Look gulden people, i am so disappointed in your ways of just simply phlegmatically at best, just being like dutch people in general, sluggish behaviour to sit and discuss things in dutch, dont care about the market, the investors etc.
just so dutch, its dirty, it does not make any sense, dutch people are just out for themselves. they are such a pack of dogs.
i left gulden, and i can recommend others to do the same, dutch people are not to be trusted period, just look at verstappen the race driver, that will give you an idea how a selfish morron acts, its in their dna.
this is a fully honest opinion about them, i have lived in the netherlands, travelled the netherlands and nothing surprise me of these people any more, and also i am Swedish so i am suppose to be someone they look up to and call me brother etc, what a joke of a population. my friends this is the white narco maffia society on a big level trying to appear like a "normal", a country where a drug smuggler at an international airport can be excused with only 2 kgs of cocaine on their body, its a joke.....well behind many latin american countries, even colombia has a more serious legal system....
white maffia it is...and i would recommend everyone to stay way clear of anything they do or persue... just look at South Africa as an example...look what they did there and got away with it....
involve yourself with shitty people and end up like shit i say
the coin is not a scam, the thing is, its dutch people, morrons so it will always be shit...so easy.. ohh yeah next time the ocean swells over dont call my country for food and clothes, keep chopping away on thoose dykes and sell cocaine and maybe god will save you.... white wiggas