, block.nbits 469829560.000000, next work 469834125.000000 (code 16)
Could this be correlated to the dual worker id? (that happened before I even unlocked the wallet again)
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
July 14, 2019, 03:37:09 PM |
windows 10(64bit) wallet cant connet to the pool.. I dont have problem connecting to the pool on windows 7 (64bit)
workerid=KMIS *note (Funded worker)
"blocks": 131417, "currentblocksize": 2484, "currentblocktx": 2, "difficulty": 3493.889791328252, "errors": "", "pooledtx": 2, "chain": "main", "genproclimit": 60, "networkhashps": 454494.8052647252, "hashps": 0, "minerstarttime": "07-13-2019 09:25:23", "hashcounter": 0, "pooledtx": 2, "chain": "main", "biblepay-generate": true, "poolinfo1": "", "poolinfo2": "", "poolinfo3": "", "abninfo": "Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti
Paste the full output of getnining info. Looks to me like it could not find your miner name and reverted you to solo mining or your use is not listed as funded. So grab a snapshot of your worker list also. That might be setup wromg Yes, and I see a lot of windows10 users appear to not edit the correct biblepay.conf file. Please navigate to: %appdata%\biblepayevolution Create the biblepay.conf there. Then look at it in DOS, and ensure its called "biblepay.conf" not "biblepay.conf.conf.txt" etc. Happy mining! im sure im on the right biblepay.conf... also looked it at DOS, it doest NOT have the .TXT extention. I see the problem; please change pool=http to pool=https:// (Evo only supports HTTPS). Remove poolport also. already replaced http to https and omitted poolport. same im on solo mining. windows 10 64bit... win7 64bit no problem Then please try 'genproclimit=9' in your config file, and restart and confirm your getmininginfo shows 9 for genproclimit? yes my genproclimit became 9 in getmininginfo. but poolmining is still false.