Here's an easy way to transfer exchanged coin between 2 FindCoin clients on the same PC with 2 different wallets by only using 1 connected client. For this example, let's assume you already have your original FindYouCoin exchanged, you won't be running the original FindYouCoin client at all here.
1. Leave your current FindCoin copy running. We'll call this client1. In my case, client1 has been staking, and I just received coins on my old FindYouCoin wallet.
2. Copy your current FindCoin data directory to another directory, I used c:/tmp/FindCoin2. Feel free to use another directory name. Put your FindYouCoin wallet.dat file in there(make sure you have a backup of the other wallet.dat you overwrite!).
3. Make a shortcut to FindCoin.exe(you don't have to make two copies of the exe). Right click the shortcut, and add "-reindex -port=0 -listen=0 -connect= -datadir=c:/tmp/FindCoin2/" at the end of the Target field, excluding the quotes. Your target should look like this: <path>\FindCoin.exe -reindex -port=0 -listen=0 -connect= -datadir=c:/tmp/FindCoin2/
4. Run the shortcut you just made. We'll call this client2. client2 does not connect to anything. client2 does nothing but read your old FindYouCoin wallet as a FindCoin wallet.
5. Obtain the address with your coins. If you did the proper exchange, you got an email like this:
FindCoin amount you've received: xxxx
Address sent to: xAddressmNLxouxJBH3uaAmZkEFAr7XDBVYvFn
6. [client2] Open up the console. Help Menu->Debug Window->Console. In the console window, enter "dumpprivkey <address>". Replace <address> with your address from your email.
7. [client1] Open up the console. Enter "importprivkey <privkey>". Replace <privkey> with the key you just obtained in client2.
You've just transferred your coins to client1 without using the network. Grats!