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March 05, 2025, 08:01:23 AM *
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Question: Weekly closing price (Mar. 9, 2025):
<$75K - 1 (8.3%)
$75K to $80K - 0 (0%)
$80K to $85K - 1 (8.3%)
$85K to $90K - 3 (25%)
$90K to $95K - 4 (33.3%)
$95K to $100K - 1 (8.3%)
>$100K - 2 (16.7%)
Total Voters: 12

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Author Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion  (Read 26742238 times)
This is a self-moderated topic. If you do not want to be moderated by the person who started this topic, create a new topic. (174 posts by 1 users with 9 merit deleted.)
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Activity: 2660
Merit: 5127

Addicted to HoDLing!

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June 21, 2020, 06:25:17 PM

Nice discussion! Just too many things happening IRL that I can only skim through the posts, let alone replying...

[edited out]

"So I got out", you said. That's what I mean by not being a wage slave. You saw that you were becoming one, so you decided to change things. Wage slavery is when you are afraid to make changes and endure a life of misery by spending half your life doing things you don't want to do, especially when you know you can do much better. I consider myself blessed in that respect, because I'm currently getting paid very well to do things so interesting and exciting that I would gladly pay for to do. But if things go south and I feel I need to change something, I will certainly try to change it.

It seems to me that anyone could get sucked into a kind of complacency, and I cannot even really blame them for getting sucked in.

The more curious that you are, and the more that you continue to attempt to build your skills and to make sure that you have options, the less likely that you might get sucked into one profession that either becomes boring, or you feel that you are being exploited because you are not being advanced through the ranks in order to be able to transition into the learning and development of new skills.

Surely, if the promotion rates are small or the industry is shrinking, we could end up kind of getting fucked because we might have and some false reliance upon the direction of the industry and whether our skills were going to be valued with the passage of time.

When I was gaining my independence in the 80s and 90s, I had recognized various computer related programing and development to be lucrative and future oriented skills, but I never personally developed those skills because I had other interests, even though I could recognize a decent amount of future-poofing into  developing those kinds of skills - perhaps so long as you do not get too trapped into some jobs that are too narrowly focused.. that might end up not giving you either upward promotion potential or the ability to laterally move if you were to want to exercise such option.

Of course, tying this into bitcoin could be that someone who has a decent amount of skills in software, hardware and firmware (whatever the fuck that is?) could develop bitcoin skills on the side, and of course, many of us also realize that we might not need to know shit about any of the technicals to be able to invest in bitcoin, but investing in bitcoin might still take 10-20 years or even more to really get to fuck you status, especially if you are only able to garner $100 per month (or some modest amount) to be able to invest into stacking sats.

Whether we are talking about personal employment skills or even side investments, each of us continues to have some obligations to attempt to secure our own future by trying to make sure that whatever investments that we are making, whether we are investing into building skills or we are investing financially is to be attempting to avoid getting trapped without hardly any options, so of course, when we are younger, we might have very few skills and maybe very little finances to be able to exercise a wide variety of options, but if we have any kind of brain (even if we might be mentally challenged) we can strive to build our skills and our finances in a way that builds our options..  Most humans have abilities to learn skills, but it takes work too, and sure there is luck involved too, while ongoing preparations and not going to crazy with burning your capital or your bridges will likely lead to more situations in which you are able to run into "lucky" breaks along the way.

Yeah, it's true that our status can change (more likely to worsen than improve) due to life/society/world changes beyond our control, and life can change from kind to nasty, and even cruel. So we shouldn't be reassured that what we currently have and how we've currently arranged our lives can be maintained indefinitely. Same (even more so) applies to Bitcoin, which can turn our status from "fuck you rich" to "fucked up" and back again in a short amount of time, so short that we should not really plan our future based solely on Bitcoin. That's why it's important to have a solid base level of (more or less) guaranteed financial status and ability to maintain a minimum but acceptable standard of living, to which Bitcoin can add the small (or larger) perks and "fuck you" elements that will satisfy some of our desires.

Life is short, and the more you explore the world, the more you realise how small you are, how little you know, and how small our time on this planer really is. It kind of tragic, really, if you think about it. I guess that our perception of time is fine tuned in such a way that we tend to ignore it and assume we'll live forever, and act as such. The older and the wiser we get, the more we realise that there's so much more out there, so much knowledge and experiences to gain, but so little time. It's kind of like two aspects of our being, working against each other: the body gets weaker, the brain/mind gets wiser, up until they cannot support each other (and then the brain fails too, and that's the end of it).

What does all this have to do with Bitcoin? Probably very little, I guess it's those leaves I'm smoking that still have an effect...
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Activity: 4298
Merit: 5255

You're never too old to think young.

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June 21, 2020, 06:29:59 PM

Trump rolled and trolled:

Yay Zoomers!

 Smiley Wink Cheesy Grin Cool


Those attending the rally had to sign a waiver protecting the Trump campaign from responsibility for any illness. Hours before the event began, officials said six staff members involved in organizing the rally had tested positive.

Trump supporters are
Not exactly the brightest
Nor the most careful.

Darwin Awards? Lawl?
No! Spreading disease is
No laughing matter.
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Activity: 4004
Merit: 11827

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"

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June 21, 2020, 06:44:36 PM

Thinking about changing to linux soon. -ish. Before the next windows version, at the latest. Long time e-friend nerd recommended linux mint. Looks user friendly. Anyone using it? Can recommend/not recommend?

Been using Mint for about a year and a half now. As a complete IT-noob, I was able to find instructions on how to make a bootable stick, install successfully and set it up aftwerwards (thanks to YT).

Easy to handle, no forced updates, no AntiVirus needed, flexible in customization/appearence, comes with lots of pre-installed s/w.

Had driver problems with integrated GPU lots of times because my Ryzen 7 (from march 2019) was seemingly not fully supported by the latest version at that time (has changed now with the latest mint version available), gaming on Linux is still a struggle despite Steam/Proton, trouble shooting can also be a challenge if you don`t find the answer to your problem easily on google/YT (and even then results of success may vary).

Bottom line:
I will stick with Linux for everyday activities on the net, but am thinking about getting an extra machine with MS for gaming only.
Alternatively, there is a new Brazilian distro - Linuxfx 10 - out that is not only supposed to look like Win 10, but also to be able to handle .exes (so far, from what I know, it is in Portuguese only, though).

Hope that helped.

P. S.: Hi everybody.

You happen to know anything about bitcoin?  Just asking.

Hi.   Wink
Offline Offline

Activity: 4004
Merit: 11827

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"

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June 21, 2020, 07:01:34 PM

Stop saying “My Nigga” or I’m going to kneel on your neck for 9 minutes. LOL

If you do, will the whole world start rioting & stealing shit because of my demise?

Probably not Wink

LOL yeah, me either. If someone kneeled on my neck they would probably win a free meal at Denny’s and a six pack of Budweiser.


True dat.

You had not been too appreciated in the forum in recent times (last year or so), but at least you have not been banned, so far.

How are you feeling in regards to bitcoin? I recall that sometimes you can go through some unreasonably bearish and even worldly pessimistic phases, hopefully you have not sold too many of your satoshis in anticipation for summer shopping or some other out of touch world perspective?   Tongue  **

**Please note that I am largely attempting to razz you and stir your pot a bit, QuestionAuthority, because I had not seen you around in these parts very much recently, so I don't mean any ill-will.. that's for sure, and would not mind getting some kind of on-the-ground QA updates from you (as a BTC OG), even if there might be some variance in our perspectives..  Doesn't hurt to have some variance from time to time.. and maybe some of us might be able to welcome you back by get pissed off at you.. for asserting that you are cashing out a decent percentage of your BTC for early Christmas shopping or some nonsense like that.   Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
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Activity: 1834
Merit: 4197

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June 21, 2020, 07:12:18 PM
Merited by Last of the V8s (1)

Been using Mint for about a year and a half now. As a complete IT-noob, I was able to find instructions on how to make a bootable stick, install successfully and set it up aftwerwards (thanks to YT).

Easy to handle, no forced updates, no AntiVirus needed, flexible in customization/appearence, comes with lots of pre-installed s/w.

Had driver problems with integrated GPU lots of times because my Ryzen 7 (from march 2019) was seemingly not fully supported by the latest version at that time (has changed now with the latest mint version available), gaming on Linux is still a struggle despite Steam/Proton, trouble shooting can also be a challenge if you don`t find the answer to your problem easily on google/YT (and even then results of success may vary).

Bottom line:
I will stick with Linux for everyday activities on the net, but am thinking about getting an extra machine with MS for gaming only.
Alternatively, there is a new Brazilian distro - Linuxfx 10 - out that is not only supposed to look like Win 10, but also to be able to handle .exes (so far, from what I know, it is in Portuguese only, though).

Hope that helped.

P. S.: Hi everybody.

Pretty strong opener for a newbie..

+1 WOsMerit



You happen to know anything about bitcoin?  Just asking.

Hi.   Wink

Now now nice. Remember..we have to lure these new guys in nice and slow.    Cool

Number two kid is getting better and better. 

So much better in fact that I feel the need for you all to suffer thru more dad jokes...

round 2

What do you call a can opener that doesn’t work? A can’t opener!

How many tickles does it take to tickle an octopus? Tentacles!

What did the buffalo say when his son left? Bison!

Why don’t crabs donate? Because they’re shellfish.

Did you hear about the Italian Chef that died? He pasta way.

Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? Great food, no atmosphere.
Offline Offline

Activity: 4004
Merit: 11827

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"

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June 21, 2020, 08:16:21 PM

Price projection for the next few days

I suppose that the bright side of your BTC price prediction going into late July (up before down) is better than down before up, no?
Offline Offline

Activity: 4004
Merit: 11827

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"

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June 21, 2020, 08:46:37 PM

Price projection for the next few days

I suppose that the bright side of your BTC price prediction going into late July (up before down) is better than down before up, no?
Can we touch 8000$ before going up because I am feeling this can touch 8000$ figure in July then we will go on some good high.

Can't you leave good enough alone, Indymoney?  You party poop!!

Finally, we have a random unimportant bitcoin naysayer wannabe sorcerer drawing squigg-a-lie lines like a 6-year old proclaiming "UP" before "DOWN"...    Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Why screw up the rare jupiter9-like karma?

 Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry
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Activity: 234
Merit: 46

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June 21, 2020, 11:46:26 PM
Merited by Phil_S (2)

Trump supporters are
Not exactly the brightest
Nor the most careful.

Darwin Awards? Lawl?
No! Spreading disease is
No laughing matter.
Do you think supporters of his opponents are much brighter?
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Activity: 4102
Merit: 5737

Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it

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June 22, 2020, 12:08:15 AM

Trump supporters are
Not exactly the brightest
Nor the most careful.

Darwin Awards? Lawl?
No! Spreading disease is
No laughing matter.

In general that has been my observation as well.
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Activity: 2156
Merit: 1393

You lead and I'll watch you walk away.

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June 22, 2020, 12:36:28 AM
Merited by Hueristic (1)

Stop saying “My Nigga” or I’m going to kneel on your neck for 9 minutes. LOL

If you do, will the whole world start rioting & stealing shit because of my demise?

Probably not Wink

LOL yeah, me either. If someone kneeled on my neck they would probably win a free meal at Denny’s and a six pack of Budweiser.


True dat.

You had not been too appreciated in the forum in recent times (last year or so), but at least you have not been banned, so far.

How are you feeling in regards to bitcoin? I recall that sometimes you can go through some unreasonably bearish and even worldly pessimistic phases, hopefully you have not sold too many of your satoshis in anticipation for summer shopping or some other out of touch world perspective?   Tongue  **

**Please note that I am largely attempting to razz you and stir your pot a bit, QuestionAuthority, because I had not seen you around in these parts very much recently, so I don't mean any ill-will.. that's for sure, and would not mind getting some kind of on-the-ground QA updates from you (as a BTC OG), even if there might be some variance in our perspectives..  Doesn't hurt to have some variance from time to time.. and maybe some of us might be able to welcome you back by get pissed off at you.. for asserting that you are cashing out a decent percentage of your BTC for early Christmas shopping or some nonsense like that.   Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

I’m doing pretty good Jay. Laying low until this whole death-by-virus shit ends.

I don’t come to this forum very much anymore. It just doesn’t seem valid now. I’m still a bitcoin purist and this place is mostly for shitcoins now. I have a few coins left in cold storage and I’ll probably end up willing them to my kids when I die because I don’t see the million dollars a coin happening in my life time. I got tired of trying to gleen out a few bucks from guessing Bitcoins peaks and valleys. I’m into weed now. Legal marijuana chain stores are where it’s at now. My cannabis shares have even proven to be pandemic proof. People love to get stoned. It’s better than alcohol, more addicting, more expensive, more renewable, easier to produce and cheaper to produce. It even has medicinal value. It’s the perfect investment.
Offline Offline

Activity: 4046
Merit: 4765

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June 22, 2020, 01:08:31 AM

Stop saying “My Nigga” or I’m going to kneel on your neck for 9 minutes. LOL

If you do, will the whole world start rioting & stealing shit because of my demise?

Probably not Wink

LOL yeah, me either. If someone kneeled on my neck they would probably win a free meal at Denny’s and a six pack of Budweiser.


True dat.

You had not been too appreciated in the forum in recent times (last year or so), but at least you have not been banned, so far.

How are you feeling in regards to bitcoin? I recall that sometimes you can go through some unreasonably bearish and even worldly pessimistic phases, hopefully you have not sold too many of your satoshis in anticipation for summer shopping or some other out of touch world perspective?   Tongue  **

**Please note that I am largely attempting to razz you and stir your pot a bit, QuestionAuthority, because I had not seen you around in these parts very much recently, so I don't mean any ill-will.. that's for sure, and would not mind getting some kind of on-the-ground QA updates from you (as a BTC OG), even if there might be some variance in our perspectives..  Doesn't hurt to have some variance from time to time.. and maybe some of us might be able to welcome you back by get pissed off at you.. for asserting that you are cashing out a decent percentage of your BTC for early Christmas shopping or some nonsense like that.   Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

I’m still a bitcoin purist and this place is mostly for shitcoins now.

WO? Hardly...and not even true for bitcointalk as a whole.
Somewhat true for the WHOLE space if you lump btc and alts together.
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Activity: 3626
Merit: 3756

born once atheist

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June 22, 2020, 02:51:01 AM

 ....(if you have read any of my ramblings) ....

Oh come on now jay... let's be serious, everyone in here reads every last word of your "ramblings".
Why, I have no idea why you would think otherwise....

I’m into weed now. ...

You and me both bro, though I gave up using it years ago. Legal growing is far more fun, healthy and lucrative.
Tuco Benedicto Pacifico
Jr. Member
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Activity: 49
Merit: 28

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June 22, 2020, 05:28:58 AM
Merited by El duderino_ (2), vapourminer (1)

Thinking about changing to linux soon. -ish. Before the next windows version, at the latest. Long time e-friend nerd recommended linux mint. Looks user friendly. Anyone using it? Can recommend/not recommend?

Been using Mint for about a year and a half now. As a complete IT-noob, I was able to find instructions on how to make a bootable stick, install successfully and set it up aftwerwards (thanks to YT).

Easy to handle, no forced updates, no AntiVirus needed, flexible in customization/appearence, comes with lots of pre-installed s/w.

Had driver problems with integrated GPU lots of times because my Ryzen 7 (from march 2019) was seemingly not fully supported by the latest version at that time (has changed now with the latest mint version available), gaming on Linux is still a struggle despite Steam/Proton, trouble shooting can also be a challenge if you don`t find the answer to your problem easily on google/YT (and even then results of success may vary).

Bottom line:
I will stick with Linux for everyday activities on the net, but am thinking about getting an extra machine with MS for gaming only.
Alternatively, there is a new Brazilian distro - Linuxfx 10 - out that is not only supposed to look like Win 10, but also to be able to handle .exes (so far, from what I know, it is in Portuguese only, though).

Hope that helped.

P. S.: Hi everybody.

You can run a win version in a VM with GPU passthrough for finicky programs.

Yeah, tried VM also. Managed to set it up, but after restart there was a display issue.The VM appeared as a square in the middle of the screen, leaving about half the distance to each side unused. Basically meaning that my display had shrunk by 50%.I looked through all the display options on Mint, but the best I could find was "maximize windows". Which did indeed maximize the VM window - but not what was displayed in the window...I still downloaded one of my favourite games and managed to log into my account. After loading was finished, it took me back to the account screen, though.

I also cound not connect an external hd, usb port was not detected. Might have to do with the passthrough-option you mentioned (which I have not looked into. Is that on Mint or VM or both?).

But I agree that having a properly working Win-VM on Linux would be the best of both worlds.
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Activity: 2450
Merit: 1593

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June 22, 2020, 05:38:12 AM
Merited by fillippone (1)

@fillippone BitcoinGirl.Club my apologies, got busy at work and rl stuff. Next time for sure.. #nohomo

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Activity: 2148
Merit: 1663

We choose to go to the moon

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June 22, 2020, 05:40:22 AM

Darwin Awards? Lawl?
No! Spreading disease is
No laughing matter.

Both sides doing it Jimbo.
Spreading disease is bipartisan.
Tuco Benedicto Pacifico
Jr. Member
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Activity: 49
Merit: 28

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June 22, 2020, 05:45:49 AM

Thinking about changing to linux soon. -ish. Before the next windows version, at the latest. Long time e-friend nerd recommended linux mint. Looks user friendly. Anyone using it? Can recommend/not recommend?

Been using Mint for about a year and a half now. As a complete IT-noob, I was able to find instructions on how to make a bootable stick, install successfully and set it up aftwerwards (thanks to YT).

Easy to handle, no forced updates, no AntiVirus needed, flexible in customization/appearence, comes with lots of pre-installed s/w.

Had driver problems with integrated GPU lots of times because my Ryzen 7 (from march 2019) was seemingly not fully supported by the latest version at that time (has changed now with the latest mint version available), gaming on Linux is still a struggle despite Steam/Proton, trouble shooting can also be a challenge if you don`t find the answer to your problem easily on google/YT (and even then results of success may vary).

Bottom line:
I will stick with Linux for everyday activities on the net, but am thinking about getting an extra machine with MS for gaming only.
Alternatively, there is a new Brazilian distro - Linuxfx 10 - out that is not only supposed to look like Win 10, but also to be able to handle .exes (so far, from what I know, it is in Portuguese only, though).

Hope that helped.

P. S.: Hi everybody.

You happen to know anything about bitcoin?  Just asking.

Hi.   Wink

...for a friend?


And thank you to everyone who gave me my first merits. I appreciate it.
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Activity: 2450
Merit: 1593

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June 22, 2020, 06:03:38 AM
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Activity: 2534
Merit: 1305

Privacy Servers. Since 2009.

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June 22, 2020, 07:15:06 AM

Monday pump!  Cool
El duderino_
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Activity: 2800
Merit: 13890

BTC + Crossfit, living life.

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June 22, 2020, 07:54:18 AM

Stop saying “My Nigga” or I’m going to kneel on your neck for 9 minutes. LOL

If you do, will the whole world start rioting & stealing shit because of my demise?

Probably not Wink

LOL yeah, me either. If someone kneeled on my neck they would probably win a free meal at Denny’s and a six pack of Budweiser.


True dat.

You had not been too appreciated in the forum in recent times (last year or so), but at least you have not been banned, so far.

How are you feeling in regards to bitcoin? I recall that sometimes you can go through some unreasonably bearish and even worldly pessimistic phases, hopefully you have not sold too many of your satoshis in anticipation for summer shopping or some other out of touch world perspective?   Tongue  **

**Please note that I am largely attempting to razz you and stir your pot a bit, QuestionAuthority, because I had not seen you around in these parts very much recently, so I don't mean any ill-will.. that's for sure, and would not mind getting some kind of on-the-ground QA updates from you (as a BTC OG), even if there might be some variance in our perspectives..  Doesn't hurt to have some variance from time to time.. and maybe some of us might be able to welcome you back by get pissed off at you.. for asserting that you are cashing out a decent percentage of your BTC for early Christmas shopping or some nonsense like that.   Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

I’m doing pretty good Jay. Laying low until this whole death-by-virus shit ends.

I don’t come to this forum very much anymore. It just doesn’t seem valid now. I’m still a bitcoin purist and this place is mostly for shitcoins now. I have a few coins left in cold storage and I’ll probably end up willing them to my kids when I die because I don’t see the million dollars a coin happening in my life time. I got tired of trying to gleen out a few bucks from guessing Bitcoins peaks and valleys. I’m into weed now. Legal marijuana chain stores are where it’s at now. My cannabis shares have even proven to be pandemic proof. People love to get stoned. It’s better than alcohol, more addicting, more expensive, more renewable, easier to produce and cheaper to produce. It even has medicinal value. It’s the perfect investment.

Damn man.... you are right it’s might be a good investment as well... I only didn’t realize you’re over 80-85?? Cause knowing for sure your lifetime is to short to see “million dollar coins”....

Though pretty good you’re here to ensure your kids financial freedom! #respect
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Activity: 4004
Merit: 11827

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"

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June 22, 2020, 08:21:15 AM
Merited by El duderino_ (2), xhomerx10 (1)

Stop saying “My Nigga” or I’m going to kneel on your neck for 9 minutes. LOL

If you do, will the whole world start rioting & stealing shit because of my demise?

Probably not Wink

LOL yeah, me either. If someone kneeled on my neck they would probably win a free meal at Denny’s and a six pack of Budweiser.


True dat.

You had not been too appreciated in the forum in recent times (last year or so), but at least you have not been banned, so far.

How are you feeling in regards to bitcoin? I recall that sometimes you can go through some unreasonably bearish and even worldly pessimistic phases, hopefully you have not sold too many of your satoshis in anticipation for summer shopping or some other out of touch world perspective?   Tongue  **

**Please note that I am largely attempting to razz you and stir your pot a bit, QuestionAuthority, because I had not seen you around in these parts very much recently, so I don't mean any ill-will.. that's for sure, and would not mind getting some kind of on-the-ground QA updates from you (as a BTC OG), even if there might be some variance in our perspectives..  Doesn't hurt to have some variance from time to time.. and maybe some of us might be able to welcome you back by get pissed off at you.. for asserting that you are cashing out a decent percentage of your BTC for early Christmas shopping or some nonsense like that.   Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

I’m doing pretty good Jay. Laying low until this whole death-by-virus shit ends.

Many of us are doing some variation of the laying low thing, even if we might say that we are not...

Sure, there are some people who are attempting to continue to carry out a lifestyle as if the virus did not exist at all, but seems that there are not too many places in the world that any of us would be completely removed from such precautions that are likely even self-imposed if they might not be very regulated in your jurisdiction.

I don’t come to this forum very much anymore.

Of course, I noticed that part in terms of your posting, but I suppose there are some folks who might read threads but just not post.  Personally, I find the forum to be much more valuable when interacting rather than merely reading.. but to each their own.

It just doesn’t seem valid now.


Now, I recall that you had been making those arguments previously too, which seem more like some kind of butt hurt perspective rather than having any kind of solid and meaningful interpretation of facts.

I suppose when a forum is earlier in its being built, the community is going to be smaller, and of course, aspects of the space is going to change too with the passage of time, but still I don't even consider some kind of practical way that a forum like this would be able to preserve some kind of locked in time approach, but sure if you feel that the forum has grown in a way that is different from your expectations and preferences, then that could be a fair enough viewpoint in deciding the level of your participation, if any.

I’m still a bitcoin purist and this place is mostly for shitcoins now.

I did a quick refresh of my memory of some of your posts, and I doubt that you had ever been a bitcoin purist - even though I understand that I should attempt to give you some amount of the benefit of the doubt and to take you at your word in regard to your own self-description.  There does tend to be some validity in terms of how people might view themselves and self-describe, even though your post history seems to be all over the place on the topic of your bitcoin commitment.... and below is a good post, just as an example. 

Furthermore, I recall personally battling with you regarding some of your negging on bitcoin at around that late 2015 time and even your ongoing suggestion (in a seemingly trolling kind of way) that there was some kind of prudence in using your bitcoins for then purported Christmas spending.

You seem to have a clue

I am a speculator just as we all are. If I had access to control a trust fund for a percentage commission, I would be a much happier speculator.

With that said, I am rooting for a massive $600 attempt and testing. The $500-$600 correction in the middle (towards the top) will be more violent than the one between $400-$500. Weak hands will show. Strong hands will be hitting like fight club.

Thanks, I guess I'll just plan my sell off on a date instead of a dollar mark. I'll buy back sometime next year and will have made a tidy little profit for Christmas spending. If it continues to rise then buying back next year won't hurt me, my profit will just be less. If the price drops next year then I'll make even more money waiting for it to go up again.

Furthermore, as Biodom mentioned above, in this thread, active members of the WO keep a lot of the shitcoin discussions out of this thread, and also there are a decent number of threads in the forum that focus on bitcoin - including the fact that there are rules in the forum that require posters to stay on the thread topic (although this thread seems to be largely exempted from such stay on topic rules including that infofront maintains a decently liberal approach to allowing topics that deviate from the OP, but we largely seem to self-police in terms of bashing shitcoin pumpers, in this thread.. or even the bitcoin naysayers, those fucks.. hahahahaha). 

I think that largely members in this thread have been pretty good in keeping shitcoin posters and bitcoin naysayers out of this thread, even though it is inevitable that some will infiltrate from time to time and sometimes even persist here for much longer than they should.. but this thread does seem to be mostly bitcoin maximalist focused to the extent that we discipline ourselves enough to stay on topic...

Of course the virus and other macro economic factors have been getting a lot of attention in the past half year or so.. but that still can be tied into bitcoin discussions, too, and even if some might consider our bitcoin focus to potentially be lacking in our receptivity towards negative ideas about bitcoin, I believe that we still are pretty tolerant to people who present negative ideas about bitcoin and attempt to back up what they are saying beyond just spouting out nonsense altcoin pumpener talking points.

I have a few coins left in cold storage and I’ll probably end up willing them to my kids when I die because I don’t see the million dollars a coin happening in my life time.

I am not trying to denigrate you personally, but I would conjecture that there has probably something that has NOT been quite right with your mindset in regards to BTC, including your strategy that seems to have had not been adequately focused on DCA, HODLing, buying on dips strategies etc.

Of course, in retrospect, we might be able to make such assertions stronger, but really if you think about it, in late 2015 when bitcoin had just peaked to $500 and then had corrected down to largely bounce between $350 and $450 for the next 7 months or so until about May 2016, you were posting in the forum about strategies to sell to buy things for christmas rather than more prudent strategies of either DCAing your bitcoin stacking, or buying on dips and things like that.   

So surely, I would not be very surprised if over the years you had not accumulated a lot of bitcoin if you had been so inclined to sell your BTC, even then... and how would you even be able to accumulate BTC at higher prices if you had lacked confidence in bitcoins going up when it was largely bouncing between $350 and $450.

Sure, you may come back and say that you made profits and rationalize your late 2015 behavior as prudent, but still there are quite a few of us who have been largely stacking through thick and thin and maintain a decent amount of accumulation focus, and sure I tend to sell a few coins as the BTC price is going up, but my BTC sales have not really tended to be a very high percentage of my overall BTC holdings, and there are a lot of other successful members who mostly do not sell their coins at all, they just continue to DCA, buy on dips and just keep preparing on a more long term basis that does not fuck around with any kind of selling of their BTC component.. and that ongoing accumulation strategy seems to work pretty well, overall.. and we even had decent ideas in 2014/2015/2016 that such a strategy of DCA, buy on dips and HODL were decent long term BTC accumulation strategies that would likely pay off well in the long run, even if it could take 2 or 3 exponential BTC price cycles for HODLers to accumulate enough BTC that the value of their BTC holdings would end up rising to "life changing" levels.

By the way, if you are currently concluding that your bitcoin/satoshi stash remains way too insignificant to make any kind of meaningful difference in your life, then you likely have not stacked enough of them and you are continuing to fail/refuse to stack a sufficient and meaningful amount of them.

Sure, of course, your forum registration is more than a year before mine, so presumably you got into bitcoin more than a year before me.  Sure, of course, you may have made a decent number of mistakes to cause you to stack way fewer sats than me, at least in proportion to your other investments and other stuff going on in your life, but there still can be ways to learn from your mistakes. 

Let's say that you had $6k per year that you could have been using to stack sats, and you pissed away all of your stacking in the first few years, you still could have stacked some later, and even if you only stacked a few BTC, you could supplement such BTC stacking starting today rather than continuing to be deficient in the amount of your BTC stash.

Really, even though $1million per BTC remains possible, it seems to be ridiculous to be planning your BTC stacking in such a way that you have to get $1million per BTC before you can profit stupendously from bitcoin.  Many of us realize that a million or even $100k would be nice, but we do not need those kinds of BTC prices in order to become stupendously rich or to profit stupendously from our bitcoin investment.. those higher prices are icing on the cake, rather than absolute necessities to profit stupendously from bitcoin investing.

Even if you had fucked up and sold most or all of your BTC in the $350 to $450 range, you still could have stacked at higher bitcoin prices and still have been stupendously profitable today with bitcoins bounding around in the mid-$9k levels.  Seems unrealistic to me to have one of the greatest gifts of asymmetric possible upside staring you in the face for the past 7.5 years, but you conclude that the ONLY way that you can meaningfully profit from bitcoin is for bitcoin to reach something like $1million per coin.

I am not going to proclaim that I did not make quite a few mistakes with my bitcoin that were a bit dumb and lacking in proper precautions, but still even with my decently major mistakes related to bitcoin, my bitcoin investment has outperformed all of my other investments together, even while I made fewer mistakes with those other investments in terms of losing vast sums of value along the way.. but even if you fuck up in bitcoin, some of the upside potential can stupendously offset those mistakes to the upside to still cause you to appear as if you are a quasi-genius, so long as you had been able to stack a meaningful quantity of sats along the way... and even now, it is not too late... I can recall all kinds of people through the years proclaiming that it is too late for them, blah blah blah.. when that ends up being pure bullshit and they continue to make those kinds of claims (which are likely to be proven wrong, again) but if you look at DCA techniques, the longer that you zoom out, the better overall the bitcoin DCA'ing tends to perform, and there is no reason to conclude that bitcoin's future price performance is not going to continue to offer similar upside potential in a kind of asymmetric bet kind of way.

I got tired of trying to gleen out a few bucks from guessing Bitcoins peaks and valleys.

Well, that might have been part of the problem that you had in terms of valuing your wealth in "bucks" rather than valuing the stacking of bitcoins (or satoshis).  It seems that I already made my point about the value of ongoing DCAing, buying on dips and HODLing.

I’m into weed now. Legal marijuana chain stores are where it’s at now. My cannabis shares have even proven to be pandemic proof. People love to get stoned. It’s better than alcohol, more addicting, more expensive, more renewable, easier to produce and cheaper to produce. It even has medicinal value. It’s the perfect investment.

It is nice that you have found another investment in which you are comfortable, and for sure any BTC maximalist (or purist) might want to supplement his/her investment with various other investments, but still understand that the value proposition of bitcoin remains different from something like cannabis, even if there might be some ways that anyone could invest into such (shitcoins)...

In a similar vein, I like hookers, lambos and blow too, but maybe I am thinking of those as consumption goods that my bitcoin allow me to get based on long term considerations... I am not completely poo pooing your cannabis investment distraction, but even if you proclaim to be a supposed bitcoin purist, you also seem to get easily distracted by consumption and other bells and whistles rather than focusing on making sure that your sat stack is sufficient and meaningful.. which sat stacking does not need to distract you from other pursuits, either...

Of course, your choice regarding your particulars and whether you consider that stacking sats is in line with what bitcoin "purists" might consider to be an important approach in terms of aligning your actions and your words and your actions, especially if you are referring to yourself as such a purported bitcoin  "purist."
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