Activity: 3052
Merit: 1939
May 29, 2015, 02:20:37 AM |
Both of your links are excellent and very much pertinent to Economic Totalitarianism.
1) Re ELB and the possibility of banning CA$H, I have seen this covered a lot, perhaps this means TPTB are softening us up before they try to ban cash. There is some hope for us who like cash: that quiet payments to officials (read: corruption) might only BEST be made with cash or some other anonymous mechanism. I do not know how much that would stand up (cash-4-corruption) vs. the banks and .gov hating cash...
2) Re cryptography, what is happening to free speech here?! Banning it seems to be a hard proposition, even for a .gov. Even if high-level cryptography is only to be studied at military (and related) institutes, word of new research breakthroughs (etc.) would leak...
* * *
The fact that BOTH of these terrible ideas are running near simultaneously is ominous.
Their grip tightens...
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1001
May 29, 2015, 02:47:22 AM |
I find the cryptography news amusing, it's starting to show how desperate they are to cling to power and their true facist intentions.
May 29, 2015, 03:37:24 AM |
Australia is a member of the Five Eyes nations. Indeed this shows how desperate they are. As with Napster, they will just drive the movement to anonymity.
May 29, 2015, 07:22:08 AM |
Armstrong toys with the idea that Europe might make some drastic move towards eliminating cash on his ECM turn date Oct. 1, 2015: http://armstrongeconomics.com/archives/31028The Coming Cashless Society
You are now watching newspapers, TV shows, and other forms of media preparing for the coming cashless society. This is a marketing campaign, and may indeed be what October 1, 2015 is all about – 2015.75. I doubt that the USA will be able to move to a cashless society as easily as Europe. The dollar is used around the world and cancelling that outstanding money supply would bring tremendous international unrest. Additionally, the USA is not in crisis financially, as is the case in Europe.
Europe, on the other hand, has an entirely different problem. The failure to have consolidated the debts of member states meant that the reserves of the banks were constituted from a politically correct mixture of debt. Instead of fixing the problem, politicians who are lawyers always move one-step forward with laws. To them the logical solution is to eliminate cash to protect banks from a panic run that would collapse Europe and take Brussels with it.
This is now a deliberate marketing campaign. I know how these things work and pay attention. They are selling this idea everywhere and that is the preparation for the inevitable action. With the speed at which they are moving, it certainly appears they are gearing up for October 1 on our model. It is also interesting that some German press misquoted our date as October 17. I was not sure why they would do that, but perhaps that was intentional as well. This is very curious, for when they take that final step, it will most likely be sudden and overnight. They would announce it and give everyone some time frame to take their paper currency and deposit it into their bank accounts.
For European readers, swap to dollars for hoarding and you can open accounts in the U.S., which for now is a safety valve. While gold makes sense for local hoarding, it may have lost its movability. http://armstrongeconomics.com/archives/31026For the individual, hoard dollars not euros. I seriously doubt the USA will be able to cancel dollars, but the ECB can cancel the euro overnight.
May 29, 2015, 06:02:14 PM |
concerning practical advice for europeans: For European readers, swap to dollars for hoarding and you can open accounts in the U.S., which for now is a safety valve. While gold makes sense for local hoarding, it may have lost its movability.
sounds good but opening an US bank account seems to require an USA trip. what's the best alternative? Hoarding USD cash(conversion fees,making a target out of yourself(see paying with gold))? Open a foreign exchange account at a euro bank? open a swiss franks/foreign exchange bank account in switzerland? buy USA gov bonds? If you use U.S. shares, you may want to take possession of the share certificates.
opinions on required portfolio size for that to make size considering fees? Is the underlying reason the proposed 10% weath tax?
May 30, 2015, 01:13:00 AM |
If you use U.S. shares, you may want to take possession of the share certificates.
... Is the underlying reason the proposed 10% weath tax? My guess is defaults of brokerages (third party intermediary) risk.
May 30, 2015, 02:34:06 AM |
Pretty bold claims from Middleton, but I have tried it and it works, at least in a beta phase, not vapor phase or proof of concept phase, but beta phase. You can trade all tickers that Cypherdoc mentions on here.
I still don't understand how the tickers are fed into veritaseum to settle the bets. Can you explain that? Saying "it works" without understanding how it works is short-sighted. Twice or thrice I tried to find technical documentation (wading through all the promotional crap) and was stifled, so I assumed it is centralized bullshit. That's not a fair presumption. Most tech dudes (and most people in general) use the financial system and have absolutely no idea how it works. Does that mean that your money doesn't spend? Veritaseum, from a capital perspective, is fully decentralized. It is the only automated system that I know of that is fully autonomous in that you keep your private keys private and on your client under your control. All transactions are peer to peer through the blockchain, and our server doesn't touch, house, hold, custody or control a single satoshi of your coin. Read http://veritaseum.com/index.php/homes/1-blog/128-will-new-vc-investment-trump-the-returns-of-the-early-movers-in-the-digital-currency-space-quite-possibly-let-me-show-you-how and http://veritaseum.com/index.php/homes/1-blog/94-bitcoin-1-0-vs-2-0-or-a-comparison-of-legacy-exchanges-veritaseum-s-ultracoin for the difference between centralized and decentralized systems. As an aside, the vast majority of bitcoin traders don't seem to have a problem with centralized systems as they freely send their decentralized assets to fully centralized entities to house, trade and exchange. Just a little food for thought. If it is really just a protocol, then by definition there is nothing to stop someone from bypassing your client and writing directly to the protocol, cutting out the Middle ton-man. I am assuming there is some proprietary lockin somewhere in there, but without code and technical documentation, why should I (or other hackers/geeks/tech dudes) consume my (our) time trying to understand the system using inefficient means of trying to deobfuscate what you ostensibly (at least last time I looked) want to obfuscate. I will take a quick glance at the links above, but if they don't get direct to the technical points (as what I saw on your website before) then I will not expend more time. P.S. some of us do understand both economics and programming. That is not to say I have any insider or real-world WallStreet experience (thank the almighty for that blessing). Edit: I glanced at the links. Reggie we know already all about the virtues and design of decentralized exchanges. We understand the use of a mutually trusted "Facilitator" (Escrow agent). We understand the need for decentralized, consensus data feeds (which you apparently don't yet have in your system). We do not need to read all that shit over and over again. When we ask for technical documentation, we mean precisely that and none of this marketing overhead. Some of us are much more aware than you may think. We are also thinking about these sorts of designs and markets too (believe me you were not any where close to being the first). I do not understand how to expect to gain traction. You can leverage your reputation and connections in the financial sphere, but afaics you do not know how to interface with the tech dudes who are the core of the Bitcoin sphere. IMO, if you want us on board, this has to be a collaborative effort and open source system. And so then how do you make your ROI on this? Does this project have its own coin (I think not). The world is not going to adopt Reggie-wallet. Sorry. You will need an open protocol and another way to make your ROI. Perhaps there is some way to leverage your strengths and the open source community, but afaics you haven't partnered with the right CTO to get it done. I see more of a closed-source, proprietary, marketing spin philosophy thus far. Also you appear to be building a specific protocol for trading options. Ethereum (and CounterParty?) is in the space of creating a programmable block chain wherein there can be a free market competition amongst protocols. I suggested last year that Ethereum can never scale and the only solution is merge-minded chains for programmable chains. Some of us are thinking much bigger and more open than you. You should not assume you are the next Google. I highly doubt it. P.S. your calls on Apple and Google were obvious to me also (before I found out about you on Zerohedge). I had written similar predictions on http://esr.ibiblio.org perhaps before you did. My point is your very boastful marketing spins are out of proportion to the technical acumen display openly thus far. Perhaps your team are technical wizards, but I don't know.You are awfully confrontational. Why is that? What boasting are you speaking of. I believe I have over 80 vindicated contrarian calls covering many industries and sovereign nations, going back to 2006. Is that what you consider boasting? If so, it's not - it's marketing, designed to inform those who don't know who I am (likely many in this forum) of what I've accomplished in the past. Now, on to your points. Anyone can, with enough effort, reproduce anything that's done on Wall Street, yet somehow Wall Street thrives. The reasons are a) its often difficult without both capital resources and specialized knowledge b) its really just not worth it much of the time c) many don't know how. We are a financial software company, thus our core audience are financial types, not "technical dudes" as you describe them. Goldman, Bitfinex, itBit, JP Morgan and Citi don't have technical documents on their site describing what they do and how they do it. They offer you a service and/or solution and you decide if you want to use it. For some reason, you are not comparing us to our competitors, you are comparing us to a technical concern. I don't believe that is fair. As for understanding economics, that has little to do with what we have built. Financial engineering, valuation and markets knowledge are much, much more useful in understanding what we're doing than economics will ever be. As for proprietary lock-in, we let you keep your keys, and the code is on your client. We provide a service, just like a financial institutions does. It's simply that since our service and code is based on autonomy, you are in control. The institutions that you are used to dealing with are heteronomous, hence they must usurp control to reap margin - two very, very different business models. You can guess which one I think is superior. Time will tell if enough of the world agrees with me. Your assertions about who was the first to do this and that are totally unnecessary. For one, you have no idea when I started doing anything that I did. In addition, its a useless debate anyway. Who really cares who was first, second or third? Really. What actually matters is who has a usable product now, and will that product be able to blossom and grow into the future. Isn't this correct? Now, enough of the unwarranted challenges. I'm here to work with you guys. If you want to work with me to improve the code, then by all means let's do it. The code is not open sourced for legal, business and logistical reasons, but I as founder am willing to have the community work on it, we just need the resources to manage such. Keep in mind that this is going significantly above what ALL of our competition is willing to, or has done thus far. As for our CTO, he is quite qualified. Very, very few CTOs can right competent legal contracts. Very few IP lawyers can architect and design competent legal code. Our CTO is ivy league trained in both fields and has 15 years experience in payments with some of the biggest names in the industry. I'm proud to have him on board as part of the project. We are more open than any derivatives concern that I know of. If I'm mistaken, then please point that out. We don't trade options. You are mistaken. We deal in smart contracted, OTC, P2P swaps. I believe our system is more advanced than anything available on Counterparty and Ethereum, and more importantly it is up and running and working right now. You said, "Some of us are thinking much bigger and more open than you. You should not assume you are the next Google. I highly doubt it.". Well, I love you too! :-)  May I suggest a more friendly, less insulting approach? I don't recall assuming anything of the sort. In the marketing blog posts which you linked to in your prior post in this thread, I've read the comparison to the next Google et al; and afaics there is not a clear delineation whether you are referring to the trend of Bitcoin 2.0 or your effort specifically. It comes across (at least to me) as wanting to sell yours as the big breakthrough vastly superior (in terms of being first to innovate, patents, and insight) over efforts before and ongoing in crypto. I found that to be paradigmatically (not personally) offensive because you are creating a for-profit company approach and as I understand the entire point of decentralized crypto-currency is to remove the profit from the center of the network and push the profit out to the ends of the network. Thus finally fulfilling the essential End-to-end Principal of the internet's network design onto the monetary attributes of the internet. I am so fanatical about that attribute of crypto-currency not even for ideological preferences, rather pragmatic because I believe we are headed into a totalitarian abyss of epic proportions[1] and only systems which are monetarily End-to-end structured will prosper medium-term (2018+) and beyond. Note I am not a Communist and I am not against profit. I am speaking about the paradigm of where profit originates (at the ends, where the Knowledge Age producers are[1]) and about Anti-fragility and resilience of networks and societies. So let me respond to all your posts by saying I don't dislike you and I don't have any personal animosity towards you. I am actually a very friendly, smiling, and amicable person. At the moment, I feel an intense tiger fight inside of me because of what we are facing here. I think perhaps you are oblivious. And thus you are proceeding in mainstream financial circles as if no paradigmatic cliff is awaiting you and the mainstream. Someone important asked me in private about your effort, and my pragmatic advice was essentially, "it is too non-standard for the WallStreet types he wants to target, and too closed-source, top-down business model for the rest of us in the Bitcoin sphere to adopt". I don't think you have a market. Thus you can offend (or cause us to ignore) the techie crowd that want an end-to-end monetary world and fail to gain the trust of the mainstream as well (btw if I was a mainstream investor and I saw all that bling-bling imagery and "blahblahblah" verbiage all over your website, I would leave and not come back. Get to the point and make it look more conservative like a financial services company). Perhaps I am wrong if you can target the Europeans who will be fleeing their October 2015 economic cliff into US dollars and US dollar assets. Afaik there is no coin attached to your effort, thus there is no wealth effect reason for the speculators to stampede into your effort. Afaics, you are trying to sell services with a proprietary model that violates the End-to-end principle. Perhaps we can find some way to work with your system by attaching some open-source interoperable interface on it. For example, if we can figure out some way that individuals can trade mainstream assets anonymously with minimal counter party risk, that is big plus. Note that any such interoption is going to (via decentralized innovation) over time subsume your business model into the superior economics of the End-to-end principle, except for any server services that can't be subsumed due to social or technical limitations. I think we need to dig into the details before we can make any more definitive statements than those abstractions. One of the frustrations is your business model and marketing choices, has made it very inefficient to dig into the details. You are probably losing synergy opportunities by not interfacing to the techie crowd in our preferred modes of interaction (e.g. show us the code and technical documents on a github account). Closed source will die over time except at the ends of the network. The crypto market is choosing leaders who (and movements which) can fulfill the End-to-end Principle of meritocracy onto the monetary attributes of the world. P.S. I was aware you had chosen your CTO for his experience with law in addition to his technical acumen. I am not claiming he isn't talented. Rather I am just addressing the market and paradigmatic realities as I see them. He was chosen to lead a business model which I believe is antithetical to the direction crypto and the world is headed. Note I formerly posted under the pseudonym AnonyMint and several others.
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1001
May 30, 2015, 06:35:05 AM |
The following snipped from armstrongs blog, it's INSANE how fast this is all moving going into 2015.75:
Austria is where the Sovereign Debt Crisis began with a bank failure in 1931. Today, Austria continues to have a raging controversy over the abolition of bank secrecy. Just look at how far they are going against the citizens because of bank mismanagement, once again, and it is scaring the hell out of a lot of people behind the curtain. The government is monitoring taxpayers in a manner that will lead to the elimination of all private rights in the future. They are now introducing new laws, which forces all taxpayers to submit their fingerprints, as well as their IP e-mail addresses, to the tax office so that the government can track every piece of loose change.
Austria is obviously moving to the extreme by extending their powers of intervention to financial authorities, demonstrating that the world these people are creating is totally authoritarian. Taxes are a barbaric relic of the past and are no longer necessary since money is not some tangible commodity – money is the total productive capacity of the people. These people in government spend recklessly and never reform, while corruption engulfs all governments around the world. We no longer need taxes at the federal level when money is intangible to begin with. The days of commodity-based money are gone. Government needed taxes in the past to retrieve some portion of the commodity to spend again. Today, money is electronic; there is no need to impose taxes and track everyone when they are capable of creating money at will anyway. The key is to cap the amount of money that can be created annually to pay for government, and leave the people free to expand their own economy. This is insane and we are losing all our rights because these people do not even understand what money is anymore.
May 30, 2015, 06:59:15 AM Last edit: May 30, 2015, 07:25:49 AM by TPTB_need_war |
trollercoaster, I will need to go silent now because I am moving too slowly by interacting here on the forum. I have to make a life decision. I've tried my best over the past week or two, to interact with and become cognizant of the various modes of thinking of core Bitcoin supporters. Hopefully I have explained my stance clearly? Edit: someone has started a thread on Bitcointalk.org members who have been targeted by law enforcement: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1074520.0
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1001
May 30, 2015, 10:40:01 AM Last edit: May 30, 2015, 11:33:11 AM by trollercoaster |
trollercoaster, I will need to go silent now because I am moving too slowly by interacting here on the forum. I have to make a life decision. I've tried my best over the past week or two, to interact with and become cognizant of the various modes of thinking of core Bitcoin supporters. Hopefully I have explained my stance clearly? Edit: someone has started a thread on Bitcointalk.org members who have been targeted by law enforcement: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1074520.0Thank you for your work here in this forum, my offer to assist with funding towards your alt coin project still stands, I am not a programmer (so I can be of no assistance there) a decentralized, incorruptible, anonymous coin IS the solution/frontier to the totalitarian abyss we are being cornered into. But, all the best with whatever you decide to do 
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1001
May 31, 2015, 01:29:11 AM |
An observation: I went to a renovated mall today, the new section has no ATM's (they still remain in the much smaller old section) there is an obvious hidden agenda here to make cash an inconvenience.
Check for yourselves, it would be interesting to see what is found world wide.
May 31, 2015, 05:02:17 AM |
This was an expected outcome: Ross got life because when it comes to money creation and drug dealing, the US government hates competition so it's bad news for him. But unfortunately for him Bitcoin just sees him this way  Sorry Ross And you expect that such a thankless and personally risky paradigm will embolden the free market against legal tender laws and regulation  How many of you are now willing to make another Silk Road? You think a Tor hidden service[1] will protect you. 
May 31, 2015, 09:02:41 AM |
Gold Becoming Illegal?End Game, Gold Investors Will be DestroyedNote the "hyper-inflation" I referred to in 2010, is what Armstrong refers to as the stampede out of sovereign bonds, national currencies, and into private assets. This will be occur while the world is simultaneously collapsing in deflation due to debt defaults and the stampede of CONFIDENCE away from the economy into holes in the ground.
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1939
May 31, 2015, 03:24:08 PM |
I have a question for you, as you have given this whole matter of quiet assets a lot of thought.
Alas, the "real TPTB" (the ones who want to take our wealth away from us and makes us slaves) might have a hard time with their own, that is, with other components of the rich & powerful fighting each other for their own wealth and power. NO CASH and no "money" that is anonymous would seem to NOT serve their purposes...
So, if there is no way for them (the real TPTB) to steal and hide their assets without cash or gold or anonymity (esp. from others of their class/group), how do they protect themselves from each other?
(real question that I do not know the answer to)
EDIT: Nice links, TPTB. It is curious that it is getting harder to buy gold in Europe...
May 31, 2015, 04:40:59 PM |
OROBTC, I think perhaps they think they are excluded. But I've also contemplated (and I am impressed you are similarly astute) that the smartest of them would understand they need anonymity. Anonymity requires mixing with many other users, thus it can't be a system exclusively for them.
This has been one ray of hope that they will realize they have to allow seepage. However, don't expect the system to act rationally, as the totalitarianism is pretty much on auto-pilot by now.
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1001
May 31, 2015, 10:08:28 PM |
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
June 01, 2015, 09:20:25 AM |
Does anyone entertain the idea that the sweeping tide of totaliarianism is some kind of a cover-up to make the best minds occupied to fight for their very existence? So that the actual plan is not the 1984ish "boot stomping on the human face forever" but there is something more to it, but the controllers are maybe overloaded with the information that they also need to process, and have therefore embarked on the seeming "war against knowledge, understanding, consciousness, perception etc". Just found out that the midpoint of the great chamber of the Kheops Pyramid is situated at such a point (29.9792458° N) that it agrees with the speed of light in vacuum in 9 figure precision (299,792,458 m/s), corresponding to 3.3 centimeters resolution in the placement of the chamber. This is the most astounding coincidence that I have found during my longstanding interest in such. Youtube 1 minute.It handsomely beats even the values of Pi and e found in Genesis 1:1 and Gospel of John 1:1 in precision. (There is also the well-known 5-digit value of Pi in 1. Kings, quoted from the sceptic site for added credibility among Bible non-believers. This establishes the circumference of the vessel in question in the verse, with 0.5 mm precision given that the diameter was an exact value.)
HIM TVA Dragon, AOK-GM, Emperor of the Earth, Creator of the World, King of Crypto Kingdom, Lord of Malla, AOD-GEN, SA-GEN5, Ministry of Plenty (Join NOW!), Professor of Economics and Theology, Ph.D, AM, Chairman, Treasurer, Founder, CEO, 3*MG-2, 82*OHK, NKP, WTF, FFF, etc(x3)
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1001
June 02, 2015, 12:06:54 PM |
it seems the NWO goal has been gradually planned as the next step after the industrial age, that being to reduce the population to under 500 000 000, live in harmony with nature etc. They want this knowledge age for themselves, and they can only achieve that with the boot stomping on the face.
June 02, 2015, 10:59:33 PM |
Anyone who digs down the rabbit hole of research will realize that the elite in China are key players in and fully onboard the plan towards a one-world reserve currency and global Technocracy system. This is one of the reasons the elite moved all the manufacturing to China. Btw, I see our newest subdivision in Davao (Bamboo Estates) has Smart Meters for both electric and water (made in China of course). These meters will eventually report every thing you do in the home back to the authorities. You pay your water and electric bill by swiping a smart card across the magnetic reader on these meters. The Chinese run the Philippines. The Chinese will turn Asia into a Technocracy. We are moving towards 666 and total enslavement. Btw, I had theorized that 666 is the wavelength of red and the number of man is blood. The NWO system will eventually be a eugenics system that will grow and harvest humans for their blood. (that is just a wild ass hypothesis and any way I want my rationalizations not to depend on any religious construct)
June 02, 2015, 11:34:34 PM |
Bitmessage Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) AttackIf you are contemplating communication in Bitmessage, such as to communicate with me anonymously and with encrypted messages[1], please note there are several vulnerabilities you need to address. I will discuss the major two below. First you need to make sure you are running Bitmessage on a computer that can't possibly be infected with a viruses, because such a virus can read the decrypted messages stored by Bitmessage on your hard disk. So this means you need to be running Bitmesssage on a computer that you do not use for other activities, especially not for surfing the internet and downloading files. Also make sure you are not running Windows 7 or later, because they are spyware! Also do not run Skype or any other spyware on that computer! It would be a good idea to reformat your hard disk and reinstall your operating system periodically to make sure all sectors of the hard disk have been wiped of all decrypted copies of prior communications. Note that deleting a file doesn't remove its contents from the hard disk (a virus or forensic analysis can still recover the sectors from the hard disk) and only overwriting all sectors of the hard disk will permanently remove the data (and actually to be safe against physical forensic analysis the sectors must be overwritten numerous times, because faint magnetic traces remain). Secondly you need to make sure that the person you are communicating with is not a MITM! The ONLY way a MITM attack would work on Bitmessage is if one party is sending to a Bitmessage address (the public key) which is different than the recipient's address. The MITM would intercept the initial communication (over any means of communication) of the Bitmessage address from the recipient to the sender, and give the sender the MITM's address. When the sender sends a message, the MITM decrypts it, modifies the message as necessary (e.g. to change any Bitmessage addresses communicated in the message to its own addresses), then forwards the message to recipient. Ditto when the recipient replies. Neither the sender nor recipient will realize there is a MITM, as they will think they are communicating directly with each other. Note the key to avoiding a MITM attack on Bitmessage is to make sure the initial communication of the recipient's public key was not altered before the sender received it. After that exchange is done correctly, there is no future way for the MITM to insert himself in the middle of the ongoing communications, because only the recipient can decrypt his/her copy of the message broadcasted by the sender. In theory a ubiquitous authority (e.g. the NSA or Five Eyes gestapos) could intercept an email or forum private message (remember HTTPS doesn't stop them usually because they have compromised the certificate authorities) and display a difference result for it when the sender views it. Thus to communicate the recipient's Bitmessage address with assurance, it would be best to use one of the two methods: 1. Send the Bitmessage address ONCE encrypted and use PGP's Web of Trust to be sure of the PGP public key of the sender is not subject to MITM. Web of Trust is a mechanism for defeating MITM for PGP encrypted communications. 2. Put your Bitmessage address on a publicly viewable web page (e.g. your forum profile) and then view this page from numerous anonymous IP addresses to be sure it appears the same for everyone (not just for your IP address which the MITM might be modifying when you view it). Ditto the sender must view this web page from numerous anonymous IP addresses. An anonymous IP address can not be assuredly obtained with Tor (nor I2P?[1]). The most assured anonymous IP address would be an unregistered (meaning you don't provide any personal login credentials) WiFi connection, such as at a local library, coffee shop, etc.. [1] | As far as I know, there is no other tool for communicating anonymously where the ubiquitous authority (e.g. the NSA or Five Eyes gestapos) can't ascertain whom is talking to whom, because all messages are broadcasted (sent) to everyone (and only the intended recipient decrypts his/her copy). In theory one could use any form of encrypted messaging over Tor (or I2P), but I assert those (Tor and I2P) low-latency, onion routing anonymity networks are probably compromised and have not been designed to be guaranteed (provable levels of) anonymity. Note some people think I2P may be more reliably anonymous but I've not seen sufficient technical justification for this (haven't looked recently). |