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1241  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove on: June 28, 2019, 05:06:39 PM

Da bas zanimljivo stivo. Vecina misli da su realno svi balkanci takvi, plus napomena pored gore navedenih ima i sa Filipina i indonezije i Arapa koji samo jedan drugom salju i prodaju sto nije nikakva tajna ali jbg oni malo plate i sta sad progledamo kroz prste.

Nazalost takve se stvari desavaju. Primera radi imao sam prijatelja koji je imao nesto slicno nenju je hackovan od strane nekog moderatora account i covek se svadjao jedno pola godine video ludaci i kao nismo itd. Taj account je i dalje neaktivan jer gleda on sa vremena na vreme.

Poenta price je da su uvek krivi isti ljudi. cisto sumljan da banuju toliko korisnika inace bi bilo mozda 100 korisnika na forumu. Opet balkanski deo sa nekim drzava je iznacen kao crvena i nesigurna zona. Realno mislim da jedva cekaju da neko napravi faul pa da zargonski receno sudija svira Penal u poslednjem minutu za pobedu.

Da posle svega ti bude krivo jeste, ali nebitno ima nekih kojima uvek nesto smeta bilo dobro ili lose.

Smiješno mi je malo zbog čega smo ja i regulus popušili ban (a i još par accounta koje sam snimio na meti) a kad pogledam npr

polovici sudionika bi podijelio ban jer očigledno nabijaju postove, a nemaju pojma o čemu uopće pišu, i rastežu li ga rastežu

da bi došli do 70 znakova za signature...najjači je lik koji kaže da je eterbase scam, ali možda i nije ako exchange proradi, a istovremeno

nosi LOTEO signature, a LOTEO IEO je odrađen i završen 2 dana prije nego je on napisao post, i to na, tadaaa....eterbase exchangeu.

Što reći osim ROFL...nit zna išta o eterbaseu, a očigledbo ni o LOTEO-u kojeg eto ja ne mogu nosit sig jer sam plagijator  Grin
1242  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Eterbase turned out to be a scam! on: June 28, 2019, 07:28:13 AM
Did you know that the ICO finished months ago and investors already got what they invested for? This thread is now going wild and full of people that didn't even read or do any research.

...but they fulfill their minimum 70 characters post requirement Smiley
1243  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: Svađaona on: June 27, 2019, 06:10:21 PM

Evo ne znam dal se može stavit samo link na Youtube, pa malo teksta da ne ispadne plagijat
1244  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: [GUIDE][TUTORIAL][XMR,ETH]How To Mod Bios RX470/570/480/580 VEGA Mining 💰⛏ on: June 27, 2019, 09:27:18 AM
No price changes. You can use both modded bios and memory tweaker to get better results.

Claymore overwrites BIOS mod timings, so theres really no need for both
1245  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Eterbase turned out to be a scam! on: June 26, 2019, 09:14:40 PM
i think there were 2 different sites created, one by that slovacia or something like that when in saw it, i also felt it wasn't looking too real. i also wanted to join their ICO but i got another and ignored it. one needs to be very careful of those shit coin, in order not to waste time and resources.

And yet, you're wearing LOTEO signature and fail to find that they did OEO on eterbase exchange, lol. I hope they don't find out,
or they could kick you out of their campaign because you're actually doing exactly opposite of promoting LOTEO
1246  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Eterbase turned out to be a scam! on: June 26, 2019, 01:20:57 PM
I only believe in top 50 top projects on CMC, all other projects for me can turn into scams, or just shitcoin. The crypto market is very potential but it also has a lot of projects created just to cheat people. So don't be too surprised when a project will become a scam tomorrow.

Good for you! Btw, how many bitconnect tokens you still have? I know its not listed anywhere anymore and not in top 50, but it was in top 10
for a while!

Btw, eterbase exchange launched successfully, and original poster could be scammer himself, wanting to spread FUD and buy cheaply
1247  Other / Meta / Re: Epochtalk is ready, theymos wants us to test it. C'mon... on: June 26, 2019, 08:08:22 AM
Checked that test forum, frankly just looking at design, I favor old (this) one.

Out of various forum softwares out there, I favor discourse, like
1248  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: ETERBASE - nova EU mjenjačnica on: June 25, 2019, 09:40:30 PM
mozes li postaviti neki link na swap?
i ja imam neku kolicinu, ali se ne secam da sam negde video da je potrebno uraditi swap u nekom trenutku

Odradili su automatski, tako da trebaš provjeriti wallet (imaš sva 3 ako si ih držai u walletu)

Prvi je imao contract koji je počinjao sa 0x49, drugi sa 0xf2, a treći trenutno važeći sa 0x4d
1249  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ETERBASE: Europe's Premier Digital Asset Exchange on: June 25, 2019, 07:34:14 PM
If the new campaign is meant to advertise the project, they should attach links to project both on this forum and outside for visit by interested traders. I believe after the market revives considerably we might see more investors from this forum. More investors came from this forum in the past years except for angel investor in some project than in the bear market. Now lesser consideration is given to the forum even with its contribution.

I think the strategy by listing XBASE on various exchange is to attract traders. Let's see once the exchange launch, sure it'll be interesting to move all that volume to Eterbase.

I'm also one of the private tester and really satisfied with the exchange. Yesterday, Robert said we'll move to mainnet testing soon along with the IBAN integration. I myself is pretty much excited for the future of Eterbase.
now a days exchange tokens are very important and have more value then other tokens but only when exchange successfully launch and work perfectly fine with no issue with traders assets.i am waiting for xbase exchange launch then will see what features this exchange will have. there is huge competition started between exchange tokens.
I didn't take part in this project but after reading a number of posts it looks like this is very interesting project, how come there are definite dates when launching from xbase exchange?

The xbase exchange is still under their roadmap, may be it will going to start soon but the xbase tokens are really doing well in crypto market, and it was already gain price more than ico price now, so i think we have to hold xbase tokens for Lang time for good retuns.  

You're a bit out of actually launched few days ago, and successfully
Fact that its market cap is still 10 times lesser than that DGTX garbage speaks volume about crypto market, though
1250  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Tokeni sa 10x potencijalnom on: June 25, 2019, 05:22:47 PM
Mislim da XBASE ima potencijala, ovdje sam ga opisao pa da se ne ponavljam

naravno, uvijek je moguć i Cryptopia scenario, ali to je rizik
1251  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: ETERBASE - nova EU mjenjačnica on: June 25, 2019, 04:17:05 PM
Upoznat sam s projektom i moram priznati da mi se mobilna verzija burze ne sviđa. Na primjer, živcira me to što trebam imati dva uređaja kod prve prijave jer QR kod za 2FA mogu samo skenirati, ne i prepisati (kod svih ostalih burzi sam mogao prepisati kôd koji je ujedno i backup kod za restore 2FA u slučaju gubitka uređaja).

Projekt ima dosta malen market cap (mislim da je oko $5 milijuna) pa ako ostvare sve što su napisali, vjerujem da bi mogli bez problema napraviti 10x. Ja sam uzeo nešto tokena pa neka stoje. Tko zna, možda se obogatim Grin Ako i ne, neće mi biti prvi propali projekt u koji sam uložio Smiley

Nisam probao mobilnu verziju, ali obećali su i standalone aplikaciju, možda bude bolje...a imaš i telegram pa predloži Ristiću da poprave  Grin

Cap je oko 5 milijuna, a cap dgtx-a je 10 puta veći, unatoč totalnom fijasku oko launcha...samo dokaz koliko je tržište u banani, ali i

pokazatelj mogućeg potencijala, jer većina exchange tokena ima solidan market cap
1252  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / ETERBASE - nova EU mjenjačnica on: June 25, 2019, 09:05:17 AM
Najprije par korisnih linkova na kojima možete provjeriti ovo o čemu pišem:

Eterbase je nova EU mjenjačnica, koja je počela kao ICO prodajom tokena kojima se financira razvoj vlastitog engine-a za mjenjačnicu.

U ovom jednominutnom videu su ukratko pobrojane sve specifičnosti ove mjenjačnice:

Znači mjenjačnica spada u centralizirane, a hvale se i regulativom, što bi im trebalo omogućiti izlaz prema fiat valutama (kao Bitstamp),

izdavanju vlastite kartice, i otvaranje IBAN računa. Podržavaju GDPR za koji ste vjerojatno čuli, i dvije regulative protiv pranja novca,

sadašnju AMLD4 i buduću AMLD5.

Ono po čemu su posebni,  koliko mi se čini zasad jedini, je 8 levela stake-anja njihovih vlastitih tokena, od kojih rankovi od 5 do 8

znače da fee ne uzima mjenjačnica, nego vi.

IBAN integracija bi trebala uslijediti u 8/2019 ili 9/2019 (mislim da je ovo super, jer za razliku od Bitstampa koji ovo isto ima,

na Eterbase-u će biti daleko više parova za trgovanje)

Hvale se i vlastitim engineom za mjenjačnicu, koji bi trebao biti iznimno brz, i sa malom latencijom, ali to je vjerojatno

bitno samo onima koji koriste botove, a nama običnim smrtnicima jedino ako toliko narastu da im broj transakcija dosegne


Fee struktura izgleda ovako:

Imać će i launchpad za sve popularnije IEO i OEO prodaje tokena (jedan OEO su već uspješno odradili

U najavi je još:

Prodaja derivativa, prodaja security tokena, Multilateral Trading Facility (MTF) i Organized Trading Facility (OTF) (ovo
moram priznati da i ne znam što je, al moćno zvuči  Grin ) te debitne i prepaid kartice i masternode hostanje
(neće vam se više trebati gnjaviti sa konfiguriranjem node-a i iznajmljivanjem VPS-a, samo ćete kupiti tokene,
a oni ć odraditi ostalo, uz naknadu, razumije se), te IOS i Android mobilne aplikacije

Drug dio priče je XBASE token, koji je počeo život kao ERC20 token, kasnije je swapan sa ERC223 koji je sigurniji i
generalno bolji, a u budućnosti je plan preći na vlastiti DAG bazirani mainnet.

Moja dosadašnja iskustva:

imam dosta njihovih tokena, i naravno uvijek ima sumnji kao i oko svakog projekta. Do sada su ipak uspješno odradili
roadmap i riješili "red flags"

Exchange je lansiran bez problema, što je naravno bio najveći strah, kao i kod svakog projekta. Kod swapa na erc223, hacker
im je ukrao dio tokena,  ali su i ovo profesionalno prevazišli: napravili još jedan swap, i nadoknadili štetu onima koji
su izgubili tokene iz vlastitog walleta. U startu su kao advisore imali neku sumnjivu ekipu, ali su se i njih odmah riješili
na traženje korisnika.

Sve u svemu, stvar se kreće prema roadmapu, token u trenutku pisanja relativno loše stoji (cjenovno) što je opet
dobra prilika za uletiti i eventualno nešto zaraditi ili kupiti sebi rank ako mislite tamo puno trgovati. Ja mislim ostati dosta
dugo uz eventualnu diverzifikaciju ako puno naraste
1253  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ICO] CRYPTASSIST — THE ONE STOP SOLUTION FOR THE CRYPTO WORLD on: June 23, 2019, 09:48:48 AM
Hi Dev! When the coin will be listed on the exchange ? I haven't heard the news in a while . Project still alive?

I doubt it...all I hear is that they ban people in their telegram group left and right just for asking
normal questions about ICO
They have ban some of the users who keep on asking the same question even if the answer is right in front of them all they have to do is read, it takes almost a year for this project to get listed devs really need to get active i am sure question will be ask.

This is not "project" anymore, final phase will be Terry dumping his coins on you, and then game over
1254  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Rudarenje - da/ne/mozda on: June 22, 2019, 04:17:00 PM
kako je krenulo, uskoro će opet biti isplativo, samo onda možemo očekivati i povratak minera koji su pogasili rigove pa će porasti i težina
1255  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: SRBPolaris V3.5 - BIOS editor for AMD RX4XX and RX5XX cards on: June 20, 2019, 12:45:01 PM
You can find original bioses for various cards here:

Keep in mind that you have to be very careful,

as same card can have different versions with slight variations

(memory type, different cooler, even difefrent number os shaders

like various RX560 cards)
1256  Other / Meta / Re: Ban Appeal RegulusHr and discussion on topic "good for the forum as a whole". on: June 19, 2019, 05:29:05 PM
Based on amount of work Croatian community put into this thread,
I think RegulusHR deserves comment from staff, no matter what
reply could be. Personally, I think he deserves second chance
1257  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Siacoin Epic Monster Moon on: June 07, 2019, 08:36:39 PM

The catch is...where they are NOW is where they promised to be 1.5 years ago...just saying. Sad

They're quite behind the schedule...but so are many  other projects in crypto space...its
not that STORJ or BURST outpaced them
1258  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: The concept of mining by playing games on: June 07, 2019, 12:29:21 PM
I've always been skeptical about mining while playing, it is open to laggy gameplay if it hasn't been coded properly. Wouldn't want to lose valuable processing power just for a few pennies

Mining in worldopo is done by "factories" in game, doesn't have anything at all with real crypto mining...better
read thoroughly before you make comment like that Wink

And "money" to buy factory you earn either by buying WPT coins, or collecting them while walking around

that is, this is a clicker game, to which is added the ability to buy tokens that were probably released on the ETH blockchain?
Why then the topic is in the section on mining, if it has no relation to mining (like mining rigs etc)?

Well, technically, its still mining, just alternative way...if we don't mind mining with CPU, GPU, ASIC or FPGA, why
disregard our own legs  Grin or in-game factory...that factory is just softweare representation of hardware miner
1259  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ETERBASE: Europe's Premier Digital Asset Exchange on: June 06, 2019, 09:27:41 AM
New exchange and trading pairs for XBASE:
1260  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][BOUNTY] 🚀 AZBIT - Blockchain Investment Banking on: June 06, 2019, 08:46:57 AM
Dear participants,

All the bounty rewards will be distributed within 3 weeks after the end of our bounty campaign (June 30).

Since that time the tokens earned during bounty campaign will be frozen for 6 months.

WTF! Bounty duration is over 4 months and hunters will be get reward within another extra 3 weeks when bounty end but token will be locked for 6 months it’s absolutely disappointing who guys promoting azbit project. I think it should be unlocked  at least 20% in every month. 
We lock the tokens in order to make our currency stable and valuable and to avoid the price falls
All the AZ holders are interested in making our currency valuable!

There are better ways, at least from my experience. But as I don't sell my bounties anyway, that doesn't bother me.
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