that picture brings back memories of the Cold War. i remember the nation being actually scared.
i mean, the Ruskies had the biggest nuclear bombs, the biggest army, the biggest tanks. they put the first man into space, they built the first space station. they were deemed to be one bunch of smart mofo's that were gonna blow us to smithereens.
and then they ran into the buzzsaw of irrational Western finance. while the Soviet Union was building up this huge empire and hunkering down in their bunkers ready to push their launch buttons, we were having
one big party. i mean hell, we inflated housing bubble #1, then stock bubble #1 (Nasdaq), then housing bubble #2, then stock bubble #2. THIS is what, in fact, caused the Soviet Union to implode. the insanity of Western Finance. the irrationality of inflate at all costs. the poor suckers ended up going broke.
the Soviets were typified by this guy named Boris Spassky. man, that dude could play
traditional chess. he had massive brainpower, knew all the openings, endings, and mid game strategies. he was deemed unbeatable.
and then along came this American buzzsaw named Bobby Fischer. Fischer was cocky, brash, smart as hell, and most importantly, unpredictable. he seemed even somewhat
insane. you never knew what the hell he was gonna do in terms of his next move. they met in the Grand Master's World Chess Championship also dubbed the Match of the Century. it was riveting and the anticipation was never so high. being a chess player myself i remember tuning in intently as a kid. the match typified the West vs the East, communism vs democracy, good vs evil, etc. while Boris could think 12 moves ahead, Fischer could think 24.
the tl;dr version is that Fischer just kicked Spassky's ass and wiped the stage with it using some of the most unusual, somewhat insane moves anyone had ever seen. what a metaphor.
so the moral of the story lucif is this; get an imagination. realize you've run into a buzzsaw called Bitcoin. while you're no doubt hunkered down in your apartment shorting Bitcoin, it keeps going up. understanding the insanity of the world when it comes to finance never hurts.