First of all no one was killed. Second of all, if some one can not control themselves and assaults another person, use of force is ENTIRELY JUSTIFIED under the law in the United States, but probably not in your country where you are a subject without the right to self defense.
Thank you for proving you're a crazy asshole.
What is some one on the street who was just assaulted by one or more people he does not know and then chased supposed to assume, that they just wanted to have a little chat with him? He was assaulted, he tried to get away from the assailant(s), they chased him. Self defense is perfectly justified. He was in fact physically assaulted, hitting someones head to knock of his hat is assault, this is where the criminal activity began. This is an illegal form of physical aggression unless you are insinuating they yelled loud enough to make his hat fly off. I have no problem with him being charged with having the sword, but by no means should he be charged for defending himself from assault.
Following your explanation, I just have to insult you and your mother and wife strong and long enough to make you angry enough so you push me then I can cut your hand with a sword. If you don't see a problem here, you're the problem. Words are not physical assault. Hitting some one is. Try again fat man. Can you read? I said that following your explanations, I just have to provoke you into pushing me so I have the right to kill you. Or mutilate you at least. If someone start insulting me and my loved ones in front of me there is a 80% chance I will assault him physically. Everyone with a grain of dignity would do that. So in your world, I could kill ANYONE just by insulting them enough so they push me around, then I would be justified to cut their limbs of. You're really a dangerous person!
Par-contre niveau passation de connaissances vous êtes au top, à non pardon, plutôt niveau troll.
Mais quand on te donne des éléments tu râles comme quoi c'est facile de dire maintenant que la trend est bullish Oo Soit un peu cohérent. La façon de voir les choses des gens qui ont au moins 5 ans dans les crypto c'est juste: impossible de savoir tant que ça n'est pas arrivé. On peu vaguement faire jouer des probabilités tout en sachant qu'on arrivera jamais à mieux que 55% de chance d'avoir raison. Si t'es pas content fait mieux, nous on a pas réussi à faire mieux en 5 ans. Bon alors, c'est cool mOgliE d'arriver comme un cheveu sur la soupe, mais tu as dû louper des conversations pour dire ça. Ou tu as loupé quelques posts... Moué voilà, tu " documentes " après un gros move et en gros tu nous diras que le BearMarket est vraiment fini quand tout le monde l'aura déjà compris. Bon c'est mieux que rien au pire. Non mais t'as un problème toi hein? Deux solutions: 1/ StarenseN, par une espèce de surpuissance cosmique, de transcendance divine, est capable de prédire avec une marge d'erreur assez faible les prochains move de la bourse en général. Alors pourquoi il est pas juste devenu empereur du monde? Quelqu'un comme ça est capable de se créer une fortune qui dépasse par 100 fois tout ce qui existe sur Terre puisque les marchés financiers sont déconnectés de la réalité. A ton avis quelqu'un comme ça serait sur Bitcointalk a nous parler? 2/ StarenseN, à force de pratique et d'expérience, est capable de prédire les prochains gros move du marché en ayant un tout petit peu plus de chance d'avoir raison que d'avoir tort. Il peut donc faire des profits sur le long terme en planifiant soigneusement une stratégie d'investissement diversifiée, et peut par là même nous fournir des outils et analyses nous aidant à très légèrement augmenter nos chances de prédire le futur (entendre par là passer nos chances d'avoir raison de 50.2 à 50.3%). A ton avis quelle option est la bonne? Et si tu penses que le BTC va monter, vraiment monter (genre 20k$ dans l'année) alors chercher à acheter "au plus bas" est une ridicule erreur de débutant. Si tu vas swing trader sur court-moyen termes, ne le fait pas. Tu n'en as manifestement ni la mentalité ni les compétences. Tu fais comme moi, tu admets que tu ne peux pas être bon partout et tu évites de perdre du temps et de l'énergie à essayer de deviner l'avenir dans les prochains jours. On va sortir du bear market c'est évident. On est plus proche de la fin que du début. Affirmer quelque chose comme "maintenant c'est que à la hausse" ou "il va y avoir un baisse à 3k avant la remontada" c'est du spiritisme pas de l'analyse de marché. Surtout avec BTC. Bon sang le prix a fait +25% en une semaine, tu crois que c'est prévisible un marché comme ça?
So do you ever have any thoughts of your own or do you need to wait for me to have one so you can just repeat it back to me?
I'm mentally ill remember? Anyway I just put together your contradictions. What's the point of adding anything else?
Just because you wave your magic comtard wand and pretend I presented no valid logical arguments does not make it a fact. I guess it is just a convenient side effect that you don't have to actually respond to any of those arguments right?
What argument? That Marxism is based on mental illness? You call that an argument? xD I don't know why you are bringing up 1984, but Eric Arthur Blair also wrote a book called "Animal Farm" which was entirely a critique of Communism so, it makes sense some of the same themes would be in 1984. We all know you love Oui-Oui, no need to shout about it from the mountain tops.
Well I brought that up because you already accused me of not having read it. And seeing Animal Farm as a critique of communism is REALLY reading the book in a childish manner. Communism is just an environment here. Orwell never really cared about the economic system behind, it was much more about mass and language manipulation. Both 1984 and Animal Farm are about that, not about communism...
Par-contre niveau passation de connaissances vous êtes au top, à non pardon, plutôt niveau troll.
Mais quand on te donne des éléments tu râles comme quoi c'est facile de dire maintenant que la trend est bullish Oo Soit un peu cohérent. La façon de voir les choses des gens qui ont au moins 5 ans dans les crypto c'est juste: impossible de savoir tant que ça n'est pas arrivé. On peu vaguement faire jouer des probabilités tout en sachant qu'on arrivera jamais à mieux que 55% de chance d'avoir raison. Si t'es pas content fait mieux, nous on a pas réussi à faire mieux en 5 ans.
Marx himself defined Communism/Socialism as the antithesis which requires the thesis of Capitalism to be created.
"What we have to deal with here is a communist society, not as it has developed on its own foundations, but on the contrary, just as it emerges from capitalist society: which is thus in every respect still stamped with the birthmarks of the old society from whose womb it emerges." -Karl MarxFurthermore one of those is my statement, and one is a quote from Karl Marx, so even IF the two quotes were exclusive (they are not) it still would not be "my own contradiction" because one is a statement made by another person.
What is some one on the street who was just assaulted by one or more people he does not know and then chased supposed to assume, that they just wanted to have a little chat with him? He was assaulted, he tried to get away from the assailant(s), they chased him. Self defense is perfectly justified. He was in fact physically assaulted, hitting someones head to knock of his hat is assault, this is where the criminal activity began. This is an illegal form of physical aggression unless you are insinuating they yelled loud enough to make his hat fly off. I have no problem with him being charged with having the sword, but by no means should he be charged for defending himself from assault.
Following your explanation, I just have to insult you and your mother and wife strong and long enough to make you angry enough so you push me then I can cut your hand with a sword. If you don't see a problem here, you're the problem.
You conveniently skipped over the part where he tried to flee and they chased him before he turned to defend himself. If some one is physically attacking some one they have a right to defend themselves, yes. I am glad you don't care to visit, we are already have too many brain dead commies born and raised here thanks.
You mean the part where they "pursued him" without harming him in any way? Oh I'm very sorry I skipped this part. It changes everything. So if you follow me I have the right to cut your hand? Great justice idea you have. You're crazy. Completely crazy. The guy haven't been attacked stop saying that, they haven't hit him, they have merely... Annoyed him. Attack means use of physical aggression, here they did nothing more but... Harassed him. It happens every day at every bar you go. You don't defend yourself from "being chased". The guy insulted them then they harass him, if you want to legalize the use of deadly weapon here, you're going to get a crazy city. Crazy asshole.
Marx himself defined Communism/Socialism as the antithesis which requires the thesis of Capitalism to be created.
"What we have to deal with here is a communist society, not as it has developed on its own foundations, but on the contrary, just as it emerges from capitalist society: which is thus in every respect still stamped with the birthmarks of the old society from whose womb it emerges." -Karl MarxI hope that by just putting your own contradictions next to eachother without me adding anything you might see that the problem is you
You know, since I've came to realization that you're just dumb I'm really having fun discussing with you People like you don't want me in their discussions because I don't let you get away with your easy mindless platitudes and challenge you to provide actual empirical data or logic to support your assertions, which of course you are nearly incapable of.
Marxism is based upon victim status. The proletariat and the oppressed masses which need to create a revolution to overthrow the bourgeoisie yadda yadda.
I don't even have to really talk to you, just putting your own words close together make it funny ^^
Marxism is not limited to economic theory, but you already know this because you are so informed about the ideology you espouse right? This whole "trans movement" is DIRECTLY out of The Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. Every time I ever talk to actual transexual people they tell me how much they HATE this horse shit because they just want to be left alone and live normal lives like everyone else, but people like you turn them into tools to achieve their own political goals at THEIR expense, because THEY suffer the push back. Psychological problems can be treated. Chemical castration, or EVEN JUST DELAYING puberty results in PERMANENT CHANGES to a child's body which they will NEVER BE ABLE TO CHANGE regardless of what they decide later in life. You talk about male fragility, but how much do you think women would be ABSOLUTELY LOSING THEIR SHIT if this was done to little girls and men just wrote them off as being too fragile? You cite studies about psychological issues and suicide among trans teens, which I don't doubt. The problem however comes with your baseless conclusion that their issues result ONLY from bullying and abuse while TOTALLY IGNORING and even actively hiding the fact that gender dysphoria is often a result of PHYSIOLOGICAL HORMONAL IMBALANCE which can be treated with very high rates of success. Who knew hormonal imbalances can lead to severe psychological issues like depression and suicide right? Meanwhile those that transition show very high rates of suicide and mental problems which you immediately attribute to society victimizing these people because it doesn't serve your political narrative to discuss other alternatives. This is where the Marxism, Critical Theory, and victim culture comes into play. Who is the real monster here? People objecting about the state sponsored mutilation of children, or psychopaths like you lying to these people and preventing them from getting treatment which might actually help them live happy satisfied lives? Ahahahah xD In the mind of TECSHARE: get.eventthathappened
if eventthathappened = obviously good then praise capitalism and individual freedom
else if eventhathappened = obviously bad then blame marxism
else ignore Of course, transpeople are just tools of Marxism. You saw right through the lies, we, the Global Marxist Organization, are manipulating LGBT movement in order to bring havoc to the society so we can create a Marxist society from the ashes of capitalism MOUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
As I clarified in the quote, Marxism is based upon victim culture, and it is their modus operandi to use the mentally ill in addition to exacerbating their symptoms to serve their political goals at their expense. That is how Marxism is so great at spreading, it acts like a virus. It takes weak and or mentally ill people, teaches them that group XYZ is responsible for their victim status, and further subjects them to more suffering, which they can then use to further blame their target group. People on the left are unwilling to sit down and have a discussion because they know deep down at some subconscious level that their arguments can not withstand scrutiny, so they need to censor and shut down any criticism by deeming it "politically incorrect" or "hate speech". Political correctness was literally created from Communist ideology and used to justify censoring, isolating, attacking, imprisoning, and then later round up and kill political dissidents. The left literally uses mental illness as fuel for their goals.
Again, so much proofs and factual argumentation. That's for sure, my leftist brain can't handle this! Such an unbiased and logical reasonning is beautiful. You're funny ^^ 10 lines without a single fact, just you explaining how marxism is horrible. Great. BTW, stop lying about the books you have read, you have already been busted being full of shit about this a couple times. With the level of "debate" you offer here I doubt you have read anything more dense than Curious George At The May Day Parade. Hmm... It's not because you manage to have see anti marxism in 1984 that I haven't read it. While it's clearly not the subject of the book, you whose to project your own ideas on it. But don't worry you do that a lot, not just on books. Curious George is a famous kid's book in USA? Never heard of that but I loved "Oui-Oui" when I was very young
Mouahahahahaha Evidemment après il reste l'option de simplement acheter des choses. Mais bon ça marche pour 20k. Ca marche pas pour un million.
At what age did you finally recognize your gender?
Why should it matter? The age of being able to recognize your own gender isn't relevant.
I do not condone violence, but particularly in this case, the man attempted to first run but was then chased, and then eventually turned to fight off his attackers using a sword. As expected everyone is casting the man defending himself as the perpetrator and the attacker as the "victim". I am sure nothing bad will result of this continuation of denial of reality...
Someone "assaults" a stranger in the street by knocking off his hat. The "assaulted" person draws a samurai sword and cut the hand of the "assaulter". Seems pretty obvious who's at fault there. Remove the MAGA hat of the balance. If someone is pushing you around, do you have the right to draw a motherfucking sword and cut their hand? If yes your country is very strange and I wouldn't dare visit it.
L'initiateur de ce post (rip?) serait en PLS de lire ici que des gens sont des spéculateurs/landlords ;-) l'immo actif/locatif devrait faire office d'un autre thread. Les psychopates catastrophistes devraient rester ici dans leur jus sans profiter des enseignements. Ils en sont de toute façon imperméables. Pour te répondre, je n'ai pas d'edge en immobilier donc je n'ai pas de conseils vraiment à te donner. Je remarque juste que j'ai failli très tôt me lancer dans l'investissement locatif, j'avais même d'ailleurs signé un compromis de vente il restait plus que le prêt de la banque pour compléter mon capital. HEUREUSEMENT, intervention divine ou pas, au premier refus j'en ai profité pour annuler la vente. Par la suite, c'est grâce à ce capital que j'ai pu investir dans le bitcoin et le multiplier dans un marché liquide (ouf) vs illiquide de l'immobilier (+taxes, frais, dépréciation). En tout cas, oui, pas de revenus sans travail et "dedication", c'est pareil en bourse et dans l'énorme mosaïque de secteurs d'activités économiques, tout n'est pas corrélé au SP500, donc même en cas de "grand crash" tu peux très bien t'en sortir (rien qu'en faisant du "pairs trading" par ex). Chose visiblement que tu n'ai pas l'air d'intégrer (cf. "basé sur du fiat"). Si je dois trader de l'immobilier ça sera certainement avec des titres REITS (immobilier financiers) ou indirectement trader l'inflation sur les bonds (le marché immo est fortement corrélé). En tout cas good luck et bonne spécialisation dans ce milieu. De toute façon de la rentabilité sans travail et sans risque, ça n'existe que pour les banquiers :p Faudra qu'on discute de ça. Je sens que je vais ouvrir un topic sur le sujet. Comment investir de façon optimisée et diversifiée. Merci mais je ne sais pas si on a besoin de se dire good luck. La chance c'est surtout nécessaire au début quand y a pas vraiment de marge de sécurité. Maintenant si un investissement se révèle moins rentable que prévu, voir déficitaire... Ben le reste doit pouvoir prendre le relai.
Merci pour ta réponse franche.
J'explique un peu mon parcours:
J'ai crée ma société et je touche le chômage pendant 2 ans. Pour que cette condition fonctionne, je ne dois pas touché à l'argent de ma société ( pas de salaire ). Après ces 2 ans, je me verserai le minimum pour vivre, car l'argent en mouvement diminue ( Banque pro à mon compte perso = impôt très gros )
Ma grand mère en début d'année nous a quitté et la mère de mon beau père aussi.
Mon beau père et ma mère ne veulent pas faire de bourse ( investissement long terme ) et préfère l'immobilier. La région parisienne est très chère. Alors j'ai deux choix.
Soit je fais ma route seul ou soit je m'associe avec eux. Donc direction vers l'immo, mais dans un but de rentabilité ( genre colocation, ou division en plus petites surfaces) Versailles ça coute un bras, mais à 3 nous aurions la moitié du prix d'un 3 pièce ( environ ).
Donc tout ça me fait me remettre en questions, réfléchir, avancer. D'ou la question sur les SCPI, ( je pensais un peu comme toi et tu rajoutes d'autres arguments) et profité de ton expérience. J'envisage des pistes et me renseignes avant de faire des conneries.
Condoléance pour ces pertes successives. Mais de ce que tu dis me dis je conclue: Evite Paris et ses alentours. A la limite des coins comme Nanterre peuvent vaguement valoir le coup mais franchement l'immobilier parisien est déconnecté de la réalité et c'est débile d'investir dedans. Pour le prix d'un appartement de 55m² en BANLIEU parisienne un peu sympa (style reuil malmaison) tu as un petit immeuble de 6 appartements dans une ville moyenne comme st etienne ou clermont ferrand. J'exagère pas. Paris = concentration des risques, apport plus important et globalement rendement moindre par rapport au reste de la France. (4.5% en IDF contre 7.5% en moyenne sur le reste de la France). Les seuls endroits où ça peut valoir le coup c'est sur les prochaine lignes de métro qui sont annoncées par le gouvernement avec le grand Paris. Mais pour avoir essayé d'investir là, les gens sont fous. Ils ont l'impression que leur appart vaut 50% de plus parce que y a eu une annonce de construction... Globalement la seule vraie difficulté en immobilier pour moi, c'est de savoir faire des offres 30% en dessous du prix demandé et passer son chemin si le vendeur accepte 20%. Les gens ont une ENORME tendance à surrévaluer leur bien depuis la crise de 2008. Il ne faut pas céder jusqu'à tomber sur quelqu'un de raisonnable. Souvent suite à un divorce ou un décès malheureusement. Ils ont l'impression que tu les arnaques alors que... Juste les prix ont gonflé de façon stupide entre 1990 et 2008, ça a fait une bulle de malade et les gens sont habitués à gagner 3% de prix chaque année. Sauf que ce n'est pas la réalité. En tout cas ça ne l'est plus. En tout cas évite Paris et si tu veux quelque chose de plus concret hésite pas à me PM. Pour le moment je n'ai plus de fonds pour un investissement mutualisé mais je dois en refaire un dans 6 mois. Donc si tu peux attendre 6 mois je peux même avoir quelque chose de très concret à te proposer (la différence entre SCPI et investissement mutualisé étant énorme. Tu restes propriétaire concrètement. Clairement cette solution aura toujours ma préférence).
I understand the idea of waiting until the child is older to make this permanent decision but by then it may be too late as the social stigma of being trans will already be engrained into the adolescent's mental health. The outlook is not good for a trans teen. Suicide rate his high, etc etc.
Seems pretty simple to me. Evaluation of the number of suicides attempted that could be avoided. Evaluation of the number of people teking early treatment regretting it afterwards. Compare if one is much more important than the other. Take the best of the two solutions. Easy. edit: reminds me a bit of vasectomia. Under the pretext that you might regret it later, tons of people and doctors are against it. But studies show that not even 1% of people taking the operation regret it afterwards. Nobody should care about opinion of both sides. Only thing that matters is the factual impact of the avaibility of the treatment.
I find it quite surprising that you would not know the significance of 21. 21 = 1/1 million th of a bitcoin. And, a BTC accumulation goal of some peeps. A bit arbitrary so passed my attention, but I guess it makes sense. Completely arbitrary and doesn't make any sense. Just by taking into account all the lost, burnt and destroyed BTC you can reduce this number by at least 20%