.......................and finally after months and months of hard work I present to you, the biggest ever change in flycoin...
FLY Coin V2.0!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now before you download, there are some precautions you MUST make.
1. Backup your wallet
2. Dump your privkey
Here is how:
Close your wallet
Open your wallet
Click Tools>Unlock wallet (NOT unlock wallet for pos)
Click on receive copy your address
go to console
type dumpprivkey <then right click and paste your address>
highlight that long string of numbers
Rt click copy
Open notepad or miscrosoft word and paste it, now print it.
DO NOT SAVE YOUR PRIV KEY ON YOUR COMPUTER!!! If anyone gets this they can steal your coins from anywhere, even without knowing your password!!!Please note , even though you wont see much in the way of changes, the entire code has been changed , so we are not responsible for lost coins if you dont atleast print your prive key and backup your wallet.dat
Ok after you have backed up your wallet and printed your privkey then simply download the following file and overwrite your existing fly wallet.
If you followed what I write above and you run in to issues, your fine, as you have your privkey and a wallet backup.
I also STRONGLY encourage you to move your coins to a whole new wallet.dat file as your coins mature because the code is that different.
Now download your file:
www.bitcoinlasvegas.net/files/FlyCoin_qt_2_0_0_windows.zipYou can for about 7 days move your coins around freely without any fees. But test with small amounts first to be sure. I wont refund if it does.
So for those of you that have wanted out, now you can:
https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Exchange?market=FLY_BTCYou can send it all to the exchange with no fees.
For those of you that understand that this is a hold coin, and is all based around antidump, and keeping inflation low and holding long term here are the changes:
At Block 67,000 everything changes:
1. Antidump will be initiated again (High sending fees)
2. Anyone can withdraw from the exchange without fees or contacting us
3. POS reduced to 35% to keep inflation in check and coin rare
4. Superblocks probability substantially increased to keep things exciting (see OP for chances)
5. Block time increased to 10 min to slow inflation
6. Stake confirms to exchange is now 140 to slow inflation
7. When you stake to yourself there are no stake fees (savings turned off)
8. 20% fee when savings is activated that gets sent to superfly (to discourage dumping)
NO MORE STARTUP CRASHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ok thats everything. Nothing hidden. If what you see above is not for you, the door is wide open to dump.
If you have any troubles our entire team will be here to support you, but you must backup your wallet.dat and dumppriv key or we cant help you.