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641  Local / Minerit / NERDMINER: mineri de Bitcoin ai norocului on: January 17, 2024, 08:10:20 PM
Autor: fillippone
Topic original: NERDMINER: Bitcoin lottery miners

Ce avem aici?


1. Declinare a răspunderii

Înainte de a începe să citiți acest material citiți cu atenție următorul pasaj:
Acesta este un proiect non-profit. Utilizatorul nu va avea niciun fel de profit. Cu un astfel d echipament, probabil că nu veți extrage nici măcar un satoshi într-o viață. Nerdminer NU este menit pentru profit economic. Pierderea totală a banilor investiți într-un astfel de proiect este aproape inevitabilă.

2. Ce este Nerdminer

Nerdminer este un proiect apărut dintr-o idee a lui Valerio Vaccaro cu privire la mineritul cu HanSolo.
Valerio este autorul ideii de "Satoshi Spritz", o serie de întâlniri locale, cu scop informativ, a unor bitcoineri, întâlniri care s-au împânzit în toată Italia, in peste 20 de instanțe.
În cadul acestor întâlniri, care de obicei au loc în baruri, Valerio prezintă diverse aspecte tehnice: noduri Bitcoin, noduri LN si bancomate LN, însă lipsea un dispozitiv de minerit. Astfel, el a decis să acopere și această parte și s-a pus pe programat. Produsul utilizat a fost o placa programabilă, pe care a asamblat primul prototip al minerului său portabil. Și, întrucât este un entuziast, și-a numit minerul HanSolo.
Acesta era în esență un software cu o interfață grafică bizară și caracteristici limitate.

Bitmaker_ a descoperit proiectul și, dintr-un spirit pro codului sursă deschis, a bifurcat proiectul, l-a redenumit Nerdminer, adăugându-i o interfață grafică prietenoasă și câteva caracteristici în plus.

Nerdminer poate rula pe diverse plăci, însă cea mai comuncă este Lilygo S3:

Mai jos este o listă a tuturor plăcilor capabile de a rula versiunea 1.61.
  • -- LILYGO T-Display S3
  • -- ESP32-WROOM-32, ESP32-Devkit1..
  • -- LILYGO T-QT
  • -- LILYGO T-Display 1.14
  • -- LILYGO T-Display S3 AMOLED
  • -- LILYGO T-Dongle S3
  • -- ESP32-2432S028R 2,8"

Ultima actualizare de firmware a adăugat suport și pentru alte plăci, mult altele urmând să fie și ele adăugate.

Această placă consumă mai puțin de 2W, ceea ce înseamnă că poate fi alimentată un an întreg, la un cost de sub 5 EUR.
Cu cel mai recent firmware, puterea totală de hash a acestui dispozitiv are un maxim de 55Kh/s (valoare de vârf, nu susținută).
Aceasta înseamnă că Nerminer are o eficiență de 36.360 J/GHs. Un S19 XP Hydro are o eficiență de 0,021J/GHs. Nerdminer este de 1.500.000 ori mai puțin eficient decât un miner S19.

Odată online, acesta este bazinul unde se poate conecta un Nerdminer:

Multe bazine resping un Nerdminer sau echipamente cu o putere de hash similară, din cauza ratei scăzut de hash. Publicpool acceptă insă și cele mai mici echipamente miniere, fără costuri adiționale. Doar echipamentele cu peste 50 TH/s vor plăti un comision de 1,5% bazinului minier.

De reținut, cele 4500 de echipamente Nerdminer au o putere de hash de 10^-10 ori față de un singur Antminer. Cu alte cuvinte, ar fi nevoie de 2.750.000.000 de mineri Nerdminer S3 pentru a obține puterea unui singur S19. Imaginați-vă că fiecare om de pe planetă ar primi un Nerdminer: aceasta ar produce puterea de hash a doar trei S19.
Aveți în vedere că rețeaua Bitcoin este susținută în prezent de 2,5 milioane de echipamente echivalente acestor mașini. Aceasta înseamnă că fiecare S19 găsește un bloc la fecare 46 ani.

Dacă 2.500.000 S19 sunt capabile să găsească, în medie, un bloc la fiecare 10 minute, un singur miner Nerdminer S3 ar avea nevoie de  125.570.776.256 ani (aproximativ de 10 ori mai mult decât vârsta universului) pentru a găsi un bloc.
Aceasta demonstrează că nu veți mineri nimic cu un astfel de echipament, in toată viața.

Dacă doriți să explorați mai bine subiectul, vă recomand acest link:
Bitcoin – Sunt profitabili Nerdminer și BitAxe?

Adițional, am creat și un tabel în Excel:

3. De ce este relevant

De ce tot acest efort, dacă nu există niciun profit? De ce să pierzi timp șî bani, dacă bazinul nu va găsi niciun bloc într-o viață?
Păi, există doua răspunsuri:

Mineritul Bitcoin este o industrie costisitoare, foarte competitivă. Majoritatea utilizatorilor nu ar participa în acest fel la protocolul Bitcoin.
Cu Nerdminer puteți mineri cu un cost inițial mic și cu unul de rulaj de asemenea mic. Aceasta vă va permite să vă acomodați cu fundamentele mineritului: operarea echipamentului hardware, administrarea bazinelor, interacțiunea cu protocoalele de minerit etc.. Curba de învățare este abruptă, însă acest dispositiv va poate permite să învățați ceva care, în alte condiții, ar fi extrem de dificil.
În plus, veți învăța ceva despre operațiunile miniere de bază, administrarea temperaturilor, compilarea de versiuni de firmware etc..
În acest proiect, Învățarea unui lucru nou este aspectul care depășește în importanță partea legată de detaliile financiare.

Canarul Bitcoin din mină
Bitcoin este o tehnologie distribuită și cu cod sursă deschis. Cât timp fiecare utilizator poate realiza funcția primară a rețelei într-o manieră permisivă, cu un cod sursă deschis, ipotezele tehnologiei Bitcoin vor rămâne valide.

Ansambul realizat de mine pentru Funcțiile de bază ale Protocolului Bitcoin(cardul de credit este folosit ca  referință)

Acum puteți rula un nod Bitcoin întreg cu un echipament de câteva sute de dolari, un miner Bitcoin de 50 dolari și va puteți securiza cheile private cu un portofel hardware făcut de mână, care costă vreo 15 dolari.
Cu acest nod Bitcoin veți putea valida blockchain-ul și tranzacțiile; cu un nod de minerit veți putea adăuga blocuri blockchain-ului; și, cu un portofel hardware, puteți semna în siguranță o tranzacție nouă. Toate acestea cu ajutorul unui cod sursă deschis și, un unele cazuri, cu un hardware cu cod sursă deschis.

Desigur, nu veți beneficia de toate atributele soluțiilor comerciale sau, in cazul echipamentului de minerit, nu veți avea nicio șansă reală de a găsi un bloc. Totuși, ce contează este că veți face aceleași calcule precum un miner profesional.
Micul Nerdminer se va afla, statistic vorbind, la același nivel cu cei mai avansați mineri. Doar capitalul incredibil pe care îl plasează în această industrie competitivă le garantează un avantaj, întrucât așa dictează PoW, dar nu au și un avantaj tehnic asupra protocolului in comparație cu echipamentul hardware al vostru.
Descentralizarea rețelei va fi garantată cât timp utilizatorii simpli pot realiza toate funcțiile necesare rețelei, un dispozitiv de minerit, un nod Bitcoin și un portofel hardware wallet, toate prin intermediul proiectelor cu cod sursă deschis, cu efort limitat din punct de vedere tehnic și financiar. Aceasta este ceva de importanță capitală pentru ca protocolul Bitcoin să aibă succes.

4. Cum obțin un Nerdminer

Îl voi cita pe Valerio Vaccaro aici.
Aveți trei variante.
1Lucrat de mânăPiesele trebuie cumpărate de pe ALI, trebuie realizat un flash al dispozitivului și rezolvate (câteva) probleme. Vă veți distra, veți învăța ceva și veți economisi niște bani.
2Site-ul oficial NerdMinerVeți susține dezvoltatorii Nerdminer, ajutându-i să își îmbunătățească munca cu lansări noi, utilizabilitate sporită și noi funcționalități.
3Intrând în contact cu alți bitcoineri și distrându-vă împreunăÎntâlnindu-vă cu alți bitcoineri în viața reală, la întâlniri localem cumpărând Meeting other Bitcoiners IRL at local meetups, de la ei mineri NerdMiner, susținând comunitatea locală și schimbând cunoștințe. Acesta este modul în care virusul s-a răspândit în Italia.

5. Nerdminer Setup

Setarea unui NerdMiner este chiar simplă.
Aveți chiar două metode, una ușoară și una grea. Alegerea uneia ține doar de voi, de timpul vostru și de abilitățile tehnice.
Eu am ales calea ușoară și pot spune că a fost chiar simplu.

Procesul este descris pas cu pas pe acest site despre NerdMiner:

Ghid de Setare NerdMiner

Odată ce am ales calea ușoară, intenționez să încep să mă joc cu software-ul, să încerc unele lucruri.

În principiu, aveți nevoie să:
  • Conectați aparatul NerMiner la un port USB al PC-ului
  • Accesați site-ul pentru a vă inițializa dispozitivul
  • Apăsați butonul pentru inițializarea dispozitivului NerdMiner
  • Vă conectați la NerdMiner prin Wi-FI (vă conectați la NerdminerAP cu telefonul, conform instrucțiunilor de pe ecran
  • Setați datele despre Wi-Fi și o adresă Bitcoin unde vă veți depozita fondurile (în caz de nevoie).

Foarte simplu.

Când minerul este conectat, vă puteți conecta la bazin și îi puteți monitoriza funcționalitatea.
Deschideți un browser și accesați: pentru a îl monitoriza.

Aici puteți administra statisticile dispozitivelor NerdMiner conectate la bazin.

Există și câteva butoane fizice pentru a monitoriza starea echipamentului NerdMiner:

6. Comunitate

NerdMiner are o comunitate prosperă.
Totul se axează pe canalul Telegram, unde o comunitate de entuziaști a dezvoltat câteva idei distractive:

Sunteți invitați să vă alăturați acestei comunități nebune!

7. Resurse

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ NerdMiner Website Handle of Bitmaker, the creator of NerdMiners Telegram Group
Micro $3 Bitcoin miners won't make bank, but that's not the point — Inventors BitMaker's interview on Cointelegraph.
In-depth explanation of Bitcoin Mining DifficultyA primer on Bitcoin difficulty. Many concepts used in mining are clearly explained on this page.

8. Alte proiecte

NerdMiner nu este singurul proiect minier cu sursă deschisă. Există și altele. Unele dintre ele încearcă inclusiv să dezvolte (un fel de) hardware cu sursă deschisă.

Han Solo MiningWhere all this started. Valerio Vaccaro is still developing HanSolo miners. He is adding support to new boards and improving the current software. All this work might eventually be merged in the NerdMiner code.
BitAxeAn open-source software on a (quasi) open-source hardware. The smallest ever ASICs made of a single Antminer S17 chip. Mining 520 GH/s on a 10W consumption. Here you have a Telegram Group.

This project also has a thread on the forum: Open Source Bitcoin ASIC miner project that uses 2x BM1387 (Antminer S9).
CPUMiner-AndroidAn Android application wrapper for Pooler's CPUMiner. Ubiquotous mining with your old Android phone.

Acesta este un proiect non-profit. Utilizatorul nu va avea niciun profit. Cu un astfel de dispozitiv nu veți obține, probabil, niciun satoshi în toată viața. Cele explicate aici NU sunt menite unui profit economic. Este aproape inevitabilă pierderea totală a sumelor investite în acest proiect.

642  Economy / Services / Re: LoyceV's Avatar for Rent [first 🦊🦊🦊🦊4 YEARS🦊🦊🦊🦊 (252 weeks) rented out] on: January 17, 2024, 08:09:34 PM
Thanks again for your flawless timing!

I also send my respects to our queen! <3

I'm having a drink to o_e_l_e_o tonight.

Sign me up for that Smiley It's been a great honor to know him!
643  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: 12 years later and people still don't know to use Bitcoin nor what it's good for on: January 16, 2024, 08:55:00 PM
I think some people are completely oblivious of the danger associated with giving out their information, probably because they have never really experienced identity theft.
Ignorance is not an excuse, and one has to be very careful with how they handle their identity because once it is made public, there's absolutely notice you can do about it.

From your last lines I assume you read the above mentioned linked topics. Yes, it must be hard to really feel how it is to have the identity stolen unless you don't experience the incident. Still, better be safe than sorry...

The guy from the identity theft topic lived such thing it not from a crypto attack but from another real life bad incident. Still, the effects are the same. It is incredible how far he endured in his attempt to recover his identity.
644  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Cele mai bune site-uri de explorare a blocurilor Bitcoin on: January 16, 2024, 08:46:52 PM
Am mai facut inca niste mici modificari in OP. Am observat ca AnonTransfer nu aparea, desi era adaugat in topicul original. De asemenea, partea cu site-uri eliminate nu era afisata corect, asa ca am aranjat un pic lucrurile si pe acolo.

Aditional, am actualizat si vechiul tabel. Acum ar trebui sa fie totul in ordine.
645  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: List of useful Bitcoin block explorers on: January 16, 2024, 06:51:08 PM
I've updated our list according to the outcomes of our survey. Please let me know if you like our improved version, if you want to share your opinion.
Unfortunately, I had to remove all links from the comments as it's not possible to add links for our new hover format.

Instead, I'll leave an old version from before our changes here. You'll find it below "old format".
I'll also add a link and a description in our OP.  Smiley

Old version:

Bitcoin block explorers:

Name (link)Bech32 / Bech32m (P2TR) supported?SegWit (P2SH) identifiable?*Usefulness
(subjective rating)
Works without
Rated byComments
Blockchair.comYes (09/2019) / Yes (05/2022)Yes (09/2019)8 / 10 PointsYes1miau
Arkham ComputerYes / YesYes8 / 10 PointsNobullrun2024bro / cyganNot user-friendly
Trezor Bitcoin ExplorerYes (11/2019) / Yes (05/2022)Yes (11/2019)7.5 / 10 PointsPartially**Saint-loupThe only one with Blockchair to manage zpub keys
mempool.spaceYes (10/2020) / Yes (05/2022)Yes (10/2020)7.5 / 10 PointsNoSFR10Detailed and great UI
OKLinkYes (08/2022) / Yes (08/2022)Yes (08/2022)7.5 / 10 PointsNoSFR10It quickly became one of my favorites!
bitaps.comYes (09/2019) / Yes (05/2022)Yes (09/2019)7 / 10 PointsNo1miau
BTC.comYes (09/2019) / Yes (05/2022)Yes (09/2019)7 / 10 PointsNo1miau
chainflyer.bitflyer.jpYes (12/2019) / Yes (05/2022)Yes (12/2019)7 / 10 PointsNoAlveus
BitcoinWho'sWhoYes (09/2022) / Yes (09/2022)Yes (09/2022)7 / 10 PointsNoGazetaBitcoinVery efficient, including very interesting features; now it supports Bech32 addresses as well
BitcoinExplorerYes (08/2022) / Yes (08/2022)Yes (08/2022)7 / 10 PointsPartially**SFR10Simple and clean
bitqueryYes (09/2022) / Yes (09/2022)Yes (09/2022)7 / 10 PointsNoRizzrackCan separate ingoing from outgoing tx and has a very cool visual
representation of the flow of coins to and from a certain address
TokenViewYes (09/2022) / Yes (09/2022)Yes (09/2022)7 / 10 PointsNoajiz138Interesting block explorer, and there's a balance chart underneath
BitInfoChartsYes (09/2022) / Yes (04/2023)No (09/2022)7 / 10 PointsPartially (see Comments)ajiz138This explorer can see the top and busiest wallets, there is a graph that can see the movement of our balance. If using no-JS, click a random TX, Block or Address and edit the URL in your browser to view the desired information.
3xplYes (05/2024) / Yes (05/2024)No (05/2024)6.5 / 10 PointsYesSFR10An open-source explorer with great UI and a lot of various tools (e.g. data dumps, APIs, events, and charts) for those who like to analyze stuff
SoChainYes (09/2019) / Yes (05/2022)Yes (09/2021)6 / 10 PointsNo1miau
Blockcypher.comYes (09/2019) / Yes (05/2022)Yes (04/2023)6 / 10 PointsPartially**1miau
cryptoIDYes (12/2019) / No (10/2022)Yes (12/2019)6 / 10 PointsNoSFR10Not suited for unconfirmed transaction ID's
CoinExYes (09/2019) / No (10/2022)No (09/2019)6 / 10 PointsNo1miau
BtcscanYes (08/2022) / Yes (08/2022)Yes (08/2022)6 / 10 PointsYesSFR10
Blockchain.comYes (11/2019) / Yes (10/2022)Yes (12/2019)5 / 10 PointsPartially**1miau
BitcoinBlockExplorerYes (08/2022) / Yes (08/2022)No (08/2022)5 / 10 PointsNoSFR10
jonasschnelliYes (01/2024) / Yes (01/2024)Yes (01/2024)5 / 10 PointsPartially****SFR10
AtomicYes (08/2022) / Yes (08/2022)Yes (07/2024)4.5 / 10 PointsPartially**SFR10Outdated UI / currently mirroring Trezor Explorer
LearnmeabitcoinYes (10/2022) / Yes (07/2024)Yes (05/2024)4.5 / 10 PointsPartially****SFR10 [Previously by ajiz138]Simple UI, but it doesn't let you to search for addresses and you also can't directly monitor spent outputs
YoghYes (10/2022) / Yes (10/2022)Yes (04/2023)4 / 10 PointsNoajiz138Quite simple but less interesting
Blockexplorer.oneYes (12/2019) / Yes (10/2022)No (12/2019)3 / 10 PointsNoLTU_btc
BlockpathYes (12/2019) / Yes (05/2022)No (12/2019)3 / 10 PointsNoSFR10Outdated UI
AnonTransferYes (10/2023) / No (10/2023)No (10/2023)2 / 10 PointsNoSFR10
BlockstreamYes (11/2019) / Yes (05/2022)Yes (11/2019)2 / 10 PointsYespooya87Good details, blocks visitors from my country
InsightYes (12/2019) / Yes (05/2022)No (12/2019)1 / 10 PointsNoSFR10
Walletexplorer.comYes (09/2022) / Yes (05/2022)No (09/2019)0 / 10 Points (avoid)Yes1miauRisk of getting your IP tracked, not recommended to use
646  Other / Meta / Re: Campaign to improve posting quality for local boards on: January 16, 2024, 03:11:33 PM
Having a new ward/translator for the Filipino Local Board—and more so someone I can trust for that matter since Latviand's one of the rising content posters in this forum at least for me is a good thing and could definitely cascade content towards the local boards once again. [...] I'd observe this with great interest and would like to offer my helping hand as well in improving content for my respective local board OP.
If you want, you can also PM Latviand and do it together or in case Latviand doesn't have time, you could do it for him.
I wouldn't mind.  Smiley

I would not mind either. Perhaps Casdinyard can easier get in touch with Latviand and maybe they can collaborate together on this translation. After all, it matters to see more interest in our campaign. At same time, when 2 people work together there are higher chance for a more productive / positive outcome than working alone. So perhaps Casdinyard could bring a good contribution here, by searching also for resources in that language.

Besides that, I assume Latviand did not reply yet to 1miau's PM. Did you have any sign from roksana.hee, at least?
647  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Concursuri/tombole pe bitcointalk (sau pe aprope) on: January 15, 2024, 07:52:31 PM
Nu e bai, bine ai revenit Smiley Sper ca esti bine. Inca mai sunt concursuri la care sa participi...
Acum, ca este si totul la zi, suntem in regula.
Multa bafta la concursurile la care te vei inscrie!
648  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: 12 years later and people still don't know to use Bitcoin nor what it's good for on: January 15, 2024, 03:27:09 PM
You saw the future even before it happened. Exactly what you talked about is what is happening and will continue to happen with cex.
The fact remains that cex negates the whole idea of bitcoin which centres on decentralisation. People have refused to let go of the conventional banking system, hence they decided to bring it into crypto.

Both your lines are very true. There is still hope that some people may read these words and open their eyes before doing a terrible mistake and lose money, personal information or any other valuable data. Some learn from others' mistakes -- which is good; some learn from their own mistakes -- which is still good, if a lesson is well learned. Sadly, there are also those which don't learn the lesson, nor are willing to. There are also such people.

Still, there are several topics trying to help people the risks associated with exchanges, so there is still hope for some to learn. For example, take a look at these topics:

What happens when your identity is stolen -- real story || Avoid CEXs!
Why KYC is extremely dangerous – and useless
649  Other / Meta / Re: Campaign to improve posting quality for local boards on: January 15, 2024, 03:21:25 PM
Please, explain and give results of your campaign that lasts a fair long time with an eye on getting those results.

Perhaps these two posts will bring you some answers: link 1, link 2. Besides, read among first posts of the forum and look at those supporting the campaign. Furthermore, at the bottom of OP you can also see some more support for this campaign. I know, it's not pure statistics to say so, but it's almost impossible to quantify results by math...

I hope this helps.
650  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: List of useful Bitcoin block explorers on: January 14, 2024, 09:34:24 PM
Thank you for your input, SFR10! I added the new website and, at same time, I also removed Spiral/Blyss. I also added these changes to Romanian translated topic.
I still need to make a new post though, with the old table, as I can't edit 1miau's post containing it.
I will do that tomorrow.
651  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Cele mai bune site-uri de explorare a blocurilor Bitcoin on: January 14, 2024, 09:31:39 PM
Am mai actualizat OP cu 2 elemente:

1. Am adaygat un nou site, la sugestia lui SFR 10:

Name (link)Bech32 / Bech32m (P2TR) supported?SegWit (P2SH) identifiable?**Usefulness (subjective rating) Tongue ***Works without JS?Rated by
jonasschnelliDa (01/2024) / Da (01/2024)Da (01/2024)5 / 10 PuncteParțial****SFR10

2. Am eliminat Spiral/Blyss, tot la sugestia lui SFR10. intrucat nu mai functioneaza.
652  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Concursuri/tombole pe bitcointalk (sau pe aprope) on: January 14, 2024, 08:09:42 PM
Avem concurs nou!


Se pot castiga urmatoarele: un card Cypher Hodl incarcat cu 0.0005 BTC.

Organizator: krogothmanhattan

Poate participa oricine, daca s-a inregistrat inainte de 1 iulie.
Modalitate de inscriere: se alege un numar de la 00 la 99 (care nu a fost deja rezervat).
Transportul: gratuit in SUA; pentru restul lumii se va discuta cu minerjones.

Concursul este identic cu cele anterior realizate de OP.
653  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: [In Memoriam] Guess BTC price contest on: January 14, 2024, 07:05:10 PM
No refund is required, I will simply assume that 2nd and 3rd place received 30% of the total fund.

While some such incidents can happen sometimes (and usually they are not very fortunate for the ones mistaking), I think this is a very nice gesture from icopress and the winners can be even more happy for taking part in this contest Smiley Big thumb up for icopress' decision!

1miau deserves first position thanks to his philanthropic efforts. He basically diverted the money from one Ukraine citizen to another in epic fashion. Salute @1miau!

Such people are more and more rare in our days... It is really to be admired what he did!
654  Other / Meta / Re: Campaign to improve posting quality for local boards on: January 14, 2024, 07:02:07 PM
Most of the  local boards have dedicated moderators who evaluate   published posts and delete those ones that have  the vicious style and/or dull/irrelevant content.

For instance, Russian board has two high-skilled mods who perfectly    cope with their duties including that ones which are relevant to improving posting quality

I also share the idea expressed by 1miau above. We are not moderators and users which translated (and propagated) this campaign are also not moderators. We simply tried to improve, somehow, the overall posting quality in local boards. So it's not about a moderator being good at his job and deleting posts of zero value, but about users themselves, which can improve theor writing quality.

Looks like I've totally missed that part...
I've just sent a PM to roksana.hee and Latviand and asked them to give us a quick update here about these translations.

Thank you, 1miau! Let's hope they will respond and come back with some good news!
655  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: 12 years later and people still don't know to use Bitcoin nor what it's good for on: January 14, 2024, 06:58:00 PM
The writer is vindicated by the recent happening with some cex, for example FTX, it clearly shows that these exchanges have been compromised and are not really there for your interest.

I am worried, indeed, by what is happening with CEX users. But I wrote that topic way before the FTX incident. Nevertheless, that incident shows once again to what risks CEX users expose themselves...

I was never called sir.

So when I was called sir on bitcointalk I felt a bit uncomfortable with people using it.

Same here, but not because of an army background Smiley I just feel anyone can be polite even without this term.
656  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: [In Memoriam] Guess BTC price contest on: January 13, 2024, 10:56:43 AM
After winning first place here, I would like to donate my win to an Ukrainian aid campaign

This is an incredibly nice gesture, 1miau! I, for one, feel very touched... I take my hat off in front of your gesture.

Besides, thank you all which expressed nice words above. I read all posts and such words are moving. May this contest bring a short smile on light_warrior's daughter...
657  Economy / Services / Re: [OFNT] [AOBT] The Alliance Of Bitcointalk Translators on: January 12, 2024, 05:29:30 PM
The thing is that some of these topics, has already been translated to my local language by other users. For instance this one Dere are 2^256 private keys out dere: hw big is dat numba?

I was not aware of the existence of that topic, but it's good you found it Smiley Now it's added to OP.

The other topic as you mentioned by Husna, I might consider starting that and probably before the year runs out I will be done and drop them all at once and I may also have to work with some of my local board translators if need be.

Husna's topic is huge indeed, but it won't take a year to translate it Smiley I suggest you to start working on it, in small steps and, eventually, in a few days you'll finish it. It is very long, but not impossible to do it. Besides, if you'll do it, you'll be one of only 4 people which ever translated it (excepting Husna himself). At same time, why look for another long topic (meaning the one suggested by you earlier) since there is still material to work on for Pidgin language? Makes sense? Smiley

Lastly, I have already started working on this topics Campaign to improve posting quality for local boards

And I see you already finished! Congrats!
658  Other / Meta / Re: Campaign to improve posting quality for local boards on: January 12, 2024, 05:24:07 PM
Hello @ 1miau, Gazetabitcoin and other co sponsors of this campaign. I'm pleased to announce that I have finally finished my translated version of the campaign to my Localboard.

Great job, Hatchy! It's great that you found resources in your language to add to the translation. This translation is not an easy one, as only 2 other users managed to do it until now (excepting 1miau and me).

Your translation is added now:

Nigeria (Naija) by Hatchy

1miau, please don't forget to add the translation also to the botton of OP -- there's also a list of translations (unless you plan to delete it Smiley)

And one more kind request at 1miau, about this part:

And I'd also like to remind roksana.hee and Latviand that they reserved this translation a long while ago. roksana.hee stated on August 30th that she'll revise her translation, as the first attempt was poor. roksana.hee, do you have any update about the translation?

Latviand, on the other side, reserved on August 24th the Filipino translation, via PM. 1miau, do you think you can ask him through a PM for a heads-up about his progress? It's been almost 3 months since then.

No pressure here, I am just curious of these translations are still in plan or they were abandoned.

I wanted to kindly ask you to not forget to contact Latviand and, maybe roksana.hee as well, since it seems she did not see her name metioned here.
659  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: [In Memoriam] Guess BTC price contest on: January 12, 2024, 03:37:33 PM
Aaaand, after a long wait, here are our winners!

January 9th, 2024 2:54 UTC BTC Price : $46,777

. Third place .

. Second place .

. First place .
46,900 USD

Congratulations to the winners and big thank you to all other participants!
The winners should send me their BTC addresses for receiving their prizes.
660  Economy / Services / Re: [OFNT] [AOBT] The Alliance Of Bitcointalk Translators on: January 10, 2024, 04:26:43 PM
About the proposal itself, although the topic is for fun as Hatchy said, I also think that it is educative and, coming from fillippone, I have no objection, but let's see what other members think.

One more thing about this -- I actually started working on this thread today, as I had it on my "to do list" since last year, as I wrote above. What I wanted to add is that the topic is not short at all and it took me some good hours to finish half of it. I'll spend more hours to finish it completely. And, since we have issues with translating even short topics (we can take a look at fillippone's topic about 2^256 private keys, for example, which does not have 10 translations even now, although it was added a long time ago), adding a long topic to the list will make it remain there forever (like Husna's topic, for example, which barely has 3 translations now, after almost one year).

Dear Hatchy, if you are idle you can find some topics in the list above that are yet to be translated into Pidgin.

In the list with translations in progress there are 3 of them not done yet in Pidgin so he can choose from there.

Regarding Husna's topic, one was done by Ratimov -- Porf, you can delete it from the list, since the translation was deleted.
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