July 09, 2019, 04:38:10 PM |
Can someone help me figure out why I have no hashps showing up?  { "blocks": 130227, "currentblocksize": 1000, "currentblocktx": 0, "difficulty": 2130.164171713709, "errors": "", "pooledtx": 0, "chain": "main", "genproclimit": 2, "networkhashps": 258953.0736721055, "hashps": 0, "minerstarttime": "07-07-2019 18:54:43", "hashcounter": 0, "pooledtx": 0, "chain": "main", "biblepay-generate": true, "poolinfo1": "BALKgP9NgQqurufJJCDqN4r7y6fhUUCLcj; BALKgP9NgQqurufJJCDqN4r7y6fhUUCLcj; ", "poolinfo2": "RMC_07-07-2019 19:03:26; RMC_07-07-2019 19:03:25; ", "poolinfo3": "", "abninfo": "Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; ", "gsc_errors": "low abn weight 0", "poolmining": true, "pool_url": "", "required_abn_weight": 125000 }
Everything else seems fine? Not sure about the abn part as it doesn't seem like something I see needed to setup a biblepay.conf file to mine? Does this mean I cannot mine even though it says poolmining "true" and biblepay-generate "true"? poolmining=true and generate=true means your mining thread is running, and you are configured to pool mine, but you are not mining due to the error in "abninfo". Could you please paste your 'exec getabnweight 125000' and it should show the reason you are not mining. Minimum abn weight is 125,000. (Otherwise the miner fails to create a block). I see. So in layman's terms this would mean?? I have a few days to wait to be eligible to mine? Thank you in adv. 11:36:53  exec getabnweight 125000
11:36:53  { "Command": "getabnweight", "version": 1.2, "weight": 54966.13539351852, "total_required": 15012, "weight 125000.00": 54966.13539351852, "total_required 125000.00": 15012 }
From the many one, from one, the source
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
July 09, 2019, 04:58:42 PM |
Can someone help me figure out why I have no hashps showing up?  { "blocks": 130227, "currentblocksize": 1000, "currentblocktx": 0, "difficulty": 2130.164171713709, "errors": "", "pooledtx": 0, "chain": "main", "genproclimit": 2, "networkhashps": 258953.0736721055, "hashps": 0, "minerstarttime": "07-07-2019 18:54:43", "hashcounter": 0, "pooledtx": 0, "chain": "main", "biblepay-generate": true, "poolinfo1": "BALKgP9NgQqurufJJCDqN4r7y6fhUUCLcj; BALKgP9NgQqurufJJCDqN4r7y6fhUUCLcj; ", "poolinfo2": "RMC_07-07-2019 19:03:26; RMC_07-07-2019 19:03:25; ", "poolinfo3": "", "abninfo": "Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; Unable to Create ABN: Sorry, your coin-age is too low to create an anti-botnet transaction.; ", "gsc_errors": "low abn weight 0", "poolmining": true, "pool_url": "", "required_abn_weight": 125000 }
Everything else seems fine? Not sure about the abn part as it doesn't seem like something I see needed to setup a biblepay.conf file to mine? Does this mean I cannot mine even though it says poolmining "true" and biblepay-generate "true"? poolmining=true and generate=true means your mining thread is running, and you are configured to pool mine, but you are not mining due to the error in "abninfo". Could you please paste your 'exec getabnweight 125000' and it should show the reason you are not mining. Minimum abn weight is 125,000. (Otherwise the miner fails to create a block). I see. So in layman's terms this would mean?? I have a few days to wait to be eligible to mine? Thank you in adv. 11:36:53  exec getabnweight 125000
11:36:53  { "Command": "getabnweight", "version": 1.2, "weight": 54966.13539351852, "total_required": 15012, "weight 125000.00": 54966.13539351852, "total_required 125000.00": 15012 }
I see you have an ABN weight of 55K (this is equal to your current wallets coin_value * age). You just need to increase this weight above 125,000 to currently mine. You could either add to your balance, or wait til it ages more. We do have a faucet at also btw.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
July 09, 2019, 05:09:41 PM |
Speaking of mining.. there's a miner on pool with over 1.2m hash/ps, and a growing # of physical machines. Kind of curious about it.
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
July 09, 2019, 06:28:34 PM |
Speaking of mining.. there's a miner on pool with over 1.2m hash/ps, and a growing # of physical machines. Kind of curious about it.
Thanks, I see him now. So he looks like he's about 38* bigger than me, and I solved 11 shares and he solved 418, so that looks good. The deal is that means we should solve about 15 more blocks than normal in the next 24 hours. So lets see if we solve more than 50... PS - I am making a proof of concept for funded ABNs. I think it would be nice to have turnkey mining since we need more users right now.
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
July 09, 2019, 11:34:50 PM Last edit: July 09, 2019, 11:46:34 PM by bible_pay |
** Non-ABN mining for users with no abn weight **
The following is what I have designed that appears to be technically feasible and secure, to allow turnkey mining for users with no abn weight:
1) Modify the pool Add Worker to have a dropdown that allows the user to choose : Yes for Funded ABN or No for self supplied ABN. (This will mark the miner record with a 0 or 1 indicator indicating if they are a fundedabn, or not a funded abn. FundedABN = 1).
2) The Worker List: Show the Funded ABN column.
3) Miners mining against the pool with regular ABNs will see their full hashpower in the leaderboard. 3b) Miners mining against the pool with Funded ABNs will only receive 80% of their hashpower in the pool leaderboard (this is equal to a 20% decrease in subsidy). This hashpower excess will be given to the rest of the pool, therefore the rest of the pool will receive a 20% bonus for supplying the ABNs.
4) BiblePay core will be modified to supply an extended block template for a pool miner, with pool mining enabled, and using a workerid that is a funded ABN workerid.
5) When the miner asks for a block to work on, the pool will find an applicable ABN that is for the current best block and provide it to biblepaycore. This is the block the end miner will work on. 5b) Note that the ABN used comes from a non-predictable funded miner who is currently mining in the pool, so over time, random ABNs will be used by random non-funded miners (IE one rich miner should not lose all ABN weight as we wont iterate serially).
6) BiblePay core will be modified with security considerations so the above steps can be completed.
7) The block distribution will be modified to show : UserWhoSolvedBlock.MinerWhoSolvedBlock so we can debug the funded abn's properly and work out any issues. We will also see [FABN=1] in the block distribution drill in, so we can see funded abn's who solved blocks.
8 ) The BiblePay core miner will show a distinct message in getmininginfo when it is mining with a funded ABN vs a normal ABN.
9) If we use up too much coin-age by an influx of users, we can increase the fees.
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
July 10, 2019, 12:09:47 AM Last edit: July 10, 2019, 01:49:29 AM by bible_pay |
** Non-ABN mining for users with no abn weight **
The following is what I have designed that appears to be technically feasible and secure, to allow turnkey mining for users with no abn weight:
1) Modify the pool Add Worker to have a dropdown that allows the user to choose : Yes for Funded ABN or No for self supplied ABN. (This will mark the miner record with a 0 or 1 indicator indicating if they are a fundedabn, or not a funded abn. FundedABN = 1).
2) The Worker List: Show the Funded ABN column.
3) Miners mining against the pool with regular ABNs will see their full hashpower in the leaderboard. 3b) Miners mining against the pool with Funded ABNs will only receive 80% of their hashpower in the pool leaderboard (this is equal to a 20% decrease in subsidy). This hashpower excess will be given to the rest of the pool, therefore the rest of the pool will receive a 20% bonus for supplying the ABNs.
4) BiblePay core will be modified to supply an extended block template for a pool miner, with pool mining enabled, and using a workerid that is a funded ABN workerid.
5) When the miner asks for a block to work on, the pool will find an applicable ABN that is for the current best block and provide it to biblepaycore. This is the block the end miner will work on. 5b) Note that the ABN used comes from a non-predictable funded miner who is currently mining in the pool, so over time, random ABNs will be used by random non-funded miners (IE one rich miner should not lose all ABN weight as we wont iterate serially).
6) BiblePay core will be modified with security considerations so the above steps can be completed.
7) The block distribution will be modified to show : UserWhoSolvedBlock.MinerWhoSolvedBlock so we can debug the funded abn's properly and work out any issues. We will also see [FABN=1] in the block distribution drill in, so we can see funded abn's who solved blocks.
8 ) The BiblePay core miner will show a distinct message in getmininginfo when it is mining with a funded ABN vs a normal ABN.
9) If we use up too much coin-age by an influx of users, we can increase the fees.
Who would like to test non-abn pool mining? This is in beta, so I'm not going to announce a release yet until the feature is tested from the windows machine(s), then we can ask MIP to build a linux version if its successful. At this point, you can download the windows v1.4.4.1c, and verify you have the feature enabled by typing 'exec getabnweight 115000' and if the Version output equals 2.0, you have the non-abn feature. To set up the feature, go to, add a new worker. Select "Funded" = YES for the worker id funding type. Save the record. Use this workerid in your biblepay.conf file. Start the miner. If you see "ABN=OK (Non-Funded)" from getmininginfo, and the HPS > 0, its working, otherwise please see the error message. Ready for testing (Windows 64):
Activity: 60
Merit: 0
July 10, 2019, 03:01:50 AM Last edit: July 10, 2019, 05:06:24 AM by jsheets1970 |
** Non-ABN mining for users with no abn weight **
The following is what I have designed that appears to be technically feasible and secure, to allow turnkey mining for users with no abn weight:
1) Modify the pool Add Worker to have a dropdown that allows the user to choose : Yes for Funded ABN or No for self supplied ABN. (This will mark the miner record with a 0 or 1 indicator indicating if they are a fundedabn, or not a funded abn. FundedABN = 1).
2) The Worker List: Show the Funded ABN column.
3) Miners mining against the pool with regular ABNs will see their full hashpower in the leaderboard. 3b) Miners mining against the pool with Funded ABNs will only receive 80% of their hashpower in the pool leaderboard (this is equal to a 20% decrease in subsidy). This hashpower excess will be given to the rest of the pool, therefore the rest of the pool will receive a 20% bonus for supplying the ABNs.
4) BiblePay core will be modified to supply an extended block template for a pool miner, with pool mining enabled, and using a workerid that is a funded ABN workerid.
5) When the miner asks for a block to work on, the pool will find an applicable ABN that is for the current best block and provide it to biblepaycore. This is the block the end miner will work on. 5b) Note that the ABN used comes from a non-predictable funded miner who is currently mining in the pool, so over time, random ABNs will be used by random non-funded miners (IE one rich miner should not lose all ABN weight as we wont iterate serially).
6) BiblePay core will be modified with security considerations so the above steps can be completed.
7) The block distribution will be modified to show : UserWhoSolvedBlock.MinerWhoSolvedBlock so we can debug the funded abn's properly and work out any issues. We will also see [FABN=1] in the block distribution drill in, so we can see funded abn's who solved blocks.
8 ) The BiblePay core miner will show a distinct message in getmininginfo when it is mining with a funded ABN vs a normal ABN.
9) If we use up too much coin-age by an influx of users, we can increase the fees.
Who would like to test non-abn pool mining? This is in beta, so I'm not going to announce a release yet until the feature is tested from the windows machine(s), then we can ask MIP to build a linux version if its successful. At this point, you can download the windows v1.4.4.1c, and verify you have the feature enabled by typing 'exec getabnweight 115000' and if the Version output equals 2.0, you have the non-abn feature. To set up the feature, go to, add a new worker. Select "Funded" = YES for the worker id funding type. Save the record. Use this workerid in your biblepay.conf file. Start the miner. If you see "ABN=OK (Non-Funded)" from getmininginfo, and the HPS > 0, its working, otherwise please see the error message. Ready for testing (Windows 64): https[Suspicious link removed] Will test in the morning. Please me my PM
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
July 10, 2019, 04:57:23 AM |
| pool= workerid=mpm_mike genproclimit=40 minersleep=0 gen=1
win10 64 bit. wallet (64-bit) Amd athlon 200GE wit radeon Vega graphics 3.19 Ghz (2 core with 4 threads)
1. im now 99% cpu utilized.. NOTE: setting genproclimit to 20 set only 50% ulilization. (Dont know why)
2. Im not in the pool? but i set in on the configuration. "poolmining": false, "pool_url": "",
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
July 10, 2019, 07:56:50 AM |
update: I sync my wallet to win7 64bit and everything is fine now..
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
July 10, 2019, 12:56:43 PM |
So now biblepay has Turnkey Sanctuaries (GIN) and Turnkey mining ( (mining without ABNs), and we already had a form staking with POG, and we have a working faucet.
Now I will work on a one-page startup guide for our most common scenarios so Grandpa can also get started.
With a one-page guide, I fail to see any barrier of entry for newbies.
I maintain the environment is not overly complicated.
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
July 10, 2019, 03:19:14 PM |
So now biblepay has Turnkey Sanctuaries (GIN) and Turnkey mining ( (mining without ABNs), and we already had a form staking with POG, and we have a working faucet.
Now I will work on a one-page startup guide for our most common scenarios so Grandpa can also get started.
With a one-page guide, I fail to see any barrier of entry for newbies.
I maintain the environment is not overly complicated.
And its also possible that with all the changes we've made in the last 2 years, that new users who stop by cant really understand what we are doing here, or how to mine. They might get frustrated in having to read 1,400 pages (remember our other thread is 700 pages also). So I think in this one page document (maybe it will be two or three pages now), I will also attempt to explain who we are and what we do (IE our boilerplate message) and a summary of our most important initiatives, where we are with them, etc. (I've been told by Dash that BBP is struggling to find its identity). One asset we have fortunately is our list of 5,000 e-mail addresses - containing distinct users who "tried" bbp in one shape or form. Once we peer review this document, lets send it out to our 5,000 members and see if we pick up any new users.
July 10, 2019, 04:24:48 PM |
They might get frustrated in having to read 1,400 pages (remember our other thread is 700 pages also).
Hehe, you don't realize how much we've grown and how far we've come. The old thread only had 177 pages! Maybe that's why you remembered the number 7. See your post when we passed that number of pages in this thread: some reason now it's 166 pages. But it's fascinating to me that back then we were thinking that our page count was sky high.
Activity: 150
Merit: 0
July 10, 2019, 08:08:22 PM |
And when you sort Announcements (Altcoins) by # of replies we are on the bottom of the first page
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
July 10, 2019, 08:09:22 PM |
And when you sort Announcements (Altcoins) by # of replies we are on the bottom of the first page Hey thats positive for PR!
SVK Noko
Activity: 267
Merit: 0
July 11, 2019, 04:48:37 AM |
Good Morning to all
I would like to ask how it looks with new exchange fund? Is there any? It looks new exchange can be helpfull.
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
July 11, 2019, 09:17:56 PM |
** One Page startup Guide ** me know if I forgot any great features or topics, or if I left out any required information, or if I should elaborate on any basic information. Hopefully this gives a new user the information they need to get started immediately with BiblePay.
Jr. Member
Activity: 78
Merit: 1
July 12, 2019, 09:14:43 AM |
Hello there, has updated BiblePay (! Nodes monitoring and stats for $BBP. You can especially be warned when : - the status of a node changes
- your nodes get rewarded
- an upgrade of your wallet is available
You can also follow our Masternode Setup Guide for BiblePay here : Setup GuideHappy masternoding!
MasterNodeCap - Monitoring ,Statistics,Rank and Setup Guides for Masternodes