If the world is spending $1 mil FCT on contracts then price might be around $13
Does this sound about right?
Think about the almost unquantifiable number of contracts written around the world each year. Think of the number of companies that exist solely to enable contracts in some form. Why store those contracts on a closed, centralized system that might have zero, one, or maybe two backups when you can have it stored across thousands or millions of computers. Why pay high fees to a proprietary service when you can have market forces determine fair value.
One million in contracts means a Factoid is $13.00 (it is currently $0.75). I see no reason Factom won't be handling billions in contracts if Mr. Snow delivers what he is promising.
And contracts is just one small facet of what is possible with Factom. Factom is the data layer for bitcoin -- the place all the cool shit happens. As I said, bitcoin is tcp/ip and Factom is www. WWW is where all the cool shit is. As factom.org says:
Use the blockchain to power a remarkable range of applications, including audit systems, medical records, supply chain management, voting systems, property titles, legal applications, and financial systems.
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