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Author Topic: [announce] Namecoin - a distributed naming system based on Bitcoin  (Read 597557 times)
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December 15, 2024, 03:25:40 PM

Hope that NMC will not be the next target for fraudsters after Luckycoin (LKY).
The coin had been mined for years being one of the oldest chains with more than 1.5 million blocks, and someone "revived" it and forked from the block 81,743 from 2013, under LKY original name and logo. Coinmarketcap updated LKY information with the fraud that left many miners and investors without their coins, being accumulated in 2014-2019.

Be careful, to avoid the same scenario.

Maybe it is worth from time to time releasing new node versions that include newer checkpoints, so that from time to time users can update their nodes to be immune to attempts to fork far far back in the timeline?


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December 15, 2024, 03:58:59 PM

Hope that NMC will not be the next target for fraudsters after Luckycoin (LKY).
The coin had been mined for years being one of the oldest chains with more than 1.5 million blocks, and someone "revived" it and forked from the block 81,743 from 2013, under LKY original name and logo. Coinmarketcap updated LKY information with the fraud that left many miners and investors without their coins, being accumulated in 2014-2019.

Be careful, to avoid the same scenario.

Maybe it is worth from time to time releasing new node versions that include newer checkpoints, so that from time to time users can update their nodes to be immune to attempts to fork far far back in the timeline?


that could help only in case of relatively fair game, if all rules of crypto ethics are broken, and Coinmarketcap, pools, exchanges would list a NMC chain forked from the block in 2013, and delist current NMC, checkpoints in the delisted chain could only save the chain itself, but the chain would be not main one, and coins would be useless if pools and exchanges would prefer a "revived" chain, one from Coinmarketcap

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December 15, 2024, 04:52:08 PM

Hope that NMC will not be the next target for fraudsters after Luckycoin (LKY).
The coin had been mined for years being one of the oldest chains with more than 1.5 million blocks, and someone "revived" it and forked from the block 81,743 from 2013, under LKY original name and logo.

Be careful, to avoid the same scenario.

That can't happen because unlike Lucky, Bells & Junk, Namecoin never died. So its literally an impossibility.

Coinmarketcap updated LKY information with the fraud that left many miners and investors without their coins, being accumulated in 2014-2019.

They were without their coins before, and they're without them now. So nothing changed for them. The New Luckycoin isn't the same thing as Old Luckycoin (nor Bells nor Junk). Its more like Old Lucky holders before block 81,743 got an "airdrop" of New Lucky.

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December 15, 2024, 05:29:46 PM

Hope that NMC will not be the next target for fraudsters after Luckycoin (LKY).
The coin had been mined for years being one of the oldest chains with more than 1.5 million blocks, and someone "revived" it and forked from the block 81,743 from 2013, under LKY original name and logo.

Be careful, to avoid the same scenario.

That can't happen because unlike Lucky, Bells & Junk, Namecoin never died. So its literally an impossibility.

Coinmarketcap updated LKY information with the fraud that left many miners and investors without their coins, being accumulated in 2014-2019.

They were without their coins before, and they're without them now. So nothing changed for them. The New Luckycoin isn't the same thing as Old Luckycoin (nor Bells nor Junk). Its more like Old Lucky holders before block 81,743 got an "airdrop" of New Lucky.

If it is New Lucky, then it is incorrect to use the same name, symbol, logo and story.
To say nothing of taking over old Luckycoin web domains and editing old Coinmarketcap listing. If the coin is new, then it is incorrect that domains, story, name, logo are not new and the same one with original LKY, no matter died it or dormant.

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December 15, 2024, 06:09:43 PM

If it is New Lucky, then it is incorrect to use the same name, symbol, logo and story.
To say nothing of taking over old Luckycoin web domains and editing old Coinmarketcap listing. If the coin is new, then it is incorrect that domains, story, name, logo are not new and the same one with original LKY, no matter died it or dormant.

AFAIK that's what CMC goes by: what the owner of the originally-linked domain says.

I realize we are now totally off-topic, but despite whatever any shit-for-brains on Twitter has to say, I had nothing to do with the LKY relaunch. I just thought it was cool that they attempted to integrate a piece of the old blockchain, which makes it inherently a more worthy "revival" than Bells. Then I learned New Lucky was forked from New Bells, which was forked from Dogecoin. So everything is totally ass backward, and you should feel bad if you buy any of this "revival" garbage.

Buy NMC instead. Its merge-mined with BTC, it has "NFTs", and it has a continuous on-chain history since 2010. Possibly most importantly its free from the shenanigans and lies of the walking trashbags that you take investment advice from.

There I made it on-topic again.

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December 15, 2024, 08:21:03 PM

They were without their coins before, and they're without them now. So nothing changed for them. The New Luckycoin isn't the same thing as Old Luckycoin (nor Bells nor Junk).

Just to clarify that.
A lot really changed for LKY holders. In 2014-2024 even if Luckycoin was not active during last years, still there were expectations that one day the project will be continued in a fair way, from the latest mined block.

There was a single chain operating since 2013, one of the oldest chain. Investors and miners were interested in the story of Luckycoin, they were investing exactly in what now is being again promoted as the same concept, with the same logo, name and domains, but with all coins accumulated since Nov 25, 2013 disappeared in the new chain. Now there is no hope that someday the real historical project will be alive, because all its recognized attributes are stolen, replaced with fake Luckycoin, which was forked deliberately from the point deep in the past (11 years ago). It is just a double spend-like activity, and also a theft of attributes of dormant LKY project. It could be called "revival" only if the entire chain would be saved and continued from the latest block.

It is not a revival now, it is just fraud which could happen to many coins and blockchains. If crypto community would not stop this practice, it discredits the entire idea of immutability of crypto.

Anyway agree with you that it is off-topic a little here, we can discuss it in LKY ANN thread. On-topic my concern though is that some other historical chains like NMC could be a target of similar attack one day, not right now maybe, not in exactly the same way probably, but all holders of legendary coins should be aware of possible activities of scammers controlling a lot of hashrate and dreaming of making easy money out of stealing history, years of faith and hope.

Glad to hear that a legend like yourself is not involved with the fraud. I can confirm in fact you were the first who informed in this forum about what happened to Luckycoin this autumn, to aware people of that.

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December 15, 2024, 08:29:17 PM
Last edit: December 15, 2024, 08:42:24 PM by markm

If as you imply the original chain has been running all these years we can go ahead and refer to it as Lucky Classic and keep on going.

Which, on-topic, translates to if someone steals the NaMeCoin branding those who have or can get the current blockchain and keep it going can simply use the term NaMeCoin Classic and keep right on keeping on.


EDIT: Remember, money is IOUs so simply not being "above the fold" or "on popular exchanges and aggregator sites" just means the IOUs aka money could be harder to sell to new users, it need not mean they are any harder for their issuers to redeem aka buy back from those to whom they had been issued even if going forward fewer people might be interested in accepting them over again having redeemed them. Its not as if the existing exchanges etc suddenly changed the existing buy offers columns over to suddenly become buy offers backing the newfangled fraudulent version is it?

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December 16, 2024, 12:16:59 AM
Last edit: December 16, 2024, 01:03:52 PM by lkyinvestor

If as you imply the original chain has been running all these years we can go ahead and refer to it as Lucky Classic and keep on going.

Which, on-topic, translates to if someone steals the NaMeCoin branding those who have or can get the current blockchain and keep it going can simply use the term NaMeCoin Classic and keep right on keeping on.


EDIT: Remember, money is IOUs so simply not being "above the fold" or "on popular exchanges and aggregator sites" just means the IOUs aka money could be harder to sell to new users, it need not mean they are any harder for their issuers to redeem aka buy back from those to whom they had been issued even if going forward fewer people might be interested in accepting them over again having redeemed them. Its not as if the existing exchanges etc suddenly changed the existing buy offers columns over to suddenly become buy offers backing the newfangled fraudulent version is it?

It had been running for many years until some point when it became untracked.

Well, I'm still not convinced that if my NMC holdings one day would become NMCClassic, while attackers would benefit from fake NMC on pools and exchanges and sell their fake coins to people who would be convinced by them that it's the only one "true" and "revived" Namecoin - that it is a normal way of how crypto works.

Even if NMC is not dormant right now, at some point in future it could face stagnation, when block explorers are not renewed or exchanges delist it if the volume is low, and that could be ideal point for attackers to convince that their NMC (forked, for example, from some point in 2013 before they sold it and had a lot in their wallets) is real, updated NMC, listed by them on pools, cool exchanges, aggregator sites.

The solution could be to recognize this kind of scams and not accept them, be it submitted to CMC or other aggregator sites, or pools, or exchanges. We need serious projects that can investigate the crypto scene, recognize and report fast to community these fraudulent activities, even if they are hidden under a mask of good. Anyway thank you for discussing, long live NMC!

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December 16, 2024, 01:02:12 AM

Luckily for NaMeCoin, the FreiExchange management found it an interesting and/or useful and/or classic enough ancient classic coin to support it.

I had always basically felt anyway that exchanges that are not sufficiently interested in a coin to actually support it on their own initiative probably should not even bother nor be bothered with, but I can certainly understand that the lack of good reliable secure free open source exchange software preventing free open source grassroots projects from throwing up an exchange just like they started throwing up pools and block-explorers as soon as reliable free open source pool and block-explorer software was available kind of inevitably forced many projects to resort to commercial exchanges that didn't seemingly care about the coins nor in many cases seemingly their own users even if some scam was willing to pay to be listed.

Are there still no free open source exchange software releases that actually work securely and reliably, and still no free open source "atomic swaps between any arbitrary chains" systems?


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December 16, 2024, 08:27:03 AM

Namecoin will be at 38C3 and FOSDEM 2025🚀🚀🚀
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December 23, 2024, 10:42:27 PM

Namecoin will be at 38C3 and FOSDEM 2025🚀🚀🚀

No matter how brilliant a gem Namecoin may be, it holds no value if it’s buried in some African mine. Its value lies in being at Sotheby’s auction house.

Everyone knows McDonald’s not because it’s the best-tasting burger, but because it’s easily accessible right around the corner. The importance of accessibility cannot be overstated. No matter how appealing Namecoin may be, if people can’t experience it, no one will care.

Namecoin really needs to be listed on Binance.

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December 24, 2024, 11:49:10 PM

 Merry christmas to you all  Smiley
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January 02, 2025, 06:06:38 AM

Happy new year satoshi!
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January 11, 2025, 05:37:57 AM

Need more developer for the Namecoin.
We are currently relying on a small number of developers..
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January 18, 2025, 12:51:09 AM

Someone needs to link-up Namecoin and ICANN and Verisign. We should be able to have any TLD we want, and it should work on the standard internet.
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January 22, 2025, 10:55:25 PM

Need more developer for the Namecoin.
We are currently relying on a small number of developers..
Yes, after 10 years we are in the same place, bar a few upgrades to the latest bitcoin codebase.
but most importantly, we need side-projects and exchange listings.

IDK but is so hard for Bio or Domob to just apply on several exchanges and come back here and say "exchange x asked for x money and exchange Y, Z. and post a donating address for each on the website. or even here ?

i think Bio is taking it too far by requesting small changes to the website be done thru github.
Because any non-programmer will probably put off by that. it's too dificult.

He could at least put several polls about the direction of the coin.
And more exchange listings is a no-brainer.!

Don't donate me: donate to nmc re-base development project.
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January 22, 2025, 11:50:52 PM
Last edit: January 23, 2025, 12:29:20 AM by markm
Merited by nutildah (2)

Since the exchanges you seem to mean are custodial anyway, and NaMeCoin champions decentralisation, maybe it would be a decent start or alternative for simply any members of the community whom anyone might trust for any even tiny quantity of custody to simply offer NMC IOUs on IOU-tracking platforms such as Stellar?

Anyone will be able to choose which custodian's IOUs to trust how much of, they can all be traded among them so less-trusted ones might turn out to fetch lower prices than highly-trusted ones, and the "pathfinder" in Stellar can find anyone a path through the various offers and prices to whichever custodian they are looking to have "bail out" of custody to them on the actual NMC blockchain actual specie on the blockchain.


EDIT: I just checked AtomicWallet, likely a good example of the kind of wallet anyone who already accepted the idea that blockchains might be numerous probably already has, and found no NMC support in it! Now that is bad, at least make sure wallets of that kind have it! It might not be free open source itself of course so if not first of course make sure all the free open source multichain wallets, preferably ones with built in swapping, support you!

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January 23, 2025, 10:10:16 PM

If it is New Lucky, then it is incorrect to use the same name, symbol, logo and story.
To say nothing of taking over old Luckycoin web domains and editing old Coinmarketcap listing. If the coin is new, then it is incorrect that domains, story, name, logo are not new and the same one with original LKY, no matter died it or dormant.

AFAIK that's what CMC goes by: what the owner of the originally-linked domain says.

I realize we are now totally off-topic, but despite whatever any shit-for-brains on Twitter has to say, I had nothing to do with the LKY relaunch. I just thought it was cool that they attempted to integrate a piece of the old blockchain, which makes it inherently a more worthy "revival" than Bells. Then I learned New Lucky was forked from New Bells, which was forked from Dogecoin. So everything is totally ass backward, and you should feel bad if you buy any of this "revival" garbage.

Buy NMC instead. Its merge-mined with BTC, it has "NFTs", and it has a continuous on-chain history since 2010. Possibly most importantly its free from the shenanigans and lies of the walking trashbags that you take investment advice from.

There I made it on-topic again.

Your point about continuous on-chain history is well taken, it's one of the major strengths of projects like Namecoin. The lack of integrity in some of these so-called 'revivals' is a huge issue, especially when they recycle branding and logos to mislead users. It's frustrating how this kind of behavior undermines trust in the broader crypto space.

That said, the idea of merge-mining with BTC is definitely one of Namecoin's key advantages, but I wonder if its practical utility has been fully realized. Aside from security, do you think there's more that could be done to emphasize Namecoin's unique features, like its role in decentralized naming systems? It feels like it deserves more attention than it's getting

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January 24, 2025, 12:00:57 AM

I read yesterday that Decred has felt forced to completely bypass not just DNS but also HTML and more, aiming at a whole new internet that discards all such not strictly under all circumstances necessary metadata potentially abuse-able by servers.

I myself found no use for NaMeCoin's name registration as soon as speculators / cybersquatters bought my name (knotwork) there.

At this late date I am not sure it is something I ought to bother to snap up even if it did turn out that after all these years they have let it go.

I snapped up my markmetson name at places like Google and Yahoo and MSN way back when but there is a limit to how many how obscure places one can run around securing one's identity on; who-ever hijacked my yahoo email once upon a time had managed to find still available some .ru email provider where markmetson@ was still available for example so used that to tell my yahoo account to forward all my mail there.

I just now posted in altcoin discussion section a discussion partly about how does Decred think it is so suppressed by insiders when it somehow got into AtomicWallet yet NaMeCoin didn't, who is it being suppressed, exactly? :


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January 24, 2025, 02:16:08 AM

If Namecoin were listed on binance, it would go to $1000.
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