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1441  Other / Politics & Society / CNN and NY times have become Racism TV on: December 28, 2019, 03:26:54 PM
american media cnn, and ny times have sickly become racism tv.

everything is about minorities demographic change, race, never it is about infrastructure, production, industry. social security, education etc.

democrats turn out every time to be the racists in america and they have turned out to be that again.
1442  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Communist Croatian government on: December 28, 2019, 03:12:59 PM
the victims of capitalism are called "the poor"

the victims of communism are called the exploited workers and talents,

truth is there are always victims.
1443  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: Ihr fragt Euch warum es keine Bitcoin ATMs in D gibt? on: December 28, 2019, 02:03:47 PM
Das kommt dabei raus, wenn die Blockchain-Gang Bitcoin als missliebige Konkurrenz ansieht.

Fragt sich hier noch irgendjemand, wieso ich die gesamte Blockchain-Szene für durch und durch korrupt & kriminell halte? Roll Eyes
Warten wir mal ab, wieviel Geld Dash denen bezahlt, damit sie auf ihren ATMs vertreten sind.

ja so ist halt die blockchain szene wird auch nicht anders sein, nach bitcoin, und ist auch genauso in den nationalen freimaurer bankenkartellen oder der kommunistischen bankenkartel von china/sovietunion,

gibt ja gründe warum es gewalt gab und menschen sich dan gegenseitig in die gulags/arbeitslager/konzentrationslager zwangen.

es gibt den radikalen wiederstand, die machthaber und die masse der bevölkerung welche einfach als geldverdiendes vieh mitspielt, um die geht der ganze streit
1444  Local / Off-Topic (Deutsch) / Re: Sparkasse zockt ab on: December 28, 2019, 01:30:16 PM
Das sollte sich jeder der ein Konto bei der Sparkasse hat mal Ansehen!

Ich Erspare mir jeden Komentar, Urteilt selber.

ach das ist nix neues, diese banken in westeuropa zerstören die ganze wirtschaft mit ihrer gier, bekloptheit und unfähigkeit.

die sind auch naiv ohne ende, und hüpfen den dekadenten milliardären hinterher, die dann dauernt nach projektmanagern suchen, um sie noch reicher zu machen (immobilien etc.)

die reichen investmentpunks in deutschland müssen neulich noch nicht einmal wohnungen vermieten oder fabriken betreiben um geld zu verdienen, der negativzins entschuldet ihre kreditaufnahme.

man muss allerdings noch anmerken das für eine gute wirtschaft nicht nur fähige banker und eine nichtdekadente burgoise notwendig ist sondern auch ein aufopferungsbereites arbeitendes volk.
1445  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump Writes Pelosi An Open 6 Page Letter For Historical Purposes on: December 28, 2019, 12:03:21 PM
you are a jackass no one care about haters like you

Hold up a minute... Are you the vodka-drenched fleabag that wrote this topic? You need to perform an emergency vasectomy before you somehow miraculously infect the genome with your beyond special chromosomes. Hopefully your Federal Compulsory insurance says its mandatory coverage. Just go live on badecker's planet and try shutting the fuck up, stupid. It will work wonders for your credibility.

If you are dumb enough to believe that Trump actually wrote this letter that's just one more reason why you should be forcibly castrated. Now vanish.

uhm jes, homosexuality exists in nature, and size is simply one faktor that could vary,

BADecker's planet is right here. Perhaps if you learned a little about how things work, you wouldn't be so ignorant about the homosexuality in nature.

All homosexuality is caused by sin coming into and remaining in the world. It wasn't here originally. Check the first few chapters in Genesis in the Bible.


sin was defined quite late, greek and roman civilisation had homosexuality and bees where always around and so did termites, ant etc. they are part of nature.

every single body cell on your body is defacto a gender neutral cell, and if it would be different you would die of cancer

besides nutildah is the true troll i am just saying what is true. if you dont believe me ask a bee hive owner he will explain you that most bees are homosexual
1446  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump Writes Pelosi An Open 6 Page Letter For Historical Purposes on: December 28, 2019, 11:33:49 AM
you are a jackass no one care about haters like you

Hold up a minute... Are you the vodka-drenched fleabag that wrote this topic? You need to perform an emergency vasectomy before you somehow miraculously infect the genome with your beyond special chromosomes. Hopefully your Federal Compulsory insurance says its mandatory coverage. Just go live on badecker's planet and try shutting the fuck up, stupid. It will work wonders for your credibility.

If you are dumb enough to believe that Trump actually wrote this letter that's just one more reason why you should be forcibly castrated. Now vanish.

uhm jes, homosexuality exists in nature, and size is simply one faktor that could vary,

1447  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: Neues Geldwäschegesetz – Banken dürfen Bitcoin verwahren!!!!! on: December 28, 2019, 12:31:55 AM
Hab was intressantes gefunden.
Das neue Geldwäschegesetz erlaubt Banken das Angebot und die Verwahrung von Kryptowährungen. Kritiker fürchten weniger Schutz für Verbraucher

dann gibts ab nächstes jahr bei meiner hausbank BTC und co. zu kaufen und die verwahren das für mich oder wie?
hier noch der artikel dazu:


Frankfurt Für deutsche Banken könnte sich ab 2020 ein neues Geschäftsfeld eröffnen: der Verkauf und die Verwahrung von Bitcoin und anderen Kryptowährungen. Bisher bietet fast kein Institut seinen Kunden virtuelle Assets an. Mit dem geplanten Gesetz zur Umsetzung der vierten EU-Geldwäscherichtlinie dürfte sich das ändern. Der vom Bundestag verabschiedete Gesetzentwurf sieht entsprechende Erleichterungen vor, die Zustimmung der Länder zur Neuregelung wird erwartet.

Der finale Gesetzentwurf geht dabei deutlich über die bisherige Planung hinaus. So sieht er die Streichung des sogenannten Trennungsgebots vor, das sich noch in der ersten Fassung fand. Demnach hätte das neugeregelte Kryptoverwahrgeschäft – also die Aufbewahrung von Bitcoin und Co. – nicht aus derselben rechtlichen Einheit angeboten werden dürfen wie andere regulierte Bankgeschäfte. Banken hätten auf externe Verwahrstellen oder spezielle Töchter zurückgreifen müssen.

Das ist nun nicht mehr nötig: Ab 2020 können Geldhäuser ihren Kunden im Onlinebanking praktisch auf Knopfdruck neben klassischen Wertpapieren wie Aktien und Anleihen auch Kryptowährungen anbieten. Das Gesetz sieht zudem weitere Erleichterungen vor, etwa verlängerte Antragsfristen für die nötige Lizenz.

Branchenvertreter zeigten sich erfreut. So sagt Sven Hildebrandt, Chef des Beratungshauses DLC: „Deutschland ist auf einem guten Weg zum Krypto-Himmel. Der deutsche Gesetzgeber nimmt eine Vorreiterrolle bei der Regulierung von Kryptoverwahrern ein.“

Auch der Bankenverband BdB begrüßt die Neuregelung: „Gerade Kreditinstitute sind erfahren in der Verwahrung von Kundenvermögen sowie im Risikomanagement, sind dem Anlegerschutz verpflichtet und werden seit jeher von der Finanzaufsicht kontrolliert.“ Sie könnten Geldwäsche und Terrorfinanzierung effektiv unterbinden, erklärt der BdB. Zudem ermögliche es die Neuregelung, dass Anleger über heimische statt ausländische Fonds in Kryptowerte investieren. Fondshäuser benötigten schließlich zwingend eine Bank- oder Wertpapierverwahrlizenz.

die ossis haben den wessis immer gesagt das sie in einer diktatur leben und die banken diktieren das leben, die demokratie gibts so eigentlich nicht, sie ist nur ablenkung.
1448  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Good and Bad are idiotic classifications, and don't work universally on: December 27, 2019, 09:49:39 AM

bitcoin killed already millions of people, because it wasted ressources, and energy that could have been used foor food production and destroyed the financial credibility of many third world governments, so from that perspective bicoin is bad and decentralising financial systems is bad because the crash of the financial system leads to thausands dying

There are far more resources available than the ones used on Bitcoin. The resources some people used for Bitcoin, they purchased to use on Bitcoin.

The fiat financial systems are a slow rape of everybody who uses fiat. The wealth of the banking leaders is what is causing the wars and the attempted stealing of lands from other nations. If Bitcoin breaks the banks, it means more freedom for everyone, except the bankers, who are destroying things for us all.


christians considered themselves as good and peagans as evil, peagans considered christians as evil and themselves as good (victims of european colonialism)

muslims consider themselves as good and christians and peagans as evil.

good and evil are pointless distinctions. they depend on the perspective if you buy bitcoin roger ver is pissed of because you didnt bought bitcoin cash instead etc.


Many children dream about the roles they will play... the occupations they will hold... when they finally become adults. Their dreams, like personal considerations and choices, don't change good and bad.

People can consider themselves in whatever ways they like. But like the dreams of children, their considerations don't change what good and bad are. Their considerations might simply propel them in the direction of doing either good or bad.

Good = the support of the real needs of life, not what people consider the needs to be.

Bad = destroying others by taking their real needs of life away from them... not what people consider the needs to be.

All you are doing is showing things of choice to be good or bad. Good and bad really are related to the real needs of people for living, and to exist in life.


then you would also make the world humanist and static, allowing lots of corruption,

i am surprised that you as a muslim are so radical humanist.

doesnt islam say serve no one but god?

1449  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump Writes Pelosi An Open 6 Page Letter For Historical Purposes on: December 27, 2019, 09:23:41 AM
do you live in america?

He lives on Planet Troll.

I've had him on ignore for about a year now. Reading his post that you quoted reminded me why.

you are a jackass no one care about haters like you
1450  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Communist Croatian government on: December 27, 2019, 08:37:09 AM

I am a victim of communism in Croatia from the 90s war till now... my father had some banking inovations (digital money, currency exchange price board, money transport security, ATM (?)), he was kidnapped and forced to hand over the inovation to the state. do not know if he was killed but communist governemnt of Croatia and communist HDZ party killed my whole family, nationalized (seazed the means of production) of my fathers inovation, started infiltrating family members of communist HDZ party general and starting to nationalize and steal private property of my family. They use brain computer interface devices that changes to looks of people and made me look a like the croatian communist general family member.

Croaitian communist governemnt are attacking crypto projects because they are getting money from banking inovation that will go bust with rise of crypto. Communist goverment of Croatia are attacking my crypto inverstemnts (vertcoin, monero, stratis, waves, etc..), stealing crpypto, using my computer OS backdoor to hack others(?), and messing my body with computer brain interface that connects to the body via electro-magnetism and can control every aspect of your brain and body.. stealing passwords form the brain and stealing crypto from me and others..

the croatian government is not communist its nationalist, you simply use the term communist to attack them

if it would be communist it would have never split appart from jugoslavia, which was an amazing country that was capable to build its own ships unlike what we have in that region today.
1451  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump Writes Pelosi An Open 6 Page Letter For Historical Purposes on: December 26, 2019, 04:05:08 PM
Nobody's pointed out the obvious yet:

Trump didn't write that letter.

There's no way he would use the word "solemnity." His vocabulary has about 100 words in it, and that's not one of them. There's a lot of phrases that he uses and pointless exclamation marks to give the appearance he might have written it, but he doesn't have the attention span to write something this long. No way he spent more than 20 minutes concerning himself with this project.

History won't remember this letter, but it will remember that he was impeached.

Just because history doesn't remember a letter, doesn't mean the people aren't better off because of Trump.

Democrat world conquest by destroying the strength of America is not only stupid, but is treasonous. At least Trump has been reversing a lot of the reduction of American power around the world, by bringing power back to America and Americans.

America has enough natural resources that we don't need world conquest to rule. We can rule by being strong within rather than being forced into a position of one weak State of many weak states around the world... a thing the Democrat leaders are trying to make America into.

Trump has in just 4 years, already set their world conquest plans-by-destroying-the-USA, back about a hundred years.


do you live in america?
1452  Other / Politics & Society / Re: is demanding asylum the new indirect way to enslave a different society? on: December 26, 2019, 03:44:02 PM
germany has to take care of 3 million migrants from africa, what are the germans supposed to do with them?

why do they have to feed them, protect them, and educate them, this is a never ending stream of enslavement that ends up being a bad business.


Germany wanted to rule the world. They tried through WW1 and WW2. Both of these wars were methods for Germans to go out there and take over. (Of course, it wasn't the German people as much as it was their crazy, warmongering leaders.) But it didn't work.

World War losses didn't stop Germany. Notice who is head of the Euro banking system... Germany. But, the Germans are smart. If they can't rule the world by simple conquest, they can do it by the next best thing.

Families maintain strong family bonds. If you can bring in a bunch of immigrants - who remain bonded with their families back in their home countries - and bond them with your country, you have a bond with the home country the immigrants came from. If you are smart, you can take over the foreign country through the immigrants you allowed in. World conquest.

Brexit threatens EU/world-conquest by the Germans. Behind the scenes, much of Brexit opposition is being promoted covertly, by Germany.


german's didnt wanted to rule the world,

during european colonialism germans where part of all european expansion also russian, so there was never a lack of land or ressources, the problem began with french revolution and the beginning of nationalism, which has cut out the germans from the other european colonies, and the germans where forced to do colonialism themselves.

most americans nowadays have german not english ancestery btw.
1453  Local / Off-Topic (Deutsch) / Re: Hohe Bußgelder, wenn Griechen 30% des Einkommens nicht elektr. ausgeben on: December 26, 2019, 01:43:35 PM
Hallo zusammen,

ich war unsicher in welchen Bereich der Thread passen würde und ob es überhaupt jemanden interessiert... persönlich fand/finde ich diese Sache aber definitiv erwähnenswert, es ist einmal mehr unglaublich was in meiner Heimat abgeht...

Ist tatsächlich ernsthaft ein Thema in Griechenland.

Ich quote einfach mal einen deutschen Beitrag zum Thema:

Die Verpflichtung der Bürger Griechenlands zur Nutzung sogenannten Plastikgelds soll dem Fiskus signifikante zusätzliche Steuereinnahmen bescheren.

Hinter dem Beschluss des Finanzministeriums Griechenlands, zur Anhebung der erforderlichen Mindestausgaben per Plastikgeld für Arbeitnehmer und der Ausweitung der einschlägigen Verpflichtung auf Gewerbetreibende und Immobilienbesitzer zu schreiten, verbirgt sich eine sehr interessante Arithmetik.

Es ist keine Übertreibung, zu sagen, dass der fiskalische Erfolg des neuen Haushaltsplans sich hauptsächlich auf den Einnahmeerfolg der Anhebung der elektronischen Zahlungen auf dem Markt stützt.

Griechenland will Steuerhinterziehung mit Plastikgeld bekämpfen
Griechenlands Haushaltsplan für das Jahr 2020 sieht vor, dass mittels der Bekämpfung der Steuerhinterziehung zusätzliche Steuereinnahmen der Größenordnung von 557 Millionen Euro in die staatlichen Kassen fließen werden. Dies wird sich gemäß den Einschätzungen des Finanzministeriums folgendermaßen ergeben:

Die Einführung einer erhöhten Verpflichtung zur Nutzung von Plastikgeld wird zu einem Anstieg des auf dem Markt per Karten erfolgenden Umsatzes um 6,1 Mrd. Euro führen.
Unter der Annahme, dass derzeit für ein Drittel dieser Ausgaben keine Belege / Quittungen ausgestellt werden, wird veranschlagt, dass zusätzliche Quittungen im Wert von wenigstens 2,05 Mrd. Euro ausgestellt werden.
Bei einem durchschnittlichen MwSt.-Satz von 19 % ergibt sich, dass die Einnahmen aus der Mehrwertsteuer um ungefähr 389 Millionen Euro zunehmen werden.
Zusätzliche 168 Millionen Euro werden sich aus dem Anstieg der Einnahmen der Unternehmen ergeben, welche die zusätzlichen Quittungen ausstellen werden.
Bargeldlose Zahlungen oder 22 % Strafsteuer!
Der Anteil der minimal erforderlichen Ausgaben per Plastikgeld wird horizontal, also unabhängig von der Höhe des Einkommens 30 % betragen. Die Steuerpflichtigen werden ihre Ausgaben per Plastikgeld signifikant zu steigern haben um nicht mit einer zusätzlichen Steuer belastet zu werden, die mit einem Satz von 22 % auf den ihnen fehlenden Betrag elektronischer Zahlungen veranschlagt werden wird.

Beispiel: Ein Steuerpflichtiger hat 2020 ein Jahreseinkommen aus allen Quellen in Höhe von insgesamt 50.000 Euro. Er wird 30 %, also mindestens 15.000 Euro per Debit- oder Kreditkarte (bzw. elektronischer Zahlungsmittel / -methoden) auszugeben haben. Wenn er nur 10.000 Euro, also 20 % seines Einkommens „elektronisch“ ausgibt, wird er dann für die übrigen 5.000 Euro, die er nicht mit „elektronischem“ Geld ausgab, mit einer zusätzlichen Einkommen- / Strafsteuer in Höhe von 1.1000 Euro zur Kasse gebeten werden.

(Quelle:, Autor: Spyros Dimitrelis)

bin gespannt wie die griechischen behörtden mal das von den moslems arabern, türken und afrikanern einfordern werden, weil, die sehen den staat nicht als eine altruistische verwaltungseinheit sondern nur als parasit und verhalten sich ihm gegenüber auch als parasiten fordern menschenrechte wollen aber keine steuern zahlen etc.
1454  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Good and Bad are idiotic classifications, and don't work universally on: December 26, 2019, 01:23:26 PM
why are people still classyfy things into good and bad, its purely idiotic.

good and bad are often accompanied with humanism, religion, nationalism and even racism.

then good thing for someone can be a bad thing for someone else.

this makes people go mad that try to be politically correct, in order to survive.


When it was difficult for humanity to survive, it created a culture - a system of values ​​and knowledge about good and evil, beauty and ugliness.

When life became too easy, people forgot the culture and turned into the likeness of animals.
They replaced cultural “values” with political correctness in order to create any abominations with impunity.

Do you think parasitism, usury and gambling are acceptable?

But they speculate on the vices and troubles of society.
You have no culture, therefore you do not need good and evil. That's all.
Only money...

nah political correctness is not always bad, it often also prevents people from being like jackasses to each other, and political correctness was needed for people to recognize third gender.
1455  Other / Politics & Society / Re: homosexuality is unnatural nonsense from america on: December 26, 2019, 10:30:40 AM
Homosexual  is actually a choice by those who choose it against the Heterosexual  which is the Normal routte which  have been the route to which all homosexuals came to this world.  If their parents were Homosexual, it means all the Homosexual will not be born. It is an act that I know God did not approve . The chances of contracting bacterial infections are very high as Well as Parasitic organisms.How will a person  live the Normal Provision of God  for a Channel meant for Removal of waste from the body?  

you can be born into a herosexual family but you can also be born in a hive by drones, or to a lone raising mother or multiple women,

from that perspective you can much more neutraly choose what is right or wrong.
1456  Other / Politics & Society / Re: why are leftists in america considered communists? on: December 26, 2019, 09:02:07 AM
Leftist remind me communists mainly because of the identity politics. You just pick your "class" and turn everything into "opressor-victim" narrative

thats because you accept the financial dictatorship around you or you are simply rich enough to not care about it, or not being ambitious enough to seek that.

or you trust in it and feel comfortable in it and you are seeking to grow in it.

others might feel discriminated becaue they simply hate the fact that they can't invest. at all.
1457  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Good and Bad are idiotic classifications, and don't work universally on: December 26, 2019, 08:30:51 AM

bitcoin killed already millions of people, because it wasted ressources, and energy that could have been used foor food production and destroyed the financial credibility of many third world governments, so from that perspective bicoin is bad and decentralising financial systems is bad because the crash of the financial system leads to thausands dying

There are far more resources available than the ones used on Bitcoin. The resources some people used for Bitcoin, they purchased to use on Bitcoin.

The fiat financial systems are a slow rape of everybody who uses fiat. The wealth of the banking leaders is what is causing the wars and the attempted stealing of lands from other nations. If Bitcoin breaks the banks, it means more freedom for everyone, except the bankers, who are destroying things for us all.


christians considered themselves as good and peagans as evil, peagans considered christians as evil and themselves as good (victims of european colonialism)

muslims consider themselves as good and christians and peagans as evil.

good and evil are pointless distinctions. they depend on the perspective if you buy bitcoin roger ver is pissed of because you didnt bought bitcoin cash instead etc.

1458  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The 50p Brexit coin has resurfaced. on: December 26, 2019, 08:27:06 AM

They don't want to have to take on tons and tons of migrants -- who they're unable to care for -- without their own government approving such action.

let me remember my history knowledge, who forced a constitution on germany that forced it to basically feed, educate and house everyone that comes to germany and asks for asylum?

it was you (uk)

how about you join suffering with germany the constitution you imposed upon it.

its also not that way that germany wants to get enslaved by the entire middle east and africa.

germany is mirrowing on whole europe the constitution it was imposed upon.

btw all immigrants comming to germany vote the german left (like democrats in us) who prevent the removal of those articles cementing the enslavement.

I mean after WW1 when this was done, people knew that this was one of the biggest reason behind Hitlers rise to power (and Mussolini) and why WW2 occured. Things like this aren't going to be repeated due to that fact.

I don't think forced repatritions to the point of a country going into a depression go on par with forcing a country to take on migrants.

Then again, if you don't want to be apart of an international community like the EU -- vote to leave and move on. There's no reason to not at that point.;

ohm no that constitution germany currently has is not a product of versails in 1918 it is a product 1945 after world war 2
1459  Other / Politics & Society / Re: TRUMP IMPEACHED! on: December 26, 2019, 06:31:42 AM
Check the site for the list.

List of Individuals Impeached by the House of Representatives

“The President, Vice President and all Civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article II,
section 4

The Constitution gives the House of Representatives the sole power to impeach an official, and it makes the Senate the sole court for impeachment trials.

The Constitution gives the House of Representatives “the sole Power of Impeachment” (Article I, Section 2) of federal officers and gives the Senate “the sole Power to try all Impeachments” (Article I, Section 3). In the constitutional procedure of impeachment and removal, the House serves in the role of a grand jury bringing charges against an officer suspected of “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors” (Article II, Section 4).


jes damit trump should have accepted the corruption comming from biden and the democratic party in the ukraine, its not that the usa has to fight global corruption anymore, it has only to exploit foreign corruption while being silent on the own corruption, democrats are such retards. i hope this party dies on its own stupidity
1460  Other / Politics & Society / Re: is demanding asylum the new indirect way to enslave a different society? on: December 26, 2019, 06:29:12 AM
I mean the problem in Germany was that they did kinda need new workers pumped into their workforce. They had an issue where their population was getting much older, and there was going to be a shortage of workers and tax revenues. I don't recall where I read this, but I do know that it is the case.

The issue was that in other countries they didn't need the workers, these people just flowed in (on the EU orders) and just flooded the nation with cheap labor that was not beneficial towards the nation.

There's the additional problem where the people who came in hadn't been vetted. That's an additional problem that people should've dealt with.

the population isnt reproducing if it is constantly under chaotic migration stress.
and jes private corporations and their greed for workers and employees especially cheap ones is systematically lobbying wholing appart a nation and it also sparks violence between state,

private corporations and greed for labour is why the democratic party in the usa can't stop hating russia
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