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6161  Other / Politics & Society / Re: South Africa, Communsim, and China on: November 28, 2018, 08:14:31 AM
Some of you may have been following the events in South Africa....

Actually I doubt if anyone on this forum has any familiarity with the S. African events.

One addition, the Chinese are not pushing communism. They are on a campaign to acquire raw materials sources. Mines, oil, etc.

They are happy to outright buy these where possible; in other cases, anything goes. For example imperialist aggression. Yes it can include backing local communist initiatives. It's worldwide, heavy in Australia also.

But the local SA push to steal the land from the whites wasn't a Chinese initiative, not at all.

The subject has been discussed before, albeit shortly. If I remember correctly there were plenty of denials and accusations of conspiracy theory. Well it is a fact now.

Considering that Communism was created by bankers as an efficient means of taking control of a nation and stripping it of resources, and systematically creating a perpetual system of dependence of the population, I would argue they are in fact pushing Communism.

I think you have been reading too many coins4commies comments, his bullshit is starting to leak into your brain via operant conditioning xD After all what makes the resources cheaper to extract than breaking the economy, throwing everyone into poverty forcing them to work for meager wages, with no independent infrastructure with which to educate and rise up from this servitude?

The theft of land from whites does not need to be a Chinese initiative in order for them to advocate for it, help cause it to happen, and take full advantage of the resulting situation.
6162  Other / Politics & Society / Re: NPR's Border Fact Check on: November 28, 2018, 03:42:08 AM
No fact check is needed for the pictures that show children and mothers being hit with tear gas.  Unthinkable crimes against humanity!

We don't accept your borders to begin with and hardly accept the concept of borders overall but we are willing to play along (for now) just for the sake of a peaceful, functioning society.  As compromise, we demand that the human right of freedom of movement be granted.  You have to allow people to move freely from danger and seek asylum.  This is international law and will not be negotiated down at a time when it is needed the most.  The more Trump tries to restrict the rightful passage of humans seeking asylum, the more we will protest the border and seek to undermine the authority of the occupation.

I hate that it came this far but I will tell you, right now, there are comrades mobilizing and providing these people with the  resources and information necessary to access their right to seek asylum in the US.  I'm afraid they won't succeed. Might is right?

I see, so you openly admit you plan to subvert the government and rule of law to implement your ideology in spite of the fact that it has no popular mandate? You can't have a functioning society without borders any more than you can have a functional house without doors. It is good to know you are at least being honest about your totalitarian aspirations finally, though I think we all knew this for some time.

Mexico is a safe harbor nation, and has already offered these people asylum. Once you leave your nation, you are mandated to apply to the first safe harbor nation you enter for asylum. The law doesn't say you get to bounce from nation to nation and pick the country you would like best.

Asylum is supposed to be for emergency situations and is being abused in this case as cover for economic immigration. EVEN IF they had a legitimate reason to claim asylum, by those same international laws you evoke, they do not have a right to claim asylum in the US, and they CERTAINLY don't have a right to just rush the border.
6163  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Capitalism is destroying us. on: November 28, 2018, 03:24:20 AM

You insulted me with your privilege comment.  I worked my ass off.  Was discriminated, and you tell me I was privileged?

You may as well just punch me in the face.

Why have more money?  If you live in a capitalist society, you need capital (tangible or intangible as I was trying to explain in these threads about socialism).

The key is to know when to say enough is enough.  Hang your hat and retire.

How you are lazy?  By association.  Socialists are lazy by definition.  They want stuff for free.  They want economic equality.  They demand equality of outcome.

I am telling you, the capitalist system is the best system to become financially independent. But you need to work 18-20 hours per day, 7 days a week.  Work and study harder than anyone you see around you.   Be the best you can be. 

But like with everything in life you need a little bit of luck.  And for fuck's sake stop talking about socialism.  No boss will promote you if you start talking about some socialist bullshit in front of him/her.  Business is about profit.

Having privilege has nothing to do with working your ass off.  It just means that no factors prevented you from succeeding.  The "little bit of luck" is also privilege.

I don't know a single socialist who wants economic equality or equality of outcome.  Nowhere has that been stated on this board so that is a straw man.  Socialists are mostly privileged individuals fighting for the rights of the downtrodden. It is mostly a privileged group because it takes privilege to have the time to go online and discuss politics.  It takes privilege to find yourself burdened with the guilt of your lavish lifestyle coming at the expense of tho poor worker.   It takes privilege to have the education to diagnose the root causes of the problems plaguing humanity.  It takes leisure time to sit back and imagine a better world.  Do you think people working two jobs to stay afloat have time to delve in economic theory?    Poor people often don't have the option to boycott capitalist institutions like walmart or amazon either nor do they have the option to resist the overwhelming saturation of ads for beer, unhealthy food, cars, and all the things you say they shouldn't be buying.  The poor are coerced into being complicit in their own undoing.

Fix your financial situation, stop working for others.  Start a company and let others contract your company.  Read books by guys like Robert Kiyosaki, learn his quadrants.  Figure out where you fall in his quadrants.  You will forget about the bullshit socialist ideology.

Sounds great! Most socialists will agree with you.  Now that we have found common ground, lets work together to guarantee everyone the opportunity to fix their financial situation, start a company, and have time to read for leisure. 

Do you have any idea of how revoltingly privileged you are, and how arrogant and myopic you sound to everyone else? OFC you don't.

Really I am not sure how you manage to get your head that far up your ass. What you have is not knowledge, it is conditioning. It is the kind of "knowledge" a parrot has. You absorb and regurgitate. You have little to no ability for critical thought or logic. You think that if anyone disagrees with you they simply haven't been conditioned enough yet to understand your advanced ideology.

No, it could not be that you advocate for ideologies that directly result in loss of life and freedom from your position of extreme privilege, understanding what you advocate for only on the most superficial levels. It must be that everyone else is just ignorant and needs to hear you ramble about returning the means of production to the workers a few more times before they "get it".

Socialists and Communists are masters of the superficial. They are good at talking and fantasizing, but when it comes to empirical data, evidence, history, science, basically anything not totally subjective they have problems.
6164  Other / Politics & Society / Re: When will politicians care about their people? on: November 28, 2018, 03:12:32 AM
There is an old saying:

When the government fears the people, you have freedom. When the people fear the government you have tyranny.
6165  Other / Politics & Society / South Africa, Communsim, and China on: November 28, 2018, 03:01:41 AM
Some of you may have been following the events in South Africa as the Communist party there takes control and begins the race based theft of land supposedly justified by past "colonialism" generations ago. I find South Africa to be a perfect microcosm of the destruction that Communism brings anywhere it goes, even in our modern age.

One angle of this situation you may not be aware of is that China is itself very involved in this situation, and is set to be the direct beneficiary of this ideological push. Most of the citizens of South Africa that would get land entitlements would not be working the land, as history shows the vast majority of that land is sold for cash. Of course China is right there to buy up all that prime real estate that would otherwise not be on the market unless it were for the state intervention.

Again this is a perfect example of how Communism operates. They come in and infiltrate organizations and change policy to fit Communist goals. They use minority groups and victim classes as human shields to cover for what would otherwise be inexcusable policies. Since these actions are taken in the context of "helping" some "victim", people are then more tolerant of the victimization of others in order for this to happen because they perceive it as righting some wrong.

Not only was there no wrong to be righted here, but the local population will be driven into poverty and starvation. Zimbabwe is a perfect example of what this will result in. Now instead of living with true legal equality to whites, they will trade in their white brothers for Chinese masters. The Chinese don't have the same taboos about racism as the West does either, so they will have no qualms subjugating the local population and colonizing their asses back into mud huts.

An interesting related video:

6166  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Capitalism is destroying us. on: November 27, 2018, 12:22:53 PM
"Thinking outside the box" and being assured of your position at the pinnacle of human evolution is not a substitute for logic.
6167  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Capitalism vs. Socialism - Make your argument here. on: November 27, 2018, 12:18:35 PM
There you go talking about your precious political compass as if it means some thing. A political compass is nothing more than a visual aid to demonstrate a certain view of political interrelationships. It is no more based in fact than a map of Mordor would be.
Furthermore the image you use is a pathetic attempt at giving Socialists a facade of authority by remaking a more respected and more recognized version of that chart, and using that association to give it the appearance of credibility.
Its a visual aid that is specifically relevant to showing you that our ideology is further from totalitarianism than the status quo current day.  If I say I am moving to Florida and the entirety of your argument "against" that idea is why I shouldn't move to California, showing you a map might be the best place to start. 

Except Florida and California are real places. Socialism is a concept. You showing me a subjective picture about a subjective topic that exists only within your mind is not proof of its efficacy. In fact it is not even an argument, it is just you repeating your pathological need to always play the role of the educator, and anyone who disagrees with you is simply ignorant and in need of your benevolence graced upon them via your superior knowledge. It is a stale shtick and you are essentially a walking appeal to authority.

I don't care what qualifiers or extra names you tack on to your constantly shifting definition of Socialism. Nothing you are saying is anything different than all the people who pushed these ideas in the past resulting in horrible failures resulting in millions of deaths. You claim over and over your version of Socialism is some how magically and in some unspecified way different than all the other times it has been tried.

My definition of socialism has always been workers owning the means of production. None of the failures you have mentioned involved that.  In fact, workers owned less in those societies than they do in the capitalist societies we have today.  Naming two things the same doesn't make them the same. 

Your definition of Socialism is constantly shifting depending on how little of an argument you have at the time to support it. You can define Socialism as a can of smashed assholes, you still don't explain how that can comes into reality, or how the workers "own the means of production" without stealing the property and rights of others. All of the failures I have mentioned involved people just like you spouting about how they were going to return the means of production back to the workers. Saying it is not the same as doing it.

Your intent is irrelevant. You might believe feeding your child bleach will cure their flu, that doesn't mean just because you didn't intend to kill them feeding them bleach won't kill them. No one wanted totalitarianism before, you think anyone ever asked for it? No naive people like you HANDED THEM CONTROL. It is ok though, it will be different this time right?
The problem is your argument is that moving further away from it will cause it.  Democracy is decentralization of power. You haven't explained how decentralizing power would lead to centralization of power. 

Democracy is mob rule. Individuals, minority groups, and fringe individuals have no rights under a pure Democracy. In a pure Democracy the many always take the rights of the few. This is how power is centralized via pure Democracy, by uniting the majority against the minority.

"1.  Its not stealing because it is built into the agreement that the US government has the right to print more money.  Also "money holders" are not wise and not good for economic growth.  Incentivizing spending further stimulates the economy."

You are in way over your head. Increasing a monetary base decreases the buying power of the currency. This is a fact of math. You can't deconstruct your way around math. Oh the current money holders aren't wise are they, and you are? If you are so wise why don't you have all the money and hand it out as you please?
Its a fact of math for currencies with finite value like a gold standard.  The US dollar does not have a static total value and that value is derived from the strength of the US economy.  Money holders who would feel like inflation robbed them aren't wise because who would walk into a situation where people are being robbed and stay there.  Purchasing power has been on the decline and the economy is stronger.

No, it is just math, you don't get to deconstruct math out of reality too. It is a fact endless money printing will inevitably debase the buying power of a currency. There is nothing to debate there, it is a fact no matter how "strong" the economy is. Thanks for the nifty chart proving my pointing that the policies you advocate debase the buying power of the wages of workers. You want to lie to them so they can be robbed by bankers, have them dependent on these policies, and grateful for them getting handed back SOME of their own money. Banks are the primary beneficiaries of money printing.

Communism and Socialism are banker lies designed to strip our bones, and you gleefully welcome them barely understanding what you do on a superficial level while claiming the authority of an expert and educator.

"2,3. An explanation of inflation was never meant to be an argument for socialism but a prerequisite for anyone who wants to discuss Marcora or any of the economic stimulus policies that are used to boost capitalist companies.  It was meant to give you an understanding of the relationship between money supply, inflation, and economic growth.  Resources are finite but they are not all being used.  This is what we mean by the economy running at full "capacity" or "steam" as I once put it.  Creating new money to chase resources that are already in use would not be wise but that is not what we are talking about."

Yet you are arguing for inflation in order to pay for your entitlement programs. Claiming your ideology creates economic stimulus is not the same as proving it. Yes, that is exactly what you are talking about, you want to create new money to chase the same already existing resources. These "idle resources" you talk about DO NOT EXIST.

Are you claiming that the economy is running at full capacity?  4% of the country is just sitting on their hands because there is no work.  That is idle resources.  You should take a trip to the rust built.  GM just announced they are laying off 15% of its employees and closing 3 plants.  All that capital that was stolen from American workers will be sent overseas.  Everytime something like this happens, there are idle resources. Grocery stores are an easy example.   Capitalism will never allow full employment because at that point, the tables are turned and people are no longer coerced to taking a bad job. 

People are resources now? I thought they were workers. Which one of us is fighting for the workers again? You don't get to determine what resources are idle, the market does. Supply and demand create price signalling which tunes the supply and price of products and resources EXACTLY where they need to be to be most efficient at delivering these products. Now you want to come in and play around with this finely tuned machine that keeps us all warm, fed, and safe cause "workers should own the means of production".

"4. Could be a chicken egg thing. Higher wages for the working class means more disposable money for this large group of people to spend.  Higher demand leads to an increase in production to meet the demand.  This is a lot more activity than what the "money holders" who got "robbed" would have done with that money. "

The fact that you would even give credence to the idea that consumption creates productivity is quite illustrative of your inability to use logic and understand the most basic of economics principals, as well as your willingness to bend reality to meet your bias.

It could not be a chicken and egg thing. Burning through more resources is not the same thing as being efficient or productive. More "activity" is not automatically better. By that logic, lets just set everything on fire! Think of all the activity that will result from rebuilding!
Another nice straw man.

You need to stop naming logical fallacies if you aren't even going to bother to take the time to learn to use them correctly. It is just sad... like picking up a gun and threatening to shoot as you point it at your face. I made very specific criticisms in direct response to your premise.

A straw man would be for example when you reply

"My definition of socialism has always been workers owning the means of production. None of the failures you have mentioned involved that."

to my statement of

"I don't care what qualifiers or extra names you tack on to your constantly shifting definition of Socialism. Nothing you are saying is anything different than all the people who pushed these ideas in the past resulting in horrible failures resulting in millions of deaths. You claim over and over your version of Socialism is some how magically and in some unspecified way different than all the other times it has been tried."

that would be a straw man, because I point out the end result of attempting to implement your ideology and you simply say "workers owning the means of production isn't totalitarianism!". You give the appearance of arguing against my point while never even addressing it. You go ahead and keep misusing logical fallacies though if you like, I will keep showing you the real definitions with examples of you yourself demonstrating them.

The "old school way" is what they do in Europe.   Its a good compromise.  Government mandated minimum wages don't work because companies just hire less people or decrease working conditions some other way to compensate.

I would love to know how you think its ethical that entire generations of people should be able to live off of society's workers, consume at a high rate, and contribute nothing.  

I think the more important question you should be asking is what quality of life would these same people have WITHOUT being able to enjoy the fruits of Capitalism? The fact that poor people exist is not an argument against Capitalism.
I was talking about rich heirs!

Most people enjoy the fruits of some of the labor.  The fruits of capitalism (stolen labor value) only go to the 1%.  People would have much more quality of life without the fruits of capitalism (stolen labor value).  They would be able to keep most of the value they produced.  Apple profits 400,000 per employee per year but the average employee salary (before profit) is only 28,000-178,000.   What quality of life would these same people have if they controled the labor value they actually worked to produce?

Oh were you? So I suppose some how magically your ideology would only effect the RIGHT people wouldn't it? It certainly wouldn't indiscriminately steal wealth from people arbitrarily designated as the "1%" now would it?

What you have is a pretty fantasy. You keep telling me about how great it would be but you aren't giving me any details on how that is going to happen without systematically robbing and stripping people of their rights.
6168  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Capitalism vs. Socialism - Make your argument here. on: November 27, 2018, 09:19:01 AM

Stolen?  Are you sure?

You are completely ignoring the cost of capital and the initiatives and the entrepreneurship of the capitalists.  

BTW, nobody is stealing anything from workers.  Workers work willingly.  

Who is taking the risk?  Capitalists or workers?

The risk in any venture is correlated with the potential ROI.  What do workers risk?  Not being bored at work?

Why do you think the Apple employees deserve the 400k/year?  Who risked their capital?  Apple employees or the capitalists who own the company?

Do you want to benefit from Apple success?  Buy the APPL stock.

PS.  BTW, workers control the value of their labor.  They ask for wages or salaries.  Where did you get this idea that workers are not in control of their lives or their labor?  In democratic societies, we are all free to pursue whatever we desire as long as it is legal.  You can go to university, get your Ph.D., start your own company, hire people who can be trained and help them better their lives.  Run your company, invest and retire early.  Nobody is stopping you.

Capitalists take much more than the cost of capital.  If they only took the cost of capital, that would be fair and no one would be complaining.  Its misleading to say workers choose to work for capitalists, they work or starve.  That is coercion.  This is why homelessness and poverty are necessary for sustaining capitalism.  If you ended them, there wouldn't be a viable threat to coerce people into accepting these predatory work agreements.   This is why there is so much slander of anything remotely socialist.  Any policy that might help people take control of their lives (funds for welfare, education, healthcare or starting your own business) is an existential threat to capitalism as we know it.

I'm glad you brought up risk because capitalists don't really risk much at all.  They risk not making as much money as they could have made elsewhere.  Thats it.  Meanwhile, workers risk everything.  They risk their life.  If a machine blows up, capitalists aren't going to lose a finger, an arm, or their lives.  Capitalists aren't going to develop cancer because of the conditions in their factories.  Capitalists aren't going to fall to their death at work.  It is workers who risk the most.  

If apple workers paid the company for the capital and kept the phones, they would be arrested.Workers have no control.  They live under dictatorship of the capitalist above them.  

A worker cannot decide to work in a different way because the current way is a bit too dangerous.  A worker cannot decide to stay home when they feel like it. Their only decision is which capitalist they will work for.  

The bold quote is very out of touch for most of the working class.  This is something true for people born into the capitalist class.  Working class people cannot afford to stop working.   They cannot afford expensive graduate tuition and they certainly do not have the capital to start their own company or they wouldn't be working class, they'd be capitalist class.  

It may be true to say that anyone could become capitalist class but capitalism requires most people to be working class.

So it is only fair if people don't make a profit is what you are saying? Of course you are the one who gets to determine the appropriate amount of profit if it is even allowed right? What is the motive to take the risk tying up your resources if there is no profit? No one would be complaining? I highly doubt that.

You drop a naked man in the middle of a forest and he either works or he starves. The world doesn't owe people a living, and Capitalism did not invent this situation. Which would you rather lose? A finger or all your profit from 20 years of labor? A lot of people would chose a finger.

You act as if "Capitalists" waved a magic wand and made these people rich, as if they didn't work or provide value to the economy to earn it. So now you think you can take that same magic wand and just make everyone rich. If everyone gets the same then exceptional people have no motive to work exceptionally hard to create all the great things we enjoy, you know like more food than we know what to do with for example.

I don't know what you are rambling about here but most jobs in modern nations have quite strict safety regulations. People do have a choice to choose a more dangerous job and be compensated more for that risk, or choose a safer job that pays less. Also who ever heard of grants or scholarships right? Or educational loans, I mean that is clearly an evil Capitalist invention.

6169  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Gender dysphoria & ''Age dysphoria''? on: November 27, 2018, 07:07:42 AM
....we need to think about the important things age gives us, separate them, and measure them each individually. ....

No we don't. Over and over, you seem dedicated to trying to tell people to waste their time on totally silly, unimportant things.

Another name for that is a red herring, or a distraction from the Marxist origins of his ideology he claims is science based.
6170  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2018 USA Mid Terms! Red or Blue Waves?!? on: November 27, 2018, 07:00:25 AM
39 seats and counting, dems won the popular vote by almost 9 millions votes LOLOLOLOL.

The stupid cunts up thread were right it wasn't a blue wave.  It was more of a fucking Blue Tsunami.  I enjoyed how they were so confident my prediction of +35-40 seats was stupid.  Huh I guess one of us was able to make an almost perfect prediction!

I'm glad no one interrupted the republicans while they made mistake after mistake after mistake, it gave the dems win after win after win hahahaha.

Trump keeps making his base smaller and smaller, his scorched earth approach could be extremely dangerous for the republican party for a generation or more...  Look at all the districts that were red for generations that flipped (I'm looking at you orange county hehe)

Trumps Tariffs are starting to hit hard in the states Trump won, if those tariffs drag on it will not be a good thing for Trump.  The senate map for 2020 is really bad for the GOP and Trump is driving suburban voters to the democrats daily.  The government is going to get nothing done for the next two years and Trump will get blamed for it by all but his uneducated base.

The blue wave only gets bigger in 2020 if Trump is the GOP candidate.  I'm still not sure Trump will survive Mueller LMFAO to make it to 2020.

Do you ever get tired of insulting people just because they don't agree with you? Seems like you are more driven by anger and arrogance than truth and what is good for the people. No one called your prediction stupid but you, I offered you a bet at the numbers you claimed were possible and you pussed out because YOU were the one not confident of your predictions, and you say things you don't actually believe.

You have fun jerking each other off while it lasts, this year is going to painful for dems full of hubris. You keep on celebrating your win while we box you in Wink The dems were HANDED the house to give them just enough rope to hang themselves with. Trump's base is not getting smaller, if anything it is growing because of people like you acting like lunatics. This is just wishful thinking on your part. Hey maybe you can find a few thousand more ballots and can change that? Even if you did get control again, you know what you have to look forward to? Civil war as a direct result of your willingness to delegitimize the vote of the people in Donald Trump from day one with zero evidence to back up the claims. I guess delegitimizing the government is only ok when you disagree with them right? That won't back fire at all!  

The terriffs are working, and China is the one paying he highest price. You seem quite excited over the prospect that the government is going to fail to get anything done. Again that brings us back to your motivation of anger and arrogance. You are gonna be real surprised when Muller is done. Have fun making yourself even more of a joke jerking off in public until then.
6171  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Soldier killed in Alabama mall, good guy with gun mistakenly killed by police... on: November 26, 2018, 05:00:57 PM
Are The Police Racist?
6172  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Capitalism is destroying us. on: November 26, 2018, 10:55:32 AM
And who is stopping workers from organizing into co-operatives?

You can do all the co-operatives you want and try to compete with other traditional businesses.  See which ones will go out of business first.

Free market competition forces increased productivity.  You either become more productive as a business or you go out of business.

You have this utopian view that you can run the economic system without capitalists and their capital.

BTW, the fastest way to become poor is to continue working on the production line.

You stop being poor by educating yourself, by taking control of your limited finances, by stopping buying goods you cannot afford, by eliminating debt, and by investing in good companies.  

It takes very little effort to start investing in dividend paying stocks.  But what do most workers do?  Drink beer, smoke, maybe do some drugs, buy some shit they should not be buying in the first place and complain.

You don't need to change the system to become successful.  You need to change yourself.

People who want to do 9-5 jobs will behave the same way, no matter if they work for a traditional business or they work for a cooperative.
You give them more money, they will blow it off on some gadgets or drugs and that is about it.

Capital is precious and it must be utilized properly. People are poor because they don't understand the value of their capital.

You're making one HUGE mistake here. You're forgetting the entry cost in an established market.

Let's take ANY MARKET YOU WANT! Food, distribution, internet, auto, construction... Anything you want. In any country. There are giant corporations that already own the market and are able to spend billions in marketing, adds or just to buy a possible concurrent.

The problem is that capitalism leads to totalitarism... Totalitarism of big corporations.

When you're small you just CAN'T compete with a company that is able to both corrupt/lobby politicians to keep laws and reglementation in their favor and to attract customer from dubious mass manipulation.

So those companies keep growing and keep gaining more power. Making them even more difficult to compete with.

How are entry costs enforced beyond regular market forces? How are monopolies maintained? Government. Monopolies can not exist without government to enforce regulations upon potential competing upstarts, raising the barrier of entry. This is not Capitalist. Capitalism encourages actual competition so that not only are resources used the most efficiently, but accurate price signaling can be created by free markets creating a timely and accurate pricing mechanism for resources.

Capitalism leads to totalitarism does it? Before impugning the system that gives you all of the things you enjoy in your daily life, maybe you want to look up the word totalitarianism, and you know maybe how it is spelled. Big corporations can't take control without the complicity of government. Even under a Socialist system this is still exactly just as much of a problem, so I am not sure what your argument is here. The world isn't perfect therefore Capitalism is a a failure?

You know who does need a centralized entity to regulate their lives for "the common good"? Socialists do. Otherwise how else can you rob people to pay for your handouts unless you have a government powerful enough to take the resources by force?
6173  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Capitalism is destroying us. on: November 26, 2018, 10:46:06 AM
You can't have capitalism without capital, and the banking elite has been sucking the capital out of companies, governments, pension funds and savers. Capitalism has been destroyed and replaced by debt, and that is the source of our current economic ills.

Sure. But where does that come from?

It's a systemic problem, it comes from capitalism itself.

What's capitalism? The reward of capital. It means rich people get richer faster than anyone else. It means few individuals get most of what is produced. It means the very rich peopl get more and more power.

Capitalism leads to the power being owned by a small group of people, that's basically dictatoship with more steps xD

Capital comes from natural resources brought into the market by the induction of labor, usually by issuing credit. "the reward of capital" That is quite a detailed explanation!

Rich people get richer faster than anyone else because the market is willing to pay them the most for the goods and services they provide, because they have value. If they did not have value no one would pay for it. Now if you are talking about fraud and theft, that is not Capitalism, that is crime.

There is ALWAYS going to be a power hierarchy. It is the way it is in nature, and it is a natural organic structure within human society. Some people are natural leaders some people are natural followers. None of your wishing, praying to the ghost of Karl Marx, or theorizing will ever change that.

Also, the Rick & Morty reference used as if it has academic value gives you loads of credibility. After all, you have to have a high IQ to get most of the jokes in that show right?
6174  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Gender dysphoria & ''Age dysphoria''? on: November 26, 2018, 10:38:52 AM
At no point was telomere length presented as an indicator of psychological age.  Its as if you never read the below quote.

Before knowing what type of evidence to look for, first we need to think about the important things age gives us, separate them, and measure them each individually.  This means that in the future, we could end up with multiple ages for the different things we are measuring.  Perhaps they would look something like this (feel free to jump in and tell me what age really should tell us.

1. Decline-increases with age after a certain point
2. Development- increases with age until a certain point
     a. biological development
     b. emotional/social maturity
     c. cognitive ability

For #1, we can certainly replace it with telomere length.  The telomere length gives us a way of measuring cellular age or more specifically, the degree your DNA has deteriorated.   There are already companies like Teloyears that sell kits and send you your cellular age according to statistical regression. 

Yes, yes... you do your mental gymnastics after the fact and deconstruct your way out of it as usual. There was no good reason to even bring that up as it in no way supports any of your countless red herring arguments designed to distract from the Marxist origins of your Postmodernist ideology known as "Critical Theory".
6175  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Gender dysphoria & ''Age dysphoria''? on: November 26, 2018, 06:51:00 AM

You are arguing on behalf of the current system of measuring age, which assumes everyone ages exactly the same rate.  Everyone turns 18 in exactly the same amount of time.  Everyone turns 35 in exactly the same amount of time.  If we are using those ages to determine when someone has reached, cognitive and psychological maturation, we are assuming everyone matures at exactly the same rate.

 By you being so absolute in your suggesting that this never be changed, it is not putting words in your mouth to say that you agree with the archaic system of exactly 18 or 35 laps around the sun representing maturation.  You are saying at 17 and 364 days everyone is a child then magically on their 18th birthday and no a minute sooner everyone instantaneously becomes an adult.  

Which argument did I skip?  I know you skipped mentioning telomere length as a measurement of aging.

All I am saying is there has to be a better method and that better method will be developed and implemented in the future.  

I am arguing on behalf of keeping the existing working systems in place until people like YOU who advocate something new CAN PROVE USING EMPIRICAL DATA that the changes will result in improvements. You can't do that, all you can do is make relativist arguments of a nature that simply questions everything until nothing is relevant while providing no substance of your own to stand on. I didn't say this should "never be changed" I said YOU HAVE THE BURDEN OF PROOF to demonstrate positively with EMPIRICAL DATA that a change should even be attempted.
Good. We agree on all of this much.   All I am advocating for is TALKING about how we MIGHT be able to change the systems.  This discussion has to take place before research could be done to test whatever comes out of the discussion.  I never suggested changing anything now.
Telomere length is a biological process and has nothing to do with the psychological maturation of humans. This is just a lame attempt again at giving your arguments a superficial facade of science.

This is why I made clear in an earlier post that there were 4 different things (numbered 1,2a-c) we use age to measure and that they should be separated so that people don't get confused like you just did.  Telomere length would not be used for psychological maturation.  That is a completely different thing.   Telomere length tells us how much your body is aging and surprise surprise not every 65 year old has the same telomere length.  This means different individual bodies age at different rates.

 All I am saying is that we should consider these differing rates when coming up with a good system to measure aging and TRF does that in the context of physical decline.  

Oh I see! It is not that you are totally full of shit and I just called you on it, it is because I got confused! Thanks for clearing that up Professor Postmodern!

If it is a completely different thing unrelated to psychological maturation, why did you even present it as an example of Postmodernism being based in science? Could it be that you yourself have an extremely superficial knowledge of all these subjects and are simply a pretender using these topics as a veneer to give your ideology the appearance of the authority of real science? Nah.

All I am saying is people just like you making the same arguments you are to push censorship on pretty much every platform on the internet, as well as laws compelling speech in several countries including the USA. This is already happening. We are talking about it. Your argument in support of your premise is poor.

6176  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Capitalism vs. Socialism - Make your argument here. on: November 26, 2018, 06:42:38 AM
There are many types of socialism.  These systems lie on a spectrum which harkens back to your giant blind spot on the political compass.  Even amongst socialists, there are many means to many ends.  

Workplace democracy is the form of socialism I have been arguing for all along.  You've been dying to get back to a semantic argument of how you define socialism but I refused to continue.  You're still going to have to be consistent.  No one wants a system like the Soviet union.  Every socialist I have ever met wants democratic socialism.  Please point me to one who wants totalitarianism.   You can't have it both ways to say that "my ideology" has killed millions of people then say the success of Marcora law and workplace democracy is not my ideology.  

1.  Its not stealing because it is built into the agreement that the US government has the right to print more money.  Also "money holders" are not wise and not good for economic growth.  Incentivizing spending further stimulates the economy.  

2,3. An explanation of inflation was never meant to be an argument for socialism but a prerequisite for anyone who wants to discuss Marcora or any of the economic stimulus policies that are used to boost capitalist companies.  It was meant to give you an understanding of the relationship between money supply, inflation, and economic growth.  Resources are finite but they are not all being used.  This is what we mean by the economy running at full "capacity" or "steam" as I once put it.  Creating new money to chase resources that are already in use would not be wise but that is not what we are talking about.

4. Could be a chicken egg thing.  Higher wages for the working class means more disposable money for this large group of people to spend.  Higher demand leads to an increase in production to meet the demand.  This is a lot more activity than what the "money holders" who got "robbed" would have done with that money.  

Simplisitic example:

-Unemployed shoe workers start shoe cooperative and make money selling shoes, pay taxes.


-Said workers buy bikes with their extra money, expanding the bike market


-More workers start a bike cooperative to help meet increased bike demand


-All of these new bike workers buy shoes.....GDP increases

This process doesn't continue forever. Cooperatives are only improved in areas where resources are idle and there is need.  If all aluminum was already in the economy, a business plan for aluminum bikes would not be funded.  

There you go talking about your precious political compass as if it means some thing. A political compass is nothing more than a visual aid to demonstrate a certain view of political interrelationships. It is no more based in fact than a map of Mordor would be.
Furthermore the image you use is a pathetic attempt at giving Socialists a facade of authority by remaking a more respected and more recognized version of that chart, and using that association to give it the appearance of credibility.

I don't care what qualifiers or extra names you tack on to your constantly shifting definition of Socialism. Nothing you are saying is anything different than all the people who pushed these ideas in the past resulting in horrible failures resulting in millions of deaths. You claim over and over your version of Socialism is some how magically and in some unspecified way different than all the other times it has been tried.

Your intent is irrelevant. You might believe feeding your child bleach will cure their flu, that doesn't mean just because you didn't intend to kill them feeding them bleach won't kill them. No one wanted totalitarianism before, you think anyone ever asked for it? No naive people like you HANDED THEM CONTROL. It is ok though, it will be different this time right?

"1.  Its not stealing because it is built into the agreement that the US government has the right to print more money.  Also "money holders" are not wise and not good for economic growth.  Incentivizing spending further stimulates the economy."

You are in way over your head. Increasing a monetary base decreases the buying power of the currency. This is a fact of math. You can't deconstruct your way around math. Oh the current money holders aren't wise are they, and you are? If you are so wise why don't you have all the money and hand it out as you please?

"2,3. An explanation of inflation was never meant to be an argument for socialism but a prerequisite for anyone who wants to discuss Marcora or any of the economic stimulus policies that are used to boost capitalist companies.  It was meant to give you an understanding of the relationship between money supply, inflation, and economic growth.  Resources are finite but they are not all being used.  This is what we mean by the economy running at full "capacity" or "steam" as I once put it.  Creating new money to chase resources that are already in use would not be wise but that is not what we are talking about."

Yet you are arguing for inflation in order to pay for your entitlement programs. Claiming your ideology creates economic stimulus is not the same as proving it. Yes, that is exactly what you are talking about, you want to create new money to chase the same already existing resources. These "idle resources" you talk about DO NOT EXIST.

"4. Could be a chicken egg thing. Higher wages for the working class means more disposable money for this large group of people to spend.  Higher demand leads to an increase in production to meet the demand.  This is a lot more activity than what the "money holders" who got "robbed" would have done with that money. "

The fact that you would even give credence to the idea that consumption creates productivity is quite illustrative of your inability to use logic and understand the most basic of economics principals, as well as your willingness to bend reality to meet your bias.

It could not be a chicken and egg thing. Burning through more resources is not the same thing as being efficient or productive. More "activity" is not automatically better. By that logic, lets just set everything on fire! Think of all the activity that will result from rebuilding!

The "old school way" is what they do in Europe.   Its a good compromise.  Government mandated minimum wages don't work because companies just hire less people or decrease working conditions some other way to compensate.

I would love to know how you think its ethical that entire generations of people should be able to live off of society's workers, consume at a high rate, and contribute nothing.  

I think the more important question you should be asking is what quality of life would these same people have WITHOUT being able to enjoy the fruits of Capitalism? The fact that poor people exist is not an argument against Capitalism.
6177  Other / Politics & Society / Re: REEEEE: PussyGate, a Collection of Trump Investigations on: November 26, 2018, 04:50:41 AM
Actually I was just asking a simple question. He referred to Obama investigations as if they were a common occurrence. What investigations?
6178  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Capitalism vs. Socialism - Make your argument here. on: November 26, 2018, 02:56:34 AM
So when give examples of socialism working, you use the same "not a true scotsman" fallacy you accuse socialists of using to disregard negative examples of socialism.  Could it be that there is a lot of nuance on the spectrum between all out socialism and all out capitalism?  

1. Nope we've been through this.  Governments with sovereign currency already have that currency.  
2,3.  The economy is not running at full steam.  There are massive amounts of unemployed and underemployed persons who could be producing more goods and services.  We have idle resources that aren't benefiting anyone.  
The usual goals of monetary policy are to achieve or maintain full employment, to achieve or maintain a high rate of economic growth
I think this link may help you with monetary policy. I admit I am not explaining it well enough on here.

4. If the working class earned their fair share, you would have more of the money going to more people and get more spending out of that portion of the population who still have a lot left to buy.  

That is not an example of Socialism let alone Socialism working. Really? Now you are resorting to refractively using logical fallacies as a cudgel? You don't even know what a "no true Scotsman" fallacy is, stop pretending like you do you are just making yourself look stupid using it incorrectly.

Could it be that you rely on this endless Postmodernist "nuance" to weasel your way out of any position and define Socialism however it suits you fort any given argument?

1. Yeah, we have been through this. Printing money is stealing buying power from current money holders. You can pretend it doesn't but this is a mathematical fact which is a direct result of the fact resources are finite no matter how much money you print.

2,3. Running at full steam? Sounds very scientific. I love that you think "investopedia" would ever present a good argument for Socialism. However in the mental gymnasium that is your mind, and doing backflips to and contortions reach a conclusion is standard, I would suppose these things are not contradictory in your mind.

A paragraph on "possible benefits of inflation" (IE theory), is in no way supportive of your insane handout policies that would destroy the economy. No, you don't seem to explain anything well. You claim to be an educator? No wonder our children are performing so poorly.

4. This is nothing more than your opinion with zero basis in fact. "get more spending out of the population" What? Do you really think productivity stems from consumption, and you have the nerve to lecture me on my "simplistic views on economics"?
6179  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Capitalism vs. Socialism - Make your argument here. on: November 25, 2018, 11:01:02 PM
This has already happened.  I already gave you empirical data on the success of Marcora law in Emelia-Romagna.  Yes it stimulated the economy.  Yes people became happier.  Yes that region with 30% GDP coming from worker cooperatives is more resilient during economic crashes that affect the rest of the country.  No they did not collapse into inevitable dictatorship.

It should be simple to grasp
1.government spends money
2. businesses are created with that money (buying goods and services from other business)
3. business hire workers who produce goods and services (economic activity)
4. workers are paid, taxes are paid, and those workers go and consume more from the economy

"This has already happened." This what? I already responded to your single go to "Marcora laws". This is not empirical data that Socialism will stimulate the economy. First of all because the country is not Socialist. Second, even if it was, Socialism can coast on the fruits of the previous Capitalist system for some time until it fails.

This is the lie Socialists are best at selling. This is why I said Socialists are like an 18 year old with a credit card. Sure you can live off of a credit card and not produce as much as you consume for a little while, but eventually the debt comes due and your lie collapses.

It should be simple to grasp

1. Government has to take that money from workers by force
2. Businesses are already created with that money
3. Economic activity is already stimulated because we are operating under Capitalism
4. Workers are already paid and consume more from the economy

6180  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Capitalism vs. Socialism - Make your argument here. on: November 25, 2018, 09:52:53 AM
Oh he is being unrealistic? That is cute. In the real world companies holding large amounts of real estate that is not in use get tax cuts that effectively reduce their property taxes to zero. Yeah, you are right, who ever heard of speculative investment in real estate right?

In this thread I will say that the government can spend money as long as it stimulates more economic activity and direct you to the "MMT: Modern monetary theory" thread  for a more detailed explanation and discussion about how your gold standard era understanding of money is outdated in the context of the USA. 

I am aware of hoarding and tax loopholes.  Tax loopholes should be closed.  I am also aware that although speculative investment happens, it is unrealistic that every vacant property would be simultaneously off the market to a point where new businesses could not obtain leases.   

You can say whatever you like, that doesn't make it true. You don't even bother explaining how Socialism will "stimulate economic activity", you just accept it as a given and everything magically works out. Once again, more theories are useless unless you have empirical data to back up your arguments.

Once again you talk for me. Why even have a debate if you are going to just make up arguments for me yourself and argue them. I never said anything about the gold standard, you did. For about the 800th time, you are the one advocating a change, the burden of proof is on you to support your argument.

"it is unrealistic that every vacant property would be simultaneously off the market to a point where new businesses could not obtain leases."

What the fuck are you even rambling on about?
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