May 19, 2014, 11:52:49 PM |
This thread has become a target for spammers now  Just hit the report to moderator button on his post. +1 report that punk we need 2 keep this thread clean
May 19, 2014, 11:55:29 PM |
so what was the reason of the relaunch beside screwing those who had already mine the coin for a month ? Are you planning to relaunch every month ? (just in case one might want to mine it, and not getting screwed again)
Read the thread Mike, You can't tell idiots to read they want everything spoon fed to them  no but you can tell them which page to read freaking idiot yourself  CTRL + F helps That is for finding what you want on the page. Now your username is not listed as newbie but clearly I should contact the admin of this forum and have it say dumb@$$ I spend time on thread where there 500+ page, I never say anybody to look for info into the thread, either I don't say anything or I point to the real information. You definitely a moron and not an helpful one. so stfu if you don't want to answer. The answer certainly takes 3 or 4 words but if your are not able to tell what it is, so just keep your new old coin.  (there are 3 or 4 launch everyday day at the moment and I don't even try very hard at the moment to find answer) Fail. You spend time on this thread with less than 100 pages. Keep going with god Fail. I didn't come to that thread since day 2, but saw relaunch in the title with no reason in the OP and updated the wallet to notice I lost my coin (or rather my wallet won't work anymore... ) as I say there are many coin launching at the moment and I don't mine anymore scrypt coins, which doesn't mean I like to lose the coin I already have in my wallet). So even with 500 pages I won't come back as the coin does not fit what I mine at the moment. Go stroke your ego elsewhere kid you've come back multiple times you're eating this coin up secretly I know it   you wish but no... tried to do a search just ended up on a bunch of other "idiots" like me who lost the millions they previously own. But no clear answer. We all know that changing the rules in the middle of the game don't work especially if there is no real reason behind (except the coin doesn't do well on the exchange) Well FYI this coin needed to be relaunched as there were technical errors with the wallet. The difficulty algorithm has also been changed to an even better one. SSL has been introduced and the blocks are now 60 seconds. I lost just over 6 million coins in my last wallet... But do you see me crying over it? You have said you dont mine scrypt coins anymore, so why are you coming back to post to rant about the coin? Vote for us to get onto Swisscex: https://www.swisscex.com/voting currently on 83 votes
May 19, 2014, 11:55:37 PM |
very nice of the dev to offer the bounty twice
May 19, 2014, 11:57:08 PM |
so what was the reason of the relaunch beside screwing those who had already mine the coin for a month ? Are you planning to relaunch every month ? (just in case one might want to mine it, and not getting screwed again)
Read the thread Mike, You can't tell idiots to read they want everything spoon fed to them  no but you can tell them which page to read freaking idiot yourself  CTRL + F helps That is for finding what you want on the page. Now your username is not listed as newbie but clearly I should contact the admin of this forum and have it say dumb@$$ I spend time on thread where there 500+ page, I never say anybody to look for info into the thread, either I don't say anything or I point to the real information. You definitely a moron and not an helpful one. so stfu if you don't want to answer. The answer certainly takes 3 or 4 words but if your are not able to tell what it is, so just keep your new old coin.  (there are 3 or 4 launch everyday day at the moment and I don't even try very hard at the moment to find answer) Fail. You spend time on this thread with less than 100 pages. Keep going with god Fail. I didn't come to that thread since day 2, but saw relaunch in the title with no reason in the OP and updated the wallet to notice I lost my coin (or rather my wallet won't work anymore... ) as I say there are many coin launching at the moment and I don't mine anymore scrypt coins, which doesn't mean I like to lose the coin I already have in my wallet). So even with 500 pages I won't come back as the coin does not fit what I mine at the moment. Go stroke your ego elsewhere kid you've come back multiple times you're eating this coin up secretly I know it   you wish but no... tried to do a search just ended up on a bunch of other "idiots" like me who lost the millions they previously own. But no clear answer. We all know that changing the rules in the middle of the game don't work especially if there is no real reason behind (except the coin doesn't do well on the exchange) Well FYI this coin needed to be relaunched as there were technical errors with the wallet. The difficulty algorithm has also been changed to an even better one. SSL has been introduced and the blocks are now 60 seconds. I lost just over 6 million coins in my last wallet... But do you see me crying over it? You have said you dont mine scrypt coins anymore, so why are you coming back to post to rant about the coin? Vote for us to get onto Swisscex: https://www.swisscex.com/votingjust voted. says I can vote again in 2 hours.
CaliforniaCoinCAC (OP)
May 19, 2014, 11:59:18 PM |
Thanks for the vote of confidence! Please remember you can vote every couple hours!
CaliforniaCoin: CL5gpVny63BV9w8ZthUps9w9Sz4s6h5zMz
May 20, 2014, 12:00:34 AM |
Thanks for the vote of confidence! Please remember you can vote every couple hours! Absolutely not a problem I'll be here till the end I love this coin
May 20, 2014, 12:01:57 AM |
+1 vote Do we need thousands of votes to get in that exchange or is it like the top 10 etc?
May 20, 2014, 12:03:11 AM |
+1 vote Do we need thousands of votes to get in that exchange or is it like the top 10 etc? #1 always goes onto the exchange lets aim for that.
May 20, 2014, 12:05:16 AM |
+1 vote Do we need thousands of votes to get in that exchange or is it like the top 10 etc? #1 always goes onto the exchange lets aim for that. That #1 coin has tens of thousands of votes Also dev should update OP with this voting link that would help
CaliforniaCoinCAC (OP)
May 20, 2014, 12:05:47 AM |
+1 vote Do we need thousands of votes to get in that exchange or is it like the top 10 etc? #1 always goes onto the exchange lets aim for that. That #1 coin has tens of thousands of votes Also dev should update OP with this voting link that would help We can do it  OP has been updated. Thanks for the suggestion  With the help of this wonderful growing community we will reach the moon very fast 
CaliforniaCoin: CL5gpVny63BV9w8ZthUps9w9Sz4s6h5zMz
May 20, 2014, 12:06:54 AM |
+1 vote Do we need thousands of votes to get in that exchange or is it like the top 10 etc? #1 always goes onto the exchange lets aim for that. That #1 coin has tens of thousands of votes Also dev should update OP with this voting link that would help The #1 has 1.02 btc in the voting address... so he gained 20,000 votes instantly there
May 20, 2014, 12:07:00 AM |
+1 vote Do we need thousands of votes to get in that exchange or is it like the top 10 etc? #1 always goes onto the exchange lets aim for that. That #1 coin has tens of thousands of votes Also dev should update OP with this voting link that would help We can do it  OP has been updated. Thanks for the suggestion  With the help of this wonderful growing community we will reach the moon very fast  I'll be here till the end of my life always gonna suport CAC
May 20, 2014, 12:09:06 AM |
+1 vote Do we need thousands of votes to get in that exchange or is it like the top 10 etc? #1 always goes onto the exchange lets aim for that. That #1 coin has tens of thousands of votes Also dev should update OP with this voting link that would help The #1 has 1.02 btc in the voting address... so he gained 20,000 votes instantly there So he can basically buy his coin into that exchange with 1 BTC donation?
May 20, 2014, 12:10:29 AM |
+1 vote Do we need thousands of votes to get in that exchange or is it like the top 10 etc? #1 always goes onto the exchange lets aim for that. That #1 coin has tens of thousands of votes Also dev should update OP with this voting link that would help The #1 has 1.02 btc in the voting address... so he gained 20,000 votes instantly there that exchange is corrupt as fuck lol
May 20, 2014, 12:11:02 AM |
+1 vote Do we need thousands of votes to get in that exchange or is it like the top 10 etc? #1 always goes onto the exchange lets aim for that. That #1 coin has tens of thousands of votes Also dev should update OP with this voting link that would help The #1 has 1.02 btc in the voting address... so he gained 20,000 votes instantly there So he can basically buy his coin into that exchange with 1 BTC donation? yeah basically. But lots of exchanges do it.
May 20, 2014, 12:11:41 AM |
+1 vote Do we need thousands of votes to get in that exchange or is it like the top 10 etc? #1 always goes onto the exchange lets aim for that. That #1 coin has tens of thousands of votes Also dev should update OP with this voting link that would help The #1 has 1.02 btc in the voting address... so he gained 20,000 votes instantly there So he can basically buy his coin into that exchange with 1 BTC donation? if that's the case we should raise 1btc to get on there too dev is there a BTC that people can donate to?
CaliforniaCoinCAC (OP)
May 20, 2014, 12:15:05 AM |
+1 vote Do we need thousands of votes to get in that exchange or is it like the top 10 etc? #1 always goes onto the exchange lets aim for that. That #1 coin has tens of thousands of votes Also dev should update OP with this voting link that would help The #1 has 1.02 btc in the voting address... so he gained 20,000 votes instantly there So he can basically buy his coin into that exchange with 1 BTC donation? if that's the case we should raise 1btc to get on there too dev is there a BTC that people can donate to? Donations are appreciated 
BTC: 1FzX3uuKyjsGjHwQN1u77ZgtuSVnArXBhf Doge: DTJHGuNcYG8eyFQy1uyo4XS2KUV5Mutd31 CAC: Ce7JKQ2ZPiqL21TK8agyrhmPcHxefa3TSK
These funds will be used to pay our way into exchanges. As a result, the community will grow and the people holding the coin will have a nice wave to ride.
CaliforniaCoin: CL5gpVny63BV9w8ZthUps9w9Sz4s6h5zMz
May 20, 2014, 12:16:25 AM |
+1 vote Do we need thousands of votes to get in that exchange or is it like the top 10 etc? #1 always goes onto the exchange lets aim for that. That #1 coin has tens of thousands of votes Also dev should update OP with this voting link that would help The #1 has 1.02 btc in the voting address... so he gained 20,000 votes instantly there So he can basically buy his coin into that exchange with 1 BTC donation? if that's the case we should raise 1btc to get on there too dev is there a BTC that people can donate to? Donations are appreciated 
BTC: 1FzX3uuKyjsGjHwQN1u77ZgtuSVnArXBhf Doge: DTJHGuNcYG8eyFQy1uyo4XS2KUV5Mutd31 CAC: Ce7JKQ2ZPiqL21TK8agyrhmPcHxefa3TSK
These funds will be used to pay our way into exchanges. As a result, the community will grow and the people holding the coin will have a nice wave to ride.
Bumped to help support the coin
CaliforniaCoinCAC (OP)
May 20, 2014, 12:17:02 AM |
+1 vote Do we need thousands of votes to get in that exchange or is it like the top 10 etc? #1 always goes onto the exchange lets aim for that. That #1 coin has tens of thousands of votes Also dev should update OP with this voting link that would help The #1 has 1.02 btc in the voting address... so he gained 20,000 votes instantly there So he can basically buy his coin into that exchange with 1 BTC donation? if that's the case we should raise 1btc to get on there too dev is there a BTC that people can donate to? Donations are appreciated 
BTC: 1FzX3uuKyjsGjHwQN1u77ZgtuSVnArXBhf Doge: DTJHGuNcYG8eyFQy1uyo4XS2KUV5Mutd31 CAC: Ce7JKQ2ZPiqL21TK8agyrhmPcHxefa3TSK
These funds will be used to pay our way into exchanges. As a result, the community will grow and the people holding the coin will have a nice wave to ride.
Bumped to help support the coin Thanks for the continued support it's greatly appreciated 
CaliforniaCoin: CL5gpVny63BV9w8ZthUps9w9Sz4s6h5zMz