the only reason why xc's price isn't up is because there is not enough xc movements from investor to new investors.
not enough people selling at lower price and not enough people buying at higher prices.
this is caused by not having much speculations going on. everyone is keeping quiet and everyones keeping cool.
people like to anticipate in great news and big releases and yell out to buy and speculate that prices going to moon or crashing to nothing.
although we all say this is bad for long term because they will cause bubbles. but i think we actually need many of those bubbles phases to force change of hands on xc holdings therefor actually getting more adoptions.
right now everyone is holding xc because they believe it can double or triple or 10x roi but because of this we are not getting new adopters because no one is willing to sell them. only way for people to sell and change of hands is by going through a bubble. and we need the change of hands to grow the economy.
for best adoption we need:
either the price goes up and old investors sell out and new investors buy in.
or the price go down and weak hands goes out and new ballsy investors buy in.
and bubbles does both.
bubble are inevitable, don't be afraid of it. we actually need it.
you may think slow steady rise is the best but i think we are in a much more competitive environment that if we are too slow, investors lose interests slowly and gets too boring in here that no new investors will take notice, its okay if people lost interest and actually dumps out, but the problem is we don't, because we have such good dev team people are just holding on to it.
just look at our number of wallet addresses,
All 6023 5,539,572 XC 100 %
this has not changed much at all since... so long, i can't even remember when.
/random investment thoughts.. i could be very very wrong.