pallas (OP)
Activity: 2716
Merit: 1094
Black Belt Developer
March 30, 2018, 07:40:36 PM |
The Idea of this project looks like quite interesting, but now it's only Idea. I'd like to see how it will be developed and realized. Good luck everyone!
The coin was launched 4 years ago...
Activity: 1815
Merit: 1005
March 30, 2018, 07:54:00 PM |
The Idea of this project looks like quite interesting, but now it's only Idea. I'd like to see how it will be developed and realized. Good luck everyone!
it is worth writing from cryptonite for a very long letter on poloniex exchange. Unfortunately, exchange policy and low volumem kick xcn with poloniex
pallas (OP)
Activity: 2716
Merit: 1094
Black Belt Developer
March 31, 2018, 08:09:07 AM |
The Idea of this project looks like quite interesting, but now it's only Idea. I'd like to see how it will be developed and realized. Good luck everyone!
it is worth writing from cryptonite for a very long letter on poloniex exchange. Unfortunately, exchange policy and low volumem kick xcn with poloniex True, but volume in turn depends on the exchange. When XCN was listed on poloniex, it used to have 50-100 BTC daily volume.
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
March 31, 2018, 10:03:25 AM |
The level of idiocy and complacency, is at ATH on this forum, and only hope, that this big correction will ride them out, of here.
This is prevalent throughout unfortunately. It is due to the massive influx of newbies that involve themselves in something that has been around longer than the few days they care to research. There is a meme floating about the place (which i wished i saved now) saying something along the lines of ... newbie - I just got into Crypto yesterday and started buying ICO coins and trading some Alt coins ... newbie - I am now a CryptoExpert and CryptoAdvisor a week later because I traded and bought coins. Amazing the amount of 'experts' out there that can teach us all a lesson or two  #crysx Other than trying to get this coin onto some more and bigger Exchanges, is there any set plan for actually getting the coin into REAL use?
It's all well and good to trade and gamble on Exchanges, but unless a coin has a REAL use in REAL life, the value will always be a complete gamble, because it has no actual use and serves no purpose, therefore demand will remain just by gamblers....
I think in addition to trying to get onto a decent exchange, you need to show some plans and work towards some eventual use for this coin, be it as a day to day currency for purchasing (in which case you need to be talking to card companies, or have some specific service that it can be used for... Obviously the first is preferable, but creating coins with no actual use or purpose has been done by everyone and his dog, and most are going the way of the Dodo.
This is a good technology but needs to show some long-term plan at least, and preferably some timeframe and work in progress to get it into ACTUAL REAL LIFE use....
Just saying....
 you called this one chrysophylax My comments are questions were fair and valid, and no I'm not a noob, probably been working on computers since before you were born! Certainly seems like it by your childish and unhelpful comment....
March 31, 2018, 10:13:33 AM |
I used to have a web wallet at but I see the domain has expired. Is there still a way to recover the wallet?
March 31, 2018, 05:20:16 PM |
Report to moderator, every non-sense post from these new accounts, it's getting boring, repetitive and plainly dumb. In Slimcoin thread there are people, who are asking how many icos tokens was released. It's just dumb.

Activity: 196
Merit: 15
April 01, 2018, 02:04:06 PM |
Is there any way for cleaning blockchain from extra coins except coin swap? maybe transferring all coins to a new blockchain or other ways
XCN wallet:
Activity: 104
Merit: 0
April 01, 2018, 02:07:20 PM |
i love this mini blockchain coin i encourage every one in the plat form to partake in it
pallas (OP)
Activity: 2716
Merit: 1094
Black Belt Developer
April 01, 2018, 06:11:12 PM |
Is there any way for cleaning blockchain from extra coins except coin swap? maybe transferring all coins to a new blockchain or other ways
Some of the hacked coins can't be distinguished from the normal ones, so I don't think there's any "automatic" way of cleaning the blockchain.
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
April 01, 2018, 06:52:22 PM |
Report to moderator, every non-sense post from these new accounts, it's getting boring, repetitive and plainly dumb. In Slimcoin thread there are people, who are asking how many icos tokens was released. It's just dumb.
Are you referring to my comment? Trolling gets you nowhere. I'm certainly not talking non-sense, and I AM DEFINITELY NOT DUMB! Keep your posts polite or don't make them. I have invested a reasonable amount into this project, and I am supporting it. That doesn't mean that I don't have any questions about it's future, and this is just continuing on from a previous response from Pallas to my earlier comments. If you have nothing constructive to say, I suggest you keep your "dumb" comments to yourself
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
April 01, 2018, 07:07:06 PM |
Total Market value of XCN is way less than even 1/2 $M! so there are no major investor here...... There are virtually no transaction except mining payments every few seconds... and no actual USE of the coin at present for anything.....
Yes, obviously we all hope it's going to be adopted by some people for use in the future, but as everyone keeps saying, it's been around for some time now, and it's usage has DROPPED rather than been adopted, and I think it's only fair to ask what work is being done and what is planned over the next few years to get it into REAL USE, and not just a mining project with no real value...?
Again, since it HAS been around for so long, I think it's even MORE reason why there should by now be some kind of decent roadmap planned for the future of XCN... or is everyone just sitting around mining just HOPING that people magically start using it to buy goods, and the applications and services required to make that happen just pop out of thin air? Now that is dumb.....
I'm not looking for a silly flame war with the morons in here, just asking what the plan is.......
BTW I'll say once again that Pallas is doing a great job on his own, but he really needs backup, as well as a support team of sorts to let him get on and do the important stuff, and not just dealing with questions like ours.
What happens if Pallas gets run over tomorrow? What are the rest of the "team" doing?
Activity: 3248
Merit: 1003
April 02, 2018, 12:57:08 AM |
We need someone good at graphics to make a banner. See the 250x250 promos on the right of can get one on their homepage for free, so it's a pretty good deal ;-) Let me make you something. Give me about 30 minutes. =)  Here you go~ Hope it isn't too bad, it's not much space to work with. Also great interview! Very nice. 
April 02, 2018, 04:38:19 AM |
great interview  love this tech, I really hope that pallas is right and that in 5 years people will be looking XCN as the solution to scalable blockchain
April 02, 2018, 06:15:05 AM |
great interview  love this tech, I really hope that pallas is right and that in 5 years people will be looking XCN as the solution to scalable blockchain I really excited about the future of this project. Keep the good work pallas!

Activity: 196
Merit: 15
April 02, 2018, 08:07:23 AM |
Is there any way for cleaning blockchain from extra coins except coin swap? maybe transferring all coins to a new blockchain or other ways
Some of the hacked coins can't be distinguished from the normal ones, so I don't think there's any "automatic" way of cleaning the blockchain. What about total supply? Is there any way to make blockchain show us real number of coins (plus those distinguished coins)
XCN wallet:
pallas (OP)
Activity: 2716
Merit: 1094
Black Belt Developer
April 02, 2018, 10:42:34 AM |
Is there any way for cleaning blockchain from extra coins except coin swap? maybe transferring all coins to a new blockchain or other ways
Some of the hacked coins can't be distinguished from the normal ones, so I don't think there's any "automatic" way of cleaning the blockchain. What about total supply? Is there any way to make blockchain show us real number of coins (plus those distinguished coins) I think we could do it with the block explorer, just summing up all the accounts in the trie.
pallas (OP)
Activity: 2716
Merit: 1094
Black Belt Developer
April 02, 2018, 10:46:35 AM |
New blockchain snapshot: 2018-04-02
Activity: 1524
Merit: 1001
NOBT - WNOBT your saving bank◕◡◕
April 02, 2018, 11:07:22 AM |
pallas can you please tell us in more details what's your future plan for XCN development. do you planning to make XCN as Eth, Stratis etc..
pallas (OP)
Activity: 2716
Merit: 1094
Black Belt Developer
April 02, 2018, 11:45:21 AM |
pallas can you please tell us in more details what's your future plan for XCN development. do you planning to make XCN as Eth, Stratis etc..
The most popular missing feature of XCN has always been anonymity. It's been discussed multiple times and there were also specific threads about anonymity and the mini-blockchain. The theory behind it is pretty complex but there might be easier solutions. Some form of masternode system, or even a simple mixer, might be interesting to investigate. Another feature which is missing is gui support for withdrawal limits. What I'm currently doing, besides the endless search for better exchanges, is making the transaction bot, which will be used to test tx throughout and block size adjustment. There might be other uses for it, so I will try to structure it in a way that it can be easily expanded. If you come to discord, there's a group of people investigating support for smart contracts on the mini-blockchain. Finally, I'm in private talk for a possible real world usage of cryptonite but it's to early to announce anything.
April 02, 2018, 02:48:15 PM |
Report to moderator, every non-sense post from these new accounts, it's getting boring, repetitive and plainly dumb. In Slimcoin thread there are people, who are asking how many icos tokens was released. It's just dumb.
Are you referring to my comment? Trolling gets you nowhere. I'm certainly not talking non-sense, and I AM DEFINITELY NOT DUMB! Keep your posts polite or don't make them. I have invested a reasonable amount into this project, and I am supporting it. That doesn't mean that I don't have any questions about it's future, and this is just continuing on from a previous response from Pallas to my earlier comments. If you have nothing constructive to say, I suggest you keep your "dumb" comments to yourself No, there was one more comment, that was stupid, seems to be deleted now. Because there are a lot of stupid posts nowadays, I don't think it was yours. @pallas - I think there are so many projects now, supporting smart-contracts, that this makes no-sense actually unfortunately. It's pretty sad, that Raiblocks, has overrun XCN, because, maybe it's a better tech, but it was mainly overrun, because people were given conis for free from poor countries, and this masses, have majorly helped, because of this, their dev team. And also they have dev slush fund... So good distribution... Gimme my coins and let's close distribution, because it's enough haha.