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701  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: gambling for newbies on: December 08, 2023, 11:00:57 PM
Hello everyone, as you can see I'm new here, I'm looking for recommendations for a game to bet some money that I don't mind losing, I would like recommendations and if possible a recommendation for somewhere that teaches how to play. Thank you very much. Grin

Have you never gambled at all, if yes! then just choose sports betting such as football or cricket or something else related to sports for you to try playing at the start, casino games and card games are actually very good to try but as a newbie, you have to for the time being you can focus on just 1 type of betting game, don't explore them all, you will only make yourself down and lose money if you try all types of gambling games, so just focus on 1.
702  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Pemerintah dan Pelanggaran HAM on: December 08, 2023, 10:39:07 PM

Dari ini yang ingin saya tanyakan adalah apakah langkah pemerintah sudah tepat dengan melakukan ini atau tidak?
Dan jika memang ini sudah tepat, maka langkah apa yang harus dilakukan pemerintah agar peristiwa peristiwa pelanggaran HAM tidak terjadi lagi, khususnya di Indonesia?

Saya rasa isu-isu tentang pelanggaran HAM adalah isu musiman yang selalu di gaungkan tiap 5 tahun sekali / saat menjelang pemilihan umum. Isu ini di godok agar mempengaruhi elektabilitas salah satu calon tapi saya yakin ini hanya sekedar isu dan tidak mungkin ada tindakan lebih lanjut

Tapi saya berharap bahwa kasus-kasus yang berhubungan dengan HAM hanya terjadi di masa lalu, dan semoga di masa depan tidak ada lagi orang yang di diskriditkan dan di langgar hak hak asasinya sebagai individu.

tentu saja gan, isu isu yang berhubungan dengan pelanggaran HAM akan terus muncul dan di goreng di saat2 mendekati pemilu seperti ini, kalo kita terus menganggkat isu ini maka pelanggaran HAM pemerintah ke rakyat sudah terjadi lama bahkan semenjak kepemimpinan bung karno. di sini lah kita di wajibkan unutk bijak selalu dalam menyaring informasi masuk ke dalam pikiran kita, jangan sampai kita dengan mudah terbawa hasutan karena mendukung salah satu paslon namun akhirnya kita menutup mata dengan realita yang ada.
703  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Premier League Prediction Thread 2023/2024 on: December 08, 2023, 10:14:21 PM
Newcastle were unlucky in that match and that was why they couldn't win the game. Everton needed the win but I was surprised at the performance of Everton as that game was like a life or  death match for them.

The victory was so important for Everton and they were able to achieve it. What matters the most is that Newcastle is still very strong and I believe that they will win their next match.

Everton's victory over Newcastle was truly surprising, Newcastle's defense was destroyed in the final minutes of the match (Everton's 3 goals were scored in minutes 79 86 90+6). Everton in the last 5 matches has played quite well, they are getting further away from the relegation zone, while Newcastle continues to fall in ranking, it's a shame they failed to maintain their good performance last season.

Newcastle's next opponent is Tottenham, well this will be a match that I don't think will be too tough for Newcastle, Tottenham's performance is also very bad in the last 5 matches, they haven't won at all.
704  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Selling All Fiat In Bank For BTC? on: December 08, 2023, 09:59:40 PM
sell the house to buy bitcoin - borrow from the bank to buy bitcoin, well at least think about everything carefully first, because investing in bitcoin requires a good strategy, especially those that apply the DCA method. Be wise when investing in Bitcoin, the sentence must be emphasized, investing in Bitcoin cannot be dangerous, you must not make excessive sacrifices and you must prioritize important things first. Also think about how you get money to meet your daily living needs, because if you can fulfill this then you will be able to continue investing in Bitcoin safely and peacefully.
705  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: kanapa warga aceh mulai menolak kedatangan etnis rohingya? on: December 08, 2023, 09:27:47 PM
wah benar benar link berita yang baik agan @Furious 7, pasti ada juga keterlibatan pihak lainnya dalam hal ini (mungkin saja UNHCR juga terlibat), sejak awal mereka terus berdatangan ke indonesia, saya juga penasaran sebenarnya merkea ini mengungsi apa migrasi, bahkan hal yang miris adalah pengungsi rohingya bakal di berikan tanah oleh wakil presiden kita, sementara masih banyak warga asli indonesia yang tidak punya rumah.

bayangkan bakal berapa besar dampak kecemburuan yang terjadi di masyarakat indonesia jika mereka di berikan hak atas tanah pertiwi, di myanmar aja mereka sudah di tolak, pasti mereka akan terus seperti itu di indonesia ini nantinya, watak dan etika mereka tidak akan bisa di perbaiki.
706  Economy / Reputation / Re: Light_warrior / Memorial thread ... 🕯️ on: December 08, 2023, 08:10:19 PM
one of the good contributing members has passed away. I'm late reading this topic, I'm sorry about this news, even though I don't know him well in real life, from the post you made, I'm really sure he's a friendly - kind - not arrogant person. sorry if I can't give a some donation to his family, I'm sure there are many good people out there who help his family.
707  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Is gambling all about luck? on: December 08, 2023, 07:57:04 PM
In my opinion making cash from gambling is not a good option and the statistical probability that you will win every game at every casino is very low. I think winning or losing every game is completely in your head, so your individual tricks are not there. However, we all have some kind of luck so we should strive for what is possible for us.

gambling by just relying on luck will feel difficult, just imagine how long your luck will last, when you are tired there is a big possibility that your luck will run out and you will end up making big losses, even though you are playing slots (which many people say is a 100% luck game) you still have to have a good strategy to stay in the game, try not to run out of capital in a short time. The gambling you do will only be in vain if the strategy you use is not right and you only rely on 100% luck.
708  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Kesadaran pemuda dalam mengembangkan usaha on: December 08, 2023, 07:29:25 PM
Untuk memulai mengembangkan usaha, yang wajib dimiliki oleh anak muda maupun dewasa yaitu tekad, ya tekad yang bulat dan sungguh-sungguh dalam menjalankan usaha karena jika ditahap ini saja masih ada keraguan lebih baik Jangan.
sifat yang sangat di larang untuk membuka usaha adalah yang panas-panas tahi ayam, bayangkan saja orang yang punya sifat seperti ini kena kondisi di mana dagangan nya sepi, pastilah ia akan malas untuk terus berjualan.

Selanjutnya tentukan usaha apa yang menurut mereka cocok dan sesuai dengan kemampuan atau pengalaman mereka, ini sangat penting karena konsumen yang akan menilai kualitas produk yang mereka jual, jika mereka tidak ahli dalam meramu resep pasti dapat dipastikan konsumen tidak akan puas dalam pembelian selanjutnya. Ditahap ini latih dan carilah referensi Tentang produk yang akan anda jual, bahan bahannya, formulasinya dan lain sebagainya.
pemilihan produk apa yang akan kita jual sungguh merupakan hal yang bijak, ada banyak produk yang bisa kita jadikan acuan untuk memulai usaha maka itu memilih mana yang terbaik dan yang tercocok untuk kita adalah keputusna tepat.

Selain itu, sangat penting juga memilih tempat yang pas dan ideal, tentu selaras dengan calon pelanggan yang anda targetkan.
nah, dari semuanya ini juga penting karena tanpa lokasi yang bagus, dagangan anda akan sulit laku, anda hanya akan membuang buang energi saja.
709  Economy / Economics / Re: On retirement on: December 08, 2023, 06:56:28 PM
What term retirement usually denotes to is, to stop working. People often don't like job, so to retire usually tends to be on top of the list. However, if one likes what he does, he will do something similar to pass the time even after retirement.

Now, I'll be honest, I dunno what I am driving at but I wanted to spark topic about retirement. Now, you go,

Retirement is usually used by office workers who feel bored with their routine or workers who have time to stop working because of age, but many people end up confused about what they will do after retirement, always remember that never let them envy you. if you are not productive, you will only make yourself useless if you continue to be unproductive, if you really like something related to work and money then you have to keep doing that, never retire, and stop being productive. Retirement is everyone's dream, but often retirement is a trap to make someone unproductive.
710  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: BAGAIMANA NASIBMU JIKA FORUM BITCOINTALK TIDAK ADA ⁉️ on: December 08, 2023, 06:17:27 PM
Dan saya yakin melalui forum ini anda semua bisa meraih kesuksesan, dan bisa mendapatkan pundi-pundi penghasilan setiap harinya.
Yang ingin saya tanyakan apakah jika forum ini tidak ada, apakah anda akan bisa berdiri seperti saat ini?
Dan bagaimana ungkapan terima kasih anda tentang forum ini?.


dalam beberapa tahun ini, forum ini sudah membantu perekonomian keluarga saya, sudah banyak yang saya dapatkan dari forum ini, maka itu jika forum ini tidak ada, saya akan sangat sedih, namun yah saya harus menerima dengan lapang dada dan berupaya keras mencari sumber penghasilan lainnya (jika forum ini tidak ada lagi). ini juga sebenarnya yang mendasari saya mendukung penuh segala keputusan yang di buat theymos, dia juga ingin agar forum BTT ini tetap terjaga dan tetap eksis, theymos tahu bahwa forum ini adalah yang terbesar di dunia yang membahas tentang mata uang kripto, maka itu forum ini harus di jaga dengan baik.
711  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: What will you say within your limits to encourage responsible gambling? on: December 07, 2023, 11:51:53 PM
Walk away, Take your winnings, go!"
If you are caught on camera telling clients to walk away and take their winnings, you may loose your job as it may be seen as you chasing away the customers from the business, remembering that your win is the casino or gambling house's loss, and your loss is their win.

If you however say this
"It is very admirable to know when to stop"
It is very much better because it is more appropriate and shows customer concern. It will not easily be misinterpreted to mean that you are chasing the customers away.

and maybe we can be reported to the police by the business owner when we report things that affect gambling players where we work (it's like we have violated our work contract there), if you are on a salary then obey the business owner, and the business owner Casinos definitely provide tough incentives for their workers to influence the players who are playing in their gambling places, and if I were a dealer I would naturally just want to see gambling players lose more.
712  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Bermigrasi ke forum sebelah on: December 07, 2023, 11:26:46 PM
saya juga memiliki akun yang sama dengan nama akun ini di forum sebelah (altcoinstalk), yah mungkin saja hal ini bisa menjadi solusi terbaik untuk para pemilik bisnis mixer tetap melakukan promosi di forum besar yang membahas tentang dunia mata uang kripto, apalagi pengelola btt akan melarang segala jenis link signature yang terhubung ke platform mixer. meskipun saya yakin eksposure yang di dapatkan di forum sebelah tidak akan sebesar forum BTT namun saya yakin keputusan pindah platform adalah yang sangat tepat yang harus di lakukan oleh pengelola forum ini, saya juga sudah siap untuk mengaktifkan kembali akun saya yang ada di forum sebelah, yah semoga saja forum sebelah nanti nya tidak ikut ikutan melarang signature mixer di sana.
713  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Beginners struggle to rank up but established accounts leave easily? on: December 07, 2023, 10:57:17 PM
Everyone has different reasons for leaving things they have or got, and this time we discuss how an account owner just leaves ownership of his or her forum account. Maybe they have a busy day in their real life or maybe they have focused on a project they built themselves, and many other reasons. Regarding low accounts who are struggling to increase their account ranking, believe me, all members on this forum have been in the same situation, so everyone must be prepared to learn regularly from the bottom up. broadening your knowledge about cryptocurrencies and bitcoin, as well as other topics, is a must imo.
714  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Kesenjangan Ekonomi & Dampak Pada Ketidaksetaraan Sosial on: December 07, 2023, 10:38:36 PM
indonesia hampir 1 abad merdeka tetapi rakyat hari ini masih tidur di bantaran sungai dan bawah jembatan, jika ini terus dibiarkan maka pelan-pelan nengeri ini akan hancur dan masyarakat makin tidak percaya kepada pemerintah.
Kalau masalah rakyat yang tidur di kolong jembatan, itu tidak hanya terjadi di sini bro, di luar negeri yang notabene negara maju pun banyak. Bahkan di AS tepatnya Philadelpia, masyarakatnya sudah kayak bukan berada di amerika. Mereka malah lebih ekstrem lagi dengan mendirikan tenda lusuh seadanya dari pakaian mereka di trotoar jalan umum. Artinya permasalahan itu bukan karena kemerdekaan, tapi sosial ekonomi yang sudah semakin mencekik. Dan satu hal yang memperparah itu adalah narkoba jenis tranq yang bikin pemakainya hilang kesadaran parah dan hidup kayak zombie.

saya juga sangat suka dengan channel2 youtube yang sering meliput penampakan terbaru seputaran philadelpia ini, jujur saja saya justru sangta miris melihat hal ini dan bersyukur di indonesia kejadian seperti ini tidak terjadi secara parah (meskipun tidur di kolong jembatan - bantaran sungai - pinggir rel namun tidak separah mendirikan tenda2 lusuh di pinggir jalan), selain itu penggunaan narkoba yang membuat manusia seperti zombie juga sangat parah terjadi di sana, sungguh miris sih saya melihat nya.
715  Economy / Reputation / Re: Ratimov sold his account on: December 07, 2023, 10:10:42 PM
Ratimov is a personally I personally had great respect for
I also respected Ratimov, but this is not Ratimov. We normally communicate even after conflicts.
I apologize, I can’t answer everyone, it’s hard to write in English quickly for me.

you can easily use Google Translate to help you speed up typing into English Grin btw, I also really respect Ratimov (he was a member who helped me reach senior membership in the beginning), I don't really understand the problem that occurred between you and Ratimov, as well as your conversation with him at the Russian local board, I hope that the problem that was rumored will be resolved quickly. apart from that, strong evidence is really needed so that it doesn't lead to slander.
716  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Ganja aceh adalah yang terbaik di dunia, kenapa tidak di exspor aja? on: December 07, 2023, 09:45:17 PM
bukti lain angka orang gila di Aceh disebabkan oleh banyak mengisap ganja dengan alasan supaya relax akan tetapi karna kecanduan akhirnya banyak yang gila, inilah kenapa tidak di export
Ane belum menemukan bukti kalau banyak ODGJ di aceh disebabkan oleh mengisap ganja. Karena setahu ane, orang gila di sana rata-rata disebabkan oleh konflik GAM di waktu silam, dan tsunami aceh 2004 bukan spesifik mengisap ganja. Kalau Napza atau narkoba ada juga, tapi kan narkoba gak hanya ganja, ada juga sabu-sabu, pil dan sebagainya. Kalau menurut pendapat ahli, prevalensi ODGJ di aceh itu sama kayak di jogja, padahal kan jogja bukan produsen ganja, jadi ya bukan gara2 nyimeng bro.

kebetulan rumah saya dekat dengan daerah binjai sumatre utara, jadi dekat tu dengan aceh nah ada tetangga rumah saya yang kabarnya aktif memakai ganja namun dia tidak menjadi gila kok, malah justru yang gila rata rata yang menggunakan jenis narkoba sabu-sabu dan putaw. namun untuk banyaknya ornag gila yang berada di aceh, saya setuju gan itu semua rata rata karena konflik GAM yang telah lewat dan juga depresi akibat tsunami parah yang melanda. ngomong2 saya tidak begitu mengikuti kali kabar2 tentang aceh dan jujur saja OP terus mengangkat topik yang berhubungan dengan aceh lol.
717  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Looking to sell a computer to raise money to invest in Bitcoin. on: December 07, 2023, 08:36:35 PM
I'm 19 years old, living in Korea, and I'm thinking of selling a computer to raise money to invest in bitcoin. I think I can sell it for about $600. I get about $100 a month as an allowance from my father. $100 is only for personal use, not for living expenses. I've been using these $100s to buy bitcoin for a few months now. It's ridiculously small money, but I believe it could be quite a lot of money if I keep saving it steadily. Is selling a computer the right decision?

So, what device do you usually use for online activities, do you only use your smartphone or your computer, if you use a computer then you only need to sell the computer you are currently using and then buy a new one (which is cheaper). If I were you then I would never sell my computer, I would rather sell other things that I don't need because my need for computers is very high (especially for my online activities such as opening BTT forums and my online sales)

So try to think once again, what goods or things can you sell to be able to buy Bitcoin (not by selling your computer).
718  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Gambling and Behavioral Change!!! on: December 07, 2023, 07:20:33 PM
Does any of feel behavioral change in you based on the win/loss in gambling. Myself had experienced it, and personally I used to be happy and I used to be polite with my family members and kid whenever I am on profit. On the day of losing it changes exactly in the opposite way, even for simple things I get much anger. Particularly while giving food to kid patience is must. On winning days I let him take his own time and eat. On the losing days I used to shout at him. I'm addicted, and I want fellow gamblers to make a self analysis at regular interval and be on the safer side.

Gambling games will always affect psychology, so it's not wrong for people to say that gambling affects adrenaline too. However, habits will change our behavior in gambling, if you are able to control your emotions and expressions in gambling, then gradually you will get used to the feeling of losing and winning in gambling. Don't get tired of training your emotions in gambling, continue to hone your ability to control everything in your life, this is important for you to be able to carry out your gambling activities normally.
719  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I will invest the money to buy the land in Bitcoin. on: December 07, 2023, 06:51:35 PM

Since I have like 11 thousand dollars right now, I want to invest this amount in Bitcoin instead of keeping it in the bank. I know about investing in bitcoins and I know that there are risks involved, I am investing in the potential to grow money but I want to invest in bitcoins with the understanding that my money may go down due to market volatility. I decided to withdraw the money from the bank at the beginning of the new year and plan to invest the money in bitcoins. Now that I can't buy land, I will definitely hold this investment for a long time so that I get good returns at the end of the long term and I can also accumulate some more money through employment. 

At the time I planned it I felt I should have planned it earlier.

a few months ago the price of bitcoin was still around $25k++ now the price is already $40k++ if you started buying bitcoin when the price was still under $30k then now your $11 thousand money has increased almost 1.5 times, well the price of bitcoin continues to increase as time goes by, so don't think long about buying bitcoin, rest assured that when you buy bitcoin at the current price then in the next few years the price of bitcoin will increase rapidly and you will get a profit of 3x or even 5x from the initial value you bought bitcoin at this price, when it's certain that your dream of buying land using Bitcoin will come true smoothly.
720  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: December 06, 2023, 11:52:58 PM
If Xabi is to use his full squad in every of these fixtures within this short period of time, he should be sure to have cases of fatigue and of cos which will result in their performance not been optimal as expected. Stuttgart will sure turn a hard nut to crack because they are currently in a good form which will require xabis team to be at their best if they must maintain their unbeaten record by the end of this match. It's important Xabi maintains the top position because any further drop of point will cost him his position and definitely reduce his chances of further clinging to the league title by the end of the season.

Xabi Alonso have done impressively well for Bayern Leverkusen so far and I must say that he has been a good manager and should he continue in this awesome performance for Bayern Leverkusen he will really be attracted by bigger clubs to sign him as their manager, he has done a great job for Bayern Leverkusen and I believe they may really be up to something this season.

I really didn't expect Leverkusen to be able to hold Dortmund to a draw, even though they were 1 goal behind in the 5th minute, but thanks to Alonso's good strategy, they were able to survive and in the 79th minute Leverkusen managed to score 1 goal through Boniface, I dare say the current Leverkusen squad is the best. there is no big team that will let go of a potential coach just like that, Alonso will definitely be looked at by big teams to coach their club, especially while managing Leverkusen, he has given brilliant results.
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