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Author Topic: BiblePay | 10% to Orphan-Charity | RANDOMX MINING | Sanctuaries (Masternodes)  (Read 243465 times)
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July 04, 2019, 04:23:37 PM

wallet running on win 10 64bit

I have this in my wallet configuration

but my cpu is only using 10-25% and genproclimit is still 1..  i tried several values.. like 4, 16..  restart pc after but no efffect. Whats wrong?

blocks": 129551,
  "currentblocksize": 1502,
  "currentblocktx": 1,
  "difficulty": 2070.207305034551,
  "errors": "",
  "pooledtx": 0,
  "chain": "main",
  "genproclimit": 1,
  "networkhashps": 383570.8021583835,
  "hashps": 756.1588006589133,
  "minerstarttime": "07-04-2019 00:23:29",
  "hashcounter": 35825303,
  "pooledtx": 0,
  "chain": "main",
  "biblepay-generate": true,
  "poolinfo1": "",
  "poolinfo2": "",
  "poolinfo3": "",
  "abninfo": "",
  "gsc_errors": "",
  "poolmining": false,
  "pool_url": "",
  "required_abn_weight": 100000

Looks to me like the miner is using a different configuration. What is full path to this configuration file and what is the command you are running to start the miner

I just try different genproclimit since i cant maximized my CPU.. I also check the path... 
Jr. Member
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July 04, 2019, 06:42:44 PM

Rob, I'm still not exactly sure how the POG leaderboard works. For example I currently have "owed" coins 561.1 with a prominence of 0.6. This is the exakt same amount like someone called "trumpfan" has.
However, I have more than 20x the amount of "points" on the leaderboard than him. So how do these translate to the owed amount? Or is this just another hickup in the time frame of both columns?

Also, talking to a friend of mine who hasn't enough BBP for the new masternodes, it seems like just doing POG pays a lot better than the sancs. He made several hundered thousand BBP in one week. Of course this will slowly decrease with his lower coin age, but it's still orders of magnitude higher than sanc payments.
bible_pay (OP)
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July 05, 2019, 01:53:56 AM

If anyone in QT has trouble seeing their sanc list in the GUI, please reboot and ensure they are started.

all Sancs are in pre-enabled status in controller GUI .

running "masternode status" on the Sanc returns "   "status": "Not capable masternode: Masternode not in masternode list""

attempting to start a sanc from the controller doesn't do anything .

I did try rebooting the sanc and re-downloading the blockchain as well .
It didn't help  either.

blockhash on controller and sanc:

getblockhash 129427

Looks like they are coming back up now; about 140 out of 182 have re-propagated into the active sanc list (I think this takes about an hour).

I just tested one that I started (in my case I pushed Start-All), then went to the sanc itself, and it did start (masternode status) is fine now.

On a side note in this case no one should have to re-sync the whole chain, its just a re-synchronization issue of the masternode list data.

(IE mnsync reset will also help).

I think in an hour or two we will see 90%+ coverage again in enabled.

as of now at 128469 I can  see only 4 sanc in "ENABLED"  status .
 the rest are mostly "expired"  .
about 18 are "pre-enabled"

difficalty is low : 1233

getblockhash 129469

Looks like you just needed a little more good old fashioned patience.

I'd appreciate if you could jump in and help others also, like those who are having trouble mining;  one thing you can do is ask them questions and analyze the problem(s) - this way we can grow as a community.

Thanks Tiras!

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
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🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
bible_pay (OP)
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July 05, 2019, 01:59:49 AM

Hi, I have been mining / attempting to mine for a while now, but something is catching my attention now.

I have the required ABN weight, but I usually get "ghosted" by the pool. Such as, my miner continues to run and hash, but the pool no longer recognizes my miner / stops paying me / says my miner is missing. Where is my hashpower going?

When I am ghosted, I can restart my wallet / miner and it works fine for about 5-10 minutes, before being ghosted again. If I'm not ghosted, the miner/wallet randomly and abruptly close itself (dissapear from the tray / just turn off completely.)

Is it a wallet issue?

I'm not looking to troll or hinder the project, as I am interested in continuing to mine, but I need an application that won't fail so frequently.

"Won't fail so frequently"
->  You can ask Capulo, he's been mining with 40 machines for a year straight against the pool, so it's definitely some technical issue that can be solved if we work through it.  (Not something that is systemically affecting the whole community).  Granted, ABN is new and we could be exploiting new unchartered areas.

I will need your pool handle to figure this out.  Could you either PM me or email me at and Ill tell you whats happening to the hashpower etc.

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
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🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
bible_pay (OP)
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Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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July 05, 2019, 02:02:05 AM

wallet running on win 10 64bit

I have this in my wallet configuration

but my cpu is only using 10-25% and genproclimit is still 1..  i tried several values.. like 4, 16..  restart pc after but no efffect. Whats wrong?

blocks": 129551,
  "currentblocksize": 1502,
  "currentblocktx": 1,
  "difficulty": 2070.207305034551,
  "errors": "",
  "pooledtx": 0,
  "chain": "main",
  "genproclimit": 1,
  "networkhashps": 383570.8021583835,
  "hashps": 756.1588006589133,
  "minerstarttime": "07-04-2019 00:23:29",
  "hashcounter": 35825303,
  "pooledtx": 0,
  "chain": "main",
  "biblepay-generate": true,
  "poolinfo1": "",
  "poolinfo2": "",
  "poolinfo3": "",
  "abninfo": "",
  "gsc_errors": "",
  "poolmining": false,
  "pool_url": "",
  "required_abn_weight": 100000

When I attempted to set my miner to genproclimit 60+ it gave constant warnings that 60 was the highest it could go.
I don't know if that's the case anymore since I've then figured out how to to set the appropriate threads (I use 7 for 7 threads, 8 puts my CPU at 100% and locks it up.) Intel core i7, 4790k, quad core w/ 8 threads.

Other than verifying you are synced with this same chain hash:
(As that would make you go to 99% error ratios on the pool if you are out of sync)

Could you also post your 'exec getabnweight 100000' results?

The pool also requires you to have unspent ABN weight for each new block created.


PS I see you already have minersleep=0, so like JSheets said, double check the biblepay.conf is in the same directory as your last timestamp modified debug.log.  If that wasn't it we can work through the getabnweight, to see if your miner is stopping and starting.  You can restart your miner with 'setgenerate true 5' and quickly look at getmininginfo for errors.  (Or check your log for errors).

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
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🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
bible_pay (OP)
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Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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July 05, 2019, 02:05:50 AM

wallet running on win 10 64bit

I have this in my wallet configuration

but my cpu is only using 10-25% and genproclimit is still 1..  i tried several values.. like 4, 16..  restart pc after but no efffect. Whats wrong?

blocks": 129551,
  "currentblocksize": 1502,
  "currentblocktx": 1,
  "difficulty": 2070.207305034551,
  "errors": "",
  "pooledtx": 0,
  "chain": "main",
  "genproclimit": 1,
  "networkhashps": 383570.8021583835,
  "hashps": 756.1588006589133,
  "minerstarttime": "07-04-2019 00:23:29",
  "hashcounter": 35825303,
  "pooledtx": 0,
  "chain": "main",
  "biblepay-generate": true,
  "poolinfo1": "",
  "poolinfo2": "",
  "poolinfo3": "",
  "abninfo": "",
  "gsc_errors": "",
  "poolmining": false,
  "pool_url": "",
  "required_abn_weight": 100000

Please let us know if what we mentioned for Gilligan_M fixed your issue too, or if you are still mining slow.  If so please post the same info I asked for Gilligan to post.

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
🕇  Announcement | ForumSlackDiscordRedditTwitter | SouthXChange  🕇
🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
bible_pay (OP)
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Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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July 05, 2019, 02:12:37 AM

Rob, I'm still not exactly sure how the POG leaderboard works. For example I currently have "owed" coins 561.1 with a prominence of 0.6. This is the exakt same amount like someone called "trumpfan" has.
However, I have more than 20x the amount of "points" on the leaderboard than him. So how do these translate to the owed amount? Or is this just another hickup in the time frame of both columns?

Also, talking to a friend of mine who hasn't enough BBP for the new masternodes, it seems like just doing POG pays a lot better than the sancs. He made several hundered thousand BBP in one week. Of course this will slowly decrease with his lower coin age, but it's still orders of magnitude higher than sanc payments.

This leaderboard reconciliation is an easy one; first on the amount owed as compared to the prominence matching it up - no that was actually fixed and you should not have a problem at all in that area.  If you look at the prominence %, say its .10 for someone, and knowing the daily superblock value (its usually about 950K) that would equal a 95,000 bbp reward.
But specifically TrumpFan as compared to you:  We have 2 campaigns in prod : Pog & healing.  Hes in Healing (Healing gets 5% of the GSC per day).  So click on "DETAILS VIEW", and scroll up to Trump Fan - and notice today he is the only one with a healing diary entry (Im slacking today as Im working in Develop lol).  So he has this 46.7K boost.  Then you can clearly see all the other prominence % lines up relative to each other.

Yes, on our GSC rewards as compared to Sancs, I agree, we are talking about a 500% higher payout ratio for locked up BBP in the GSC land right now.  Thats very surprising to me, in that POG/Healing pays so much, I expected to see at least 2-3 new users per day in the leaderboard jumping in and evening this out.   We have had about 33 participants a day, and we are going sideways.  I make a bold call:  this wont last too long, as both POBH mining is very profitable right now ($50 per month per PC), GSC is 500% too profitable, etc.  So the only way out is that we pick up new users.  I predict that we will double our user base by Christmas, as long as this profitability continues.  But yes, people would not want to start a new sanc right now with the BBP, they would want to use it in POG until POG gets less profitable.

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
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🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
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July 05, 2019, 04:53:27 AM

Sorry if this has been discussed in the past, couldn't find any info on it in the Wiki.  I know the concept of PoG, that you give BBP to orphans and you can get rewarded for it, so it's an incentive to donate to the poor.  I also know the way to set it up is to add tithe=1 to the wallet config file, but other than that I'm not sure what else needs to be done.  How often does it donate BBP and how much does it donate?  I have no problem giving to the needy but is there any possibility of it completely draining my wallet if I'm not mining fast enough to make up for the donations?  Thanks!
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July 05, 2019, 01:15:40 PM

wallet running on win 10 64bit

I have this in my wallet configuration

but my cpu is only using 10-25% and genproclimit is still 1..  i tried several values.. like 4, 16..  restart pc after but no efffect. Whats wrong?

blocks": 129551,
  "currentblocksize": 1502,
  "currentblocktx": 1,
  "difficulty": 2070.207305034551,
  "errors": "",
  "pooledtx": 0,
  "chain": "main",
  "genproclimit": 1,
  "networkhashps": 383570.8021583835,
  "hashps": 756.1588006589133,
  "minerstarttime": "07-04-2019 00:23:29",
  "hashcounter": 35825303,
  "pooledtx": 0,
  "chain": "main",
  "biblepay-generate": true,
  "poolinfo1": "",
  "poolinfo2": "",
  "poolinfo3": "",
  "abninfo": "",
  "gsc_errors": "",
  "poolmining": false,
  "pool_url": "",
  "required_abn_weight": 100000

Please let us know if what we mentioned for Gilligan_M fixed your issue too, or if you are still mining slow.  If so please post the same info I asked for Gilligan to post.
gen = 1
genproclimit = 4
minersleep = 0
exec getabnweight 100000
  "Command": "getabnweight",
  "version": 1.2,
  "weight": 18824968.40258104,
  "total_required": 167652,
  "weight 100000.00": 2915882.193784723,
  "total_required 100000.00": 25997
  "blocks": 129763,
  "currentblocksize": 13741,
  "currentblocktx": 12,
  "difficulty": 3026.147186147186,
  "errors": "",
  "pooledtx": 11,
  "chain": "main",
  "genproclimit": 1,
  "networkhashps": 454381.3860180424,
  "hashps": 756.1770107697015,
  "minerstarttime": "07-05-2019 08:08:16",
  "hashcounter": 13828944,
  "pooledtx": 11,
  "chain": "main",
  "biblepay-generate": true,
  "poolinfo1": "",
  "poolinfo2": "",
  "poolinfo3": "",
  "abninfo": "",
  "gsc_errors": "",
  "poolmining": false,
  "pool_url": "",
  "required_abn_weight": 100000
my CPU is only 2% active....
bible_pay (OP)
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July 05, 2019, 02:09:48 PM

Sorry if this has been discussed in the past, couldn't find any info on it in the Wiki.  I know the concept of PoG, that you give BBP to orphans and you can get rewarded for it, so it's an incentive to donate to the poor.  I also know the way to set it up is to add tithe=1 to the wallet config file, but other than that I'm not sure what else needs to be done.  How often does it donate BBP and how much does it donate?  I have no problem giving to the needy but is there any possibility of it completely draining my wallet if I'm not mining fast enough to make up for the donations?  Thanks!

If you did the 'exec cpk nickname' and 'exec join pog', now you are in the POG campaign.  (Tithe=1 is no longer necessary).

The wallet will send a GSC transmission (this contains your stake-age) for the POG campaign once every 12 hours, but only if you are mining and your wallet is unlocked.

By default it sends a 2.50 tithe each time.  You can override this with this key:
(Look for overriding POG).

Yes, the wallet would actually drain to 0 if a person left it mining, and each 2.50 tithe spent the bbp.
But you can do an 'exec roi' to see the effects of tithe amounts up front.

Also, if a person does not want to tithe they can set the override value to 0 (or do 'exec unjoin pog').

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
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🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
bible_pay (OP)
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Activity: 1176
Merit: 215

Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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July 05, 2019, 02:16:17 PM

wallet running on win 10 64bit

I have this in my wallet configuration

but my cpu is only using 10-25% and genproclimit is still 1..  i tried several values.. like 4, 16..  restart pc after but no efffect. Whats wrong?

blocks": 129551,
  "currentblocksize": 1502,
  "currentblocktx": 1,
  "difficulty": 2070.207305034551,
  "errors": "",
  "pooledtx": 0,
  "chain": "main",
  "genproclimit": 1,
  "networkhashps": 383570.8021583835,
  "hashps": 756.1588006589133,
  "minerstarttime": "07-04-2019 00:23:29",
  "hashcounter": 35825303,
  "pooledtx": 0,
  "chain": "main",
  "biblepay-generate": true,
  "poolinfo1": "",
  "poolinfo2": "",
  "poolinfo3": "",
  "abninfo": "",
  "gsc_errors": "",
  "poolmining": false,
  "pool_url": "",
  "required_abn_weight": 100000

Please let us know if what we mentioned for Gilligan_M fixed your issue too, or if you are still mining slow.  If so please post the same info I asked for Gilligan to post.
gen = 1
genproclimit = 4
minersleep = 0
exec getabnweight 100000
  "Command": "getabnweight",
  "version": 1.2,
  "weight": 18824968.40258104,
  "total_required": 167652,
  "weight 100000.00": 2915882.193784723,
  "total_required 100000.00": 25997
  "blocks": 129763,
  "currentblocksize": 13741,
  "currentblocktx": 12,
  "difficulty": 3026.147186147186,
  "errors": "",
  "pooledtx": 11,
  "chain": "main",
  "genproclimit": 1,
  "networkhashps": 454381.3860180424,
  "hashps": 756.1770107697015,
  "minerstarttime": "07-05-2019 08:08:16",
  "hashcounter": 13828944,
  "pooledtx": 11,
  "chain": "main",
  "biblepay-generate": true,
  "poolinfo1": "",
  "poolinfo2": "",
  "poolinfo3": "",
  "abninfo": "",
  "gsc_errors": "",
  "poolmining": false,
  "pool_url": "",
  "required_abn_weight": 100000
my CPU is only 2% active....

Thanks for all that info!
Yes, I can see you have plenty of ABN weight.  We are getting closer to resolving this now.

So it appears that the biblepay.conf file you changed is not the one being used.
The reason I say this is your getmininginfo shows genproclimit:1 but your file shows 4 (and 256).

You can actually first simulate genproclimit 20 by doing this:
setgenerate true 20

Then watch your CPU utilization.  If it rises higher than you have seen, then its obviously your config file.
(Plus you are not getting the benefit of minersleep=0 either, since that is not being read).

So if you confirm the above works, I recommend closing biblepay, and navigate to:
cd %appdata%\biblepayevolution
Take a look at the debug.log.  Was it just written to (timestamp is now)?

Then make a new biblepay.conf file, make sure its in the same directory as the debug.log you just checked, and make sure it does not have a double file extension (ie .conf.txt), and was created in notepad with CRLFs between each row.

Resave it and restart.

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
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🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
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July 05, 2019, 02:23:40 PM

Sorry if this has been discussed in the past, couldn't find any info on it in the Wiki.  I know the concept of PoG, that you give BBP to orphans and you can get rewarded for it, so it's an incentive to donate to the poor.  I also know the way to set it up is to add tithe=1 to the wallet config file, but other than that I'm not sure what else needs to be done.  How often does it donate BBP and how much does it donate?  I have no problem giving to the needy but is there any possibility of it completely draining my wallet if I'm not mining fast enough to make up for the donations?  Thanks!

If you did the 'exec cpk nickname' and 'exec join pog', now you are in the POG campaign.  (Tithe=1 is no longer necessary).

The wallet will send a GSC transmission (this contains your stake-age) for the POG campaign once every 12 hours, but only if you are mining and your wallet is unlocked.

By default it sends a 2.50 tithe each time.  You can override this with this key:
(Look for overriding POG).

Yes, the wallet would actually drain to 0 if a person left it mining, and each 2.50 tithe spent the bbp.
But you can do an 'exec roi' to see the effects of tithe amounts up front.

Also, if a person does not want to tithe they can set the override value to 0 (or do 'exec unjoin pog').

Oh so it only donates 5bbp per day by default?  That's easily manageable.   Thanks!
bible_pay (OP)
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Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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July 05, 2019, 02:27:57 PM

Sorry if this has been discussed in the past, couldn't find any info on it in the Wiki.  I know the concept of PoG, that you give BBP to orphans and you can get rewarded for it, so it's an incentive to donate to the poor.  I also know the way to set it up is to add tithe=1 to the wallet config file, but other than that I'm not sure what else needs to be done.  How often does it donate BBP and how much does it donate?  I have no problem giving to the needy but is there any possibility of it completely draining my wallet if I'm not mining fast enough to make up for the donations?  Thanks!

If you did the 'exec cpk nickname' and 'exec join pog', now you are in the POG campaign.  (Tithe=1 is no longer necessary).

The wallet will send a GSC transmission (this contains your stake-age) for the POG campaign once every 12 hours, but only if you are mining and your wallet is unlocked.

By default it sends a 2.50 tithe each time.  You can override this with this key:
(Look for overriding POG).

Yes, the wallet would actually drain to 0 if a person left it mining, and each 2.50 tithe spent the bbp.
But you can do an 'exec roi' to see the effects of tithe amounts up front.

Also, if a person does not want to tithe they can set the override value to 0 (or do 'exec unjoin pog').

Oh so it only donates 5bbp per day by default?  That's easily manageable.   Thanks!

Yes, and btw, if we have any cost cutting people out there, you can set it as low as .26 and it will still count the tithe.  Below .25 and the tithe is ignored (only due to preventing spam).

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
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🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
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July 05, 2019, 06:19:02 PM

Which block hash is correct?

Block #129800


bible_pay (OP)
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Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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July 05, 2019, 07:18:59 PM

Which block hash is correct?

Block #129800



The correct hash is actually the d3718* hash above for 129,800 and chainz is on a fork, due to an issue that I will explain in detail.

Fortunately the issue appears to be small (as CX, SX, the global Sanc report, and the foundation nodes are all on the d3718* "heavier" chain).

To work this out, I temporarily* disabled ABN, to build up the heavy chain back above a 10K diff, and let us work this off.

I will explain this situation in detail in the upcoming post(s).

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
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🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
bible_pay (OP)
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Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

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July 05, 2019, 07:22:14 PM

** Important Hash Check **

Before diving deep into the problem, first I would like everyone to check their hashes Asap,

getblockhash 129815
Verify the hash is:

If it is not, your node is on the light chain.
To fix this, no need to restart, please paste this into console:

reconsiderblock da101042c3cac70bd06d674a71e6b163f05a8e48cd308518ce94a89e60c9df0c

After that, your node will reorganize (it takes about 15 secs), then you can check the hash and you will see the diff is now > 5.5K and you are on the heavy chain.

I will explain this situation in detail, so we can permanently prevent this in the future.

🕇 BiblePay 🕇
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🕇 A Christian cryptocurrency | Supporting orphans through a decentralized autonomous charity 🕇
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July 05, 2019, 07:45:38 PM

** Important Hash Check **

Before diving deep into the problem, first I would like everyone to check their hashes Asap,

getblockhash 129815
Verify the hash is:

If it is not, your node is on the light chain.
To fix this, no need to restart, please paste this into console:

reconsiderblock da101042c3cac70bd06d674a71e6b163f05a8e48cd308518ce94a89e60c9df0c

After that, your node will reorganize (it takes about 15 secs), then you can check the hash and you will see the diff is now > 5.5K and you are on the heavy chain.

I will explain this situation in detail, so we can permanently prevent this in the future.

Found that the Linux version seems to require a reboot but Windows does not. Just an FYI to others.
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July 05, 2019, 07:50:16 PM

what happens to abn?
  "required_abn_weight": 0
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July 05, 2019, 07:58:54 PM

** Important Hash Check **

Before diving deep into the problem, first I would like everyone to check their hashes Asap,

getblockhash 129815
Verify the hash is:

If it is not, your node is on the light chain.
To fix this, no need to restart, please paste this into console:

reconsiderblock da101042c3cac70bd06d674a71e6b163f05a8e48cd308518ce94a89e60c9df0c

After that, your node will reorganize (it takes about 15 secs), then you can check the hash and you will see the diff is now > 5.5K and you are on the heavy chain.

I will explain this situation in detail, so we can permanently prevent this in the future.


When use reconsiderblock in the RPC/debug, it returns with "null"

Edit: the blockhash for 129815 returned to 85f39c01a397afcdb744e170d8decb0dd90f2e6473f0f31da8e1456105557aa9
bible_pay (OP)
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July 05, 2019, 07:59:27 PM


It feels like ever since I said we would be "rock solid" a few days ago, and that "stable-prod" is one of our new features for Evo, the Devil has come and tested the wallet (by trying to steal, kill or destroy).

I just want everyone to know I am 100% committed to making BiblePay stable and secure in prod, and permanently fork free.  We've completed a lot of development work to this end, but certain circumstances have tested us.  The bottom line is we need a sanctuary code upgrade to complete two of our features that enable stable-prod and fork-free to actually work.

First of all let me explain the order of events and why people had to issue the reconsiderblock command above.

During block 129785 (today's generic smart contract superblock), the sanctuaries tried to break a business logic rule.  This caused our daily GSC *not to emit*.  (We missed today's GSC and the BBP has been burned).  Due to a feature in the Dash-Evo codebase, once a block is marked as 'invalid', even if the lead devs come to the rescue, and attempt to replay the block, the nodes that are online will never accept that block (unless they type the reconsiderblock command in above manually).  Since our heavy chain has that block in it, it was necessary for us to ask anyone affected to intervene by manually typing the command.  The second problem that occurred today, is BiblePay has a feature to allow the devs to create a hint for the wallet to overcome this situation, but it failed.

So, in light of this, I am creating a plan of action that will mitigate this scenario permanently.  Note that technically since we have clearly identified the reason for the formation of this fork (its root was at the GSC height) this was technically not a fault of ABN, not a fault of POBH, but it was a purely a fault in the GSC POG business rules.

Plan of action to mitigate this issue permanently:

1.  Rob will identify the root cause of the POG business rule that caused one entry in the superblock contract to attempt to pay too much (this will fix the issue so that the superblock will payout tomorrow).
2.  Rob will identify the reason our devs could not issue an emergency hint, and we will fix the feature (this enables the fork-free and stable-prod features in prod).
3.  Sanctuaries will need to upgrade to this greater protocol version tonight.
4.  Regular users will not be impacted, and will not be required to upgrade.

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