I do not understand how activity is calculated . too much complicated for me

Each activity period is about 14 days in length. For each activity period which you've posted in at least once, you can get up to 14 activity points.
During an activity period if you...
- Make 0 posts then you'll get 0 activity points
- Make 1 post then you'll get 1 activity point
- Make 7 posts then you'll get 7 activity points
- Make 14 posts then you'll get 14 activity points
- Make 21 posts and you'll get 14 activity points
Person A makes 7 posts in his first activity period and 14 posts in his second activity period:He has posted in two activity periods. Therefore, his potential maximum activity is 14 x 2 = 28.
He has made 7 + 14 = 21 posts. Therefore, his real activity is 21.
His activity could be increased to 28 just by making 7 more posts.
Person B makes 21 posts in his first activity period and 0 posts in his second activity period:He has posted in one activity period. Therefore, his potential maximum activity is 14 x 1 = 14.
He has made 21 + 0 = 21 posts. Therefore, his real activity is 14.
His activity cannot be increased any further.
Person C makes 1 post in his first activity period and 1 post in his second activity period:He has posted in two activity periods. Therefore, his potential maximum activity is 14 x 2 = 28.
He has made 1 + 1 = 2 posts. Therefore, his real activity is 2.
His activity could be increased to 28 just by making 26 more posts.
A new activity period usually begins every second Tuesday and is the same for everyone across the entire board. It's not exactly 14 days in length since it's measured in seconds, but it's close enough.
Additional note: If person B made at least one post in his
third activity period however, then his activity would suddenly increase to catch up with his post count. Since he would now have posted in two activity periods (the first one and the third one) rather than just one, he would be entitled to a potential maximum activity of 14*2 = 28 activity points.
EDIT: Now for a more complicated example:
Person D makes 7 posts in his first activity period, 15 posts in his second activity period, 6 posts in his third activity period, 0 posts in his fourth and fifth activity periods, and 5 posts in his sixth activity period:He has posted in 4 activity periods (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th). Therefore, his potential maximum activity is 14 x 4 = 56.
He has made 7 + 15 + 6 + 5 = 33 posts. Therefore, his real activity is 33.
His activity could be increased to 56 just by making 23 more posts.