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1901  Other / Politics & Society / Re: French teacher beheded for anti-sharia teachings on: October 29, 2020, 06:34:40 AM
None of it comes close to a fraction of the violence that has been carried out in the name of Christianity. 

What is the most recent example you can think of?

1902  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you think COVID19 is a scam? on: October 28, 2020, 02:55:41 AM

Any government person needs to have solid proof for anything that they order people to do... or execution.

In a 'more perfect union', there would be significant 'tracking and monitoring', but it would be exclusively for 'public servants'.  That would include contractors and sub-contractors who work on any projects or programs which are paid for by taxes.

People who DON'T work for the government and who are NOT offered a living on the backs of others through tax revenues would be 'free'.  There is no reason and no need to care what they are doing.

I believe that 'public service' should be a respected and honorable profession and that those who voluntarily choose it should be well rewarded financially and otherwise.  But if there is a breach of trust, the penalties should be extra harsh, and capital punishment should be applied for even relatively minor breaches.  Anyone who cannot stand the heat should stay out of the kitchen.  Their choice.

Currently all of the 'developed nations' have exactly the opposite dynamics and it's getting worse by the day.

1903  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why would anyone pay for Covid testing? on: October 27, 2020, 10:46:38 AM

I'd happily pay for the results I want as will most people who have money.  'Testing' will be a great business opportunity, and obviously there is zero oversight in the 'new normal' with it's 'public/private partnerships.'

If I needed to travel I'd pay for a negative result.

When I need to argue that it is 'altruistic' for me to give up my place in line for the covid-19 so-called 'vaccine' to a 'poor person' who 'needs' it, I'll pay for a positive result.  That's why all the media personalities and politicians are getting it on-record that they 'caught covid-19' of course.

@tvbcof you’re right in a way because travellers will be using rapid testing more than anyone, but is it really needed for other citizens is up for a debate, and secondly not all can afford it as most if not all have been hit by the pandemic (job loss, business loss etc). Furthermore they could limit rapid testing to an area where covid cases has escalated quickly, but doing rapid testing in areas where covid cases are less won’t make any sense in my personal opinion.


After the 'great reset' most people should not travel at all.  Even _within_ a city.  You've heard of 'carbon footprint', right?

This stuff has long been planned, written about, and predicatively programmed.  I've been researching it actively for about 5 years and it's 100% fraud.  Ass-wipes like franky1, Twitchy, Mauser, etc probably don't know who and what they are fighting for.  I can tell you in no uncertain terms, however, that those who do have a clue and think they are doing 'God's work' or whatever are in for a rude awakening.  Their efforts will not be rewarded with brownie points and little fiefdoms to exert control over.  They'll probably be dispatched early on in the game just in case they actaully are 'true believers'...and because the suck-ups are universally despised.

I may get around to listining the the seasme-street-for-adults link after a while.  Mostly just to understand what kind of garbage is being pumped into the minds of much of my family and most of my former co-workers in Silicon Valley.

Anyway, understanding a system (e.g., the burgeoning Technocracy) is key to exploiting it.  So, research up no matter what side you choose.

1904  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The second hand clothes market is booming. on: October 27, 2020, 07:58:36 AM

It bears repeating if I've mentioned it before, but selling used clothing (or used anything really) is not very sustainable.  And no, I don't use the word 'sustainable' as a NWO buzzword in this case.  It's kind of the fallout of simple logic.

This thread is less than a month old.  In that time we've invested in a certain amount of equipement and a certain amount of fabric, networked with various people who have been put out of work by the Globalists in their 'great re-set', and turned out thousands of articles of clothing.

'Thousands' is not used in a figurative manner, and it is deliberately plural.

The business is not unprofitable even though making money is not my primary goal or interest.  I very much enjoy knowing that some people are eating and paying their electrical bills again.  Also that the gigantic corporations who eliminated their competition via the covid-19 scamdemic are having a little bit of 'their problem' come sneaking back in already.  These two things in and of themselves make the adventure worthwhile to me.

AGORISM!  Much better than Oligarchical Collectivism as is being ushered in as the so-called 'new normal' by the World Economic Forum.

Those who are in a position to be able really need to walk the walk rather than talk the talk.  It's possible, and it's rewarding.  Mostly, it is us plebians only hope to avoid total enslavement if we have one at all.

1905  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why would anyone pay for Covid testing? on: October 27, 2020, 07:22:05 AM

I'd happily pay for the results I want as will most people who have money.  'Testing' will be a great business opportunity, and obviously there is zero oversight in the 'new normal' with it's 'public/private partnerships.'

If I needed to travel I'd pay for a negative result.

When I need to argue that it is 'altruistic' for me to give up my place in line for the covid-19 so-called 'vaccine' to a 'poor person' who 'needs' it, I'll pay for a positive result.  That's why all the media personalities and politicians are getting it on-record that they 'caught covid-19' of course.

1906  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you think COVID19 is a scam? on: October 26, 2020, 10:15:16 AM

Corona is obviously not a scam. I think by now everybody knows someone who was infected by the virus.

About 60% of people could not get this years cold because they had one within the last few years.  50% of the remianing had 'covid19' (aka, this year's cold) and didn't even know it.

So yeah, not only does everyone 'know someone' who was infected, most people actually ARE one!

I tried to get the damn thing.  No way to know whether I succeeded or not since there are zero symptoms for most people.  A few times I had a little bit of a sore throat for a few hours and that very well could have been 'covid-19'.  Cannot use tests to discover whether I managed to get infected either since most of the tests are deeply flawed or phony because the 'pandemic' itself is so phony.

1907  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you think COVID19 is a scam? on: October 26, 2020, 07:57:18 AM
Everyone around me is faking covid trying to avoid their probation/parole officers... lol

Do you live in a halfway house or something?

Non-violent criminals (e.g., the Green River of the most prolific serial killers in history...) are being released in order to make room for people caught not wearing masks because 'covid19' is so dangerous.  I don't think that most criminals have much to worry about.  The political climate is such that they are valuable participants in AntiFA 'fiery but peaceful' protests against 'white supremacists.'

I'm glad I got out of the U.S. and to a safe place the only problem is that the 'brutal strongman' will shoot people in the head for 'not wearing their masks properly' according to the oh so reliable Western mainstream media.  By the way, the one incident that is being referred to was when a drunk farmer went crazy and started attacking people with a scythe and ended up with a bullet in the head.  At least that is the other side versus CNN's reporting, and the one I find it much more credible based on my experience here in a certain English speaking SE Asian country.  Once you get out of the major metro areas (or even in pockets within them) masks are basically hanging around peoples necks if they exist at all.

BTW, it's a white-lie above about Gary Ridgeway.  The supreme court in Washington State decided against the policy which could have freed Gary a 5 to 4 vote.  And even if one justice switched the vote 'people are sure' that there would have been additional 'stuff' to not allow the release Ridgeway.  Even if so, I would say that the U.S. had collecively turned into total nutso-ville.

1908  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Athiest are the ultimate free thinker? on: October 25, 2020, 04:41:41 PM
I would say that agnostics are the ultimate free thinker, rather than atheists. Atheists have closed off their mind to the though that a God does or did ever exist. Somebody that does not factor in the possibility of a higher power has closed off a part of their mind - you really need to think of everything and however slim the chances may be, the existence of the afterlife may be true and nothing you will ever be able to confirm until you die.

That is not completely true as I define Atheism (which I consider myself to be.)  To me 'Agnostic' means you don't really know or care.  I do care.  If there is a God and his son Jesus and a Heaven and Hell, and if I have to maintain a certain belief structure in order not to be burning in Hell for eternity, ya, it would be something I care about.

I don't like the term 'agnostic' since it strikes me as a wishy-washy position to take and a 'go along to get along' type of an attitude.  I just don't have any real respect for such people.  I call myself an Atheist because every organized religious and spiritual belief system I'm aware of seems like a random shot-in-the-dark.  None are more compelling than any other in terms of believability, and all are relatively easily explained by a normal human psychological wiring regarding needs for a solid base, residual parental figure feelings, and the like.  In short, they are all so unbelievable in my mode of assessing reality that I cannot even go so far as to be 'agnostic' about them.

Now it must be said that at this point in my life I do have a great deal of admiration and respect for many of the practitioners of various religions including the one most familiar to me as someone who grew up in what was at the time a 'Christian' nation.  Conversely, as I learn more about others, I have an increasing amount of utter disgust.  Specifically Talmudic Judaism.  It's truly a gutter religion which fosters the very worst aspects of human nature.  Unfortunately some of these attributes do work well as a means of achieving power, especially when practiced in secret.

1909  Other / Politics & Society / Re: French teacher beheded for anti-sharia teachings on: October 22, 2020, 11:07:44 AM
Islamic fundamentalist are still a big problem in Europe. So far the European governments can't really deal with them or stop the radicalisation. In my opinion social media is the problem here. Terrorist can easily reach people all around the world and distribute propaganda. Just thus morning I read an article that Facebook can't control its website. Pictures of the dead teacher with his head cut off are circulating on Facebook and many users write positive comments towards the terrorist. Such behaviour needs to be banned and people who violate it should be held accountable. Otherwise the risk of young extremists trying to do something similar will just increase.

Justifies 'banning such behaviour' on the internets which, of course, requires a framework to do so.  Who could have imagined?

1910  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Athiest are the ultimate free thinker? on: October 22, 2020, 08:57:57 AM
^^^ But what if your way of worship says that you should kill off everybody who has a different way of worship? Does that mean that others can worship their own way, and die in their worship, killed by you, whose worship way says you should kill off those who don't worship as you do?

Let the atheists worship their god - themselves. God will judge them appropriately at the time of judgment of all people. You just be sure that you maintain God in your worship.

As an Athiest I suspect that most of them will skate through life enjoying the fruits of their own machinations and end up worm-dirt like everyone else.  Most people will not be remembered at all so a 'legacy' of good or bad isn't even a factor.

The idea of Final Judgement, while it may be comforting, is mostly just a cop-out which induces people to NOT take action against those who are creating havoc using their circular self-God reasoning as an inspiration and as an excuse.  And yes, 'self-worship' is a thing, and a thing often mistaken for Athiesm.  Judgement will come upon these people by the hand of decent people if it comes at all.

The Achilles's heal of the Kissinger types is that a large majority of people are basically decent and would fight back if they understood the magnitude of the criminality.  The defense they use is by keeping people in the dark through a number of means, and organized religion is one of the big ones.

1911  Other / Politics & Society / Re: French teacher beheded for anti-sharia teachings on: October 22, 2020, 06:55:36 AM

If they feel so offended, then why do they migrate in such huge numbers to secular countries such as France? They should remain in their own countries, where saying anything against Islam is punishable by death.

Why stay in your own shithole country when someone is giving you a free ticket to a place where someone else (like Macron and his ilk) will give you welfare for life.  It's a no-brainer.

What do they want to do next? Demolish the Notre Dame de Paris or the Reims Cathedral, just like what they did to the Buddha statues in Bamiyan (Afghanistan)?

Looks like someone else beat them to it:

From what I can tell, Muslims don't have much reason to hate Christians very much and in fact to not.  Jesus was not a problem for them and he is fairly well respected.  On the other hand Jesus Christ totally fucked up the sweet little deal that the Talmudics (then known as keepers of the 'oral Torah' aka the Pharisees) had going where they screwed people over on exchange rates for special sacrificial sheep and so on.  Jesus's prediction about their second temple ('not one stone standing upon another') was dead on, and they blame him for it.  Scratch the surface of this stuff a little and you find that the Orthodox Jews hate Christianity like there is no tomorrow!

As for the 'radicals' who are defacing every other religion's figures, it looks to me as though there is a particular guiding hand to their activities.  I say that in part by having studied the 'radicals' who are active in Syria in particular over the years.

1912  Other / Politics & Society / Re: French teacher beheded for anti-sharia teachings on: October 19, 2020, 04:16:29 PM
Why are muslims so frightened of discussion or criticism of their religion?

Most are (including Atheists.)  Seems that only a particular 'chosen' group have the political power to outlaw and criminalize criticism of their religion in Western countries which are (quite laughably) reported to have 'freedom of speech'.

1913  Other / Politics & Society / Re: French teacher beheded for anti-sharia teachings on: October 19, 2020, 08:08:40 AM
A teacher has been brought to justice for encouraging iritdad in a madrasa near Paris. It gives a clear message to the enemy of religion that if they want to live in the people's islamic republic of Europe, they need to follow the sharia law. There's no room for terrorist in the religion of peace and silence.

'Islam is the broom of Israel'.  Scrubbed from Jewtube for obvious reasons.  They are going after Bitchute hard now, and I doubt that Bitchute will hold out for to long.  We'll see.

1914  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What is the vaccine for? on: October 18, 2020, 01:43:50 PM

Ahhaahh, good one there. "Jew tube".

Well contrary to whatever this "jew tube" is,...

As long as Wojcicki outsources her censorship program to the AntiDefamation League (of B'nai B'rith) it's Jewtube to me.  Especially since they take an extra interest censoring anything potentially derogatory toward Zionism or the perceived interests of that movement.

The ADL is, in my opinion, one of the predominant ethic supremacist hate groups around today.  I've got no patience for it, and no patience for people who cow-tow to or are controlled by it or any other such group.

If my stance against ethic supremacist hate groups makes me an 'anti-semite ', then I'm an anti-semite.  Shrug.

1915  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Athiest are the ultimate free thinker? on: October 18, 2020, 05:05:50 AM

What is an atheist radicals? How often do we have radical acts of atheism? If there ever was a "neutral dogma", atheism would be it. I can't think of any major mass murder attacks done in the name of atheism. Usually it's radical Islamists or Christians that would conduct terror attacks.

Oh, I dunno; Stalin? Mao? Pot?  These people were basically technocrats who had a goal to engineer society to a more manageable state.  And they were working from a platform of avowed atheism.  Technocratic efficiency derives much of it's marketing material from the absence of an alternate and/or superior religious authority.  These people were 'free to think up' all kinds of ways to achieve their goals.

As a counter-argument, there is some argument backed up by some evidence that some of the people working under the aformentioned platform were Lucifarian / Kabbalists / Satanists to a degree.  As was the philosophical god-father, Marx.  In such a case it would be unfair to call them 'Athiests' although they jealously proclaimed that label of themselves.  They would be more crypto-{foo}s than actual Athiests.  Suffice it to say, they were certainly not Christians.

1916  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Athiest are the ultimate free thinker? on: October 12, 2020, 12:23:40 PM

Pffft.  Atheism supports the concept of 'dog-eat-dog', 'predator/prey relationships within species', 'survival of the fittest', etc better than probably any other religion that I am aware of saved Judaism which is supremacist at it's core and tends to (try to) aggregate groupings to racial and ethnic blood relationships making it an especially pernicious and dangerous...and repulsive.

Probably many/most other religions which don't actively proselytize share the same sort of group supremacist leanings as Judaism but it seems to me that they are don't tend to have as much of a 'revolutionary spirit' and as such, don't have as much of a footbootprint on humanity at the present time.

Casual anti-Semitism painting Judaism as some radical dogma centralized around supremacy, interesting...

It is actually fascenating.  I had no idea myself since the ugly truth is fairly well hidden to the average Western goy like myself.  Buried under a thick crust of increasingly tiresome 'holocaust ' propaganda which they jam down kid's throats ad nausium.  It took someone like Adam Green at Know More News making it his life's work to dig up footage of the Rabbi's themselves carrying on about their 'choosen' nature and how enslavement of the non-Jews 'must happen' to open my eyes a bit.

I actually grew up in a 'hippie culture' where probably half of the adult participants of the community had a Jewish background.  With very few exceptions they were exceptional and good people in a multitude of ways.  Only when I put some focus in trying to understand the Talmud, Kabbalah, etc did I see some common elements between 'my people' (the 60's hippie crowd) and certain of the impulses driving the modern Judaic orthodox sects such as Chabad-Lubavitch (e.g., the Kushners).

Ordinarily I would not give two fucks about the nonsense of the orthodox Talmudics, the Sabbateans /Frankists, the Kabbalahist, etc, but they do seem to have an oversized influence over my country.  And a very negative one where they are using my blood and treasure for their own ethnic cleansing campaigns in the area which is actually of singular importance to Zionism.

It is said by some that Zionism is secular.  It is said by others that 'Zionism is Talmudism'.  After a bit of research into both, I am certainly of the mindset that the latter is more correct in most ways.

Religious dogma's have led to some of the most oppressive regimes in human history. I don't mind someone being religious, I find some religions distasteful but it's not my business as to how someone lives their life.

That is well and good.  I too could probably turn a blind eye to genital mutilation, and even the ethnic cleansing half way around the world if it didn't impact me...or at least I could have for most of my life when I was more tied up with my own struggles.  The problem comes when some religious dogma involves the enslavement and control of me personally AND an effective action plan to implement the vision is underway.

Edit:  Green fills his hours-long shows with these creepers spewing their garbage in their own words.  More and more they are 'out of the closet'.  They are proud of their work and confident that it doesn't matter now.  Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc, try to cover them as much as possible by censoring like crazy, but things still get out.  Here's just one example from a vid I happened to have had in a browser tab:

1917  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Athiest are the ultimate free thinker? on: October 12, 2020, 04:54:07 AM
Hi everyone!

What a naughty little boy you are!

For athiest there is no God ,everthing is creation or the existance with cause and effect.We create our own heaven or  hell,not in hereafter ,but on earth,in our lifetime by the compassion we give our fellow beings and which we receive in return.
 His thinking is free from all the prejudices and fear created by the flagbearers of different religions fundamentalists and not influenced by any relgion and beyond its restrictions.His only holy sacrament is compassion because he recognizes that the individual life is precious to him and accord the same value to the life of all other beings including beings who opposes our religions and political belief. Do you agree?

Pffft.  Atheism supports the concept of 'dog-eat-dog', 'predator/prey relationships within species', 'survival of the fittest', etc better than probably any other religion that I am aware of saved Judaism which is supremacist at it's core and tends to (try to) aggregate groupings to racial and ethnic blood relationships making it an especially pernicious and dangerous...and repulsive.

Probably many/most other religions which don't actively proselytize share the same sort of group supremacist leanings as Judaism but it seems to me that they are don't tend to have as much of a 'revolutionary spirit' and as such, don't have as much of a footbootprint on humanity at the present time.

1918  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What is the vaccine for? on: October 11, 2020, 04:32:46 AM

Right, I forgot Baddecker, PhD, MD. knows about PCR tests and their false positive.

If you want to sit there in your ignorance, that's okay. But if you want to ignore the rest of the research, you're kinda silly. But, if you want to advertise the Covid lies, you are simply a troll. How much are they paying you? Lol.

Recent worthwhile missive about 'science' as most people consider it today...very much be design I might add.

If the kind reader used to stay up at night as a kid reading books about 'science', then they might have a chance.  If everything they 'know' about science came from some combination of a 'public education' and watching Jewtube vids with million-count views, they really don't have much of a chance.

I can see why people gravitate toward 'religion' given that what passes for 'science' in the 21st century is so fraudulant and bankrupt.  As a matter of fact, 'science' today is every bit as much of a cargo cult as anything the world has seen historically.

1919  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: October 09, 2020, 02:03:37 PM
Does anyone saw any real recent information about the corona outbreak? All I read in the past is that China was not allowing independent international scientist to come and make a investigation. So we have to take the Chinese at face value without any real chance of investigating the truth. I wish there was more pressure from the international community to get more facts about the corona virus outbreak.

So-called 'covid-19' has declined to near zero in China many months ago and the country is in full swing economically and socially.

Wuhan had a 10,000 person 'pool party' a few weeks ago to laugh their asses off about their competition being in lockdown mode with their economies in the toilet while China is going gangbusters.  No masks or social distancing there.  The globalists already moved their capital to China and you think that they are going to take a hit on this game?  The Chinese took a certain amount of pain playing their role in this hoax early on and now they are enjoying their payday.

All you dumb-fucks got chumped by simpletons like Franky1 who isn't even good at his job.  Sad.

1920  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Không mua trang cho coronavirus! on: October 08, 2020, 06:23:02 PM
Most countries encourage the use of masks so it really works.

State sponsored education system FTW!

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