February 13, 2014, 05:54:58 PM |
@C-f-b you said that the fee won't be lowered this week. But can you give a roughly ETA? Because we need to know that to do our planing on reddit.
I'm quite busy this and next week with Asset Exchange and Voting System. U should ask Jean-Luc if he is planning to change min fee in the nearest future. It doesnt look like it will happen in the near future - I got with him and hes actually not aware yet if there will be backwards compatibility between existing clients and a new client that supports 01 NXT as lowest transaction fee and .01 NXT as lowest amount to be used in a transfer. Can you comment on what happens on current code and if a forger on exsiting code sees a signed transaction from a user on new code who signed a tranasaction to transfer .01NXT and a fee of .1 NXT? He also is concerned about existing javascript IU implementations
Activity: 1806
Merit: 1038
February 13, 2014, 05:55:17 PM |
Just for information - there is Nxt chat with NXT tokens authentification at http://nxtc.org/ (English, German, Russian rooms, with lastminute BTer, Vircurex, DGex prices). You are welcome!
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February 13, 2014, 05:55:31 PM |
So if we ever make coins or something we will need a slogan. USD has in god we trust. Bitcoin has "vires in numeris" which means strength in numbers. I thought for nxt we might use "In emergentia speramus" which translates to "in emergence we trust" I wanted to write something else underneath the nxt logo that i put on my silver bars so "In emergentia speramus" is what i came up with. All constructive comments welcome. The first US cent: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fugio_Cent"Mind Your Business" Not a recommendation, just an interesting aside. 
February 13, 2014, 05:57:15 PM |
Why the price is rising? Something happens today?
I posted. Of course price is going to the moon 
February 13, 2014, 05:58:09 PM |
Why the price is rising? Something happens today?
Perhaps it's Come-from-Beyond's anonymous buying
February 13, 2014, 06:00:34 PM |
In trust we trust: In fide credimus
(no idea if that's a valid translation!)
Id say that "in no trust we trust" since we are trying to go trustless here SPQR  Had to troll this, apologies  wait arent you greek? LOL what are you doing saying that?
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1000
February 13, 2014, 06:02:24 PM |
What's "JUST YUB AND HODL" in Latin?
Edit: "ereme ac retioen"
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1010
February 13, 2014, 06:04:49 PM |
A lonely patch of green in a sea of red. 
Asian Prepper
February 13, 2014, 06:07:04 PM |
I have registered startnxt.com (and startnxt.net) and would like to create a landing page! I am looking for a designer who will help me to create a simple, but sexy landing page for new users. We have a few clients (including the web client of wesleyh!), a few functions (aliases, AE, transparent forging), two forums and a few other nxt homepages with different onformationsets which needs to be introduced to new Nxters. The homepages we currently have are not so userfreiendly and contain too much information for Avarage Joe. I want to have a 1-pager, where the user is guided through all the functions of Nxt when he is scrolling down. I don´t want to have too much information (nor too much text, I prefer graphics) on the page, but all the graphics should be clickable and should link to other sites where the user has access to more information (a link to http://info.nxtcrypto.org/ or to the wiki for example). The focus needs to be on the graphics, not on the information, as this page would only work as a landing page from where the user can navigate to other pages where he can have access to more detailed infos. I too have thought this is very important and have been considering registering new2nxt.com as the jump page. If you can get this implemented in the next 2 weeks I would like to get it on biz cards to hand out at the Texas conference. I'm doing this already with BitVenturer.  Nice, this on nxt.org will be really cool! Best possible domain Battle of the domains?  I'm not clear from the posts if the domain nxt.org is available or not. If it is available, I highly recommend sticking with nxt.org so we can correct the "nextcoin" vs "nxt" confusion with the public once and for all. It's great that everyone is creating their own website for nxt but to eliminate confusion among the public (from a marketing perspective) and double work within the nxt community, i think we should pool our talents together to create one powerful and effective site for nxt vs having multiple sites saying the same thing. The developers are building nxt infrastructure as fast as they can... the rest of us who are not programmers can assist with marketing/promotion of nxt. In order to compete with bitcoin and other alt coins, we need to make it easy and frictionless and eliminate any confusion for new users and adopters to 1)learn about nxt 2) download and install nxt client and 3) buy and use nxt. Tai Zen
As of 2014-04-09 I no longer post as "Asian Prepper" and will post under my real name "Tai Zen" to eliminate confusion. Founder of www.PrisonOrFreedom.com | BTC: 19HHZ1yEimKUYVFM9TkXqd9xwM54jSFrmc | LTC: LTA99422wieqR1MfWeNxZU5xAsESE9MzW7 | NXT: 17225446755425423638
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1217
February 13, 2014, 06:07:31 PM |
my very smart wife suggested that perhaps the reason why the price is rising is because our whale is out of power.
Rep Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=381041If one can not confer upon another a right which he does not himself first possess, by what means does the state derive the right to engage in behaviors from which the public is prohibited?
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1000
February 13, 2014, 06:09:35 PM |
In trust we trust: In fide credimus
(no idea if that's a valid translation!)
Id say that "in no trust we trust" since we are trying to go trustless here SPQR  Had to troll this, apologies  wait arent you greek? LOL what are you doing saying that? He wanted a latin proverb  Else I would recommend a Greek one: "IΣXYΣ EN TH ENΩΣEI" - Homer United we have more strengthUnity is strength
February 13, 2014, 06:10:02 PM |
How often should one check this? What does a negative number mean? Can <= 0 be ignored?
Also, how do you (the server) determine a client is really forging, do you just check if it's online and responding to peer requests and that's it?
It's updated each time u invoke startForging or a new block forged, I suppose. The code is written by Jean-Luc, I might be wrong. U can't determine if a client is forging, server does it. But "forging" really just means "being connected to the network" right? There's not really a difference between a person that has connected but not called the startForging() api, and one that has? Except that the first one is included in the chance to get the next block forged. Forging means the server knows your secretPhrase. When it does, it automatically checks whether it is possible to generate a block, every second. Even if the account effective balance is 0, it will keep checking, so you could start forging before the required minimum 1440 number of confirmations, and once the effective balance becomes > 0, the account will automatically be forging. It will continue forging indefinitely, unless stopForging is called (lock account does the same), or the server is shutdown. The deadline is the estimated time until your next chance to generate a block. Your chance changes only when a new block arrives, so only then the user will get a notification of a deadline change. In between such notifications, client developers can just decrement the deadline with 1 second every 1 second. It is a bug (fixed) if the deadline is ever shown as negative, this can happen if the server time is behind the timestamp of the last received block. Users of the javascript client will get a JSON notification when the deadline changes. Client developers using the Java API directly can register a listener to receive such notifications, just like it is done in User.java: Generator.addListener(new Listener<Generator>() { @Override public void notify(Generator generator) { JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); response.put("response", "setBlockGenerationDeadline"); response.put("deadline", generator.getDeadline()); for (User user : allUsers) { if (Arrays.equals(generator.getPublicKey(), user.getPublicKey())) { user.send(response); } } } }, Generator.Event.GENERATION_DEADLINE);
February 13, 2014, 06:12:48 PM |
my very smart wife suggested that perhaps the reason why the price is rising is because our whale is out of power.
I for one thank our whale. Seriously. Dropping the price gives even better opportunity for others to enter. Maybe they realized this and capitaliazed instead of maintaining their butthurt.
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1000
February 13, 2014, 06:13:31 PM |
In trust we trust: In fide credimus
(no idea if that's a valid translation!)
Id say that "in no trust we trust" since we are trying to go trustless here SPQR  Had to troll this, apologies  wait arent you greek? LOL what are you doing saying that? He wanted a latin proverb  Else I would recommend a Greek one: "IΣXYΣ EN TH ENΩΣEI" - Homer United we have more strengthUnity is strength IΣXYΣ = power/strength ENΩΣEI = unity
Full Member
Activity: 266
Merit: 100
NXT is the future
February 13, 2014, 06:15:47 PM |
dawn tai zen right after all we will see a new high 
Activity: 2142
Merit: 1010
February 13, 2014, 06:17:45 PM |
@ Client devs
I'm refactoring Voting System code, it will be added to test version next week. FYI.
Change in plans? AE and VS before April? No. We stick to the plan.
February 13, 2014, 06:19:07 PM |
U should ask Jean-Luc if he is planning to change min fee in the nearest future.
The answer is I don't know yet. It is not just changing a hardcoded constant. We have the logic of multiplying amounts by 100 all over the code (yet not absolutely everywhere), this needs to be cleaned up and all the amounts need to be handled in a consistent way, i.e. all in NXT-cents, and only display them as fractional in the client, and parse user input as fractional in the client. I need to go through the code and fix that, and then track down and fix the bugs resulting from my fixes.
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1000
February 13, 2014, 06:22:54 PM |
Developers of NXT client:
I see that there's a couple of you and you're all working separately. I also saw so far that everyone has good elements - some excel in some features, some in others. For instance this latest wesleyh client looks very good from the GUI (graphical interface) point, but wesleyh said he doesn't have the inside built yet. Can you combine the good elements or share some of the elements to get the best features rolled into something greater?
Full Member
Activity: 266
Merit: 100
NXT is the future
February 13, 2014, 06:24:36 PM |
wazup with testnet? doesnt work at all.!