Your making claims that you paid everyone out is incorrect. You still owe me for previous months and yet you do not say anything nore update me in pm or on this thread.
here was my starting post it is with grate regret to post this and am sure many more will be posting in here too.
I am posting this to provide details of what has gone on over the last few weeks regarding UpDown.BT and his website and also signature campaign.
Profile Link;u=318623Trust rating;u=318623Many people have also given neg feedback due to many people being scammed.
Last Active 5th June 2014
This was the final payment date for weekly payments on campaign and ended up moving towards monthly payments.
I originally signed up to this campaign over 3 weeks ago now. I originally joined on the 29th May 2014 to be paid 1 week later on the 5Th June.
Outstanding payment
Hero members status Pay per post = 0.0016BTC Total outstanding for 72 posts BTC0.1152 to be paid to
BTC address 1Safe7924PSq2JQTCd9HHZsfjY6a4TVZk that is also in original post of signing up.
I have tried to contact UpDown.BT many times regarding payment. On the 5th he was making selective payments on his campaign and adding only selective people. For the posts that where veiled their where over 72 posts. I posted on the day UpDown.BT posted after totally off topic and not even related to missing payments or to be confirmed. But instead confirmed a few people much later on posting and signing up and added a few more from people who where behind me. I asked again where payment was and again got ignored and many other people have been ignored too.
I had given till midnight Monday 16th June 2014 to post details and updates of what is going on with regards to being added to the campaign and to be paid. Again I was ignored and no payment made.
Yet you still havent paid me and making claims you have paid everyone this is total BS
Joined on 29th May. Did not get verified. Continued to post throughout the week based on weekly payments. Pay day 5th June No payment. Application still not even submitted after 3 week. Extra time of 24 hours given for payment to be sent. No payment received.
Sent 4 Private messages asking to be confirmed within the week I had posted and confirmed details that where asked of.. No response to any of them since submitting application. Also gave details again on topic and no response.
Outstanding paymentHero members status Pay per post = 0.0016BTC Total outstanding for 72 posts
BTC0.1152 to be paid to
BTC address 1Safe7924PSq2JQTCd9HHZsfjY6a4TVZk that is also in original post of signing up. You can see no payment of outstanding amount has been paid yet. So payment is still outstanding.
I have also submitted 4 bug reports on games and I am outstanding of 0.1BTC or more that was played details forwarded of bugs on game and was advised will be passed on this is almost 2 weeks ago and no updates or anything if going to be refunded or compensated. I am posting again below and am guessing things are coming towards the end of the week now no response to me and several other people now this is clearly giving indications as to no payment or is not going to continue. Please update UpDown.BT as you have myself and many others to pay outstanding payments on.
I gave 1 full week excluding Weekends because you say you don't work weekends. However I also gave an extinction as optional time to fix problems Starting Monday the 9th June 2014 till midnight Sunday 15th June 2015 for outstanding payment to be sent in full to me for advertising in my signature section for your services.
Link to post detailing missing and none payments. of signature in sig spaceAnd I had continued to use your services and you where away now you say you have made all payments yet am still owed for your signature campaign