1. How do you withdraw the available funds?
Note that there is currently an issue with the bitcoin client so it is not possible atm. (it is a verifiable issue)
2. Can you please explain why 94% of the funds are unavailable? I read your past posts here and have no clear answer to it. Will these funds ever be available?
At this point in time it is no longer possible to be immediately able to pay out all users. Jon has been working to ensure that a process is in place to remedy this situation and to ensure that all users get the bitcoins owed to them. This is the unfortunate reality of the situation. The biggest question is going to be “why or how has this happened?” I will be providing the answer in full, however right now it is impossible for what I would describe as legal reasons, but the answers are coming, that I promise, but cannot give an exact time as to when this information can be made public.
The available bitcoin issue is not due to me spending other peoples bitcoins or accidentally deleting the wallet. It is your choice to believe it or not.
If the original funds become available they will be dispersed.
In the mean time we are working on alternative methods to make funds available to users with.