I mean, even if you don't agree to meet with any of us shorter-term WO plebs personally, I hope that at least you will allow some of us to visit your island, and maybe provide free appetizers? No pressure.
I am a simple man Jay, with fairly simple tastes in life. And have little need for much possessions. And aside from probably NOT being in the "can buy an island if bitcoin does one or two more runs" category, I'd likely not buy one even if I could.
That said, there is no doubt that I could pick up a vegetable tray or salami platter from Krogers on the way to a WO meetup some day if that mythical event ever happens. I mean... I'm even good for that if bitcoin only goes DOWN from here...
Not enough to buy an island, but enough to buy a food platter whether BTC prices go up or not...
What to make of it?
I will have to ponder the matter longer, and maybe some day, I could formulate a witty response.
You have truly and literally stumped the chump, this time.
This was exactly the position I wished for you to be in after my posting. I see no reason to divulge in any way or to any extent how many bitcoin I hold. But unfortunately another effect of having been in the space for so long there is no doubt that just about all my holdings are known thanks to my reuse of addresses in early days and my various counterparties over the years. Oh well... This is also why I think Monero actually has a use case.
Apart from your name dropping a shitcoin... which I am going to act like you did not say it... hahahahahaha.... let me see if I can discuss the other part of your post.
I am having a kind of similar dilemma with regard to privacy to some of my coins too, and I am thinking that there are ways to spend coins slowly.. or to mix them or to coin join them or to get caught into obscurity slowly in such a way that there are not really any red flags that are raised.
So, sure there are stacks of coins that any of us might have within our control that are more KYC/AML and there are other coins that have a bit more obscurity and maybe they have not been moved for a long time or there might be some questions regarding who is the owner or controller of some of the coins.
In other words, I agree that it is likely that a lot of us can say "mistakes have been made" over the years... And maybe in my case, I can proclaim that I might have multiple addresses containing between .001BTC and .63697BTC each.. but I still would not mind figuring out ways to move parts of those coins into various kinds of coin joining or mixing or whatever addresses.... whether I am doing it on the 1st layer or some 2nd or 3rd layer or whatever.
In no way am I advocating the avoidance of taxes or criminal activities, but instead, I am trying to suggest that there are likely ways in which bitcoin can be maneuvered in ways to treat bitcoin like cash in terms of various kinds of privacy and various kinds of "it's none of your fucking business" that I bought prOn with my BTC or that I have a tendency to fill up at x, y or z gasoline station...
So, for example, in my above rendition of my BTC holdings situation, my largest BTC addresses might currently be valued in the arena approaching $6,500 - but maybe if BTC does another 10x or 100x from here in the coming years, then some of my BTC addresses might have even bigger quantities in terms of their dollar valuations.. so there may likely be incentives for me to either move my coins now, or to wait for some of the privacy tools and practice to improve (perhaps?) to move them over the years in ways that allow small amounts of moving without really drawing attention to my transactional matters.
Let's say for example one of my larger BTC addresses might have a sending of .01 BTC and then a change output of .62697 BTC and maybe some other amount that goes towards the fees, too. When the BTC price is at it's current price of about $9,900, the send amount and even the change amount are each less than $10k ($99 and $6,207 respectively), then currently, there might not be much attention given to my transactions, but if the BTC price were to go up 10x from today's price (presuming that we might go there someday soon), then perhaps attention could come to a transaction that has a .01 BTC and then a change output of .62697 BTC.. because then, even the change is worth about $62k rather than $6.2k.
So, there might be some threshold amounts of BTC that are preferred to stay below, and maybe even future regulations might change our ponderings on such privacy subject matter and how diligent that we believe that we need to be in regards to such privacy and/or preparing for the future, too.
I am conjecturing (perhaps erroneously) that through the years some of the security and privacy through obscurity is going to improve, including that hopefully some of the privacy tools within bitcoin will improve too, including perhaps some tools that cause (or incentivize) almost every BTC transaction to become automatically coin joined or mixed in some kind of way... and surely, some of the technicals regarding how the changes are achieved remain a bit beyond my current understandings and expertise regarding how some of those practices and/or tools may be achieved and improved in bitcoin, even though from time to time, I hear and read discussions and proposals from seemingly very knowledgeable peeps in the bitcoin space in regards to some of these bitcoin privacy improvement topics.
So I wonder if the entity that is most likely setting tons of sells above spot and then market selling once those get gobbled up a single person or if it is a group?
It certainly seems like it is most likely the same actor(s) since the basic modus operandi is the same each time.
Seems strange to want to sell so much into what seems like a fairly bullish setup. I dunno. Maybe that's why I don't have my island yet.
That's why we cannot have nice things.